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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. One more to their list of grievances makes no difference to anyone, it is just another talking point for their apologists. It has nothing to do with not allowing them to talk. The point of no platform is to defend the right of any individual to not appear or participate in a platform with and for racists and to encourage them not to do so. Excuse me for not shedding any tears over a grievance that would deny the rights of others to chose who they appear on a platform with. You aren't defending freedom of speech by forcing people to do what they don't want to.
  2. Their popularity went up after Question Time: "The first opinion poll taken after Nick Griffin's appearance, conducted hours after the programme by YouGov for The Daily Telegraph, indicated that voter support for the BNP had increased by 1%, from 2% to 3%, in the previous month, and that 22% of voters were now "seriously considering" voting BNP in a future local, general or European election — broken down into "definitely", 4%; "probably", 3%; and "possible", 15%.[60] The bookmaker, William Hill, changed its odds on the BNP winning a Westminster seat in the 2010 General Election from 10-1 to 7-2 after the programme.[49] The BNP received 1.9% of the vote in the election and did not win a seat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_Time_British_National_Party_controversy#Other_reactions_and_analyses It was certainly around the time of their peak in interest, but the immediate reaction by all comparable indices was an increase thanks to the Question Time performance. Comparing euro election results to the fo9llowing years local election results, you are missing the significant difference between the two election formats and what people were voting on. In the 2010 General election they received over 5% of the result and saved their deposit. That they lost Councillors in the local elections is more to do with their Councillors being laughably useless and incompetent.
  3. To argue that the BNP's election result in 2009 and subsequent decline were because of no platforming, makes very little sense. They have been consistently no platformed for the majority of their miserable existence... after all why would anyone in their right mind want to be at an event with them? To say the Question time platform the BBC gave after their 2009 election result, exposed them and led to their decline is over simplisitic and simply false. Their popularity actually went up by most counts after the BBC program, albeit just by one percentage point. The following year in the local elections they increased their share of the vote from the preceding local elections by a small amount. The popularity and decline of the BNP in that period was to do with other factors, far more convincingly the expansion of EEA immigration, although that too is an oversimplification. No platform generally works, no ones freedom of speech is inhibited or compromised. No right minded person wants to share a platform with racist idiots anyway, so why should they.
  4. I am actually a bit confused about the OP and what it is that is being objected to, it is a tricky subject and very easy when trying to be open to sound muddled, which I think has perhaps happened, and that I will probably ably demonstrate trying to make a couple of points.... On topics like this I recall my initial reaction to finding out there was a roleplay venue for 1930s Berlin. My immediate thought was why would anyone do that? It sounds like people playing out the formation of Naziism. But the more I found out about it the more I realised that despite the historical context the motive and the way it is run is quite contrary to my initial concern. I am not saying there is a parallel here, but roleplaying in a particular historical context like any storytelling can have good or bad motivations. I sometimes think it would be nice if everyone was just nice to one another, television had no depictions of violence or negativity. But my parents, lovely caring people love their detective series in book form and on TV, stories around drugs, rapes murder, infidelities. Hospital dramas about diseases, traumas disastrous accidents. We are coming up to halloween where behind the sickly candies and even the remembrances of saints, loved ones and dearly departed is also about death and horror and the way we deal with that. The fact is we collectively as human beings like our horror stories, we like to challenge the comfortable mundanity of our lives with stories of adventure, thrills, tragedies and fears. That roleplay in secondlife reflects this should be no surprise or particular concern. What matters with this particular group is their motive for the roleplay. As I think Innula before me has outlined the point it becomes concerning is where it goes beyond storytelling, beyond fantasy and moves into a political movement.. It is at the point it becomes a political movement and not before that is really the only place a line can be drawn in the sand.
  5. Another suggestion would be to revisit the confusing Allow Group access option in your parcel settings. To many people this seems fairly innocuous, they reach the option just after allowing public access to their land and add it in for good measure to make sure Group members have access as well. No where in the innocuous description does it suggest what it really does which is to erect an internally invisible bouncy castle structure over your land that provides limited entertainment value for those that enjoy bouncing in the air, whilst also creating epilepsy inducing flashing lights around the edge of their parcel for their neighbours and wary passersby that will regularly snare and break vehicles that come too close. In short the innocuous option introduces the pointless and notorious banlines. I can see no useful purpose or function to them, and would much rather the option was simply not there, but if we have to have the option. Can it not at least be labelled more accurately to reflect what it does?
  6. My question would be about if there are any plans to improve mainland? One attraction of mainland is the ability to move around it on vehicles. Parcels next to roads and waterways are more desirable. It seems to me that it would not take many additional sims to really open up the continents, to make them circumnavigable. Has any work been done on this? Has any thought been made to improving the road system? Are there any planned or current LDPW projects for mainland?
  7. I am struggling to see any evidence of malicious intent. They either added you by accident, reserved a parcel for you or gave you some extra permissions to rezz your shopping or something and then withdrew them. Since you never paid any rent and aren't interested in either rezzing or living there then... not seeing the concern.
  8. I have a hat somewhere for that, with horns and everything... Makes me look fearsome...
  9. Where as for me I am normally so busy going somewhere I rarely stop anywhere for long... lol
  10. Hmm I guess I fall into description of pale long white haired avatar, but can't say I have noticed a lot of people around dressing the same. I have a script to stop other people getting in the same boat as me. All I can say really is I don't share the same experience, but then I don't hang around much. Only dropped on to the forum whilst taking a break between sailing cruises. Edit thinks about it.. maybe I do seem [unfriendly]? no one has mentioned that before.
  11. I would recommend going along to helping haven. You can learn, teach and meet others trying to do the same sorts of things. The people there I know are all very welcoming and helpful, happy to share their skills, knowledge, contacts and enthusiasm with others. You will get guidance for example and opportunities to explore singing to audiences, software to use, how to make a tip jar you may well find musicians to sing with too.
  12. From my recollection the closing down of the exchanges was later than 2008. I wasn't even in SL at that time. What I was thinking of was from 2015 give or take a year or so.
  13. I am reminded of when it was not uncommon to see people with "fly away hair" that they had been editing prim by prim resulting in one or two tufts now a few feet away from their head slapping bystanders as their AO swung it around the area.
  14. There was a change to the terms of service a few years ago that got a lot of creators upset because it appeared to be Linden overreach claiming their IP rights. There was also the addition of skills regions for skills gaming.
  15. Ending the third party exchanges for Linden dollars caused a lot of people problems and upset at the time. I know a few people that left over it because they can't use Paypal and had no way of purchasing Linden Dollars or cashing them out.
  16. You can add fat to Maitreya to make it look less flat but then half the clothes made for it don't fit any more. Perhaps, ironically considering physique is generally considered to be an atheletic body it actually takes fat on the slider more realistically than the other bodies to make a natural looking shape. The Petite boobs on Physique are also a nice new option ( HunniHope the main creator for clothes for them). I was hoping Physique would have a resurgence in support from mesh clothes makers as I am seeing people using it more now than ever.
  17. The USA founding declaration in the very first sentence contradicts you..."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. " The fact of the matter is the USA was founded on the Lockean principle of a Social Contract.
  18. Novatech sell experience portals for getting around the grid, although they do need a bit of set up, but nothing too tricky. Using the emdash tool you just walk into a portal to teleport, not even a menu to select a destination required.
  19. I don't think phantom objects count as a blockage, I think the Lindens only act on physical blockages. If I see something blocking a linden route I will assume it is phantom and steer through it. If memory serves Gaeta V has some huge phantom mountains covering a sim or two in the SE of the continent.
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