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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Surely by now the original creators are aware of what is going on here. It is possible that this person has no agreement with any of the creators and is just saying he sells preloaded dance balls when he is actually just ripping people off. If that's the case, I don't think a DMCA would work since he isn't copying their work, just using their names. While other legal action, such as a law suit, to make him stop is possible, it probably would be hugely expensive, especially if the creators and the thief live in different countries. The lesson here is not to buy from resellers when you can buy from the original creators. These dance balls are not hard to load with dances, in fact most of the time you just put the animations in the edit contents along with a notecard provided by the animation creator or available at the shop where you buy the dance balls. While I haven't priced the loaded dance balls against buying the ball and animations yourself, my guess is you can save some money since you aren't paying someone to load them for you and a profit for a third party. DMCA covers things like brand names being used in empty box scams doesn't it? Harley Davison, Disney whatever.... so why not the SL animation store brands? or even more so the dance system companies good name? And honestly in a situation like this I would issue the takedown notice and worry about the legal arguments later, because if the situation is as described. the reseller would want their store shut sooner rather than later in their absence.
  2. Since others are involved and this isn't just a one off, and if we seem to be talking about who I think we are talking about. Then I would think contacting the original creators would\should be worthwhile. Purchases of their animations are being made and not delivered then this would surely break whatever even minimal agreement they will have made allowing resale of their goods, breaking that agreement with them. They should therefore be able to DMCA the reseller because they are making a profit off their name outside of the agreement made about reselling their goods, and doing so in their name. The longer this goes on, the worse it is for everyone including the animation makers who's work is being resold and not delivered. If the owner of the reselling business is too unwell to deal with their business then I really hope they make a speedy recovery, but in the meantime they must be hoping the damage to their reputation and those people who's work they are reselling is limited and quickly, even if that means by being DMCA'ed by the people whos goods they are reselling. Disclaimer I am not a legal expert or anything this is just my opinion, but I can't see a flaw to it.
  3. For Hollywood estates the rule is not to build below 2500m in the sky.
  4. I don't see any progress on this since February, it really is tiresome. Three times this week I have had to fix problems around various sims I have things out. In one case the window and security menu on a house had had masking mode turned off causing the textured things you click to turn in to solid colours. It took some time and back and forth to work out this issue was the problem, the same as it regularly is for plants and a megaprim screen I have around one level. Each time I login now I wonder if there will be something new to fix.
  5. I had not heard of the LIFE hud before, there seems to be a Life 2 as well you can read about them on their marketplace listings: https://betasearch-marketplace.secondlife.com/p/L-I-F-E-HUD-The-Ultimate-SIMs-HUD-for-Second-Life/5008187 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Life2-HUD-Bringing-the-Life2-Your-Second-Life-Give-your-avatar-Hunger-Thirst-Energy-AND-More/7354453 In my opinion, Secondlife is complicated enough to start off with without adding additional problems like needing to eat ! I would come back to that later once you know the basics and decide then if you want to do that. Just dive in and have a go and start learning and making mistakes. You will learn much quicker than trying to learn prior to taking the plunge. There are now Gateway locations you can visit and get advice in world, like Caledon, New Citizens Incorporated and Helping Haven. http://secondlife.com/destinations/howto/newbie They would be good places to start out and you can ask the questions you can't work out for yourself in world.
  6. The Utimate Sailor buddy is used by the Rainbow Sailing Yacht club for their cruises, LCC also send out a notecard to use with their cruises along with the DS Cruiser hud and PPS map system. You can read the marketplace descriptions for full functionality, the main advantage for me is being able to do the RSYC cruises. But especially when racing having the waypoints automatically update without messing about with the map is useful. Also having the speed and wind information on display is good for those boats that like to hide that information away. If you are racing it synchs with the start line timer too, to help get a good start. Demo of the pro version: https://betasearch-marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ultimate-Sailor-Buddy-Pro-13-Demo/4352216 And a free basic version: https://betasearch-marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Ultimate-Sailor-Buddy-Basic-13/4352236
  7. I don't think rlv is required... some penises have an autohide feature depending on sim rating that doesn't use rlv. I have no idea about scripting though.
  8. I like playing en garde or good old chess. Others like racing their sail boats. Warbugs used to be popular and probably still is. There are lots of different ways to play against other players.
  9. I read the script it was giving an error because the file name of photos was too long.
  10. I recently bought one of these to put some photos in : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Laptop/4733750 It works fine with most textures but not those made by photographing them inworld. I even downloaded the photo and uploaded it again and it still breaks the display script. So I am trying to comapre the image properties for the TGA files that work and the photograph that doesn't to see the difference to save the photo in a compatible format, but paint.net so far as I can see doesn't show me any information on the file, just settings I can change to not what it already is. So is there something in Windows that will do this? or is there a free program I can use to do this?
