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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. I got an old one... !QUIT! And that somehow, spamming your store with it every five seconds would automagically prevent your stuff from being copybotted.
  2. This is a question only your Visa card provider can answer. You need to ask them.
  3. This sounds like a lot of fun. Cluck, cluck! =^.^=
  4. Slender is definitely achievable with the Signature Gianni body, with the right skin: Body thickness and torso muscles are both down to about 10 on the sliders here. You'll never get "skinny" with it, but slender, sure. =^.^= No idea what your Regdrave skin is like. If it helps, mine's by Egozy.
  5. This, and your other examples, are all Linden-owned, so there probably isn't any tier being paid on this land at all. I think (though I'm not certain) they're all ex-Lindens who presumably got locked out of their accounts when their employment was terminated, and so never had the opportunity to empty or abandon the land.
  6. Well this is different. I went to a "Dark Dreams" themed party today. The dark side has cookies...
  7. Minimum for me would be, and actually was for a long time, mesh hands (well, one hand - pity I couldn't get just one for half price) and feet with classic body and head. Mesh hair and clothes of course. As a guy, I can get away with just a few basic outfits; my usual casual one (patchwork jeans, white shirt, black vest, red chucks). And a good quality suit and dress shoes for formal occasions. Some swim shorts for the beach. I don't really need much else. When I did decide to upgrade to full mesh, I chose a good body mainly on the functionality of the HUD. I actually liked the Slink body better for my body type than the Gianni I eventually bought, because that Slink HUD broke my brain. When I went for a mesh head I tried a few and rather fortunately, the one I liked best was a non-bento head at just L$900. It's much cheaper being a guy.
  8. There's a place called A&A Town which does mesh limbs with various degrees of amputation. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kilmarta/11/156/51 None of them really worked for me, though, so I ended up making my own out of a simple prim. It doesn't fit that well but it looks okay from a distance. Usually when I take snapshots I use photoshop to blend it in a bit better but here's an untouched shot: The main issue I can foresee with making an avatar like Mike, who is missing a whole arm, is that if you wear a rigged mesh top with sleeves, the empty sleeve is going to move as though there's still an arm in it, unless you can find animations that stop it from moving. So you're probably going to be limited to a classic avatar and system-layer + sculpty shirts. Or just tank-tops. The other option would be to get only modifyable mesh tops, re-texture them with alpha over the sleeve that's supposed to be missing, and make a mesh or sculpt attachment that looks like a knot or something to cover the gap. Speaking of animations, I thought of an alternative solution that might work if you're planning to use a mesh body. Make a priority 4 animation that sticks the missing arm inside the torso and use the mesh body's own alphas to hide the parts that stick out. You'll still have to re-texture any mesh tops with sleeves though. And make sure there are no priority 4 animations in your AO.
  9. I moved into a new home a couple of days ago. Just finished setting it up, now I can relax...
  10. I'm aware of the windlight effects and I already use Nam's Optimum Skin & Prim. Unfortunately windlight can't cure the problem of the Gianni lower legs being several shades darker than the rest of the body, since that's a texturing issue on the same piece of mesh. I guess what I really need is just a list of skin-makers with male skins that work on both Classic avatars and Gianni (or Omega). So far I have Nivaro and 7 Deadly Skins. Do any more exist or is that all now?
  11. I think this is it... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Phoenix-Janet-Hair-Fatpack-wear-me/9048463
  12. Men! (And girls with M-alts!) I need your help! I have the Signature Gianni mesh body with a classic/system head (no mesh head) and I'm looking to upgrade my skin. Currently I'm using Elysium Elias but while I really like the face, I find the body too grey/desaturated so I've been using it with the default Gianni body skin. But it's difficult to match and I really don't like the default Gianni skin as I find the lower legs weirdly much too dark compared with the rest of the body. Despite hours and hours of searching on the Marketplace, I am struggling to find good quality alternative skins that have both Gianni/Omega and Classic compatible versions; it seems like everyone wants me to buy a Catwa head now - which I do not want to do (because a Catwa head plus appliers is like twenty quid in real money). A lot of my old favourite skin stores like Evian seem to have disappeared or stopped doing Classic skins, so who is now doing men's skins in Classic avatar versions with Gianni/Omega appliers? The only decent one I can find is Nivaro but I'm looking for more options. If it helps, I'm looking for something pale (like north European - not vampire), with a well-toned but not overly muscular body, and a clean-shaven face as I already have tat layers for my favourite beards.
