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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. The log out problem seems to have gone, but replaced this weekend by a different problem where people appear 100m away from the boat after the sim crossing and no control over the vehicle. It is a familiar sim crossing problem to any traveller, but what is different this weekend is the frequency. I run a sailing group and we ran a route around blake sea and around Nautilus city and I think all of us had this problem 6 or more times across the couple of hours we sailed. The immediate solution seems to be to teleport away and teleport back and you reconnect with your boat and can continue. We have always had these maybe once or twice an hour but it has got silly now. I don't know if the sims are in bad shape and need restarts or what is going on but we seem to have swapped one problem for another.
  2. No privacy settings on my houseboat, the only restriction is no damage and autoreturn set to 5 minutes. I have a skybox there if I want privacy. When I am hanging out at ground level I am dealing with messages or just otherwise chilling out and tinkering. I have said hi and spoken with a few of the neighbours when I have seen them online, they are all friendly. My neighbours on one side have done a great job decorating their houseboat, the one on the other side is a bit like mine, minimally and functionally decorated a kitchen some seating inside and out and some pot plants is all I really feel the need for. When I have a party there I can stretch the wooden prim deck out for a dance space. Otherwise the decking and support post prims just give me enough space for some more seating and some more usable outside space at water level. The shape of the parcel is a bit awkward for a skybox, but so long as you are aware you may have to go to a sandbox to rotate the building before it will rezz, then the additional length to the space creates a more spacious feel than a square parcel would.
  3. What is DFS? Being from the UK all I can think of relating to those letters is a sofa shop.
  4. Zindra is full of castles and dungeons, one more wouldn't hurt.
  5. Create a prim, add a rock texture to it from the library folder. Edit it, check the box next to stretch texture and then stretch it until it is covering the floor plan of your building. If the texture looks okay stretched then just stretch it to shape under your building and place the building on top. If it doesn't then stretch the prim to the extent the texture does look good and then uncheck the stretch texture box before stretching it to cover the floorplan of the building Maybe think about adding a staircase or some prims to make steps or platforms. Texture them as rock, or grass if you are wanting a lawn section. It shouldn't take long if you know how to manipulate prims to make it look good. If you don't then look on youtube, ask a friend, visit the ivory tower of primitives or one of the help sims like helping haven, Caledon or builders brewery for some help.
  6. There is a fixed landing point set on one of the Seychelles islands that sends you to their bedroom, it takes a few minutes to extricate yourself from their maze like home. At least they haven't coupled it with an eject orb. I can't help but wonder what they are thinking of with the setting?
  7. I think it worth adding to the advice that I would avoid linking no copy items until you are quite confident with building because if it goes wrong and the object you have linked is made of more than one part you could find if you need to unlink it it unlinks in pieces that are hard to reassemble. If the objects are copy then you have the fall back of rezzing a new copy
  8. 520 people on my friends list now. I rarely ask to add someone, people can find me from my groups if they want to anyway. I can find them through shared groups too. It can be nice to see them going offline and coming back, during a cruise it normally means they have suffered a crash and I can ask after them, if they need help to find a rezz area, but really I put next to no thought in to it. Life is too short.
  9. Alot will know what is going on when they have been IP banned temporarily, and how to get around it, but I think it deters sufficient numbers of casual amateur griefers for it to be worthwhile. Any more than it is would be pointless, but its inclusion helpful. Even with a determined griefer with an army of alts, it can give you a bit of time to turn scripts and rezzing off, shut things down for half an hour or an hour while you return stuff and hopefully they get bored. Some breathing space to deal with all the advice and concerned messages coming your way.
  10. I thought Estate bans already included a few hours of an IP ban, enough to deter a casual griefer but limited to prevent unintentional and unreasonable consequences.
  11. I am sure the alien lizard community will be pleased to know that Dan Linden's latest project is testing flexi prim clothing
  12. I can't say I am such a fan of the parcel visibility settings, although not such an issue for sailors here on Bellissarria widespread usage would become a pain for those flying because of the graphic rendering strain it puts on you as your passengers and nearby travellers pop in and out of existence every parcel with the setting on. Sailing the Seychelles channel in a group, always generates complaints. Because with cache memory never seeming to be utilised efficiently, it means waiting them to download and travelling around with pink clouded passengers, neighbouring boats vanishing and potential collisions.
  13. Ediited to remove my observation about control panels as they work better than the way they say they do, allowing the doors to be open to all without the worry of coming back to a redecorated house.
