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Everything posted by Maitimo

  1. Is your body the free one? If so, it's not omega compatible, there's no way to add hairbases or makeup or anything.
  2. I think it's primarily because two things I never change; my shape and my mesh head. These two together seem to make the biggest contribution to the way I look. Then again, I have some other skins (which I don't like) that make me look completely different. My Flamboyant skins for example, come in a fatpack with a choice of six different faces. Only one of those looks like me, the others I don't wear at all.
  3. Swimming in suits... But what's below the water-line?
  4. Thanks. I started doing it this way a couple of years ago when I started making a lot of fantasy outfits with different skins, and when I switched to Maitreya and started gender-shifting I also needed different skins for non-fantasy settings too; some more masculine and some more feminine. I wear a range of two or three different tones in each, depending on my mood and what hair colour I'm wearing on any particular day. So out of those 15 or so saved bodies, I wear at least half a dozen on a very regular basis. However, the Gessami skins I picked up last week are my new favourites so I may find myself wearing just these two on a regular basis now. What's interesting to me is that these skins are from at least four different makers, and yet whichever one I wear, I still always look like "me".
  5. I solve this problem by saving body outfits and clothing outfits separately. I currently have about 15 different body outfits, each with a different skin, and includes whatever tattoo layers like freckles, finger/toe fixes plus attachments like elf ears and, um, dangly bits, etc which go with that skin. Furry and neko bodies also include tails, cat ears, head etc. I don't include hair because that changes far too often. Clothes are saved separately, so I don't have to re-save each set of clothing for each body. When I save them, I delete all the parts that are part of the body rather than the clothes. When I change, I REPLACE the body outfit and ADD the clothing outfit. I also have one "emergency" outfit that includes my favourite body set and my favourite clothing, just in case I need to make a sudden change in public. This way, when I aquire a new skin, I don't have to replace any links. I just save a new body set.
  6. I have never been involved in a family group (they seem to be magnets for more drama than I care for) but I still see a lot of it around in peoples' profiles, and also several clubs which I won't name seem to be staffed entirely by family members. Whether the family or the club came first, I couldn't say. If I did join a family, I would probably be that weird distant cousin that everyone whispers about behind their back.
  7. There's a practical reason for a certain height ratio between the male and female dance partner; couples dances assume that the ratio will favor the man as being taller. If he isn't, then either he'll be floating, or his poor partner will be dancing with her feet in the floor. With a same-sex dance partner its easier, the taller one goes on blue and the shorter one on pink. You could adjust your hover height to compensate but not everyone can be bothered. Overall though, I think its just an ego thing.
  8. I think hair colour may be at least one factor. I am either blonde or red-head, about equally, and while I never actually get asked to dance, I do get far more compliments on my appearance when I'm blonde.
  9. I stumbled across Gessami on the MP a week or so ago, tried their demos and ended up buying both the male and female skins. The heads are separate but there is no visible seam at the neck, they match perfectly (and the female face also matches with the male body which is a huge bonus for me). The female face has a separate Genus version, which looked decidedly odd on my Catwa head, but if it works as well as the other one works on Catwa, I'd say give it a shot. It's true BOM, which means no need for finger/toe fixers. I really hope they start bringing out more skins soon. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/225136 For anyone shopping for a male skin, note that while the male face is illustrated with a beard, the actual skin comes clean-shaven and no beards are included.
  10. I made my first account in 2006, and the last name I picked off the list was very close to the name of my boyfriend at the time. Once he became my ex-boyfriend, I suddenly didn't want that name any more so I started over. The original account was deleted in 2008 and my only regret is that I am now missing out on the L$500 premium stipend instead of L$300. But that's a difference of, what, less than a dollar a week. So in the grand scheme of things it's not really a big deal. I wouldn't want to start over due to a large inventory though. In fact the larger it gets, the less likely I am to abandon, purely because otherwise I would think about how much actual money I would be literally throwing away, and I'd curl up in a ball and cry. I'd have no concerns about tossing a little-used alt but this one is way past the point that I'd consider starting over. It would cost me tens of thousands of L$ just to replace my body, head, mods and skins, and that's not even considering starting on hair and clothes. This is also why I have no particular interest in playing with alts, it just seems like an un-necessary money-drain to me.
  11. I don't think this is related to the Firestorm bug, because that one affects images saved to the drive only, and it happens when the image size is larger than the screen size. This wouldn't apply to profile feed images because they are a maximum of 1024 x 768 (and I would hope your screen resolution is not lower than that!). So I think you are seeing a different bug here, and it's one I've never seen before. You might want to try posting with one or more of the other viewers. If the problem occurs in the official viewer as well, then I'd go ahead and file the JIRA. If it only happens in FS, I'd contact FS support instead.
