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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. It's like that on many listings.... don't think there is any way to recover from it now, unless LL changed the search algorithms to match Google's current SEO, which means title and description are looked at more and their relevance, rather than keyword searches - which have been found to be abused and unreliable across the Web.
  2. The SL Marketplace is broken, due to the misuse of keywords listings and other: It is actually 'keyword spam', which contributes to the MP's demise - and there is nothing any of us can do about it. If I were to 'help' improve the MP by reporting every single listing that used keywords unrelated to the product, I would get carpal tunnel syndrome. Most listings are simply abused due to ignorance or simply are attempts to game the system. Let's use "Original Photo: The Forest With Bridge In Frame" as an example. How would I find this? So I searched the MP "forest bridge photo" and what comes up? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=forest+bridge+photo Not seeing many results for what I'm looking for... The listings provided have a combo of the search terms in the title, but all abuse the system with keyword spam - with keywords not even relating to the product they are selling. The only antidote to this is to be very specific in both your title and in your keywords, and if your description area further describes your product, it will actually show up in Google listings quite well. I've noticed that many SL marketplace items will show up in Google search when I may be looking for reference, because their titles and keywords are excellent. Also, being found on the MP means people need to be specifically searching for your product - if they're not searching for it, there is no demand. If they are searching for it, but not buying it - then there may be other reasons why they are not - quality, subjectivity to art, price, etc. In your merchant area on the site you can find "Top Selling Products" and "Top Searched Products" to see which of your products is being searched the most, and by extension how many sell out of the searches. Learn to use this tool. It isn't great, but it's something to attempt to measure your success. For myself, I modeled a piece of furniture that I designed myself - it has 0 sales as to this date. Is it bad? nope. Is it too pricey? doubt it, it's near free or dirt cheap. It's just that noone is looking for it, noone is searching for it, and unless it is seen inworld by someone else (due to having a store, or someone else bought it and they see it) - it's dead in the water. So one must adjust to what is in demand and go from there. Please fix your keywords though: They are too many, not describing the product, and won't help getting you found anyway. Get into the world and a gallery and see what people like or don't like, what sells, etc. Also, as Chic Aeon has stated, art isn't a big seller in SL (or Sansar), and especially now in 2020 - where free pictures, photos, illustrations abound and can be uploaded by anyone royalty free. If anything at the base, you can make money selling the actual frames instead - thats where the value actually is. I haven't sold much art, because it seems people are buying them for the actual frames I made instead (display frames, tapestry, kiosks, etc) So try that angle, but then put YOUR art as a default on it. It is more imperative that people create unique works and advanced works, as more and more people are entering into 3D modeling and competition is fierce - so focusing on what you can offer as an individual will be paramount. Hope this helps a bit and puts things into perspective.
  3. Whatever your politics or ideals, don't try to compel LL staff to enforce your views, or be your servant in enforcing whom you believe is speaking 'hate' or not. The guidelines can be applied without all that. If it is harassment, first use the mute/block functions available to all users. If they circumvent that somehow, then it may fall under continued harassment and file a ticket. Any right you deny another user in SL or person in RL can be denied you, so be careful what you call for on others.
  4. If you're really hard up, use a second viewer and an alt account to function as a camera. If you have the computer resources, they may work out short term.
  5. Learning a hipoly to low poly workflow is very important. Even if Second Life doesn't put limits on your models, doesn't mean you should do it. Yes, retopology is hard work though with some programs (even in ZBrush) the process has become easier - but it is kind of your duty as a creator, on any platform to optimize your meshes and avatars to the best of your ability. if you ever plan to be hired by pros, or do work for pros, or even be pro yourself - it is a good goal to aspire to. Don't think of poly limits as stifling, but rather 1) a challenge to optimize the best you can whilst still making the mesh look great 2) necessary for the smooth operation of the platform on different devices = more audience = more sales. The irony of your statement is that Second Life is an older platform, and REALLY needs you to optimize. Anyways thats my tip: Learn to optimize and make it a habit. 😄 And welcome! There is a reason why men's wear is not a large area of interest for many; because it reflects demand in RL. Men are not usually shoppers, nor are they big consumers of clothing and outfits and the like. In general, if you try to sell men's wear, it just won't sell. if you make women's wear, it sells.. You can choose to make men's wear and good luck, you may find some success. However women are the main consumers of clothing items in RL and virtual, so it is natural that there would be more creators making stuff for them. Also, keep in mind, that you should not say "I am skilled at meshing" if you haven't adopted and mastered the Hi Poly to Lo Poly and mesh optimization as part of your skillset.
