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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: "I also reserve the right to delete and relist any items for any reason I see fit" Yes, i do. Each and every product I conceptualized and modeled is my intellectual property, and I can do so with it as I choose. I own it. Its only a breaking of the TOS if one relists the exact same product WITHOUT REVISION for the purpose of avoiding negative reviews, for nefarious reasons. If I should decide to relist the item because 1) I have redesigned it 2) corrected it 3) improved models or textures and end up relisting it 3 days later or 365 days later, I RESERVE THE RIGHT BECAUSE I OWN IT. I agree if a merchant relists the SAME product on the marketplace to avoid negative reviews or to scam the public, then this needs to be addressed. THAT IS THE CONTEXT OF THE TOS. In my case,I stated that the result of people using UNFAIR and NEGATIVE reviews will simply have the item disappear FOREVER, at a loss to 2nd Life in general,and the loss of yet another creator, will be the result. The discussion should have been about fixing the review system, or about changing the attitudes of shoppers and merchants alike, but instead you morons turned the topic into a witch hunt. Not very mature.
  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Whose the bigger nut? A person that tried to help you or the the person who admited on a public LL owned forum that they broke the rules, and will continue to do so if it suits you? The only nut here is you, trying so hard to get someone in trouble. I am fully confident that LL can see my transactions and listings progress and pretty much see there isn't anything untoward going on in my actions, by simply seeing the progression of how I've developed my store,etc. You don't have to worry about it, and any continued accusations on your part in this thread has become ridiculous and almost borders on defamation and harassment. Let LL handle any issues of misrepresentation and decide who is breakng the TOS, and keep your stupid nose out of it.
  3. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Relisting a product because you didn't know how to update it is not an excuse. Directions are readily available in the Knowledge Base or you could have asked in this forum and gotten the information, probably within minutes. I'm sorry you didn't like to be told the rules about relisting. I informed you about it to keep you out of trouble, not to pick on you. Other's joined in when you posted back to the effect that you'll do as you please even if it means breaking the rules. You can't tell people to stay our of "your" thread here. It's a public forum so you don't own the thread and anyone can post as long as they don't violate the Community Guidelines. So if you now petty enough to want revenge post in our threads, go ahead. It doesn't bother me in the least, as it is your right. I am not afraid of criticism and am adult enough to either respond intelligently to defend my position, admit I'm wrong if you present a convincing argument, ignore you, call you on any misinformation you post or RIC your post if its just flaming, which is my right. Whatever. You and other responders really need to get a life,because your replies are over-the-top, over-litigious and extreme in their laughable pretense of 'helpful ness'. Y'all straight up nuts.
  4. Brahms Raynier wrote: I've created a Marketplace store...... followed instructions to drag my product onto the Merchant Outbox..... i get the message that it has been moved..... but it doesnt show up in my Marketplace Store..... it's been two days... I thought maybe it just takes some time... but still nothing... no error messages..... what do I do now? After sending the object to the Merchant Outbox, you have to click "Send To Marketplace" button on the lower right of the Merchant Outbox window in your Viewer. If you have already closed it, you can open your Outbox by selecting Me..-> Merchant Outbox from your menu (in Viewer) and you should see all the listings you want to send. Now you log on to your Markeplace (using your internet browser), go to your Merchant Home page, and select 'manage listings" from the menu, and at the top of the page, you should see your objects in "Unassociated Inventory Items" at the top. From there you can create listings. Hope that helps
  5. VonGklugelstein Alter wrote: It appears that it is ok now to relist items after a bad review was given. I am seeing this done by merchants and totally get away with it. Not only do they relist the item but they also magically make it a top seller within a day or 2 after relisting it. Perhaps this is a Linden Alt? (although Josh might have a better scenario) You'll have to prove they are relisting due to bad reviews. I have relisted in the past due to simply not knowing how to update a product WITHOUT relisting. In the past due to technical issues on the site, the clarity of the tutorials (which I always seek out and learn) for some reason the task eluded me. It doesnt mean I was doing anything nefarious, and due to more user error than maligned intent.