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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Garden of dreams and Marian Lean do nice systems. Both can be used with Novatech's Horizons system and their away team module. It is pretty easy to make your own scenes too. But mostly now I use rezzers (there are quite a few simple ones available) more for changing my skybox from a living room, to a bedroom or hot tub room as I desire. Some furniture seems to work better in them than others, some old furniture when you rezz it, you have to wait 5 minutes for it to load all its notecards of poses, whilst newer furniture tends to be ready to use as soon as it has rezzed.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: So the bottom line is that there is no perfect solution. Those who pay for land are more satisfied than passers-by, but it's not perfect even for them. Far from perfect, the survey cited on the wiki suggests that land owners generally don't want to prevent people exploring and especially using airspace for vehicles "A survey made by our team showed that about 40% of all parcels have restricted access, as follows: 20% use ban lines and use group access, access list or no access list. This percent is much higher in some places of the grid and a lot lower in others. 5 to 10% use entity orbs to restrict access. From these, the majority use a higher eject time (over 10 seconds). Only a few are very aggresive and are set for less then 5 seconds. Also, only a few teleport people to another parcel. About 15% use banned lines for a few unwanted visitors." http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land_With_Restricted_Access#Percents It is only orbs that restrict vehicle access in the sky, and "Only a few are very aggresive and are set for less then 5 seconds." Land owners using their tools to restrict access are a minority, and those that take steps to prevent flying vehicles are just a few. A few that spoil it for everyone else. It is currently perfect for only a small minority.... a situation like that is dysfunctional and any solutions LL can implement ultimately would increase retention and interest in buying, renting and using mainland.
  3. Qie Niangao wrote: Yep. I contribute a little over a half-sim tier to a group that exists solely for that purpose, and the vast majority of the rest of my land is equally open for anybody to use. Why ever not? And again, as I've pointed out over and over again, the RL analogy only applies to the extent people want it to apply, and even then it's a huge stretch. For example, imagining for the nonce that I want to pretend my SL land is somehow "like" my RL house, I sure as heck don't get to blast to kingdom come somebody who knocks on the door, nor do I get to vapourise any motor vehicle that tries to turn around in my driveway. SL ain't RL and no amount of make-believe will make it so. The same for me. I contribute about an eigth of a sims tier for an open space for people to enjoy... (a motorcycle sim). I have 6 other parcels. One with a gallery displaying art I have bought, one hosting a friends art gallery and 4 others for people to rezz their boats hang out and party. I do have a few little private spaces in skyboxes but whilst I have used orbs over very limited range and with a timer the only time I ever really needed one was when I owned a sim and we were being repeatedly griefed by new accounts and I needed to give more people eject rights and an avatar ageban in place for a short while, until they had got bored and moved on.
  4. To me the Op seems to think mainland is a series of joined sims where people are encouraged to live together as a community. Somewhere distinct from private sims where people are given more controls (estate rights are avaialble) to live in splendid isolation protected from explorers. Whilst the tools are available to be anti-social as a land owner, or as an individual, people are encouraged to live socially in the knowledge base article, they are advised not to over do their security settings to balance the rights of explorers against their rights to privacy. The Op is making the understandable point that those people living on mainland and being anti-social in the use of their security systems are missing the point of mainland, and what is its main attraction and why parcels there can be so desirable that people will spend hundreds of thousands of linden dollars to buy land there, and will pay double or higher rent to live in the areas with access to protected routeways like they do around coastlines and on roads. I find it incredibly sad when I find someone on my land and they almost invariably rush to apologise for being there and I have to tell them they shouldn't need to apologise because that is what it is there for. Nothing pleases me more than to come onlne and find someone dancing on my land, playing chess, rezzing a boat or car or just hanging out. I have met so many interesting people that way. The small numbers of land owners that don't get what mainland is about spoil it for everyone else.
