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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. The solution for me to texture thrashing was to turn the video memory dial down in the viewer graphics setting from what my graphics card advertises it has.
  2. Can you not see the same debug settings in Alchemy and copy them in to the debug settings in Firestorm? They quite probably use Penny Patton's numbers, but the easiest way to check would be to look at them in Alchemy. http://pennycow.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/improving-sl-camera-short-version.html
  3. ChinRey, maybe you have your graphics settings higher now? I can't say I have noticed alot of difference in the 7 years I have been here. One thing I do remember in the past is empty sims being full of lag, something rarely seen now. For a long time I have occassional problems with textures and objects not rendering that a relog fixes, but whilst I don't remember this when I first joined SL, it has been happening for so long now, I can;t remember when it started. For example, yesterday after a cruise it took 3 or 4 relogs for me to be able to get me and party goers to all rezz body parts. Come to think of it, I remember people being grey sometimes for a whole party when I first joined, maybe that is a function of the same problem just pre-mesh. As for actual lag, I find avatars now tend to be much less laggy, and sims can take many more avatars before you start rubberbanding and having to cautiously move to a gap where you can do your dance moves. And for people chatting... that is hard to judge, I remember SL being very lonely place when I first joined, if it wasn't for bloodlines people trying to recruit you I would have thought there was no one interested in talking to new people. Now I find myself hiding on alts to get things done because people on my friendslists chat so much I struggle to get the things done I want to.
  4. The Nauha body comes with seperate attachments for body, clothes and tattoos. It sounds possibly like you are wearing two bodies at the same time, one you have textured (using the omega scripts?) and the default body?? Once you have textured one with your skin that is the only body attachment you want to be wearing. It is hard to tell from your description what you have done.
  5. I normally find restarting the viewer downloads stuff that has decided not to rezz. But this sounds different. If the Linden Viewer and firestorm are sharing your cache, then it is worth clearing it and letting it rebuild. It may be that something has got cirrupted in there. You could also try checking the bandwidth allocation you have given to the viewer. You might think more is better on that slider, but that isn't necesarily so as the higher you put it the more errors you will get. Try turning that setting down and seeing if that helps. Firestorm recommend 1000kbs for ADSL, it may be that even lower is better for you. I run mine around 500kbs (my internet is not much more than 2mbs). Note that textures are delivered now by html so that setting doesn't throttle texture download speed.... infact turning it up high can throttle textures because it is reserving internet speed for other core SL internet traffic.
  6. When you say you have done clean installs have you been deleting the cache files? because rather than just reinstalling it sounds to me like your cache is corrupted and deleting that and forcing it to be rebuild is the most likely way to fix the problem.
  7. There is an omega kit for it, https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Omega-System-Kit-Orange-Nova/6476423
  8. I can't see any pages through using search on Winfows 10 Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox. I can see you have this Jira for the problem. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41204? How do I add comments to it? Also how is anyone using this at all while showing results of search just brings up an error page?
  9. In both firefox and chrome search doesn't work as I would expect. Searching for "Roads" for example brings up two listings. To find one of my sims the only way to find it would appear to be to put in the full parcel name ie "Rockin' Rollers Motorcycle Club (RRMC) Seductive Roads South". Once I have found the link and I click it I just get an error message: ">The >places.secondlife.com page isn’t working places.secondlife.com redirected you too many times. >Try clearing your cookies ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" I get the same with the results for every search
  10. How easy it would be to copy your avatar really depends on how much you have customised it and how you have customised it. As to knowing the state you are in, I suspect that was just something he worked out from some reference in your conversation, perhaps a colloquialism you have overlooked. It is a bit strange, but unlikely things happen at about the frequency you would expect but we only notice the unlikely events, because the likely ones are unremarkable.
  11. I think I did that when logged into the alts account through the viewer and the land\assets tab in the group window as displayed on this link, https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.5.1
  12. Merry Christmas.and happy chanukah to everyone
  13. Yes premium comes with 512m of tier included. I have 2 alts contributing tier to my land group to save me from having to tier up a further level to cover my land tier cost
  14. It is perhaps a long shot, but it might be worth clearing your cache maybe something has been corrupted
  15. Huddles EZ Animator Deluxe is a bit scripty and laggy for what it does. It does do a lot but I don't use any of the other functions it provides. I just checked and my Huddles uses 3280Kb and supports 10 dancers, my Ultimate dance Hud supports 25 dancers and uses 688Kb of memory. My TIS Fusion uses more memory 3904, but I do have it set up to support 50 dancers and it carries around 200 single dances and 150 couple dances. I am not saying anything wrong with using the huddles, I just don't think it is a very good option nowadays.
