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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. ChinRey wrote: Chrismaky wrote: I totally understand that SL is a user generated content community. I get that. But a lot of you need to understand that creating mesh is FREE and easily learned. It's not a hard thing to grasp. If that is true, why is it that ninety-nine percent of the mesh you see in Second Life is garbage? Prokofy mentioned two common serious problems with mesh, surfaces you can't rez on and land impact spinning out of cotnrol when items are linked. He could also have mentioned items (especially cars actually) that break down into a mess of triangles even at moderate vieweing distances, houses with walls you can alk through and doorways you can't and floors you sink into or float way above etc., etc., etc. All those problems are not caused by mesh itself and are easily avoided by competent mesh makers. They are caused by people trying to make mesh without understanding the basic principles. Isn't it prims (and sculpties) not mesh that spins land impact out of control through linking? Mesh land impact increases massively when resized, but not when linked. As an example (although not exactly the same), I made a prim floor out of a cylinder and put a transparent texture on it... with alpha blending, it messed up peoples hair, so I switched it to alpha masking.... and the prim gets counted under mesh rules and the land impact shot up to over 200. I used a script to make the prim into mesh, with the same physics and it went back down to 1 land impact. So prims can be good reducing land impact when linked to mesh, but they can also be incredibly bad. I don't think anyone has mentioned flexi prims yet which can't be done in mesh. Sculpties (great with mega prims for surrounds), mesh and prim all have their place in building they each have roles they are best for.
  2. I had the same problem with mesh animating badly around the end of last year. It cleared itself up eventually. I think it might be a driver issue. Have you checked your drivers are up to date? Iobit do a free "Driver booster" that checks for out of date drivers, I used that and it found lots of out of date drivers.
  3. Odd. If anything I would have said it was less laggy over the last weekend than earlier ones.
  4. I knew there were linden exchanges, but I didn't know there were banks. Why would anyone store their Lindens in a virtual bank rather than cashing them out to a proper bank or just hold on to them in their account?
  5. VanessaVoltaire wrote: Hmmm after looking through the Pink Fuel skins, I noticed a lot of the appliers are for the LOGO Alex head. Is it going to make a difference if I use it on LOGO Chloe? I know to look for Maitreya appliers or Maitreya in the description when it comes to skintones, but what specfically am I looking for when looking for LOGO Chloe appliers? Will any LOGO applier do, or does it have to specifically say LOGO Chloe? I've seen Omega in the Marketplace a lot, but what exactly is it? Is it a mesh body, head, etc...? I'm still kind of new to certain household terms in the Marketplace. I'm not entirely attached to any particular Slink shoes. I just thought Slink had far more support than Maitreya did at the moment. I use the LOGO head because it was simple and easy to use. Upon first attempt of using LetLuka, I didn't understand it at all. I'm assuming LetLuka has far more support though. Is Maitreya the highest supported mesh body right now? I don't have a LOGO head so I don't know. Pink Fuel does have a demo for the applier doesn't it? I would try that and see how it looks. Logo sells skins? Maybe worth trying their skins out that are compatible. More info here: http://meshbodyaddicts.com/mesh-head-reviews/womens-mesh-heads/logo/ Omega is sort of a standard for appliers that via their Hud, you can use a wide range of appliers to add clothese, like system layers to your Maitreya (or other mesh body) for more info take a look at their website. http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.co.uk/p/lets-learn.html
  6. Pink Fuel skins have appliers for all of them, I think League do too. Standard mesh will work, but you will probably have to tweak your shape to fit. It is worth getting the Maitreya Omega kit to increase options for applier clothes... (best normally used for underwear or tops you are wearing under coats). For Maitreya specific clothes look at Addams, Erratic, Blueberry, Just Because. ISON, Neve\Coldlogic and Maitreya themselves. Take a look at KC Couture for shoes they are cheap come with a hud for changing colors and support maitreya feet. You will find that for the most part you can leave your slink feet behind, unless you really are attached to them and the shoes you are wearing. I rarely use slink feet any more, it is just easier to stick with all maitreya. The recommended shops are just those I can think of off the top of my head, search lara on marketplace for other makes of clothes and appliers.
  7. Putting "NOT Gacha" at the end of your search terms should get rid of them, in just the same way that using "NOT demo" gets rid of demos from your search results. PS. Dakota Linden, that Death forum avatar is a bit creepy, you should have a look at this it would look much more professional if you made something a bit less doom and gloom. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-to-create-a-cool-forum-avatar-badge/m-p/707025
  8. I am wary about advising anyone to turn their LOD up, it does impact on performance and if the mesh is made properly shouldn't be required. The yellow triangles indicate poor internet connection To me. Restarting the computer and router. Checking that your antivirus isn't examining the viewer cache all the time. Doing a check for malware. Tweaking the viewer network connection speed. Are all more the sorts of things I would recommend to resolve this sort of problem
  9. This video shows Torley linking prims and using edit linked prims..... He has no problem selecting individual linked prims with edit linked set, not needing to click away first. I recall having to click away in the past first, so maybe things have changed, or maybe you only need to click away first in some circumstances. You will be looking for the animations in the contents tab, just drag them to where you want in your inventory the same way you did for the animations you took out of the root\parent prims. I hope that helps. If you do get the humanoid dance machine working with A&M animations I would be interested. And finally once you have your dance machine working, I recommend taking a look at Vista Animations couple dances, they are high quality, copy, natural looking and realtively cheap compared to other makes.
