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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I turn ALM off when sailing on boats that would otherwise look like they are full of water. I would love it if they could make invisiprims work with ALM.
  2. Sculpties like those from Alitirum or Heart still hold their own against mesh options. When looking for Palm tree clusters recently none of mesh options came close to my old Heart ones.
  3. I don't think it is the prim that is phantom but the mesh or sculpty object with the weird bounding box that is.
  4. After Captain Beefheart's unconditionally guaranteed album, he got rid of much of his backing band. They went on to create Mallard, who made a couple of great albums. The first Track off their first album.
  5. Everyone knows their great 60s music, but their great 70s work often overlooked.... they kept rocking and being influential.
  6. Can your device also whitelist bots? I rarely use security orbs but can see a reason to set up a skybox orb that excludes everyone except those I invite. Bots however are mostly harmless just recording my attachments or whatever, so I could happily whitelist them and let them go about their business unaffected.
  7. This artist has a tragic history. A child prodigy, that made one extraordinary album and then had some sort of breakdown and vanished. He wrote the album when 17. A mix of avant garde classical and Jazz fusion styles. There is some Zappa influence, but he approaches the music in a different way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Szobel Andy Edwards discovered him recently and has a few videos on him on Youtube along with an interview with the Bassist that played on the album.
  8. I was raising the situation I found myself in where my home was set to a place where the send home orb was. I had moved out without changing my home. By "relatively inexperienced" I wasn't just meaning people here in their first few days, but also those who have been here longer, even years and never looked to set up double click teleports, or use minimap etc. I really hadn't thought much about it, just thought it an interesting anecdote And yes I am pretty sure the default home for someone new would be their welcome area.
  9. I suppose in circumstance I was referring to the solution would be for the teleport home function to check that it hasn't been called twice in last few seconds and if it has then to teleport to a safe hub.
  10. TP Home even in private regions can be alarming for relatively inexperienced people. I set my Home to somewhere I was renting on a private region. I moved and forgot to change where my home was. A month or so later, I got one of those region restart messages and I pressed the Home button to avoid it and landed on my home location which of course now wasn't mine and had security set on it set to send people home. Which of course was where I already was. It pretty much locked my viewer and gave me the teleport wooshing noise every few seconds. I was able to time a double click teleport on minimap to extricate myself, had I not set up my viewer commands to do that, I would probably have had to login to a different region in the viewer from a restart. I imagine that could be quite an alarming situation for someone relatively inexperienced.
  11. So long as your club had the security rights assigned by group role rather than set as a function in their orb assigned to them. I can't think of a reason why assigning security roles in the orb and not in group settings would be a thing, but it might be. I remember I had or thought I had a reason to do it that way 10 or so years ago when I ran a biker region.
  12. I think only Linden Lab could say for sure. But for what it is worth my perception accords with yours. I have not seen any mainland\private estates attached to mainland griefing I think in the last 3 years.
  13. I would like to see banlines on adjacent regions, 100m might be sufficient, but I don't see the harm in that. And then on the viewers there would be a slider in preferences for people to tune it down to zero if that is their preference. They can already be turned off, so not entirely clear why anyone would want to limit the distance we can see them further. The problem for vehicles is that they aren't seen until it is often too late. All that said I am not entirely clear what exactly the different banline settings actually do. Sometimes you get ejected and your boat remains trapped in the banline, you can edit boat out sit on it and continue. Other times I have bounced up the banline and then across the top in the vehicle before continuing on my way. Other times you just get stuck in the banline, you can edit out but the vehicle is broken and a stand and resit still leaves it non-functional. In some of those cases it might be a combination of banline and orb, or no scripts on the parcel?
  14. I think what you are seeing there is that you can't see banlines on adjacent regions until you cross into them. There is very little forewarning, but I think it is a bit more than 8m. Those banline detector huds do seem to work for the region you are in, but I don't find them useful myself as the warnings they give are still too slow, it is screen clutter and they are more scripts being carried and used when you want to be limiting scripts to improve region handover performance. You made an earlier suggestion about creating the time delay on the eject script lsl function of 15 seconds, which on the face of it sounds good and a solution to the orb problem. The counter argument to that though is that when someone is using the orb to eject a griefer from an event, is the 15 seconds delay then really acceptable? They can do alot in those 15 seconds especially if they are already prepared and active rezzing griefer objects.
  15. The legacy of your good natured charm and helpful advice will live on in the forums history. You have made a positive difference for all the people informed by them whether direct or indirect recipients. I for one am grateful. My best wishes for your future.
  16. That hair was from Detour (Keri Clip) from 2009. and outfit from Secret Passions Samy Firehawk from 2011. I loved their outfits when I joined. Edited after checking make of hair.
  17. Developing this idea a little you could set up a platform in the sky and set the landing point there. You could then put up a sign or use a script to ask the person that has arrived there how they got there and suggest messaging you with your answer. Most will probably ignore you but with a well phrased question you might get your answer. Perhaps an old link on marketplace, or someone's profile. With the answer you can then see if you can get the culprit to correct their error.
  18. I used to love this flexi hair, and Secret Passions Royal outfit? Phil, Maddy, Tex and Trinity at breakfast
  19. You might want to create a landing point for your parcel somewhere suitable like the far end of your garden so when they do appear they aren't so noticeable.
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