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: entity0x wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: entity0x wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: entity0x wrote: Also, until today I couldnt figure out/work out how to update a product that may have been uploaded with errors or permissions errors, etc, so have relisted certain things. It doesn't mean it was done to hide from or avoid bad reviews. I also reserve the right to delete and relist any items for any reason I see fit. It doesnt mean I'm being dishonest in any way. Like I said, I just want to make people happy in 2nd Life with my creations, so there is no need for anyone to feel so aggressive over even a $19L product, and use the review section to mandhandle sellers unfairly. And yet it is among the Disallowed Actions https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#re-listing-items that you agree to in order to have store. The context being WHY you would relist something, rather than relisting out of need (until today when I finally figured out how to update items without having to relist). No relistings I have done or will do will be out of misrepresentation. Nice try though, and very off-topic. Please respond to my OP or stay out of my topic, thanks. Let me tell you how forums on the internet work: Anyone can post anything in any thread. The OP does not own the thread. In any case, you are the one who proudly announced that you violated the MP listing guidelines repeatedly, so if that is off topic, why did you bring it up at all? And then say any comments on that statement are off topic! In a reasonable and fair forum community, it is understood that one usually discusses or responds to the original intent of the thread, and not carry on personal attacks or accusations or musings about the intent of the OP. You are off topic. Its a fact. So again, get back on topic or get out of the thread. Thanks. No one is trying to be mean or nasty to you here. We were actually trying to be nice. I'm not going to take the time to dredge up old threads right now but there have been others who found out the hard way what we were saying. Really, for the most part, as far as your "topic" is concerned, you are preaching to the choir here. We are in agreement that these kind of reviews suck. ETA, and yes I can and will respond to anything posted in a thread. Well I have delisted and deleted some items already (FOREVER) that were either 1) not selling 2) had stupid unfair reviews and therefore not selling, so there is no ill intent on my part. If anything, like I said, now that I know how to update without doing that, there is no issue. I still won't be held hostage by unfair reviews though. LIke I said, if it affects the product unfairly, I will remove the item forever. There was no talk about relisting due to bad reviews. There is no intent to relist due to bad reviews. There is no intent to relist to be nefarious or hide any wrongdoings. Thanks for the great discussion though. I will definitely reciprocate in kind on everyone else's threads.
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: entity0x wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: entity0x wrote: Also, until today I couldnt figure out/work out how to update a product that may have been uploaded with errors or permissions errors, etc, so have relisted certain things. It doesn't mean it was done to hide from or avoid bad reviews. I also reserve the right to delete and relist any items for any reason I see fit. It doesnt mean I'm being dishonest in any way. Like I said, I just want to make people happy in 2nd Life with my creations, so there is no need for anyone to feel so aggressive over even a $19L product, and use the review section to mandhandle sellers unfairly. And yet it is among the Disallowed Actions https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#re-listing-items that you agree to in order to have store. The context being WHY you would relist something, rather than relisting out of need (until today when I finally figured out how to update items without having to relist). No relistings I have done or will do will be out of misrepresentation. Nice try though, and very off-topic. Please respond to my OP or stay out of my topic, thanks. Let me tell you how forums on the internet work: Anyone can post anything in any thread. The OP does not own the thread. In any case, you are the one who proudly announced that you violated the MP listing guidelines repeatedly, so if that is off topic, why did you bring it up at all? And then say any comments on that statement are off topic! In a reasonable and fair forum community, it is understood that one usually discusses or responds to the original intent of the thread, and not carry on personal attacks or accusations or musings about the intent of the OP. You are off topic. Its a fact. So again, get back on topic or get out of the thread. Thanks.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: entity0x wrote: <snip> I also reserve the right to delete and relist any items for any reason I see fit. It doesnt mean I'm being dishonest in any way. </snip> It has nothing to do with your being honest or dishonest. It is simply a Market Place rule. "Disabling and Re-listing Items. This is considered misrepresentation. If you are trying to get more attention for your item, try using a Product Listing Enhancement." https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines?#re-listing-items Please note, I am not against you. Personally I find 90%, maybe more of MP reviews worthless. Reading that an item is the greatest thing since sliced white bread is worthless info to me. And I understand also most negative reviews are the user's fault, not the Merchants. I understand where you're coming from, but the context of my past relistings has not been about misrepresentation in any way. Disabling and removing listings is my choice. If I no longer want to have a product on the marketplace, I can do so. If I change my mind 3 months or a year later, or replace the listing with a superior product.. again that is not misrepresention. DId this topic now change to listing practices and not the original point of this thread?