  6. yep, was just throwing out a number. I have a simple avatar in use that only has 4000k My favourite quote of this discussion because its true, haha. I can be smug about the work I do to optimize in both SL and Sansar, trying to contribute to keep everything efficient and looking good, but being smug is all you will get for it. Others who dont do this still get clout and sales - I get to be smug hahahaahah
  7. Oddly enough, these people think it is fine to do this. Although not just limited to beginners, some 'experts' still do this too, because the product 'looks better' to them. In my dealings with these types of people, it literally boils down to their personality type or mental development - they can't defer gratification and don't want to do the work necessary. It's a constant aggravating factor to me, as these people may be making store listings and getting sales - because their customers are oblivious to it, and meanwhile I'm working my ass off making other products that are optimized and with the smallest footprint possible for the quality. Its VERY hard to watch others get sales, community status and financial success that are effectively cheating the system to serve their own interests - now resulting in a laggy SL. The more narcissistic types are impossible to approach. Try to help them by suggesting ways to make their products more efficient, or reporting that their 'LOD' (or lack of LODS) causes their 140,000 vertice object to blink out after 1m, and you'll just come back to an angry rant in your PM box. Some who come to me for help don't want to listen to it, because it will mean it will take work. Just ZBrush the avatar with 3 million vertices, remesh down to 40,000, with no care to topology or otherwise, slap a tiling texture for the skin and upload it.. Or the worst case I've recently seen.. using the materials from ZBrush, so each mesh part that was in it now has it's own texture.. then upload 30 materials up... At least SL has a limit of 8 materials per mesh, but then they just separate anyway... Ughhhh ignorance is bliss, why do I notice this crap... lol
  8. Fionalen, not sure if you just want to fight or not, but the examples include 1) Replica of existing Marshall amp 2) Inspired version (completely legal to sell on Second Life in all ways) 3) Original version (concepted from sketch, blocked out and modeled, also completely legal and "original work") Art is in the eye of the beholder, so let's just let me worry about that, or those who want to purchase those designs. The inspired and original versions would be safe from any IP claim, as they are not trying to skirt any regulations, or take advantage of any trademarked works. This is an important line from the link provided earlier which should clarify what creators should do in SL, or Sansar, or ANY 3d virtual world and marketplace that will crop up; " In Second Life, we hope creators will use their imagination to make original content. Some create things that are inspired by real-world objects, like cars or jewelry. When you do that, please make sure you're not improperly using another's intellectual property – for example, a trademarked logo or brand name, a distinctive product appearance (known as "trade dress"), ..."
  9. Yet nowadays, it is very risky to file a DMCA and be in error, as courts have mitigated false DMCA filings by having harsh penalties on them. So companies aren't really so quick to do this anymore unless they feel they can prove, and win, their case in court. Related: https://www.gerbenlaw.com/blog/false-dmca-takedown-notices-ninth-circuit-holds-that-copyright-owners-must-consider-fair-use-before-issuing-take-down-notices/
  10. From my understanding of the LL IP page, it would fall more under "Trade Dress' rather than straight up use of the word "Harley Davidson". Many, many, many people create 'replicas' of real-world products, and have no knowledge of what trade-dress entails.. I will use an image I used in a post "So you make Original mesh, huh" to demonstrate the point. Just ignore the irrelevant text as it is used in a different context, but I can use the same image to address "Trade Dress". These are 3 amps I have modeled, one is a 'replica' of a Marshall brand amp, the next is an 'inspired' design and the 3rd a more 'experimental' or stylized version. Even if i didn't use any Marshall branding keywords, or advertising on the first, they COULD (didn't say WILL, they COULD) file some sort of IP claim based on how the amp looks, which is clearly intended to replicate, and therefore 'compete' with the original product. Best always to concept and design your own work, and be 'inspired by' existing works, than copy real world products. Caveat: Original works don't sell as good as replicas, so the market tempts many to stick with popular art and well known products.
  11. Merchants competing from third world countries, that's who. On the subject of increased cashout fees, we just have to pass it onto the consumer. If no longer able to make a profit, then take the business elsewhere.
  12. Here's a case scenario; A reviewer has a problem with your product, eg "Textures are too blurry". So I review the product, find it is in fact, shockingly blurry (wondering why because it wasn't when I uploaded the product, or it's because I use a UHD monitor now and can see that it is blurry), so I do my best to fix the issue and re-uv to maximize. Instead of flagging the review, and trying hard not to get angry because I wasn't contacted inworld about this (I always want to make the best product I can at any given time), I informed the customer it was fixed and they could re-deliver. To this day, no response to the fix/improvement, and the review still stands, with a lower star rating than it would normally be given if all was okay.. Since not one unit has been sold since, presumably from such a low and inaccurate rating, might as well give it away for free, or just remove it from the Marketplace altogether... I'm okay though, I just use the reply section to address their concerns, and if anyone bothers to read it, they will think "oh cool, he will fix issues if they come up".. But technically isn't that now an outdated review that may not reflect the current status of the product?
