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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. My oldest account is 9 and a half years old, but I only came in world then for a few hours. I remember learning to walk, trying to change my outfit. Being totally scared to speak in public and make a fool of myself. Walking through lag, not really seeing where I was going and walking off the end of a pier and getting stuck under water and couldn't get out. I came back 2 years later with this account and a better computer and made it out of the welcome area safely and not looked back since.
  2. Possibly a little better, but still getting a notification every 30 seconds. [07:35] Second Life: Can't rez object 'FireworksParticle3' at { 52.2898, 118.969, 70.5099 } on parcel 'Protected Land' in region Fudo because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use the land tool to see land ownership. [07:35] Second Life: Can't rez object 'FireworksParticle2' at { 62.5999, 111.293, 59.7242 } on parcel 'Protected Land' in region Fudo because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use the land tool to see land ownership. [07:35] Second Life: Can't rez object 'FireworksParticle2' at { 54.7915, 127.117, 51.9608 } on parcel 'Protected Land' in region Fudo because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use the land tool to see land ownership. [07:36] Second Life: Can't rez object 'FireworksParticle2' at { 61.9729, 132.964, 53.5834 } on parcel 'Protected Land' in region Fudo because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use the land tool to see land ownership. I tried your other suggestion and logged in as my alt and to my surprise he had accumuluated enough lindens from stipend to buy the fireworks and send me a few thousand pocket money. He has to light the fireworks, as there is no option for group control of them, but that workaround does at least work and will allow me to see the party chat.
  3. I fiddle about with different builds in the sky, if I like them I store them in a rezzer for posterity. At ground level on one parcel (Fudo) it is the same garden and docking I put out when I got it a year or so ago. Another place (Snug Harbor) has been the same for about a year... a cafe\bar garden and dockside. Before that it had a different house and layout but same boat docking. Once I have my ground level functional.. and how I want it, I leave it be with just some changes to reflect the different seasons, different party themes. My Gallery parcel.. just gets a floor added from time to time time to accommodate more pictures. Most of my tinkering with buildings is done in the sky. Sometimes I go back to old builds and change them around and save them in the rezzer.
  4. It is coming up for firework night, so dug my firework machine out of my inventory. It is great but I keep getting spammed with these messages: "[14:07] Second Life: Can't rez object 'FireworksParticle2' at { 114.552, 0.0432587, 46.1296 } on parcel 'xxxxx' in region xxx because the owner of this land does not allow it. Use the land tool to see land ownership." I only really need to know once and there is not alot I can do about it anyway, it fires up in the air and they spread out.. some are bound to go where they probably shouldn't, and the fact they then end prematurely is useful to know once.. But the message spams for the duration the fireworks are running which will make it hard for me to follow local chat. I use firestorm and have been through the notifications I can disable and can't see one that would correspond to this message. Maybe a debug setting will disable it? Anyone got any ideas for how to turn this notification off?
  5. Yay back in... I can finish getting dressed
  6. mmm Good idea just because I can't login, doesn't mean I can't listen to my land stream. Secret Agent seems appropriate right now... https://somafm.com/secretagent/songhistory.html
  7. Have Linden Lab confirmed or said anything about the problems over the last week to confirm that these are DDOS attacks?
  8. It seems Final Fantasy has been suffering DDOS attacks recently, I have no reason to think it linked but the article says: “FFXIV” had previously been subjected to DDoS attacks. A study by a U.S. internet company has showed that some 80 percent of DDoS attacks worldwide are targeted at game services. “The attacks may have been carried out by people who commit the offense for pleasure, hold a grudge against the company or seek money,” said Nobuhiro Tsuji, an information security expert. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/11/01/business/tech/players-affected-online-game-final-fantasy-xiv-hit-unprecedented-cyberattacks/#.W9y_FmbLeUk I am a little surprised games should be so commonly the targets, but then I know next to nothing about these things
  9. Naz Fride at Atomic Palace on Saturdays has a great knowledge of obscure music that it sounds like you will like, always a nice welcoming group of regulars there. Benny Boozehound that DJs for LCC on Tuesdays another great DJ that plays some great tunes from Swing, to soul, to Grateful Dead. There are some great Djs around in SL. Off to do a Halloween set myself, got some Neil Young, Squirrel Nut Zippers and Tom Waits amongst others lined up for it.