  12. A little over 2 years ago, I joined a group in SL called Chiaroscuro, which is a fantasy-themed LGBT sim region. Every Saturday they have a party with a themed costume contest, and when I started doing those I realised how much I enjoyed putting new looks and costumes together and showing them off. Once a week isn't enough though, which is why I do it more often and post pics on the forum. I don't do it for the likes (although I did discover that I "won the day" a week or two ago, which was a very nice surprise). I don't really care if I don't get a lot of likes, although if I posted something that got no reaction at all, I would be somewhat worried. My policy for liking back is a bit sporadic; I don't have time to look at every pic that gets posted so I often miss out entire pages of them that I haven't even seen, but of the ones I do see, I "like" most of them. The ones I tend to pass over are ones of scantily-clad female avatars; unless there's something particularly different about the avatar or the pic. I'm not the "target audience" for pics like that. And I definitely do not "like" the sexualised pics of avatars that appear to be underaged, and I've blocked one user who posts pics like that; I do not want them lurking in my cache, however briefly.
  13. I'm not even sure that I have a style, and I don't have many favourite stores. My shopping habits involve trawling the MP for something specific, and I mostly don't really pay any attention to where it comes from. For more masculine clothes to fit with v-tech, my favourite is Krankhaus, with honourable mentions to Two Sided and Cubura. For shoes I like KC and Shey. For everything else, I go by fit. I need clothes that work well on my shape; very low breast size and very high on the muscle sliders; these often cause clothes to distort in odd ways. I also need sleeves no longer than elbow length because it looks really weird to see an empty sleeve moving around like there's a phantom limb inside it. So I wear mostly sleeveless or short sleeved summery things. And most important, I need lots of colours, so I look for modifyable clothing, and fatpacks with huge huds. Lately I have been buying mainly full perm mesh templates and texturing them myself, which is often better value than buying a fatpack.
  14. I have seen it too, lately from just one person here. Though I have that person blocked now so I don't see it any more and if they sent me a message I wouldn't have received it.
  15. "Hiz hed is pastede on yay!" That's an old meme from Lord of the Rings fandom, it came about because someone claimed that Dominic Monaghan (Merry the Hobbit) had visited her at home and she posted a photo of him lying on her bed to prove it. It was a bad cut-n-paste job, and someone made that comment. There was a trend a while back, of pasting SL avatar faces on RL photos, that gave me the same vibe. *shudders*
  16. Dining alone at The Mansion. This is a great place for photos. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Patanga East/26/140/2584 The eyeshadow was a gift from @Panteleeva, it's lovely, thank you so much!
  17. I'm not sure which is funnier... a lion humping a gazelle... or the gazelle apparently enjoying it... or the second one patiently standing there waiting his/her turn...
  18. There are actually two sets of undies in the Maitreya pack. The one called "erratic / lara" is mesh underwear and it has three parts; bra, panties and HUD. Wear (add) all three, and select your colours from the HUD on your screen. Once you've selected your colour you can take off the HUD. Zaara Chanchal Lingerie is layer underwear. If you have activated Bakes on Mesh on your body, you need to look for the object called "Zaara : Chanchal Lingerie System Layers *onyx*". Wear (add) this bag and Accept the folder it delivers. These are the base clothing layers, just choose the parts you want and wear (add) them. This set is in black only. If you have not activated Bakes on Mesh (and don't want to) then you need to wear the Applier instead, but you also have to wear one of the three additional clothing layers that are included with the Maitreya body. Lingerie usually goes on the Underwear layer "Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.0 Underwear Layer" so wear that. You can use the clothing or tattoo layer instead if you prefer. Then you click on the applier, and select which one of the additional layers you added.
  19. I'm pretty sure that isn't even a SL avatar. Anyway, my story is pretty much the same as @Orwar; I was introduced to SL by an ex (he wasn't an ex at the time, lol). We were partnered in SL too, for a while, but broke up when we broke up in RL. He's still around somewhere, he's still on my friends list and I see him log in now and again.
  20. Same here. I have a BOM skin made for LAQ heads, and another made for Genus; both of them fit my Catwa head perfectly. The only time I have issues (sometimes, not always) is when wearing a male skin on a female head; in this case I often find that the brows are too low compared to female skins, but provided that they include a no-brows option I can just use that, and add separate brows. Which I would generally do anyway, because 99% of male skins are sold only with black brows, and 99% of the time I want blonde or red.
  21. That place looks an awful lot like the old Lost Gardens of Apollo. Is it actually back, or has someone else just used it as inspiration?
  22. I have a couple of skins that are sold in this way. What they mostly do is supply a fat-pack of the body skins in all the tones, on the skin layer. On these skins the head is blank and untextured. And the head skins are sold separately, one tone at a time, on the tattoo layer. I suspect it's done this way because it's the easiest or quickest way to convert old applier layers back to BOM. The only advantage I can see to the end-user, you and me, is that if you want to purchase more than one colour-tone of the same skin, or another head from the same skin-maker, you only need buy another head skin, because you already have the body in that fat-pack. So it could potentially work out cheaper if you want more than one. I really wish they would change them all to single complete skins though. It's not that hard to do.
  23. There already is. It's the tab in the profile called "Interests". It has options including "Meet" and "Group", which I interpret as meaning meeting people and joining like-minded groups. There's also a free-type section to add things you're interested in that aren't on the list. Trouble is, hardly anyone uses it any more.
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