  13. Wonderful. Anything that can strengthen the elite, raise the bar and imply other people who aren't at that level make trash... is always good. (sarcasm) One is 'qualified' or 'certified' in LSL if their script solves a problem and operates. If you want people to be more efficient, then teach them. All this will do is "Scripted Hover Chair | LSL Certified" Give me a break.
  14. Notice the usual suspects didn't react lovingly to your post? Ha ha.. This forum is really, really bad for that. One would be lucky to get a response to the OP past 3 replies - then its off into lala land for some of these folks.. Whoops.. there I go responding to the OP again... I was supposed to derail... Gotta break that habit and when in Rome...
  15. Hi, I just thought I'd come participate in this necro thread, and like many of the preceding and habitually off topic posters.. do the same. Here's a tip to Staying On Topic: Reply to the OP, not to some random post that triggered you. Have a good day.
  16. Good product, but I gave it 3 stars because it should be available in red, I should be able to change the texture that attracted me to purchase the product in the first place, and I also want it to fly around my sim like a bird. If it could do that, I would definitely give this 5 stars!
  17. Like I said, as soon as one group start to label themselves something, the implication is that those who don't wear or display the label themselves could be someone not to be trusted... It's not a good way of conducting business, and is close to becoming 'anti-competitive' behaviour, and really shouldn't be encouraged in any way on any LL platform. Anti-Competitive or Abusive Behavior. Examples include, but are not limited to: inflating prices on the SL Marketplace, in comparison to other e-commerce sites, posting hostile or false reviews or comments on a competing merchant's items, posting reviews that encourage users to buy competitor products, or visit in world locations, posting item listings that are abusive or disparaging with respect to another merchant or their products. using alternate or related accounts to purchase or rate your own items, rewarding buyers for reviews unless both positive and negative reviews are rewarded. Of course noone is OUTRIGHT disparaging or calling into question another merchant SPECIFICALLY, but it is certainly an attempt by one merchant to declare themselves above another, and now THAT merchant has to subscribe to the same group think in order to feel competitive themselves.
  18. As an 'original mesher' , not only by the dictionary definition (most of the time) and of the twisted SL 'definition', I'm not missing any point. I just don't see the need for, nor should we encourage this kind of stuff between creators here. Do I have to now jump on board because I want to be 'legit' and hopefully get the validation and credentials from some small sect of consumers who care? All one has to do is comply with the terms and conditions of Second Life and the Marketplace and there should be no need to seperate oneself from 'others'. Like I said, it's almost 'anti-competitive' behaviour to imply others work is not up to snuff, or somehow inferior without some community badge to say so. Anyways, its just a post to put up to discuss, people can get all ruffled if they want.
  19. Well, well, well. Good for you guy who have taught me the Second Life meaning of 'original mesh', now I can feel all safe and secure buying objects from merchants who have to specifically state "I made this mesh myself". HAHA. It's almost anti-competitive in nature, because it's like you are implying others who do NOT state 'original mesh' must be creators you can't trust. "But buy my product, because it's original mesh...." Give me a break. SL elitist example proven. There's even a well known SL Creator on Sansar currently, promoting 'original mesh' in their works, as if anyone even cares, except the person who lists it as such. And what do the customers do? Do they care? Why do you want them to care? Should we all go with your stupid 'assurance of quality' scheme and put 'original mesh' on all our listings now too? Ha ha, y'all 'orginal meshers' are hilarious.