  13. lately I've noticed that I need to adjust my hover height to a fairly extreme number (-0.4 or thereabouts) in order to walk on level ground. I assumed it was due to something I was wearing (AO, shoe base etc) but I have detached everything (and I mean literally everything besides skin, eyes, shape and system hair) and it didn't help. I wouldn't mind but every time I sit on an object/poseball etc, I have to re-adjust my hover height back to zero otherwise i sink into the furniture, and i have to adjust it back to -0.4 when i stand up again. This has been going on for at least a week; I noticed it a few days after I bought a mesh body but taking the mesh body off didn't fix it. And yes I tried clearing cache and no, that didn't help either. Does anyone know what is going on and whether there is a workaround (besides constantly messing with my hover height all the time)? I am using firestorm if that makes a difference.
  14. Cameleon Lethecus wrote: Hey there Second Life residents, I have been pondering something for quite some time now, and that is, How much is keeping your real life adress, out of the hands of merchants, in virtual worlds (not just second life) worth to you? I feel using dollar terms as the scale here, will help to quantify such a qualitative question. So I am curious to know; how much is it worth to you? Cam Keeping my RL info out of the hands of SL merchants is easy and free. Simply by not actually telling anyone. (oh and not using Failbook helps too).
  15. Depends what the job is. If you're a store model, you're basically just "camping" (being in a particular place for a certain amount of time in exchange for a very small amount of L$) and that's not a bad rate for camping. For pretty much anything else, it's insanely low.
  16. The easiest way is actually to rez a prim behind you, stretch it out to a large wall so it fills your entire view. Texture it blank and add fullbright. Instructions on how to rez and edit a prim are here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039 in case you don't know how. Once you have the prim rezzed stand in front of it. You might need to rez another block to stand on ond turn it 100% transparent so your feet are included. Take your snapshot, then open it in your graphics editor of choice and crop it as required and add your frame. This is much easier than trying to edit out a background in Photoshop or whatever.
  17. Hmm with a profile like that I wonder if they are beggar bots. You may have met avatars that pretend to be real, they strike up a scripted conversation with you (ignoring everything you say) and finish of with "Can you lend me L$50?" Those bots are almost certainly not registered (but you can AR them for harassment if they are soliciting L$ from you).
  18. Its a social and creative platform. Its not really a game (there are no set tasks or goals and there is no way to "win") but some people seem to treat it like one.
  19. They are supposed to be registered so that they can be eliminated from traffic calculations. Sticking a box full of registered bots in your parcel won't affect traffic and sticking unregistered ones in is against the TOS. But a registered bot has no indication on the profile that its a bot and no link to the owner's account or business, unless the owner chooses to declare it. Wandering bots may be doing grid surveys (like Tyche's land survey), or they may be looking for cheap land for sale.
  20. I know your animal is not Manticore but theirs are similar and they have a notecard which describes this problem and how to change your settings to fix it. I have a manticore pet and it does flicker a bit when first rezzed but it settles down after a minute or so. "If the pet is semi-transparent you must enable "automatic alpha masks (non-deferred)" in your preferences to prevent alpha glitching with the pets. To do so, do the following: ⃕ Press ALT + CTRL + D to open the advanced menu ⃕ Select "Rendering" from the advanced menu ⃕ Select "Automatic Alpha Masks (non-deferred)" and ensure it is now checked. ⃕ Test a product demo to ensure that the pet is now working for you. Q. My pet seems to glitched or flickering, what do I do? A. If your pet attachment seems to be "flickering" or "glitching", please ensure that your viewer's LOD (level of detail) settings are set to at 4.0. You can manually adjust your LOD settings as follows: Phoenix Firestorm Viewer 4.1.1 and above Select Avatar from the top menu → Select Preferences [CTRL + P] → Select Graphics [Left Tab] → Select "Advanced" to show the advanced options → Move the Objects & Sculpts LOD slider to 4.0 [Max] Second Life Viewer 3.3.1 and above Select Me from the top menu → Select Preferences [CTRL + P] → Select Graphics [Left Tab] → Select "Advanced" to show the advanced options → Move the Objects & Sculpts LOD slider to 4.0 [Max] [Note: The settings will take effect after you exit and restart your viewer.]" I expect the same settings would work for yours too.
  21. You take the snapshot in-world and instead of selecting save to disk or save to inventory, you select save to profile feed. If that option isn't there, you don't have a compatible viewer and will need to switch to one that is. I know the official V3 beta does it, (and I think also the V3 release as well), and the newest release of Firestorm. There is no way to upload a pic that already exists on your hard-drive - it can only come direct from the Snapshot tool in-world.
  22. I stopped using Firestorm when the official V3 came out, because the official viewer was giving me a better framerate. I tried this new version of Firestorm today and the framerate is back up to my usual 35-40, AND in-world textures rez faster. so I think I will be sticking with Firestorm at least for a while.
  23. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Matty - I love the tiger stripe tattoo and the ears - it is a fun and unique style! That location looks very peaceful, too. Thankyou. I have a tail too, but you can't see it in those pics. I've been neko since very early on in my SL. @Dresden - nope, not single, sorry. But I still think you're hot
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