  5. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Really? If someone trespasses on your land in RL you have every right to have them arrested. If they are armed you have every right to defend yourself and shoot them. At least in the US. You mean like parcel lines on the map and or being actually drawn on the ground isn't enough? Now i have to waste prims putting up a fence or walls so i can be left along on MY land? News flash.. SL isn't reality. Anti-social? Who is to say that I am not having a party on my land and don't want unwanted guests flying over or dropping in? And no, your analogy is griefing, which is against the ToS set down by LL. A security orb is well within my rights as a land owner. Since when is anti-social behavior against the law? Yes really. Maybe you live in some strange state, but I looked up Californian Law and like most places there is a duty of care to Trespassers and just because someone is on your land doesn't make them a Trespasser they have to be aware they are on your land first. Normally done by markers like fencing. You were the one that brought up the real life analogy. That is why I am pointing out that your version does not not fit. Parcels are nothing like countries, they are like pieces of land people buy to put houses on.... because that is what people do with them. Comparing them to countries to make your argument fit is making the argument SL is not like Real life the opposite of what you thought you were arguing. Both are griefing as described by the Wiki. You with your zero second orb, me shooting you with particles. Rules of living we have in the real life are a balance of rights and duties to make social living pleasant, the same as SL. In real life however a lot more thought is put into them and they are enforced. The point is, just because we have the tools at our disposal does not mean we can use them with impunity. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: If i want to sit in my SL home and read notecards with my cats all day and be left completely alone, that is my business. My world, My imagination. Stop tyring to enforce what you want on others. ---------------------------------------------- No where have I said you can't sit alone undisturbed with your orb, you just need to use the tools you have responsibly. mark out the land you want to defend with markers like walls. and finaly... Stop tyring to enforce what you want on others. You are the one defending the zero second orbs ..... lol
  6. mikka Luik wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Your analogy is daft..., they have to mark the boundaries of their land with things like fences or walls. Parcel boundaries come pre marked in the viewer - very easy to not run over them (ok so I do have the odd mishap when trundling around the roads of mainland but then expect to be booted with alacrity). Barring accidents, or a mistimed curve, badly behaving experimental driving code etc, I do not cross them. Easy =^^= Do they? I have to right click the land, cam around a bit before parcel boundaries show. The way they are displayed on the viewer is far from adequate for navigating around them and only works at all at ground level.
  7. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: To put it in the simplest terms possible. When you own land in SL, in whatever for be it mainland or renting from someone else, equating it to RL terms it is like different countries. Can the US fly over Russia as we please, no. Can anyone fly over North Korea as they please, no. A security orb is basically a NO FLY ZONE. If damage were enabled and they had a missile platform that blew you out of the sky after a 15 second warning, would that be better? Your analogy is daft, just like the situation in SL. Parcels in SL only bear a resemblence to countries by looking exclusively at land owner powers. The size of parcels and even more importantly the functions most people use them for are the same as buying a piece of land to build a house, or some set of buildings on. Even if you buy a sim or more you are building up a small village or section of a town. In the real world that doesn't give you rights to shoot down anyone flying over your home or walking down your path. In the real world land owners are only allowed to use reasonable force, and before they are even allowed to use that, they have to mark the boundaries of their land with things like fences or walls. There is a disconnect from reality, and land owners using their powers beyond what is reasonable are using their powers to be anti-social. The same as if I used my powers to sit in the land next to you and send you a stream of particles when I felt like it, I can and I have the functionality to do so, just as you have the functionality to set up your orbs. Both are allowed, or only forbidden as harassment\griefing. Both are anti-social and Linden Lab should enforce both as such.
  8. Is the banline the other side of the bridge a new feature? or was that there before too? (I have reported it too now) I like the hut next to the bridge... It tells people the beach ball on the table is physical and what you could do with it if it was physical.And promises a prize for undertaking a task.. Except it isn't physical, so the task is impossible.... it appears to have been set up to frustrate and confuse.