  10. Maybe I am wrong but I thought the Humanoid dance machine only supported humanoid dances. The marketplace advert doesn't clearly say one way or another, so I am not sure. But the first problem you seem to be having is that you only have one animation out of each of the couple dance balls because you haven't worked out how to edit linked parts to see the contents of both balls to extract both animations. If humanoid do support animations from others then you will need to work that out. Basically as it says in the notecard you need to have edit linked selected in the edit pop up window and then click both of the poseballs individually to copy the animations in to your inventory. if you have the poseballs selected when you turn edit linked parts on you will have to select something else first before you will be able to select the balls individually. The alternative, if you are using firestorm viewer is once you select edit linked parts, to use the little arrow buttons to cycle through the linked parts in the linkset. You will need the male and female animations in your machine for the couple dances to appear in the menu. The dances from humanoid and A&M will work in an intan system, although it is a while since I used one. In the past you used notecards to determine how the animations worked together, I believe now it works through a web based system and maybe doesn't need those note cards any more, but I am not sure. I use There in Spirits dance machine and dance hud exclusively now, its main advantage is it is copy. It is also fairly simple to use, configuration is mostly done on a webpage which generates text that you copy into a notecard inside the machine.
  11. I was reminded when reading the article of the problems and stand WordPress has taken because of the way DMCA is abused to restrict freedom of speech and generates large numbers of false claims that damage the bloggosphere's ability to function as it should. http://www.digital-digest.com/news-64359-Introduce-Statutory-Damages-for-DMCA-Abuse-Says-WordPress.html The IP watchdog's article presents an unsurprising perspective considering their raison detre, but it is far from impartial in its analysis.
  12. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Kimmy Sweetwater wrote: Hi I just purchased a television from the Marketplace and at the moment it is on my private plot of land where it can only be viewed by myself and a couple of friends. I was planning on moving it to my sim. It is open to the public and so the stream would be viewable by anyone who visits. Question is, it is illegal to have such devices in SL? Is it illegal for myself/friends.....or potentially, general public to be viewing? If it is illegal then what are the consequences? Plus, surely all such devices should be banned from SL? I sound like such a noob LOL but never really thought about it until a friend questioned me. Thanks in advance It sounds like you are using one of those generic TVs that stream stuff from the Internet, not and actual Film TV. Such as the ones that sell "copies" of various movies on a "dvd" for you to use in SL. I am fairly certain those type place are highly illegal. Seeing as you are only paying at most $2USD per movie to have forever in their player. I have often wondered why no one cracks down on them. There was a movie theater in SL i stumbled across that sold passes to the land at showtime. Upwards of 5K depending on the movie. They were shut down by someone. I would guess If youdon't profit from the showing it makes it less likely for someone to report you. Why would it be such a surprise to find out they did have licences? With regards to costs... it is not like you get HD on these movies they stream in low resolution..
  13. Is visual complexity the same as render weight? If so isn't that metric broken what with it appearing to reward high triangle and vertice mesh in heads and bodies? The catwa heads for example are insanely complicated and yet it's render weight is low
  14. Try a different browser, maybe you have some security thing on your normal browser that is causing problems.
  15. Thanks for those figures PussyCat. When I mentioned render weight I was perhaps using the wrong term, what I was thinking of when I made my post was Chalice Yao's list of triangles and Vertices that make up the respective mesh bodies. I tried to post with a direct link to the table, but the post just vanished, so it would seem the forum software doesn't ike the link... but here is the information in abridged form for the triangles (The vertices follow the same pattern) Kemono 26K Physique 53K Avatar 2.0 56K The Mesh Project Free 57K Lena Lush & Perky 65K Maitreya Lara 108K Eve Pulpy & Slim 134k & 135K respectively The Mesh Project basic 193K G Inc Perfect Body 910K Beleza Isis & Freya 1766K She adds as explanation: EDIT: If you want to verify the numbers: Develop -> Show Info -> Show Render Info, and then rightclick-select the body. Just note that the default viewer has a bug in the vertex counting, which I have fixed in mine. By default it only counts the vertexes in the last link. The triangles get properly added up in all viewers. Hence why I have just included the triangles and because well I don't want to copy the whole table. If you want a link to the post I will send it to you in IM. On a purely feel basis, these numbers correspond more for me on how mesh bodies I have appear to render. When I am sailing and doing lots of sim crossings, camming around, then the slink physique is better than Maitreya which is better than the mesh project. Also when I look at other peoples avatars in a group setting it is the Belleza ones that either never rezz or are slowest to do so.
