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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Either they click on the dance thing and get a fancy blue dialog window or check local chat to read the last status line...
  2. Not that hard. A public dance script has to maintain a user/dance list anyway, in order to re-request permissions, stop the old dance and start the new one. It's just that these dances don't report on the usage, which would simply require tapping into an already existing list.
  3. This is, kind of, the responsability of each HUD maker. It's by their design choice whether or not their product can indicate these things. It's more likely that these HUD makers will implement such a feature, than that LL will make changes to SL - at the risk of breaking other things.
  4. What? Are we doing Dutch names? Here's a few suggestions: Verschoor, Zwanepark, Raaspit, VanOekel, Drijfsijs, Naaktgeboren, Pappelendam, Frutteletutjes, Pollewop, Pikkesteijn, VanDronkelaar, VanPuffelen, Reutelingsperger (I know one IRL), Scheurwater, Schransman, Stikkelbroek, Vlinkervleugel, Wildebeest, Kwakernaak Don't hurt yourself trying to pronounce these correctly.
  5. Luckily you used version 4. That version produces 40% fewer lies with great confidence than the previous one.
  6. There's an idea. I might just upload a similar picture into SL and give it to those who do a redelivery request, instead of typing to explain and opening my transactions history to do it for them, which takes minutes and a few Error 504 Bad Gateway pages before I get into that page.
  7. @Garnet Psaltery I can see it fine on my Light theme. Btw, @Linden Lab Here's my pet peeve of the decade: people keep asking me if I can redeliver stuff they purchased on MP. I always do, plus explain how they can do it themselves next time, so they don't have to wait for my reply. All this because they don't know the 'You purchaced this item on blabla' link leads to the redelivery button. So here's a little suggestion:
  8. How odd. That is not how I found SL to be. What. So. Ever. I found it to be a world of scripting, sales events, and people giving me L$. On a sidenote, below, watch Cookie Monster do an impression of Elmo: "Hello, I am Elmo, and I love cookies."
  9. Thanks But!... It still looks unnatural and weird when you cam around it, because the reflections are supposed to change depending on your camera angle, and here they simply don't. It does work somewhat, when you surround it by a few light sources, because I added some Materials shiny to the candelabra's surface in-world. Depending on the shape (tubular, some small details) you can get away with it, but with larger, flatter, and more even shapes, this baked reflection + shiny Materials trick doesn't look nice at all. PBR will change all that. Especially for shinies. So, not sarcasm at all. For PBR I'l have to completely change my workflow. No more highlight & reflection baking (that'll save some time), but definiltely uploading triple to quintuple quadruple the amount of textures needed to achieve the shiny. [Update] I see that metallic and roughness are merged into one, as green and blue channels. That's clever. Speaking of shiny: let's not overdo it, folks. Imagine your mom-in-law who just discovered the word processor and is now typing her heart out, using a new font and style for each new line, so the end result looks like a ransom letter. In other words: please please please, don't make waxy surfaces, unlaquered wood and natural rock and most other surfaces around us shiny. It's unnatural and not necessary.
  10. Yup. I'm gonna have to do some serious unbaking when the time comes.
  11. Title reads a little like 'tricycles and the future of Mercedes Benz'. I find it rather silly, SL on a screen the size of your hand.
  12. I've been having a MP revenue dip throughout the first week of March, until yesterday, Tuesday, when everything suddenly seemed fine. But today is again bad - at a level that is quite quite indicative of listing enhancements being borked. And now that I look at the ads on the front page: I'm seeing the same (mostly adult body enhancements) over and over again. I'm pretty sure LL is seeing a similar effect on their income from their 10% commission for each MP transaction too.
  13. If the likes for image quality (composition, topic, technical, originality, whatever), let's call this 'A', are, say 10, then the likes you get from submitting your image to as many Flickr groups as you can, let's call this 'B', are 1000. If A costs you many hours and B costs you less than under an hour, and likes is all you are after, then the most efficient strategy is to forgo effort A and focus mostly on B. I have a little plaque above my bed that says: "To hell with likes."
  14. Anywhere in SL where they have erected a 'drama-free zone' sign. [Edit] Topic reminded me of this comic book character. Europeans will know.
  15. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlParseString2List I just wasted an hour of research, and twenty-three hairs on my head turned grey before I found out that this was the reason why my script didn't work.
  16. I appreciate the suggestion for a work-around, but it basically defeats the whole purpose of granting someone your edit rights - i.e.: first, you grant someone your edit rights, and then you have to lock all your foliage to prevent those from being edited/bugged. Would, in that respect, a more basic approach be to do zero things rather than to do two counter-acting things? No longer grant others your edit rights in the first place? It saves you 1. the effort of granting people your edit rights, and 2. the effort of locking everything. (Also the workaround notwithstanding, it's highly impractical on a rental estate that involves multi-person landscape management.) It's great, though, that edit rights have been pinpointed as a probable cause. Somewhat related, I noticed that edit rights in some regions sometimes fail. I.e. items in some region can not be edited, despite the editor having edit rights.
  17. Maybe one day, a new Einstein will emerge and provide a solution to this gargantuan riddle. In the mean time, I'll resort to this cumbersome feature called 'bookmarks' in my browser. Oh inventory item links? No.
  18. Last week I started a thread on the Tech/SL Server forum about textures in SL switching from semi-transparent to opaque/non-transparent. I'm cross referencing this thread here in the General section to reach a larger audience with the following question: Have you seen this glitch too? More often, lately, or business as usual? Any thoughts/ideas on this phenomenon, outside of what already has been stated in the other thread and on the relevant JIRAs? Cheers - A
  19. Thanks, Candide and Qie. It's happening again, on another region, 4 days later. I've seen this happen in a year's time-span now, very sporadically at first, but now three times within a week in different regions with seemingly unrelated objects. As co-owner of a 21-region rental estate, manually fixing these glitches is becoming quite laborious. Here's an (unlisted) video of the affected region: This JIRA by @Whirly Fizzle seems pretty relevant. Oddly enough, it's labled 'needs more info'. From a symptoms perspective, I don't know how much more info it needs, since it's pretty in-your-face: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-11333 Here's the old one from 2015 by Qie: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8715 I'm just wondering how often this occurs outside of my bubble, so I'm venturing a cross link in the General section of the forum.
  20. Substance Painter FTW! I paid a one-time fee for it on Steam, rather than a monthly fee to Adobe. The downside is, that, right now, I can't import my wooden shoe into SP, because someone else is currently playing Just Act Natural on Steam, on my account. (I didn't even know I had this game). P.S. This will be Mod. [Update] Shall I kick them off? Nah. I'll take a break and type something useless on a forum.
  21. Hi everyone. Has anyone ever experienced this before? Some plants and trees seem to change their set alpha mode from either Blending or Alpha Mask to None, all by themselves, randomly. It has only happened on two neigboring regions, which are surrounded by others (all same sim version). On all the other regions, the plants and trees (same ones) are fine. I have seen this happened about half a year ago too, but not this severely. It also seems to be plants and trees of just one owner. Is anyone familiar with this phenomenon? Should I just file a JIRA report?
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