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Amanda Crisp

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Everything posted by Amanda Crisp

  1. It’s interesting to see how customs play out globally :-) You largely won’t see men holding hands in the US either, but elsewhere it’s not uncommon. SL is a great opportunity for the global community to mix, but that also involves a period of adjustment :-D
  2. There is definitely a difference between being a radio DJ (where you talk more), a Club DJ (where you mix more) and being an SL Event DJ where you have a host handling the people and most of your job is having an interesting basic playlist, fielding requests and helping draw guests to the venue. All three roles have their own subtlety that has to be mastered.
  3. Is it advertising if I mention a place where I work? The Factory does events starting at 4pm and the usual crowd is from all over the SL spectrum :-) My Partner and I work there, so I can speak for the LGBT-friendly part :-) I also like the Blarney Stone very much as well as Velvet Thorn. VT also caters to the FemDom / BDSM scene, so it might be outside the range of your question; but they are splended folks there and definitely good with the SL LGBT community. Feel free to check my Picks inworld for TP links.
  4. Of course, many handsome, muscular, well-dressed, well-inked and hugely endowed Male SL avatars also have typists that fit the stereotype you mentioned :-) Which is fine with me :-)
  5. If I can reply to this without it being considered advertising...then Baja Bay :-)
  6. The last time I heard, LL was pretty down on the selling of avatars. Things being what they are, they can’t deal with Griefers, but I can see them unleashing the Legal Hounds on someone selling their alt.
  7. It’s probably best to leave politics out of that particular discussion. I’m fiscally (not socially) conservative and one of the most erotically freaky people I know. I know a lot of others like me too :-) IMO being tolerant in SL means not slamming entire groups of people based on appearances or taste. In the parts of the BDSM community, I inhabit we kinda codify that thinking as “Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is OK” Do your thing, as long as I’m not Forced to participate beyond my comfort zone; I’m fine :-) My personal validation is not required for other people to have fun, just as theirs is not required for me to do the same.
  8. My biggest disappointment has been my inability to find a dance HUD that allows two female avatars to dance together without having massive height-offset issues, sync issues, dances that look awkward, or some mix of all three :-) Its not a big deal, but my Partner and I -like- to dance together.
  9. I live on US Central Time, but work 3rd Shift (When everyone else is sleeping) so I have something of the same issue; during my natural “online time” SL can be very empty. My current solution is to make myself sleep IMMEDIATELY when I get home from work, so I can be online for Prime Time in SL - meaning I sleep from 4pm-midnight GMT. I am not sure how widely SL is marketed to the public in the UK and Eurozone, but I suspect it is “not aggressively” pushed so much as in the US and Canada. If memory serves, some years back there was content-related litigation that rose from differing legal standards in some countries - so that May explain some of the “why”. Or not - I’m guessing :-) I’m sure SL would love people like you and I to recruit others to be on in our timeframes :-) I have also had luck in the off-time slots by setting up my social life around venues that stay busy 24-hours a day and by seeking out Groups and Venues from time zones that have a better chance of being on. On Roleplay - I love it, but in SL it’s withering. The expense of maintaining a sim is great and the reward of getting to Play is often diminished by the personal drama many players bring with them. It’s tough sledding to run a sim, but I hope we can push through this slow period and keep it alive in SL.
  10. My left eye (mesh eyes) was sometimes not present when I logged on. The simple spot-fix was to re-log and it was there on the second-go. I have not seen this lately, and the only changes I have made were (a) I went back to the Test avatar and rebuilt my Look from scratch and (b) I have not had my avatar wearing glasses or sunglasses from about that same point. Its not scientific, just my experience :-)
  11. There might have been a 7-minute refresh period involved; meaning that after 7 minutes the old data will be purged and you can repost. Stuff like that was generally an anti-bot measure. Possibly :-)
  12. Amanda: Queen of the Trash Pandas......
  13. I'm dressing up like a raccoon...... don't ask, and don't call me vermin..... :-0
  14. I went through that about 18 months ago. Ultimately, LL said my bank was identifying the LL transactions as an International transaction, which caused issues with Paypal (I was paying LL via paypal) and that caused the transactions to fail. After fruitlessly trying to resolve this between my bank and Paypal; I changed banks to one that is not suffering the same bureaucratic dementia and have had no further issues.
  15. It provides a constant reminder to have people still listed on my Friends list who have gone "off grid" in Real Life. I came to SL with a group from an MMO that was in the process of shutting down, people I had been chatting with before SL ever existed. Three of them are gone now, but seeing them on my Original Avatar' friends-list never makes me sad. It reminds me that I was lucky to have wonderful people to talk with when I was going through a rough-patch and was otherwise withdrawing from the world. They helped me get interested in People again (I was suspecting that most People were no-darn-good at that point), so seeing them on my Friends List only evokes happy memories. So I keep them there. They are still my friends.
  16. I average about 2 hours a day in SL on work-days, about 4 on weekends unless RL has me running in circles :-) I love the forum and check it several times a day :-)
  17. Hanging out at the club where I work, watching people play board-games......
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