  9. I violated no TOS practices, because relistings were made before figuring out how to replace product listings. The good thing about this experience today is that it made me go out and specifically learn how to replace/update products without having to relist the item. I've relisted items in the past due to necessity, not nefariousness. I have a few products, especially scripted ones that need to have newer versions, and before today I would have had to make a new listing, because before today I simply did not understand how to. But now I'm sure you are happy for getting me off topic and defensive about it.
  10. Pamela Galli wrote: entity0x wrote: Also, until today I couldnt figure out/work out how to update a product that may have been uploaded with errors or permissions errors, etc, so have relisted certain things. It doesn't mean it was done to hide from or avoid bad reviews. I also reserve the right to delete and relist any items for any reason I see fit. It doesnt mean I'm being dishonest in any way. Like I said, I just want to make people happy in 2nd Life with my creations, so there is no need for anyone to feel so aggressive over even a $19L product, and use the review section to mandhandle sellers unfairly. And yet it is among the Disallowed Actions https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines#re-listing-items that you agree to in order to have store. The context being WHY you would relist something, rather than relisting out of need (until today when I finally figured out how to update items without having to relist). No relistings I have done or will do will be out of misrepresentation. Nice try though, and very off-topic. Please respond to my OP or stay out of my topic, thanks.
  11. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Customers are under no obligation to contact you before leaving a review. It certainly is good if they do though. Perhaps you should add a statement to your listings to please contact you if they find any problems or something similar as well as a statement that you are selling the item with the permissions that are noted and will not change them. If you get a bad review you can leave a comment and explain why you think it is unfair, such as customers not reading instructions, not having the proper graphic settings, when the customer bought the product the permissions were clearly stated and they bought the item anyway etc. If you resolve the problem and the customer won't remove or update the review, which they aren't under obligation to do, then add a comment that it has been resolved and how. If it is clearly the customer's fault then you can flag the review after adding the comment and LL may delete it. Even if they don't, the counter argument would probably make most people disregard the review. I know when I am considering a product on MP, I only take into account reviews, both positive and negative, that state clear reasons why they rated the item as they did and disregard any that don't give a reason or are clearly the customers fault. Of course it is your right to sell a product with the permissions you wish to give, but personally I would not buy any product that is no mod/no copy/no transfer, so you probably lose more sales due to this than due to a bad review. It is your right to withdrawal a product from the MarketPlace due to a bad review, but you can not create a new listing for it to put it back on the market later. So you may want to give commenting a try before you do this. We must be clear as to what we are discussing here. A bad review isn't always a bad thing. I have left up a few so-called bad reviews that were clearly just misunderstandings, and I had already implemented your advice by simply replying to them in a comment. In the end, after having a hissy fit or rant w/e, it really is the easiest thing to do is reply. Also, until today I couldnt figure out/work out how to update a product that may have been uploaded with errors or permissions errors, etc, so have relisted certain things. It doesn't mean it was done to hide from or avoid bad reviews. I also reserve the right to delete and relist any items for any reason I see fit. It doesnt mean I'm being dishonest in any way. Like I said, I just want to make people happy in 2nd Life with my creations, so there is no need for anyone to feel so aggressive over even a $19L product, and use the review section to mandhandle sellers unfairly.
