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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Thank you for reminding me why I chose to ignore the OP, Krystina. (I'm not even curious as to what this thread is about anymore either, but I'm sure it's just to ignite another **** storm 'discussion'.)
  2. Yeah I know it isn't. I used 'seems' sarcastically. When @Madelaine McMasters said... .. FreeBSD was this first legit non-profit thing I had to think of. So I mentioned the little daemon as a joke. But when I receive an email in which a know game brand (Second Life) gets named together with a rather obscure company name ('LRW | A Material Company), in conjunction with the phrases 'sweepstakes' and 'cash prizes', alarm bells are automatically set off in my head. My first thought would have been: how did this even get past the spam filter on my email account? Several Linden Lab emails ended u0p there looking less suspicious than that.
  3. This one? https://freebsdfoundation.org/donate/ Seems like a noble cause, yes.
  4. Most likely successful solution: decrease draw distance in your graphics settings. This 'game' is slower than any other because more than in any other, its users have direct and profound control over what the world is made of. So, no matter how fast your computer, no matter how fast your internet speed, no matter how minimal your graphics settings, no matter how efficient Linden Lab runs their servers and simulator software: us, the people of SL, build it in such a way that the Second Life world is always going to exist at some equilibrium ranging from anywhere between tolerable to very laggy. Why? because most people (including me) are amateurs, with, generally, a bad sense of object optimization, an tendency to rez too much junk because Big is Beautiful, and with lack of empathy (and even disdain) towards people with older/slower/cheaper computers. So, for most people, living in SL will be like the credo of the people of (Old) Zeeland: "Luctor et Emergo, I struggle and emerge (from the sea)." Footnote: probably the easiest and most practical way for Linden Lab to reduce 'lag' is to revert to the old prim limits of 3000 per Homestead and 15000 per Full Region. This would probably result in an increase of 50 to 100% in everyone's frame rate. But it would also result in a massive resident revolt, so that is never going to happen. So it seems that, unintentionally, but also paradoxically, lag is what the people do not want, but also, lag is what they want over Land Impact/prim limit.
  5. Or... 1. Did I rephrase that correctly? 2. If so, my answer: I don't. The question never really came to mind. And I could not care less.
  6. Quite. Or all of the above. Or, and this is something direly missing as an option: a superposition of all things (or none).
  7. You're asking two different questions. 1: I script and make mesh things. And 2 (emphasis mine): I like reading. I wish I had more time to read:
  8. There's as item out there on Marketplace (sold by a vague acquaintance of mine) that's so awesome that it's rated an average 9 out of 5 stars. But on a more serious note, it may have to do with a review that was retracted, but the retraction counted as double because of some glitch (duplicate TCP packets?), producing a negative star rating count (-1), resulting in some funky average rating outcome.
  9. What @LittleMe Jewell and @Paul Hexem say. Four years ago, I got myself a 32-inch 1440p screen especially for SL and I still think it's way too small. So, mobile SL? Hell no.
  10. Everyone was wondering why and everyone was just speculating. Since everyone was so curious, I was too, did the math and exposed potential deceptive motive for changing a birth date. What's so odd and mean about that? It's all public data. Everyone could have come to the same and utterly reasonable conclusion.
  11. For the curious: just check out the OP's SL birth date and (alleged) RL age as mentioned in her 1st Life profile. For the math to check out, I'd want to change my SL birth date too, because, according to these two data points, she would have been 7 years old when she first joined SL.
  12. (Fixed that for you.) Trust me if I say that most designers in SL have their plates full with projects already. And maybe, some stuff in your wish list is in there too. The problem is: maybe you are willing to pay for it, but maybe others don't. Who will know? I bet designers on average have more experience with what sells and what does not than the average consumer.
  13. No matter how fast and optimized the tech, if 99% of all it's content will be provided by the users, it'll remain 'laggy'. "Notice how the sim got bigger and faster?" "Yeah! Let's rez out more s***!"
  14. I must have accidentally pressed a wrong key on my keyboard. No biggie at subsonic speed, though. Pulled it back in at 0:58, though.
  15. The most important take-away in the WSJ video, to me, is Phil Rosedale suggesting using webcams to emulate non-verbal motions of SL avatars. I think this is potentially a very important aspect of human to human interaction that's mostly ignored. Some rudimentary body motions are already in place and very underappreciated, in my opinion, like the SL avatar's eyes automatically following nearby moving and talking agents. (Sadly, most people turn this feature off in favor of a more mannequin-like appearance.) Webcam motion tracing is already quite successful in the flight simulator world. I'm using a simple app, ViewTracker and a webcam to fly planes with in DCS. The VR-like camera motions in this video are made by my webcam tracking my head movement, rather than using an actual VR headset.
  16. Beware of unpleasant surprises because of fake links in profiles, though. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog Cat]
  17. I feel your pain. Take this forum, for instance. There's waay too many humans here, not enough high-quality dogs.
  18. I haven't decided yet. Hyneman's quite grumpy, but his moustache is way better.
  19. Hey, I'm a premium member. And how did that ever improve the forum, hmmm? Myth. Busted.
  20. Limburgers like Sid (green) are generally much more gentle, both in pronouncing the -g- and in attitude, than, say, Hollanders (red), like some vague acquaintances of mine.
  21. Some regions only took a few minutes to restart.
  22. I never really took a good look at the SL map during rolling restarts before. But I did now, after noticing the regions on my estate had been offline (and showing red on the map) for over an hour. Disclaimer: au dessus nést pas mon 'estat'. It does look pretty ominous. Is this something to worry about? Or is business as usual on a rolling restart Tuesday? Or is it a keep calm and carry on type of new normal?
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