  9. It is not really nonsense as such like Stanley Unwin, but Vivian Stanshall's Rawlinson End might appeal. It is literate british humour at its finest. There is a film version.. This Radio Version And a playscript: http://www.vivarchive.org.uk/articles/playscript.htm
  10. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: First you are not allowed to name names here. Remove them from your post as well as your links before you get in trouble. Sending unsolicited spam is against the TOS, Everyone that receives it should AR it each and every time they get it. The more AR's the better and the more likely LL will act. The first link is to a 4 page thread on this forum which names the offending business. So it would seem that the no naming forum rule doesn't always apply. Reporting it might help, but Linden Lab must be aware already, someone there had to clean up 40,000 spam Jira entries, you would think that would get their attention.
  11. i fixed the problem for me by turning the texture memory in the viewer down below what my graphics card advertises it can handle and that worked.
  12. This is me on 16373 in the new Neve dress, KC shoes, Maitreya body (and hipster panties for modesty) and Elua hair. 
  13. In real life the last time someone asked for my identity card to prove my age I was in my 30s and I was trying to buy cigarettes, so to at least one person I looked under 16 when I was twice that age. What people think they see and what they are seeing is often very different.
  14. Quinn Lysette wrote: what you need to do is report all the sl hookers and escorts i am now doin that cuz if prostitution is ilegal in rl it should be ilegal in sl to so i report all i can every day becuz some of those escorts n hookers are making atleast 1,000 in rl money a week and withdrwing the lindins to there bank accounts making it a rl crime so report the escorts and hookers and protitutes I an thinking your post is meant as sarcasm, but just in case you aren't I will point out that the nearest someone can come to prostitution in SL is collaborative writing and that is very different from the sorts of activities covered by prostitution laws.
  15. It looks very useful. I don't see any errors. One additional problem you might want to mention land buyers look out for if they are wanting to have parties are the numbers of avatars allowed on the Region. Homesteads have 20, Estate managers on private estates can set an avatar limit that will often be 100 or reduced to 60. Mainland the avatar limit is generally 40 people, but some sims have the setting reduced to 30 for whatever reason and that can be a nasty surprise you find out after purchase and when you are wondering why your guests can't get in to your party it is a bit too late. I will have to go visit, I have a parcel within cycling distance of Leafminer.
  16. Head appliers will generally put a different skin on the face, and at least in the case of Pink Fuel comes with various make up options. http://pinkfuel.tumblr.com/post/132186816409/catwa-mesh-head-appliers-now-available-in-store I think the shape and size of the Catwa head can be changed in your shape with the Head size (and Head Length options?) Try out the demos and see is the best way to tell. I think the head makers recommend buying eyes from Ikon's in world store, but any mesh eyes would do.
  17. JayWaters wrote: There are some who play HUD based role play games that afk in their homes, perhaps they dont want to be killed in the game while they afk in their homes they pay for...hence the security orb set to 0 seconds because in some of those games if they can come in and attack for one second they will just do it over and over and over beating you til you are dead in the game system when you are afk..so thats why..and hey when I buy a house in my town, since I pay for my house..I am totally allowed to put locks on and not let you in my living room. I can also put up a locking fence around my entire property. Sorry if me not allowing you to run through my yard upsets you, its my yard stay off the grass. If you put a clear wall up around your property that marks the limits of your security system, then no one would have a problem. They would be able to respect your space and avoid it, the problem those exploring have is when they are exploring and the first thing they know they have trespassed is being ejected.... The whole point of having sims linked together in the way mainland is, is to allow people to travel between them. The system as it is is dysfunctional.