  10. Irish Gent's Seychelles area north of the blake sea and now connecting to Corsica too, is a separate area to the United Sailing Sims connected to the Blake sea, I think now (the Seychelles) is owned mostly if not entirely by one or more of the Chungs.
  11. I had a bath and made myself and beetroot sandwich and a cup of coffee and managed to get back in. Just posting that here in case it helps someone else. ?
  12. I am trying to login to see if the event I am running is still going or not - lol
  13. Thanks that is great news ! I thought things seemed to have been getting better. this will be why.
  14. Chris Hulne did not want the BNP to be given a platform, he only appeared because they had been. https://www.webcitation.org/5khRP4u6Q Confronting their views is not the same as, No Platform. I would not appear at a meeting organised by the BNP, and nor would I extend an invitation to them. It is no part of the business of an elected liberal to drum up larger audiences for our most reviled opponents. They are welcome to their freedom of speech, but they can choose their own street corner and their own soapbox without my help. But the BBC has decided to invite Griffin, and I fear that Thursday night's excitement would not have been called off just because the Liberal Democrats decided not to participate.
  15. Would they hide water so boats don't look like they are in serious need of being bailed out, like the way that invisiprims work without advanced lighting on in the Trudeau Patchagogue?
  16. My suggestion was and is to change the description of the option to reflect what is does. You aren't arguing with me about the question I raised, but an aside. I note your disagreement, but it doesn't change my opinion, nor my experience of instant ejections for putting a foot over a parcel border. I have every right to suggest how people do things. They don't have to listen of course, you don't have to agree.
  17. Orbs do stop people coming in and take the time to react that you set on them. Banlines aren't the best tool to stop intruders, they are a nuisance to travelers and to other land owners who find the resale value of their property halved when their new neighbour starts using them. And going back to my original point. 9 times out of 10 the people I contact never even realised they had banlines up because they ticked a parcel setting about allowing something, not refusing it.
  18. A properly set orb does that much better and turning off the setting to allow viewing into the parcel. Banlines attract attention, they don't distract from it. If I get snared on one and see someone on the parcel I will cam them and (if they aren't bonking) probably start talking to them about their parcel settings, where I wouldn't even have thought to look there before. They are just the wrong tool for that job.
  19. One more to their list of grievances makes no difference to anyone, it is just another talking point for their apologists. It has nothing to do with not allowing them to talk. The point of no platform is to defend the right of any individual to not appear or participate in a platform with and for racists and to encourage them not to do so. Excuse me for not shedding any tears over a grievance that would deny the rights of others to chose who they appear on a platform with. You aren't defending freedom of speech by forcing people to do what they don't want to.
  20. Their popularity went up after Question Time: "The first opinion poll taken after Nick Griffin's appearance, conducted hours after the programme by YouGov for The Daily Telegraph, indicated that voter support for the BNP had increased by 1%, from 2% to 3%, in the previous month, and that 22% of voters were now "seriously considering" voting BNP in a future local, general or European election — broken down into "definitely", 4%; "probably", 3%; and "possible", 15%.[60] The bookmaker, William Hill, changed its odds on the BNP winning a Westminster seat in the 2010 General Election from 10-1 to 7-2 after the programme.[49] The BNP received 1.9% of the vote in the election and did not win a seat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_Time_British_National_Party_controversy#Other_reactions_and_analyses It was certainly around the time of their peak in interest, but the immediate reaction by all comparable indices was an increase thanks to the Question Time performance. Comparing euro election results to the fo9llowing years local election results, you are missing the significant difference between the two election formats and what people were voting on. In the 2010 General election they received over 5% of the result and saved their deposit. That they lost Councillors in the local elections is more to do with their Councillors being laughably useless and incompetent.
  21. To argue that the BNP's election result in 2009 and subsequent decline were because of no platforming, makes very little sense. They have been consistently no platformed for the majority of their miserable existence... after all why would anyone in their right mind want to be at an event with them? To say the Question time platform the BBC gave after their 2009 election result, exposed them and led to their decline is over simplisitic and simply false. Their popularity actually went up by most counts after the BBC program, albeit just by one percentage point. The following year in the local elections they increased their share of the vote from the preceding local elections by a small amount. The popularity and decline of the BNP in that period was to do with other factors, far more convincingly the expansion of EEA immigration, although that too is an oversimplification. No platform generally works, no ones freedom of speech is inhibited or compromised. No right minded person wants to share a platform with racist idiots anyway, so why should they.
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