  12. or Updated Title: I Guess I Can & Will Be Held Hostage By Reviews Apparently it doesn't matter for what purpose you may disable and relist your items on the marketplace, SL will consider it bad and disable that product forever. This means you must be very careful as to how you package your product and its permissions: Mistakes can potentially be costly if it costs you a market listing. Glad I learned all this stuff early in my MP existence before having too many products, as you certainly wouldnt want to make this mistake later in your development. I guess the only thing to do for future reviews, fair or not, is to deal with them right on the listing, right in the public eye, and hope that the shopper actually investigates the reviews. And, if the product does not sell for a long period of time, for example 6 months or more, then simply delete it from the MP forever, or SL might do it for you if you try to improve it in any way, and end up unknowingly breaking the TOS. Original post below; Reviews of products on the marketplace should reflect its pros and cons, in an honest and reasonable way, not as a tool for 'buyers' to hold 'sellers' hostage. eg "I will remove this negative, unfair, unrelated 1 star review on this product until the seller deals with this issue to my satisfaction" Many consumers seem to like to hold my product listings hostage with negative reviews that have more to do with their failure to read product descriptions, view product images, and even product demonstration videos. In 2 cases, the complaints were about a light not working, when it was actually their graphics settings. Another who wanted mod and copy on a product I didnt want to do it on, left a negative review. Another didnt think a spider model was up to his unknown standards, failed to elaborate, and just gave low stars for nothing important. The latest complaint being about modify/copy permissions confusion. In all cases, the 'buyer' has used the review section as a way to force a resolution on the product, without first contacting me in game, and allowing me some time to get back to them. So instead, I go to update/review marketplace listings and I have several 1-star ratings on products that I HONESTLY worked hard on. Of course they're pretty scathing and suspicious as to the 'seller's practices', the irony being in one case the product in question being a whopping $19L!!! Yeah you better use that review section just in case this $19L product is a big scam! Know what happens when people do that, and there is no recourse for me to contact them, refund them, and they leave the UNFAIR negative review? The listing disappears. Maybe even not to return. (Edit for Clarity: The listing is not removed because of nefariousness, but simply removed to spite shoppers who take creative products for granted) I dont make my living from making 2nd Life products. It is a hobby while I learn how to make 3d Models. My aim was to create the best products I could for my skill level, yet make them available for the beginner to low-spender. But price doesn't seem to matter to many people, and they feel inspired to unfairly flag down products in some strange way of holding the seller hostage until their demands are met. I will not tolerate such things. Guess what. Now 2nd Life has a few less cool, affordable items to buy now. I'm always open to honest feedback, and I make mistakes in listing, descriptions, etc at times and i am an HONEST and TRANSPARENT person. But I will not tolerate the hijacking of my product reviews and the item will simply disappear (forever: edited for clarity) DISCLAIMER: The majority of buyers DO contact me in-game if they have any questions,issues or even compliments and I appreciate them greatly. Its just the few of the many though who seem to be the most vocal and will leave a nasty 1-star on your product to sit there indefinitely that are the problem.
  13. Mistakes happen. Land location changes. The marketplace listings interface does not easily allow merchants to make batch (broad) changes to listings, and i could imagine it is only harder with 1000's of listings. I've noticed this myself as I opened in-world stores that got 0 traffic and therefore closed them and then had to go into each and every listing (waiting 20 seconds for SL to load it) to change the field, and I'm still finding ones I missed. Sorry to lose your sale,but merchants aren't perfect, and the interface is not easy or quick to use to update listings. Perhaps next time contact the merchant in-game professing your interest in a product,and maybe they can meet up with you to see it live,or point you to another resource. No need to be going to harsh extremes.
  14. Its spam, and its making it very hard to find relevant items on the marketplace. the problem will increase exponentially as product demos increase.
  15. I agree. Marketplace reviews are pointless, and seem to just be filled out by mainly complainers and people who didnt bother to read the description, the images, and even videos I post about my products. They leave 1 or 2 star reviews, but then have no logical reasons to review the product so poorly, or its just a personal opinion or distinterest in your product that is helpful noone,especially me. I got out of my way to always improve my products and make them more efficient, especially with product descriptions. LIke you said, you can sell numerous copies of the product without a single review, than 1 person doesn't like it,so 1-stars it. Its frustrating and disappointing,and frankly I've thought of removing my store altogether from 2nd Life and showcase my 3D learning and results elsewhere. A review is a good way to hold you hostage untll you either give them a refund or give them what they want. I will always go out of my way to make my customers happy, but if they're not even doing the basics of reading, watching and viewing information about the product before purchasing,then what? I don't know how I'd change the system to better reflect true reviews ofthe product,rather than just a place for someone to gripe about their buyer's remorse... but change needs to be done. I frequently leave reviews of products I buy; they're always reviews of the products and what I like about them, and if any iimprovements or bugs I have found, I describe them in my post in a courteous and fair way, so that the author can be informed. I just wish I got the same consideration with my own work.
