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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. They also didn't say it wasn't Isn't it about perception, rather than about intent?
  2. This is not how you interview people. This is how you post a very short survey on an internet forum. Anyway. My biggest problem in this virtual world is that I have a hard time telling whether someone is pretending/roleplaying, or whether they are serious. For instance: are you really in college, following an entrepreneurship class, or are you just roleplaying? It can be a serious problem. About a decade ago, I worked for a rather high-profile gaming company in SL, and I had to interview several scripter candidates. They were applying for a real job, but I had the impression that the interviewees thought this was all roleplay. One outright lied about their skills and had to be fired pretty soon after they were hired. Two were constantly emoting during the interview - hissing, shedding fur, etc. - needless to say, they weren't even hired.
  3. Common Dutch expression: "If you eat that, you'll s**t razorblades the next day" ("dan schijt je scheermesjes").
  4. Since the introduction of chili peppers in the East Indies, pepper sauces of many varieties have been integral to the Malaysian and Indonesian kitchen. There, they're referred to as 'sambal'. They're similar to curries in India, and contain all kinds of wonderful additional spices and herbs and vegetables, prepared in all kinds of ways, from coarsely diced, to finely ground with a pestle, raw or fried. I never had the Sambal stingray (picture above), but the name's awesome. If it's not on the endangered species list, I'd sure like to try it some day.
  5. I saw Doom running on pregnancy tests. Now They are running Doom on Doom.
  6. The original Doom was from 1993. Did they really have sound packs for sale then??? (Doom must have been using 8-bit, 11,025 Hz WAV files at the time, I suspect. Anything lower would sound pretty much ridiculous.) Or did you, @bigmoe Whitfield, mean Doom 2016, the remake? I'm pretty sure the good people at id had enough budget and resources to make their own. Likely, the similarity is just coincidental.
  7. Maybe a thing to look out for, and it's kind of personal, but I'd always go for the larger/17-inch option, if it's available. I find the smaller sizes, 13 and 15 inch, just not convenient for gaming (and designing). The alternative, hooking up a larger monitor for more convenient gaming, to me, just defeats the mobility purpose of the laptop all together.
  8. Lemme DuckDuckGo that for you: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dollar+to+euro It's practically the same now. I remember the Euro being almost 2 Dollars, a decade ago.
  9. Second Life has moved on. No more L$ camping sites (save a few abandoned places). No more Linden hair. No more Linden 'shoes'. Etc. Instead, there are now things called 'adult AFK places'. Find out what these are at your own discretion. Why would you want to bring back all this stuffy old junk? If it bothers you that all these script are sitting there there in your inventory doing nothing, there's also the trash can. Or put them in a museum, like VHS tapes and punch cards. P.S. Did no one ever do the math with these 'camp sites'? As a camper, they cost you more in computer power consumption than you will ever gain in measly L$ - a total waste of everyone's money and time.
  10. Maybe Amazon Prime day. Fun fact: the cloud that Second Life runs on is provided by Amazon. Less fun fact: I can tell from my sales logs that maintenance started at 4.55 am SLT. [Update] MP's up again.
