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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I think the closest I have seen most similar to this idea in Secondlife are those in Second Norway where homesteads are divided up with common space between them and a road system and waterways. The waterways dominate, because they fulfill a desire for people to have a home with a place to rezz their boats. That said I would like the option of living on a continent like yours where I could drive my car down to the coast to start a journey, but occupancy on the Hollywood estate sims seems lower now than I remember. The market you would be looking at does seem to be contracting.
  2. I count 16 needed to go around the coast, it could be less if there are any linden protected waterways along the edges of any of those sims. I think much more value added for all with a coastal route, as it will make the route more enjoyable not to mention the added value for the additional land that will gain protected waterways access.
  3. Yep I noticed that... I will have limit the crew on my loonetta to 10.. I think can get 27 on those little boats. i have had about 14 before.
  4. My boat parcel will be set for public rezzing anyway, just like my Horizons one and all my parcels are, I am sure many others will be the same.
  5. i have only twice had a problem in three years across all the mainland water parcels I own or run (about 8 now). The number of times I have appreciated the need of a nearby rezz area.,,, countless. Your solution to a minor problem is far worse.
  6. I disagree. If I get a parcel there as premium member I would want the option of letting friends use the parcel to start their adventures, and if I crash on a sim crossing I would want a public rezz zone to continue on my way
  7. A smaller house may cater for different functions. If I were to get one of these, I would go for a smaller house, so i had a bit more garden for some plants and a deck chair. Put maybe some basic furnishings in the house and a telepad up to my main skybox living space up away from the neighbours' texture lag.
  8. those are the furthest North ones I can see, I can see a chain south and bending a few sims East leading to Pyri Peaks. about 25 two abreast is about 50. I was giving a rough figure hard to count them without distinguishing features to indicate sim borders.
  9. Look on the map at Pyri peaks there are about 50 new water sims in leading north two abreast
  10. It looks like waterways are going in between Jeogeot and Sansara. @Patch are you going to be adding water sims around Jeogeot and Sansara to allow water access to their main sailing areas? because South Sansara water is cut off from the North and I believe Pyri fair is cut off from the Jeogeot inland sea too.
  11. Probably, but whilst Sansara to Jeogeot is a reasonable fit, it would have to include quite a few more sims to complete the linkage to the other continents, as to my eye it only bridges about 2/3rds of the gap between them. Furthermore, for the warships to travel up from their bases to the top of Jeogeot they would have to navigate some sims without protected waterways unless more were added around Jeogeot too. Sansara to Jeogeot... feels plausible but the linkage doesn't really add much value as both areas being linked are pretty much dead ends. I just can't see them adding in all the sims to link up Sea of Fables with the Jeogeot Sea, too many sims to add and without doing that why make the linkage at all. A better fit would perhaps be to link Gaeta I up with Corsica and or Gaeta V. Less sims required for that and with just a few more sims, like one South of Genrin, it would link it even further south all the way to the Blake Sea and beyond. But whilst that would be a linkage to better waterways greatly expanding options and function for the continent, it is a linkage to a continent they never finished and always looked like they had forgotten about and regretted starting. I doubt they will come back and finish Gaeta I after 10 years, or even just link to it, but it would be the less work, less sims and a better option than linking Sansara to Jeogeot.
  12. The horizons area of zindra is all double prim and connected to boat rezzing by the road system.
  13. Granted, Gifts you a one way ticket to Pyongyang. I wish I was going on holiday to Barbados next week
  14. Your shoe\foot base (at least on a female avatar) allows a little height adjustment with platform and heel height sliders. AOs also affect height you are above the floor, why some include animation sets for different scaled avatars.
  15. I am thinking of one example from experience that perhaps illustrates an ambiguity in meaning related to this from my experience building roads. A mesh road corner piece with a barrier around it by Meshlogic would be about 3 or 5 land impact. I can make a similar road piece from a prim with a path cut, hollow cylinder, it will be just 1 Li until you add a material texture to it and it gets counted on same system as mesh where its land impact goes up to over 100 Li. The MeshLogic surface is actually smoother and better for vehicles and tolerates badly lined up joins between pieces much better than the prim built surface. For the prim built surface to escalate so high on Land Impact, I am thinking it must have much more vertices\complexity than the Mesh road has, but it doesn't function so well. Well optimised mesh can be better functionally than prims. My experience and example contradicts Wulfie's assertion once the playing field is leveled when the same land impact accounting is considered, the prim is only lower land impact (with worse physics) before materials are added. But to be fair I am talking about a tortured prim, not standard ones they were. So not so much a contradiction as a clarification\consideration for the discussion.
  16. I was thinking the Parisian and Warehouse, but I like the White Loft too... so much I have all 3 rezzed in different parcels. Another to mention I used for a long time that is small but not too small and very nice is the Clocktower by Rageworks, only 10 Li, a nice place to set as home with your pose stand and other bits and bobs you want to hand when you rezz in. Just while I was looking at it on Market place I see their NightFall Atelier at 38LI, very nicely detailed room skybox.
  17. Maybe it is has been corrected since I bought it? I just rechecked to make sure it wasn't a faulty memory and my feet are still sinking in to the floor. Just a couple of inches but enough to irritate me. I just went to their redelivery terminal to see if there was an update, but I bought it so long ago it isn't listed and the problem isn't sufficient to bother me enough to contact them about it. I still recommend it as a skybox home though, the fix I needed to do was only for the ground floor and just one prim to add. Ps Thoroughly agree with Schultz Bros. I love the Roosevelt Skybox they do, a nice homely space and only 27 Li. Pps: I second Onsu too, I have the Maple skybox out and it makes for a lovely functional small apartment at 45Li
  18. I have a lovely mesh sky box by Apple Fall (the London apartment). It needs an invisible prim surface on the ground floor to prevent sinking in to it, but is only a slight annoyance to fix.
  19. To put a building in the sky in a garden context I hollow out two prims and stretch them out to the edge of the platform, with one slightly outside the other. The inner one I texture as a wall and shape it to look like a wall. The exterior one I firstly add an invisible texture to and then apply an alpha texture of trees that will work when using alpha masking to the interior face. With a grass textured platform and a few trees in corners the look is adequate for my needs and achieved in just 3 prims. For mesh sky boxes I have a few nice ones. The ones by Skye stand out in my memory for usability, quality of look and low land impact, but there are others worth looking at. I can check my inventory after work today to refresh my memory if that helps.
  20. Most water sims around Nautilus have rezz areas in the NE corner. If you use firestorm you can turn on parcel borders on the minimap by r-clicking the minimap. It helps to see when they are there. With water sometimes it can be difficult to rezz on it, camming down vertically before dragging and dropping helps alot. You can get nice free boats for sailing from most of the yacht clubs, but to start out you might want to look up Michie Marine on marketplace for free motorboats. They aren't the best, but they work and do sim crossings well and for free they are great for starting out exploring. For swimming you can swim anywhere you want. But if you look up Fancis deep you will find mermaid themed areas to explore around there, also some nice swimming to the East of Degrand, in Corsica.
  21. It seems to be fixed the DJ is back and the party has doubled in size from people getting back online. About an hour problem, maybe local to France
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