  16. Make what you want. If you're not reproducing items from real life, anything you come up with putting your own style and creative spin on it will make it something new.
  17. Doogz Weston wrote: I tried using this. Yes, I am not good with scripts so what I tried may make you laugh so bare with me. I have gained a basic understanding of scripts but writing them causes problems. vector color1; vector color2; vector color_blended = 0.5*( color1 + color2); default { touch_start(integer num) { llSetColor(0.5*( color1 + color2); } } Or you can add the closing parentheses; default { touch_start(integer num) { llSetColor( 0.5* ( color1 + color2) ); } } NOTE: Most mistakes are missing semi-colons, non-closed brackets, etc. Check those errors first.
  18. Or he/she could just start building and find out. We need more originality and creativity, so the more the better. Build what you want, build it and they will come... and buy... or not.
  19. bebejee wrote: Creators selling things in Marketplace please stop posting this misleading bit, majority of the time I have had to go to a sandbox or other sim allowing rezzing despite product page saying its unpacked and does not require opening at a sandbox, its very irritating, please stop this practice. Thanks. There is a setting in the item listing for marketers to use to specifiy if it requires land or not to unpack or if it comes as is. Perhaps they simply forgot to check this item off, especially if they have been submitting multiple products in a short amount of time, it is easy to forget to check off certain attributes. That being said, the best thing to do is send the creator a message so they can correct it in their listing, they may be unaware. I personally only box items that are in sets or multiples, if it's a single item, I prefer to give as is, to eliminate one step.Most like to box stuff so they can include a notecard and landmark to their store etc.
  20. Rhys Goode wrote: Sims come and go on the beta grid, with no apparent rhyme or reason. I am currently set to log into Sandbox Wanderton, I've been using it since the previous sandbox I was using disappeared one day, a few months ago. The adjacent sim, PathTest is also accessable, with building permisions enabled. Thanks for the info. What helped me from your post is searching the name of the sandbox and was able to teleport there and do some mesh tests. Is there a way that if and/or when this happens again, there is a list of sandboxes us premium membership content creators that updates where we can go?
  21. 30% discount on a product if I promise to leave a review. "30% discount if you leave a review" Mmm should I do it and save $L 500? I wish I got such a deal on the last building I bought for $L 3000. Is this a valid tactic? Offering discounts for reviews? Perhaps I will offer similar myself if this becomes commonplace. The question then becomes, will the seller make good on the promise if my review is anything less than wanted?
  22. carolinestravels wrote: I am off In-World looking for suitable shops now. Crowd Sourcing for such information doesnt work obviously. Hi Caroline, I just read this forum post in its entirety a bit late so don't have much time to respond at the moment, but I did want to log in and comment and wish you luck with your endeavours. Don't worry about what the 2nd Life elitists say. Do what you want, how you want, and as fast or as big as you want. You can experiment, or do it hard core, part-time or as a whim or hobby. There are no rules. All that matters is that you are honest in your dealings, and hopefully create some content and interesting things for others to see and do in 2nd Life. I started off building with prims and learned 3D modelling and use 2nd Life marketplace to fund my uploads and tests. 2nd Life is fun for me and I want to keep it that way. Ignore the petty lawyering on these forums, and strive ahead.
  23. Calamari wrote: First question, I went inworld and found a freebies store that has a wall all most exactly like the one in you image just it din't have the green $L0 Free over each box. Did you add that or did I find the wrong store? If the green prices were added then it's not clear to people looking at you image how hard the prices are to see. With out the green prices I can see were that could be confusing some were free and other not, but neither did a see a sign saying they were free, and you still have to confirm. The picture reflects a real world experience, in which the prices reflected in the image are ACTUAL. Photoshop skills were used to enhance the image to document this fact to communicate the idea more accurately. Calamari wrote: second question why post this in the merchant forms? No need to warn real merchants about freebies Thanks for the tip, I'll pick my forums more carefully when I post next time.
  24. My bad. Didnt realize an update was available. It appears to have solved the problem thanks.
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