  18. If you are in the UK it is possibly a problem with BT and others servers in London. Check BBC news for more details
  19. So far as I am aware Linden Lab take a dim view of obstructions to their rights of way. It is hard to judge what sailors would make of any building in the definite and general terms you describe. For example an island that is pushed out to the far side of a linden water way with just pacific blue water, some waves, maybe some fish and a cluster of rocks all set to phantom pushed in to the linden water way would not be an obstacle and in the right place a nice addition to the environment. I would doubt something like that would attract any ARs and I doubt since all phantom and no obstruction Linden Lab would remove them in response to an AR. In response to the Op, 3D trees do some nice jungle (swamp) trees. Hayabusa have just released some nice bushes also take a look at Alirium. There are some palm tree privacys screens that are transparent that can look good as a partial screen. Using solid textures really is ugly and a last resort but transparent privacy screens on edges of property not too close to anywhere your neighbours are using look pretty good with planting in front of them. One option is to put up rock faces and waterfalls. But again I would only use that as a last resort because they aren't so pretty and dominate the neighbours view, but better than flat textures even if transparent on neighbours side. Heart do some very flat textured bamboo screens, that despite being flat look kinda 3d and look great on borders. Add some kidd grass bamboo clusters and there are always their deservedly popular pampass grass clusters too. Usually a combination of ideas works best. As you are doing think of the neighbours view, but think to also build for them so it looks good from their side as well. Hopefully they will decide to do similar and then instead of your builds competing they end up complementing and your nice view like theirs extends beyond your parcel boundaries.
  20. If I ran Tramps I would close it down rather than be seen to be involved with this spammer
  21. They both look like interesting and time consuming challenges. I will have to have a go when i get a break from work and no chores to otherwise occupy me. How long did the journeys take you? I didn't see times or sufficient info at the start locations to work out what the challenge was without you explaining it.
  22. wherorangi wrote: thanks (: + when look at this map then can see that the number of red parcels is relative small compared to all the parcels on the route is pretty much true this as well for most of the mainland grid. When we do hit a banline or get murdered by a orb, like more than once in a session, or have a bad run over a few days, then can sometimes seem that the whole world is out to kill us deliberately + when as you say, when asked, lots of people will respond quite positively when asked if they can put some time delay on greater than 0. Quite often people (particularly newish people) will get a orb and just plonk it down and press Go same when they newish and put the parcel banlines on, to protect their skybox at 4000m. They just dunno what they dunno. So when they find out then they just go oh! sorry, and take the banlines down. bc they now know that the parcel banline doesnt do the job that they thought it did, and they go get a orb for their skybox The map shows ban lines that aren't there any more on the left hand side. You are right it is a tiny minority that cause problems. Most often it is down to the owners of the land getting confused over the settings. Twice this weekend I have spoken with land owners with banlines and in both cases they thought because they had ticked public access there would be no banlines and they could apply group restrictions in the other menus without causing any problems. The parcel settings aren't as clear as they should be. 9 times out of 10 they are set by accident. There is one banline on that map however, (much reduced in size) so it is now basically just a wall shaped parcel extending in to the waterway owned by someone in the sadistic hacker group that has been there for as long as I remember. With a parcel of that size they aren't protecting anything, they are just griefing and enjoying causing problems for travellers.
  23. I think if you put on your dance hud before going to the no script club it will still work as normal. So whilst I like to have as much enabled as possible I am not that bothered if they don't have scripts enabled. What is more of a nuisance are clubs with no build and that don't use TIS dance machine or a poseball server. Rarely do these places invest in couple dances having to use old ballroom dances for contemporary pop and rock is just daft.
  24. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: You might want to look into some of the laws of the US, seeing as LL is based there and in the TOS it states you have to abide by them in SL. Not sure it is really relevant, but so far as I can see (from the couple of articles I googled) under Californian Law landowners have a duty of care for Trespassers ie the way they protect their property should be proportionate and minimum necessary. Also, accidentally going on to their property, where for example there are no walls to designate the boundary would not be considered trespassing in a misdeamenor sense anyway. Applying those principles to SL, would require land owners to put up walls where they have banlines and orbs, or give reasonable warning time.
  25. That argument doesn't work or land values by a protected view would be the same as they are for a protected waterway. You are right that tier is the same. But that is not my point. People regularly pay 50, 000-300, 000 L $ for land with good transport links. A system where a bad neighbour can affect the value of their land with aggressive security systems is not in any land owners interest except those interested in abusing the system for extortion
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