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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. Luschious Nightfire wrote: Is it just me, or has the events calendar become a classifieds add space? It is being abused by many to the extent that it is becoming increasingly hard to find an actual event. I may be wrong, but according to me a sale is not an event, maybe a yard sale. A new dress for 69L$ is not an event, a DJ playing at a club is not an event, a club with a trivia ball and a 50K sploder is not an event, being invited to come naked to a nudist beach is not an event, these are business as usual. What do you mean, become? I joined SL initially in 2006 and it was just the same then. For the first two years the events listings were chock-full of yardsales. I don't agree about a DJ'd event not being a real event. Most clubs are empty 20 hours a day or more, so it's nice to know when a DJ will actually be present and the club will be occupied. Same for things like nudist clubs; if an event is posted you know there wil be someone there for a certain period of time. That, to me, is an event and I'd want to be notified if it was a venue I was interested in. I do agree about the campers though. Nothing worse than going to a cub and finding it inhabited by only bots.
  2. I haven't seen a yardsale in SL for years. I think most stuff nowadays is no-transfer so it's not possible to sell it. I guess searching the events listings rather than ordinary search might be best. Used to be that the events listings were chock-full of yard sales.
  3. I have tried to sell my art in-world and it's honestly pointless. Anyone who wants it is just going to take a snapshot and upload it for L$10, no-one will pay L$11 never mind the few hundred it's really worth. However, if you are selling art in the real world (prints etc), a SL gallery can be a good showcase to advertise for RL sales. By all means set up a gallery to showcase your portfolio but don't expect to sell anything. You might also want to put a "watermark" prim in front of each picture to prevent theft.
  4. I'm almost always wearing some combination of loose shirt, waistcoat and blue jeans. I've had these jeans since 2006 and they're still my favourites. The shirt and waistcoat I'm wearing here is from SF Designs.
  5. I hate auto-greeter bots and I hate hosts/hostesses that use gesture spam. That's just laziness. I won't tip hosts who gesturespam but I will tip those who actually participate in real conversation with their customers. I tip dancers too. I used to be one myself and I miss it (sadly don't have the time to commit to it any more).
  6. I've occasionally had dreams that mix RL and SL. Sometimes I'm a neko in my dreams. Once I dreamed that I went to a local RL shopping mall and there was a nightclub I know from SL in it.
  7. Amaretto breedable horses are also rideable and you can probably pick one up really cheap now, though you'll still need to buy food for it. Hoof It and AKK look much better though.
  8. Canoro Philipp wrote: i hope they bring it back with the option to create our own last names, or as many as we want, allowing spaces. That's all they have to do, really. Just allow spaces in usernames (or an underscore for logging in, and render it as a space in the viewer). Then everyone can have a last name or names, and be anything they want.
  9. Raven1 Short wrote: I think that's a big part of SL. Be what you want to be. If you wish to have a part of your RL with you, then you should. I find it honorable actually that you want to make it part of your SL. It's like an honor badge for what you have endured. Does that make sense? Yes it does. Thankyou.
  10. The problem with changing the clocks in the UK is it doesn't actually solve anything. We get six hours of daylight in the middle of winter so whatever time the clocks are set to, we are STILL going to have either really dark mornings or dark afternoons. It's impossible to get extra daylight at both ends without leaving the country.
  11. dogmouse wrote: Where am i able to choose "add" in phoenix? When I right click on the item, there is only "wear". Is there another options menu to add lips to a tatoo layer that is already being used? thx ~mouse You would have to switch to Firestorm (or any other V2/V3 viewer first). Phoenix is a V1 and none of the V1s have the Add feature for clothing & tattoo layers).