  14. Underwater decoration might be coming, Abiatti now has underwater planting and rocks.
  15. We can already cuddle her... You don't want to get on her wrong side that crop looks vicious.
  16. Are there any Abnor and Dyna moles we can get to cuddle like the Naughty mole from Rizal? You all deserve a hug for the work you are doing!
  17. If there is nothing underwater then judging by its shape I think it safe to say it looks like a large boat was moored there for a few hours. Possibly with a boat keeper Alt, possibly an aircraft carrier serving as a destination for a flight or flights to Jeogeot. You sometimes get similar big boats temporarily on Blake Sea maps being used as part of a groups activities as a destination for pilots or sometimes as a rescue ship for air lifted ship wreck survivors. If I am right it will vanish in a few days.
  18. I wonder if when they move to the cloud they can offer instanced homes to premium members that have the security and more that some seem to miss from their new continent homes. I would think they could make instanced homes completely neighbourless and offer estate level security features for them.
  19. You could try an appeal to vanity. You could tell them that advanced lighting makes them look so much better and actually improves performance. They might then have the vanity to try it and then they will see how ugly their full bright boat looks and then they might ask how to change it.
  20. The description of behind closed doors on General land isn't very clear. At first sight it seems to be very restrictive but on reflection it can't be intended to be. What does "behind closed doors" mean? Adult activity on Moderate land must be conducted "behind closed doors," meaning that you must make every reasonable effort to ensure that the parcel is private. This means: Allow only a group or specific individuals access to the parcel. If it is group-access only, the group must not be freely open to join. Hide avatars (turn off avatar visibility) for the parcel. Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ#What_does_.22advertises_or_publicly_promotes.22_mean.3F At first sight it seems to mean that all of the list needs to be complied with to comply with "every reasonable effort". But on that reading it makes no sense to enclose behind walls or other visible barriers as the first two would prevent anything being used or seen anyway. The way the list therefore has to be intended to be understood as a list of examples of what "every reasonable effort" could mean. That essentially means that it is sufficient to keep your adult activities outside of public view by the use of walls, or other barriers for example using your bed inside your home, inside your boat, inside you skybox, or a cave. There is no need to do the first of the two in the list to comply with "every reasonable effort", just one of them. If you were to see the list as meaning they all need to be complied with then the vast majority of moderate landowners in SL would be breaking the rules, including all the big rental businesses that explain how the policy applies on their moderate rentals. In conclusion then the walls of your home are sufficient barrier on moderate land for bumping pixels. You might be pushing it if the walls have lots of open windows, but I doubt anyone would complain. For your own privacy I would recommend getting a skybox for your intimate activities. You can't however advertise a sex party on your land in a large group, hand out fliers, put out notices, or charge admission, you can however advertise it to a small private group you control, or message friends directly with invites.
  21. Because they disrupt travel without warning and as a consequence affect neighbouring landowners investments, devaluing their property. The only sense of community that aggressive orbing and banlines generate is a community aggrieved at the individual using them.
  22. The obvious metrics would be to look at usage of orbs and banlines on mainland. If I recall correctly from the wiki article about 10-5% with only a tiny minority of them set aggressively under a minute.
  23. 1. An orb will handle more than 300 people. 2. I don't know. I would hope 20 seconds at least. LL appear to be concerned about making a community a bit like the successful private areas attached to mainland the Seychelles, USS Sims, Fairchang, that all have bans on banlines and restrictions on orbs. Rather than going down routes they have been down before which appear from your experience to have been beset by griefers.
  24. The thing I don't understand is you have had such bad experiences at Meadowbrook that you had to shut everything down to deal with it and yet you want to go back there and where the best solution to those problems, having an orb protected skybox isn't available. I and others haven't had the problems you have had, and I have never had to resort to those measures. I have had stalker, griefers, unwanted guests and comments shouted at me across fences but I have never encountered a problem that isn't easily resolved by some combination of banning, muting and autoreturn or in some cases an abuse report (on a griefer object off my parcel). If I was getting particle spammed or had a follower attach to me then I would retreat to my skybox, an option unavailable at one of the old Linden homes. The only things that have forced me to move are people moving in next door with banlines that light your home up like you are living in a Tokyo shopping arcade. Sure they can be turned off, but then I have to turn them on again as soon as I go out. The only sense of community they create is one antagonistic to the person running them. Banlines don't achieve anything that an orb doesn't do better, they are only any good for bouncing on and that novelty wears off pretty quickly.
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