  11. I go sailing so I need to be able to see parcel boundaries on the minimap to avoid getting snarled up in ban lines and last time I checked that functionality was only avaialable in the third party viewers. Also the option of RLV is handy for my Sailors buddy hud because it saves me having to keep closing the world map each time I pass by a waypoint. Firestorm has a neat built in AO I would miss greatly now too. For those reasons I haven't used the Linden viewer for about a year now, it just doesn't have the functionality I use when I am in world. I am not sure Firestorm would be easier for using mesh bodies, it might be... I haven't used the Linden Lab viewer for so long I can't really advise on that. Firestorms quick preferences might be a slight advantage. But I think both UIs are fairly modifiable so you can clear away all the useless buttons you get preinstalled to make the most of the screen area for accessing huds, which is where most of the set up happens with mesh bodies. If you use the firestorm AO then one less hud on screen is a marginal advantage.
  12. From what Rhonda says, it sounds like your shape has got corrupted. Try her advice, or if you are struggling to do what she has said try going to somewhere like the helping haven gateway for in world real time advice. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Favorite-Destinations/Helping-Haven-Gateway-Opens/m-p/3017950/highlight/true#M6784
  13. Just to be super clear.... You can have a linden home and buy land on mainland... But when you do the 512m2 free tier will be spent on the linden home, so any additional mainland you buy will be coming out of additional tier you will have to agree to pay for. The Linden home is good value because the house on the land doesn't come out of the allowance for prims that comes with the land and there is no one off payment required to buy the land itself. Alot of people have both, because once they have found their ideal mainland spot and are paying at a tier level, they find they have 512 or more tier free they might as well use on a linden home.. which makes for a nice private getaway.. or just somewhere else fun to decorate.
  14. I would put your photo studio in a skybox, it doesn't need to be at ground level and will be less laggy. Similarly your club area, I would put in a skybox.... unless you are wanting to build it over the linden water. As for "Inverse buildings having too low ceilings", that sounds like you have your camera angle set up badly. If you buy somewhere with really high ceilings it will look odd and out of proportion. Better to follow Pamela Galli's advice from here and fix the problem in your viewer: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Cut-Mesh-Prims-by-Changing-Your-Camera-Angle/m-p/2054145/highlight/true#M112554 Take a look at her houses too, also Creative Decay, Laq Decor, Dutchie, BBX - just to name a few off the top of my head.
  15. What viewer are you using? Are you able to remove everything you are wearing? or reset to a default avatar? (if it is an attachment causing the problem taking it off will solve the problem)
  16. They will probably look fine if you turn advanced lighting off. But whilst invisiprims have good uses shoes aren;t one of them, you are much better off using alpha layers and shoes with them where you can
  17. As others have pointed out for Sansar there won't be much for the moles to do. The idea is however good and timely for Sansara and the other mainland continents, as they need some loving too, especially with the grandfathered tier offer for private estates.
  18. I would imagine they are local, but it would be hard to test
  19. This is a list for firestorm, but the principles apply for any viewer. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail
  20. The 40 avatar limit and lack of Control to do things like restarts makes mainland a bad option now. If it wasn't for the transport routes and ability to explore sim to SIM there would be nothing going for mainland. They should think about pricing and do more rezoning. There are at least as many redundant water Sims where no one can get without living on the adjacent SIM as there are blocked or effectively blocked routes that could be fixed by moving Sims around. You can get around three quarters of the Atoll before you meet an impassable corner. It would be easy to move a few Sims so you can get around Nautilus or the continent to its south.
  21. The firestorm AO doesn't use scripts so I would have thought its performance was marginally better. You can add multiple animations to cycle randomly or in order to any of the types. I am pretty sure Zhao based AOs allow multiple walks, stands and sits. I don't fully agree about Mocap always being best. Whilst I am sure Oracul use Mocap for some AOs the ones they sell that don't are still very high quality. The walks I use are from them and them in whatever other AO I am using at the time because the stride length and timing is spot on.
  22. Pussycat's guide is really good and I recommend reading it through. For me bought shapes are nearly always too tall or just weird shapes, but that doesn't matter because adjusting the key proportions is not that hard to do once you have followed a guide like Pussycat's by eye and quickly. What is important for me with a hsape is how the face works with the skin, because working on shape sliders is best done in only very small doses, it is so easy to adjust some settings that look fine at the time and then you change windlight and you look like you have become deformed. If you have a shape that makes your face look good then stick with it and use it as the starting point for the final shape, only adjust the head sliders with extreme care and conservatively. Basically the settings to focus on initially are height, leg length, torso length, head size and hip length. The head wants to be somewhere between a seventh and an eight the height of the body. the crotch wants to be in the middle. The height wants to look right next to your partner. fiddle with the settings until it looks right and you have those proportions. Once you have the vertical dimensions right you can start fiddling with body width, leg and toso muscles and shoulder width, Shoulders should be roughly 3 heads wide. Do remember to make sure your avi's arms are long enough that they can wipe his butt, no one wants an avi that looks like they are stinky. People in real world do vary from the ideal proportions to some extent, and it is after all your world your fantasy, so a certain amount of cartooning, to vary from ideal proportions is fine, but it does help to use the guide to know where you are varying from the norm and how much by.
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