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  1. Hi, I would like to let you know that the problem has been resolved. as I received the information that there was a failure in LDPW everything is normal thank you everyone and the support team and everyone for solving the problem
  2. when i go to paleoquest, i wear an outfit without huds, without items just avatar appearance, to stay light and avoid possible mistakes In my case, support is checking, I have already received a response and I must wait but I come to thank everyone who tried to help
  3. i just got back to paleoquest, and i can go to all levels 1,2,4,5 except in the third phase, I pressed ctrl+alt+t and saw that in the input there is an object with the name: Hud text collision I looked at: world > asset blacklist: and I don't have anything blocked there
  4. i have hud, but when i go to the third stage. I get the message http://prntscr.com/B0KpWZaYwfPp
  5. hello someone tell me why this message? I can't proceed with the missions thank you I have already restarted the internet, computer, used 3 viewers, and already done the test on another computer message: Paleo Linden's 'PaleoQuest HUD Rezzer' You are being teleported because you are suspected of not wearing a PaleoQuest HUD. This may be the case, or you may have a bad connection. If you are not wearing a PaleoQuest HUD, this behavior is not tolerated and further action could be taken.
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