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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I have got my old Isetta out and crossing a river going in to the tunnel through the tunnel: and out the other side: But where am I ?
  2. It is of course, Kingpost
  3. Fuchsia ! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fuchsia/78/166/27
  4. I think that is in Lota. You either derendered a lota stuff or it has changed alot since you took the photo. Much more built up around it now!
  5. I recognise this (and can see route 6 to indicate I am in the right area)... I will find the spot later but the Jack Linden one is a mystery to me.
  6. Salty Mole serves some nice quality rum :)
  7. Pretty sure this one is Intrepide http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Intrepide/209/36/22 I am not sure but I think a 2014 date will be closer than 2004
  8. I too am unsure of the need for new rules. That said I think Governance should intervene more, and perhaps they could put some thought in to articulating what is acceptable and what isn't. An example that comes to mind is a protected waterway that is blocked to boats without a phantom mast by a helipad structure that projects to fill the space above the protected waterway at a height of about 10m. Whilst you can still travel the route with a boat that has a phantom mast or one you can edit the mast and sails to be physics type none, I am not sure that should be necessary. It is not an LDPW bridge that is clearly providing a public service. It makes it too difficult to organise a cruise along the route because you end up spending more time trying to explain which boats can make the journey and how to edit boats to make their masts phantom than make it worthwhile. But it has been there for 14 years, survived numerous reports, so presumably Governance doesn't mind water ways being blocked ? but other times they have removed physical objects.
  9. In my experience intelligentsia would be used for people that spend their time writing about or discussing dialectics, existentialism or post-modernism (preferably all 3) and usually whilst drinking absinthe. Influential perhaps within a small academic circle but totally irrelevant to anyone else.
  10. Quite a few on our cruise from Corsica went the extra distance to Bellisseria. Gaeta V to Jeogeot is the longest route.
  11. SSP Constipation I think likely to be the one next to Stromberg
  12. Lots of good advice. I just have a couple of things to add. 1) keep reporting them each time you have to resort to a ban. It helps them to build their picture on how to deal with it. 2) expand the group of Admins for the region to improve security coverage so there is always someone around to deal with them. You have to trust your helpers, and they have to know what they are doing. But the more trusted people you have around to help, the less work falls on any one individual. It can also help to build a sense of loyalty to your sim as they are seen working in solidarity with you to keep the region functioning for your visitors.
  13. The Nickel is in Natoma under the "Arch d Linden Grande" from 11 Feb 2002. The Arch itself is from 18 October 2002.
  14. Not sure where these prims are you mention. DaBoom does have an earliest Prim display, the earliest Prim there is from 15 October 2002, from Bill Linden.
  15. There is a 4 prim banana in Welsh by Paul Zeeman that has a creation date 4 June 2002. It isn't in the list, but if that creation date is accurate it would pre-date the original beanstalk
  16. I re-found this link on the oldest items in Second life that might be of interest: https://lalotelling.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/seconderth-a-deep-map-sl-8-25-b/ (Note the article is 12 years old now so locations given like I-World Island don't seem to be around any more)
  17. I would add that if the encroachment doesn't affect you, I would not worry about it. I would go so far as to say allowing a little encroachment allows you to too and that can enhance what you can do. There are "sky domes" that people commonly use to create a pretty view around their parcel. So long as they aren't causing a problem by using your prims or put so they overlap with something you have in then they can be nice to use. Dreamer creations do some nice ones. You can't really return other peoples encroaching stuff and expect them to allow you to encroach too.
  18. I know what everyone hoping but part of me thinks Abnor teasing us and next regions to go in will be like this:
  19. A neighbour on a parcel can create dozens of alts sit them on prims blockading access, they can fill up parcels pushing objects into them, they can create insulting textures and display them on prims overlooking you. Ultimately the neighbour and the hundred and more alts were banned and lost there land. They were banned for things they could do and anyone can do. Because someone can is not a good reason.
  20. Apart from where doing so results in governance applying the consequences of the ad farming policy to them?
  21. Ohh I do like that ! The cynic in me wants to comment about being able to see the floating skyboxes, airports and discarded sky junk for miles around rendered in glorious detail ! But I can happily live with that for a better view of my surroundings It would be lovely to see the mountain in the Sakura Bellisseria area from a distance without needing to turn your draw distance up.
  22. It is interesting to me that they intervened. I had thought that they maybe intervened a few years ago when I reported an absent neighbours floating remains of a conference suite, the structure had gone leaving an assortment of chairs, a pot plant and half a table floating 20m in the air. hovering over the back of my parcel. It looked very much like they had got tired of returning their stuff and then just left the job of clearing it half done. I reported it and nothing happened for months and then it was gone. Leaving me unsure if my report had been effective or if the tidy up was just coincidental. The prevailing opinion on the forums is expressed by Belinda above that people can do what they want on their mainland without consequence. Your experience and mine would seem to indicate whilst not high on Governance's priorities they do sometimes intervene. That is to me interesting. For the most part my neighbours all seem considerate. Although there is one that has left assorted junk on their parcel and bumped up the cost to buy it to 150,000L$. I have built up around them, it hides their trash and their banlines, I have no need to buy them out and I can't see anyone else paying that sort of money for a landlocked mess.
  23. We can already see across region boundaries, I really can't see what they could mean by previewing a region. Unless it is to make region crossing transitions smoother? Perhaps preparing for the handover earlier?
  24. About 20 years ago I ran a community website coded in html that worked, but was far from easy. I did everything in notepad copying templates and editing the code directly. I really don't know the first thing about blogging and my experience of google docs is limited to viewing what others have done, so I really couldn't answer that. Except to say that a barrier for doing it either way you suggest would involve learning and getting to grips with both those formats. Really simplest solution with the tools available that occurs to me would be to create a new thread to publish the list. If I collect significant additions outside the forum or in comments to start a new thread. But I never planned the list I just like giving informational replies so Feorie's request got me motivated to spend the few hours making a list from memory with the occasional checking references to remind myself precisely where the thing I remembered was. So what I do now with regards to it is up in the air and undecided.
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