  20. I've seen groups like these, and even individuals who sport this sort of badge on their products, and even belong to groups regarding this. What exactly is an 'original mesh'? I consider an original mesh to be a piece that is concepted by, modeled by, and presented by the artist himself, albeit 'their' style and finished piece inspired by everything around them and their life experience. However, these individuals and groups seem to want to apply "100% original mesh" to mesh pieces that simply replicate already existing products from the real-world, some even going so far as to put the actual brand names on the textures for the objects they create... Considering it is very easy for a '3D Artist' to simple 'trace' from a photograph, or even model directly from it.. where is the actual orginality? One day I opened up Illustrator and 'traced' a snapshot of my avatar, in a pose from in-game that I did not create myself, and saved the resultant product as a 'work'. Is it really original? Well the avatar design might be, the clothes I chose (even those aren't mine either)... Is the resultant vector file and 'original work', or just a reproduction into vector form of an existing artwork? The difference is, I wouldn't present it as an 'original work'. The awesome thing about SL, and the VALUE one offers to users of it will be, will be in your creativity in presenting an object. There are more than enough crates, barrels and park benches out there - one would think why bother modeling those again? Now modeling a park bench out of metal plumbing pipes, welded onto bicycle frames at either end, concepted (through sketches and scribblings) by the artist themselves, then modeled to that, could certainly qualify as "100% original mesh". I prefer using 'unique design' or 'innovative design' rather than '100% original" because as an artist, I am the sum of all the sights, sounds and experiences in my life, and everything goes into a big pot, gets stirred and churned and matured, and comes out in the form of a mental library in which I can create new works. Going to the IKEA catalogue and replicating all the trendy furniture in it, uploading the model and textures (sometimes with a brand name or gaming the system using brand-like names), then claiming it is an 'original mesh".. well that's a pretty loose definition... Perhaps instead of using 'badges' or icons or claims in your listings and telling us how original you are... How about SHOW us. Have a good day, hope you're inspired to go that one (or two) extra steps in your creations. PS. Other thoughts: Do most consumers care about creativity and originality? Or do they want products in VR that may not be able to get in RL? What's the line drawn when it comes to claiming work as your own or 'original' anyway?
  21. I would just say that when a sub category gets big enough, where the products are actually replicating what is on the marketplace; Here is a fireplace, now here is a red fireplace, here is a stone fireplace, here is a iron fireplace, here is a TINY fireplace, here is TINY red fireplace, here is TINY stone fireplace, here is a TINY iron fireplace, here is a Gacha fireplace, here is a Gacha red fireplace, here is a Gacha stone fireplace, etc. Then it needs it's own market at that point to serve that niche directly. When one arrives as an <ahem> regular-scale fella shopping for a brand new TV, there is no need to be assaulted with Tiny items in the listing. Nor should I have to spend time to set a NOT on my search. When the numbers of these minority product groups were low, it didnt really matter. But when and if any of these end up going 1:1, then it is time for a market split, and people would essentially go to each market, which in turn would be more specific to that taste. Tiny Market here, Gacha (flea market) there. If you were a Gacha or Tiny fan, you would probably be happy about this, as you can spend your searches 100% in the interest of your choice. You could always return to the regular marketplace at any time. I see we can shop BY COMMUNITY, and that is great for those of those communities. At the least Gacha should be added to it, because not only is it replicating TENFOLD the product listings on the regular market, but they are adding IMAGE SPAM as well (I ranted about this a year or so ago). Sorting by community does not help the rest of us who have to wade through listings and products we never use because we are not Tiny or Furry or Gacha Fiends, so we have to see EVERYTHING. Gacha is a scourge, and has been banned around the world, yet still exists on SL. The least can be done is to dedicate it's own submarket gachafiends/marketplace.secondlife.com
  22. I like this debate/discussion, I'm learning a lot he he. I think I've already done what Optimo has done in the past, by accident to solve a 'newb' problem I had. Just trying to process exactly what is going on and the possibilities of it. I was probably already doing it, but was told it was the 'wrong way', and that 'tiling' or inworld was preferred - While I walk around inworld and see amazingly textured with nice shadows and such... feel like noone wants the competition in SL, so instead of competing on workmanship or creativity, they take the tools and knowledge away from newcomers.. Still discussions like this are valuable for those of us apparently not in the in-crowd. Thanks Optimo for the info. I would prefer to use multiple textures, and use UV space much more effectively, but I've also heard the argument that using multiple textures can sometimes add up to MORE MB overall, and that the calls themselves to the database also creates overhead.. I'm also one for spending time optimizing the mesh, lods, and textures... also as a work of art if it isn't just a blatant rip off of a real world item.. there is pride and time and work into it.. and it's an insult that someone DEMANDS mod on it, but I've said my peace on that already. I'll be incorporating what I've read into my newer works now.. knowing I was on the right track all along. Thanks. PS. Whoops. Necro'd.. but still relevant today
  23. So I managed to fight with the new Hasbro like interface of Blender and re-learned all the shortcuts and was making some headway in it... But when I went to bake out some normals and AO and Diffuse, the resultant bakes were horrible. Am i the only one with this? I'll return back to 2.79 for functional purposes, but now the UI looks old to me, lol.. Can't win. Got my copy of Substance Painter 2019 at the ready now.. perhaps I'll join the masses and start using proprietary software like everyone else...
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