  16. The Belleza is one body I have not bought, I have fiddled with the sliders on the demo and never got a shape from the bodies I really liked and that felt like me. The cost and render weight put me off spending money on it. But it does look good on you Pussycat. I also like the slink physique, it is an atheltic shape, and nice for having a low render weight. The Mesh Project body and Maitreya have nice curves, the Mesh project is perhaps a bit too perky... but really the big down side for me on the mesh project body is that the clothing layers glitch at the top of the legs. I think the Miatreya body is probably the most natural looking and versatile. It doesn't do the extremes of some of the other bodies, not as atheltic as the physique and not as curvy as Freya or Hourglass. But for most shapes it works well. Whilst its render weight is higher than the physique it is alot less than the Belleza bodies. I have boob physics working pretty well on it I haven't noticed the butt move except in a bad way with sliders maxed on the physics, but I haven't spent much time studying that lol. I bought the Slink Hourglass recently, and the shape just looks a bit alien there are some weird unnaturalnesses to it like the nipple placement and the butt just doesn't look right to me. Not sure now why I bought it. The Lena Lush body has maybe the most natural shape but the mesh is a bit blocky and it looks a bit dated now. But it is perhaps the most mature and natural looking body (apart from the cartoon nipples). A shame there isn't a lot of mesh clothes for it and it hasn't had an update to make it look smoother. I like the demo of the Orange Nova, Nauha mesh body, it has a lot of interesting options, that will be the next body on my shopping list to play with. Not sure why the MeshBodyAddicts site is ignoring it. The default head does look a bit anime, but that can be replaced or just use the normal head and it takes Omega appliers. It is I think the option to go for for a flat chested look, but I need to buy it first and play with it some more before I can recommend it.
  17. soxley wrote: You could have handled this in less than 5 minutes by adjusting your land settings. And please, don't call me a troll or ignorant noob, because I've been in charge of land and it was easily done. Somebody losing their RL job over some (ultimately inconsequential) foolishness in SL is insane, though. I sincerely hope you don't feel good about that. It depends what the sim is being used for, if the sim requires rezzing to function as you want it to, for example a sim for vehicles or where weapons are used, then stopping them griefing also stops the sim from functioning the way it is intended. The only solution is for the Lindens to ban them, or you are allowing one antisocial person to waste the investment in the sim. The only recourse is to perma ban all their accounts whether it has money on it or not. It is daft to complain they have left no other option for dealing with them. No need to feel good or bad about a griefer losing their job they brought it on themselves.
  18. It is possible they attached an insanely complicated object that crashed your graphics card. Firestorm has a texture lag protection option I think ticked by default that might prevent that.
  19. If you check the transfer box in search instead of the copy one you will see they do still sell transfer ones.. So it is possible that they used to have someone popping over to buy from Craig and then stuffing them in dance machines ready to go in their hippo venders. The MOM dances they could have bought full perm when MOM shut up shop, Perhaps 3FX did the same? I am not sure.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Alwin Alcott wrote: the person at least had a agreements because he sold loaded danceballs and dance packs for lot of big creators for many years, and still today. The animations at the original store were mostly no trans, and he had it in his balls, so it must been a agreement in one or other way. <snip> Are you sure about those perms? Bits n Bobs, the original creator of some of the dances have always been no copy/transfer and perusing my couples dances from other creators with rare exception they are all no copy/transfer. Bits and Bobs for a few years now have sold all their dances in Copy form as well as No Copy at their main store. Alwin Alcott wrote: <snip> Biggest problem is he is one of te very few ( as far i know) resellers of the most known, but old, couple dance machine...so lot of people will still go there. More or less happens with another dance seller... H. .... vanished too, but still selling. It is hard guessing around the innuendos, but I think that this other business you might be talking about is back and releasing more dances, and doing promotions...I presume whatever the problem with the website and the dance hud is fixed now.
  21. Why isn't it a copyright issue once permission is withdrawn for the not unreasonable reason people's money is being taken and nothing received. In just the same way empty box sellers using pictures of another product are taken down. The situations would seem to be the same. Furthermore there would seem to be no legal risk anyway because doing so is in the resellers interests assuming from what has been said their health is preventing them manage their store
  22. The closest to that I can think of are the guided tours you get on Yava pods
  23. Since it is anime character than something Utilizator, Avatar 2.0 would seem to be the way to go. I think the sim is called Annie May or something, where you can go around looking at all the Anime creators heads and stuff.
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