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Everything posted by lucagrabacr

  1. Yes, it's done by abusing the media system though I won't say exactly how (for obvious reason). Just disable media and enable it when you really want to use it (like when watching stuff with your friends on a TV)
  2. Use media on prim or buy one of the TVs on the marketplace, then set the link to direct the viewers to your website. Make sure you tell your audience or students to enable media. Be aware that some web features might not work as well with SL's built-in browser / media browser
  3. It was mathematically impossible for the Axis nations to outproduce or outnumber the allied nations during WW2. Even if they somehow have won, regimes or societies based on unnatural enforcement of human nature usually don't last long. The relatively sensible civilization we have today lasts because the laws and set of human morality or moral standards it has appeal to basic and natural human instincts or desires (to be safe and as free as possible as long as it doesn't hurt others)
  4. LL or SL haven't and shouldn't police people's freedom of opinion and expression as long as they don't break the law or incite violence. Even if you disagree with some people's opinions it's better to just ignore them or agree to disagree than set a or another precedence for thought policing, because the very ugly consequences go both ways
  5. No LOL most furries and people I know hate the look, they missed the mark completely. I know you're very probably being sarcastic but still
  6. Happy new year everyone c= It's a new decade and Second Life is still alive and well. More than anything it's a testament to the values and principles it very ferociously stands for despite all the unwarranted negativity it received over the years. Second Life is still the most technically sophisticated platform for a 3D virtual world, but what Second Life is in that regard rose from its foundational bedrock values and principles - to be a virtual world where anyone can become and do whatever they want. It's easy to take all this for granted but for our own sake, remember; no other virtual world offers as much as SL does in term of freedom and being an actual "world". Many of those other worlds easily dispose the idea of creating an actual world in favor of a more technically-feasible "instanced" or "rooms"-based "virtual world" - a very statistical and "most people (who don't really use virtual worlds) don't care" approach that in itself is a testimony to how little many other platforms care about the grand vision of a virtual world, a mockery of its spirit by basically saying "It doesn't matter". And many of them unsurprisingly failed But most importantly, we know the values and principles the people who built and is building SL stand for, they are ones that align with ours and the spirit of building a true virtual world of unadulterated freedom. Unlike so many others who almost very predictably will bend their knees and throw away our cause the moment the wind gets too strong. And for that Second Life is the holy land of our virtual way of life on which soil we literally build our dreams. I tend to sound preachy about this but the few of you who know me and what I do beyond my forum posts probably know that already, I wish everyone a happy new year ♥ For reference in case you don't follow social VR news; High-Fidelity is basically closed Sansar changed direction into being a "VR Platform for Live Events" Sinespace doesn't have a clear value preposition compared to competitors NeosVR, RecRoom, AltSpaceVR remains very niche Facebook's Horizon basically horrifies everyone because Facebook being Facebook VRChat has much less active users compared to SL, still doesn't have a way to monetize, and is not really a virtual world Many other social VR startups basically don't know what their value preposition is And for non VR social 3D worlds; IMVU is not really a virtual world, they're the literal, actual 3D Chatrooms people tend to say SL is, on different niche from SL OpenSim grids remain very niche, some big ones died, many are rife with problems and no actual development Out of all these other worlds (mentioned and not mentioned), I only see 1 which can be an actual competitor to SL in the future.
  7. It depends. If it meant to be read by others later, I prefer forums. But for real-time interactions I prefer SL c=
  8. Read that article and tweeted the author complimenting him for his rather extensive take on SL, a nice break from the usual 4-paragraphs "Second Life is dead" nonsense
  9. Were you trying to rez on a rez zone? On your minimap, right click and choose "show parcel boundaries", the small boxes you see on some regions are usually rez zones c=
  10. Second Life is the least "intended-for-kids" 3D virtual world IP out there. If you make SL YT videos and don't deliberately try to gain minors as your audience, you shouldn't be too worried. The FTC would have a very hard case against you and they don't have a reason to, whoever's in charge of issuing fines or responsible for COPPA vague wordings won't risk damaging their image and reputation by fining innocent people they clearly don't have a strong case against
  11. Made this trailer for the younger crowd out there who might be interested in SL c= showcasing some of the younger userbase of SL too!
  12. A short and concise tutorial on how to reduce prim count or land impact from your Second Life land without deleting anything I hope you guys find this useful
  13. You can always talk and be with yourself no need to have a bot that will cost you $400
  14. Well to me that would reflect a side of their personality and that in itself is a form of projection of one's inner-self. Edit: Was going to write this in my previous post but I thought it won't be necessary; even the "troll" kind of avatar reflects a side of personality of whoever's behind it
  15. One's avatar appearance always reflect the owner's inner self-construct or a side of it to some degree, and embodying that embodiment also affect the inner construct or one's perception of themselves. It's a feedback loop
  16. A GTX 1060 6GB would be sufficient for SL. SL mostly depends on the CPU's single core performance, so look for one that has a high s-core pts on cpu.userbenchmark.com thats within your budget range
  17. These are the voices of 3 trans people who in part, through their virtual embodiments, discovered or formed a more cohesive construct of their inner selves
  18. Hanging and exploring with friends as usual c=
  19. For the single most misspelled company name It's 2019 and even known news outlet still misspell it
  20. Facebook's Horizon is not gonna compete with the niche that SL is in, I explained why I think so in my video
  21. So Facebook's Horizon just got announced yesterday and while it will exist in the same virtual 3D social space industry or market that Second Life is in, it's in a completely different niche and will totally be tailored for an almost completely different audience, here's my quick thought on it
  22. Go inworld then see and check things for yourself. Going here in the public forums to ask for participants is like going to a town center and ask people to help you complete your papers.
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