  11. In fact, here's the code: // Unpacker Script by Arduenn Schwartzman // This script is licenced as Creative Commons 0, Public Domain uGiveContents(){ string ItemName; list FolderContents; string ScriptName=llGetScriptName(); string FolderName=llGetObjectName(); integer Index=llSubStringIndex(FolderName," (Add To Unpack)"); if(Index!=-1)FolderName=llGetSubString(FolderName,0,Index-1); integer ContentCount=llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); for(Index=0;Index<ContentCount;Index++){ ItemName=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL,Index); if(ItemName!=ScriptName)FolderContents+=[ItemName]; } llGiveInventoryList(llGetOwner(),FolderName,FolderContents); } default{ on_rez(integer Param){ uGiveContents(); if(llGetAttached()!=0){ llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_ATTACH); } } run_time_permissions(integer Perm){ if(Perm&PERMISSION_ATTACH){ llDetachFromAvatar(); } } touch_end(integer Total){ if(llDetectedKey(0)==llGetOwner()){ uGiveContents(); } } }
  12. Here's my best practice for unpackers The pack has '(Add To Unpack)' at the end of the name. The pack is an small invisible box that attaches to you in an obscure HUD attachment corner. The pack offers you its contents immediately and automatically upon attaching (or immediately upon rezzing, if you decide to do that instead). The unpacked folder no longer has '(Add To Unpack)' in it. The pack immediately detaches itself after it's offered the inventory, automatically. Bonus: the unpacker script is full-perm. So this is all the customer has to do: Add pack. Click 'Accept'. Here's what the customer doesn't have to suffer: No waiting for big label textures to load. No figuring out where to click on the unpacker HUD. No obnoxious invitations. No spamming in local chat. No renaming of folders. No detaching the unpacker. (I'll have a booth at Cosmo in two weeks myself. Come check out the freebie demo then )
  13. Pop-science magazine Scientific American released a little interview and a schematic indicating how deep (in space and time) the JWST can gaze: Here's the whole vid. It basically implies that they can see so far back with it., that at some point, the galaxies and starts stop, as if you're looking at the edge of the universe. Imagine zooming in and seeing more and more galaxies, until at some magnification, it suddenly stops. That's pretty profound, imho. I'm also really curious whether (i) they already were able to see the first, 'low-metallicity' stars, (ii) what chemicals they were able to detect in exoplanet atmospheres, and (iii) whether they were able to explain the discrepancy between the age of the universe determined by measuring redshifts and distances of galaxies on the one hand and by measuring temperature distributions in the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation on the other.
  14. I've reserve this feature exclusively for lunatic griefers who post multiple instances of the same psychotic nonsense, usually in the weekends, when the forum mods are away.
  15. So what are the consequences of allowing this? Unaware people are going to dress up like US insurrectionist militia, thereby normalizing the movement. But what are the consequences of disallowing this? Taking away a basic freedom of choice to wear Hawaiian shirts and tactical gear. Neither is desirable. So the best we can do is just enlighten people about the symbolism behind all this. It's sad though. Lots of historically benign symbols are being hijacked and changed into symbols of hate. Like the Hindu swastika, Germanic runes, Pepe the frog and now Hawaiian shirts.
  16. All this Wilderworld stuff reminded me of Carlos.
  17. Yesterday, I bumped into a former colleague of mine whom I hadn't spoken with in years. He asked me if I was still into this Second Life thing and, after some chit chat, told me I should look into these new VR worlds I asked 'like Meta'? 'No, Meta's a joke. Have you ever heard of Wilderworld? Look it up. It uses the Unreal 5 engine and blockchain tech. It's really wild. There's a place called Wiami in there, with looped highways. Really crazy stuff.' So, at home, I looked it up. I watched the trailer (which looked impressive, a little too good, not made with in-game footage at all). And then all these mentions on their website: Ethereum, wheels, kicks, land, crafts, trading assets, '5D' (lol) As if someone had enormous fun making up these buzzwords. Also, actual 'in-world' footage was absolutely nowhere to be found. No client, no account setup - like the place doesn't even exist at all. Allegedly, it's still a work in progress. Has anyone ever followed up on the development of this thing called Wilderworld? To me, if you pardon my French, it looks like a giant scam, and 'all the people' who already 'joined' the bandwagon by buying assets and land (assuming they did, as inferred from their social media accounts) do not seem to admit that they fell for it - like an emperor's new clothes-type thing. Yet, as much as it seems scammy, it also seems like a relief. If this is the trend for upcoming new virtual worlds, then Second Life would not have to fear competition quite yet.
  18. By going Premium Plus I'd be saving money, because right now, I'm spending a lot on uploading textures, sounds and animations. (I couldn't care less for a Linden Home or extra group slots. I'm in 18 groups. Who wants the free slots?)
  19. If it were technically and financially feasible, and done in a timely manner, then, yes, then for this reason alone, I'd get myself a VR set. But I fear it's a very big if.
  20. I'm pretty sure the experts at LL did something in the line of this (but with more variables): And who is to say them nay? My guess, only better experts.
  21. In "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy's Ruby Red Slippers got her home. How could they do that without contacting a server? Yes, teleportation shoes may be an exception. But to be honest, I looked on Marketplace and there's no such thing (yet).
  22. Shoes have no business contacting an external server whatsoever. Completely ridiculous.
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