  12. Thanks to everyone for your positive comments. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: It is not weird to do this. I've seen other avatars that portray disabilities. I believe it is because it is part of them, as other posters have pointed out. However some do it so they will be asked and then use it as a chance to educate people on their disability.. There are a lot of disabled people in SL. Most choose not to portray their disability. People I know that are disabled in RL tell me they don't because they want to be treated as everyone else, or they come to SL specifically to do and experience things that they can't in RL. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for this. Each person must decide for themselves and whatever they decide I have to respect them for it. If you continue to feel weird about it or just want to talk to people who may understand how you feel, I suggest you visit the sim Virtual Ability in world. It is a venue specifically for disabled people where they can meet, socialize and talk to others and even have a place to live. It is run by a group of very caring people, many of whom are disabled themselves in RL. They also make specialized orientations and training available for disabled people who need to learn how to use SL with their disability, as well as work with content creators so that those who choose to portray their disability are able to do so in a dignified and realistic manner. I'm already very familiar with VAI and I have some friends who are involved there. I don't need any assistive technology to use SL (I'm very lucky in that respect, in most practical ways my disability isn't a severe one). Mostly I think I'm just curious how it will change the way I'm treated. I don't mind talking about it.
  13. When I first joined SL a little over 3 years ago, I wanted to make my avatar look as close to my RL self as possible. I soon discovered that wasn't going to be possible, because in RL I'm physically disabled (I lost part of an arm in an accident). I did briefly experiment with invisiprims and quickly rejected the idea after realising that it also made a big hole in me when viewed from the side which wasn't at all good. After an extended hiatus from SL I've come back to find some new developments, in particular, alpha layers which, combined with a realistic sculpted hand means that I can actually reproduce my RL disability quite accurately now. And yet avatars with noticeable disabilities are extremely rare. Is it weird that I've done this? Is it weirder that I've done it when the rest of my avatar doesn't look like me (I am not a neko in RL for instance)? Thoughts?
  14. Matty is my RL name. And I picked Luminos because a friend and I joined at the same time and we wanted the same last name and he picked it. I was briefly tempted to change my display name to my RL last name as well, but aside from being a very common (and therefore boring) name, it's also shared by a certain Time-lord-ish actor, and I didn't want endless people coming up to me and asking me why I look more like Amy Pond than the Doctor. gee, you all know my RL name now... :matte-motes-silly:
  15. Bah. If I wanted to waste my time watching television I would own one.
  16. I don't own a cowboy shirt... so I didn't bother wearing a shirt at all. The horse is not my own, it's a free one-ride horse you can borrow in Calas Galadhon, and the location here is one of the neighbouring sims. There are 9 sims altogether and they're lovely.
  17. This is about as near as I can get. I'm nearly 40 in RL (*flail*) so I look older than this and I'm not nearly as good looking. I'm missing a hand in RL and I can't easily imitate that in SL so I just picked a pose where you can't see my right arm.
  18. Occasionally the signing-out process goes wrong and your avatar DOES stay in-world after you've logged off. Trouble is then it won't let you log back in because it thinks you're already there. It's called ghosting.
  19. It's possible that since the original suspension the underage girl has turned 16, verified her age and is now allowed back on legitimately (albeit in PG sims only).
  20. The white space, I can live with. The four to eight seconds it takes to load, I can't. I'm sticking with an older viewer that still has the old style profiles.
  21. I used to earn between L$500 and L$1000 per two hour shift, dancing and sometimes stripping. Two or three shifts a week was easily enough to cover my rent and spending money on top. But this was more than two years ago. I've no idea what it's like now.
  22. Purple is really not my colour...
  23. Second Inventory works ONLY for things where you are the Creator. It doesn't work for full perm items if they were made by someone else.
  24. Anemone Debruyere wrote: "Warning: Initially, the new payment system will be available only to new Residents outside the US, and to those who do not have existing payment information on file. " So... if I make an alt, it would work?
  25. Public sandboxes usually wipe (and delete or return everything) every 2-3 hours, so if you can time it so that you rez your skybox just after it's wiped, you should get a couple of hours use out of it before it wipes again.
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