  16. I mostly use just the firestorm AO with dances in the stands section. That or just playing the animation from inventory... like for when the Timewarp comes on or I want to twist again like I did last summer! If I am somewhere that will rezz or it has a TIS machine and friends want to use couple dances, or I do then I wear my TIS Fusion Hud. If I want to be able to invite others or they want to click to join my dancing then I use this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ULTIMATE-Dance-HUD-ECLIPSE-Pink-Edition-25Invites/5293858 It works well, but it was a long time ago I bought it there may well be better or cheaper out there.
  17. 124 votes on this Jira from disgruntled sailors, pilots and USS sim owners about how the situation has deteriorated recently. Today's LCC cruise I think the only person to properly complete it did so on their eighth boat. Everyone else gave up or skipped large sections of the cruise. Last week was bad but this week even worse. Races are being cancelled because no one is completing the course. Something very bad is going on. Maybe it is the stopping of weekly sim restarts, or maybe it is something else. Something needs to be done or one of the best things about SL, and the one thing that keeps the value and desirability of owning mainland with water access will be wrecked and along with it a large part of the SL economy. I hope something is done soon. Consider voting on the Jira to help, stopping weekly server restarts makes no sense.
  18. Penny Patton wrote: That site has a nice list of the mesh bodies out there, but it doesn't say whether they're mod or not. So far as I am aware it is only Utilizator Avatar 2.0, Orange Nova's Nauha, Chip Midnight's MBody and Kitty's Lair's Lena bodies that are modifiable. Despite being Mod none of them have been hugely popular. I haven't seen very much third party support in the way of mesh clothes being made for them, except the Avatar 2.0, but it is the Anime community that that body appeals to. Whilst I can see value in having a Mod body, for most people the most important factor in chosing which to buy and use is how much quality third party mesh clothes there are for it. There is only so much you can do with modifiable mesh parts anyway. I can't for example edit the Nauha's neck to fit my neck properly. For the popular bodies I would say this based on my experience... Belleza recently rerigged their Freya body, maybe the others in their line too. Making alot of the clothes previously designed for them no longer fit properly. Slink has a lot of support from third party clothes makers, but, unless things have changed to use the body and change outfits it is quite complicated because you have one hud for your feet and hands another for your body and to change your foot shape, it is a matter of changing your feet The Maitreya body has one hud to do everything including changing your feet to fit different shoes. It is pretty easy to use. Its downside would be that getting the developers kit would seem to be quite difficult, but even with that, it is well supported for clothes.... (Slink I think is marginally better supported largely because it came out earlier). Maitreya is by quite a long way the most popular mesh body and for good reasons. It would be my recommended body. I have a few mesh heads but I don't use them. I am interested to see what Bento will mean for heads, if I need to use another hud for facial expressions I can't see me hurrying to get one. They seem to take ages to rezz even if their render weights don't show as being that high. Seeing a brain and partial bits of head for 5 minutes every time you meet someone with one or I wear one, isn't an image of myself I want to be displaying.
  19. I tend to find things when I stop looking for them. I would suggest finding a range of things to do and find out about. Go exploring through searches or following roads on the mainland, try sailing, go to places set up for helping other people like helping haven or Caledon university. You will have more to talk about, more knowledge to make yourself interesting and you will meet people that might want to be friends or even family
  20. Yes, every sailor will experience that. My point was about the increased frequency of problems. It is within the range of possible randomness but with them messing around with SIM resources just before it seems like more than just coincidence. I hope that is all it is or that SIM crossings settle again after this week's restarts
  21. Innula Zenovka wrote: News to me that " SL has been crazy awful since LL implemented this." Not that that means much, of course. What causes you to say that? I've not noticed any particular changes in performance (and even if I had, I would not automatically assume, without further data, that they were caused by this change, as opposed to any other of several different reasons I can think of why I might experience problems with SL). Sim crossings seem to be worse for sailors since this was introduced. On Saturday there was a sim in the Blake Sea crashing everyone on the cruise that entered it. And later in the day a Sim North of the Linden Channel doing the same thing. Yesterday there were a lot of problems with people saying sims were down and that Sunday was even worse. It may or may not be related of course, SL can have bad weekends for these sorts of things, but this last weekend it has been exceptionally bad.
  22. For biking sims, look out for ClaireBear's Teleport boards in most biking sims, you will find destinations much easier than you would using search.  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seductive%20Roads%20South/170/37/27
  23. try these https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Shoes-Classic-Pumps-multipack-high-heels-12-colours/871305
  24. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Are there any furniture sellers selling only no-copy furniture who are currently in the top very few percent of earners in SL? 8f8 spring to mind. Gatcha businesses seem to do very well for themselves. Some of the quality of their work is remarkable.
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