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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Considering the need for the function does seem so very limited, I have no objection to it being something that can only be used via some sort of security scripting like you would in an orb rather than as a parcel setting in just the same way age restrictions are accessed.
  2. Yes what I was thinking of was a situation I encountered a long time ago when I ran a biker region, another club or person thought I should ban furries from riding on it. I told them that I didn't have either the time or inclination to restrict access to the region to anyone. Then the region was repeatedly griefed with replicating objects from throw away accounts with no payment info on file and hence essentially anonymous. I reported and banned them, but also for a few days I put an age restriction and restricted access to payment info on file. Better that than removing rezzing, which is needed on a region set up for people to ride their vehicles. I removed the restriction as soon as I felt able a few days later, it served its purpose and the griefing ended.
  3. The only use I can think of for it is as a measure to implement if you are suffering a wave of griefing from someone's alt army. I would use it as part of a combination of measures to try to control that situation, but I would take the restriction off again as soon as it was over, because as you say it is just a road bump, not something that effective.
  4. I thought the moderators had been clear they wouldn't lock threads after any time period so people can add information to them if relevant, despite numerous suggestions to lock threads after a period of time. The other claim this is self promotion seems on the face of it stretching it a bit, in the other post they have said both gates can be seen in operation at their place... that seems like stretching it on self promotion, an aside at the end of a post trying to correct wrong information in the forum database of posts. Is it self promotion to say that I use an NLS system and that it can be seen in operation on some of my public parcels?
  5. The landscaping is sort of fairytale fantasy for fairies, pixies etc, whilst the homes feel more like a setting from a Victorian gothic novel... the sort of setting you might want for a ghost story or black magic rituals. It is an odd juxtaposition. The areas themselves have much to commend them, frequent rezz areas, interlocking road and waterways, lovely landscaping. Some Elderglen styled homes as an option for the area could rejuvenate interest as the homes would better fit the landscaping.
  6. According to the old wiki, zindra has just 6 Linden rezz areas for the whole continent and only 3 of those serve the road system. Not all continents were made equal with regards to them.
  7. Or copy the SLurls to a notepad document on your desktop.
  8. If you could make yourself invisible to a griefer when you block them, what would there be to stop them blocking you and then grieving you. You would then be being griefed by someone invisible to you that you could neither block nor report. The "solution" has a far worse unintended consequence.
  9. I am sure this is obvious but feel impelled to point out that by that argument Skyrim, Fallout, the Sims... in fact any modifiable game would not be allowed on their platform.
  10. I haven't tried that one but I have used their London apartment Skybox very happily in the past. it is very like some grand Victorians in London I have visited in the past and works well for period and modern decoration.. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Apple-Fall-London-Apartment/3950377
  11. I immediately thought of the Hague Skybox by Dutchie, but it doesn't look like they sell it any more. It was like this which also looks nice from the pictures and might work : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VARONIS-Lueur-Skybox/16732901?page=1 This is maybe more Regency than Victorian but might be something to look at, it comes in different colour themes in the store and much lighter on the land impact. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Violetility-Boudoir-Skybox-Light/8635377
  12. Do you use rlv? I believe rlv can prevent accepting teleports.
  13. I found the option on my GEMC car the limiter cruise control but my Lusch car (the Scout) doesn't have that so far as I can see. Although it does "run on" a fair bit so I don't need to hold down forwards all the time just tap it regularly. It is a bit weird though and frustrating at least for me.
  14. I took a look at Manji, Gemc, Lusch, Sumi etc and unless I am missing something all the cars require you to keep the forwards button pressed to keep moving. Am I missing something, is there a setting somewhere to get them to actually travel in a cruise mode? It may just be me but I find my fingers hurting if I hold on to a forwards key all the time, and a vehicle really needs to function at a speed I set and then just steer for it to be comfortable. Probably now I think of it why I always end up using Arton Rotaru vehicle if traveling any distance. Are there any other car makers that include a cruise mode?
  15. I downloaded Skyrim over Xmas on a sale, I played around with it a bit, but it is much more complicated for a new user than SecondLife is. I remember struggling with the controls to move around. To customise your avatar you need a mod manager, you need to worry about dependencies, need to know what version of the game you have, for a lot of modifications you need to go through install instructions involving copying files across in to directories. I seem to need to run every modded bit of clothing through an external programme to get it to fit one of the bodies you can get (I still haven't worked that out yet). I haven't fully given up on it, I kind of like a challenge, but it seems far less user friendly than Secondlife. What's more to even just go fishing I end up with dogs attacking me. A month messing around with it and I still haven't successfully managed to work out getting dressed in clothes I want. If that is what MMOs are like then SL is easy peasy.
  16. Sam is a program that DJs use to play and broadcast their music to a service provider that then broadcasts to the listeners. Shoutcast, like Icecast, or Icecast-KH are the software that is used at the server end that handles the broadcasting to listeners. People DJing in Sl are quite likely to be using both Sam and Shoutcast. It isn't an either or situation.
  17. This allows people to light a candle and leave a notecard of memories or thoughts. Look up "memorial" on marketplace for other ideas. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Prayer-Candles-White-v4-Copy/7286966 I don't know about flowers, on regions I am involved with rezzing is a part of the theme. We would generally encourage people to put out their memorial flowers but make clear that there is a time limit and after a set time the things laid out will be returned and the person marked with something simpler.
  18. I think kuso is the region name. The maker is Diaz Papp and trade as Oracul. And yes I love their walks their the rhythm seems to just fit speed we move better than others or perhaps it is just having used them so long it is hard to adjust to others.
  19. don't forget Laq Decor for low prim furniture. They didn't make much and the kitchen is a little heavy on prims but the dining table and chairs, sofa set, desk and armoir and bed and the toilet and sink unit are still some of nicest low land impact furniture you can get.
  20. Hi Pelagia, I sent you a message in world. Does the wiki guidance here help ? https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Creating_Terrain_Textures See also thread here:
  21. East river community ran along the river from Sea of Fables that goes to the Linden village. It's spirit lives on in that some land around there is still held in its name. I know I contribute tier along with a gallery owner that keeps Mowry train station there, a sort of relic of that community . The other tier contributor has not responded to any messages I have sent them so presumably they are absent. Other parcels around there are held by the same landlords as before who may have considered themselves a part of that community, perhaps passive members or perhaps active in the votes and decision-making that seemed to happen at US times. I am not sure how useful that is to you, and kind of neighbouring area to your focus, but I think worth raising for your awareness as your community idea in the area likely to be compared with it when talking with other landowners like Venkeli who posted earlier.
  22. I think that island and area was made by the person behind Svarga.
  23. I have had this problem for years with my relatively slow internet. At the end of Nov my internet moved into modern age with 10 times the speed previously that has solved the problem. What I have noticed though that might be related is that whenever I upload a new texture it will display blurry in my inventory and on objects until I relog.
  24. Am I right in thinking that if the landowner hasn't paid their tier then their account would disappear for time it isn't in good standing? If so then if the landlord's account is still showing that possibility can be ruled out, giving hope some mistake has happened that could be resolved through communicating with them with courtesy and a little patience?
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