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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Feature_Contributions
  2. Ironically, higher land impact degrades performance significantly more than more textures. Textures require more memory, something that graphics cards nowadays have plenty of. Polygons require more computing power.
  3. Well, this is a big building, about 20 x 50 x 10m. Each texture, 1024 pixels wide, spans about 10m on any part of the building. That's about a pixel per centimeter. That's actually pretty low-resolution.
  4. A pet peeve of mine is not that people sometimes ask for textures of an item that's not listed under 'Building And Object Components'. Depending on how much work it is, I will consider just providing them nonetheless. However, a pet peeve of mine is if people ask me 'the textures' of a building, so that they can modify them, not realizing the damn thing's got over a 100 of them, and that mesh textures aren't the same thing as textures for prims: (Mind you, this is a very large building and in it, most of these textures are repeated many times. Imagine the horror of having to figure out which modified texture goes where.) So, please, people, if you have the bright idea of asking a creator for 'the textures' of a large and complicated mesh building so you can modify it, imagine the rabbit hole you might get yourselves into.
  5. Hi there Gulia. I filled in the survey. Just out of curiosity, are you a Post-Doc or tenured researcher, or a graduate student doing research to get a PhD degree? Long ago, in a previous millennium, I used to visit Milan for an interview, when I applied for (and obtained) an EMBO fellowship. It's a beautiful place. And I had the best cup of hot chocolate in the world right there.
  6. As far as I know, this seemed to happen seemingly overnight 4 to 5 years ago. The hands and feet even 6 or 7. I'm wondering, why are you are asking about it at the end of 2022 when Slink seems to be but a memory in SL?
  7. Some cars have on-the-fly steering sensitivity adjustment by simply pressing shift + left/right arrow. I can't tell you where to get this one, because that's against the forum rules.
  8. Better still: I have a group that only allows people wearing purple underpants with green polka dots. (In real-life.) But then again, that's me exercising muh freedoms to scare away customers and not earn money.
  9. Hi all, Apologies if this may have been brought up before. From going over the thread titles here, I am gambling it may not have been yet. Over the past months, I have noticed, for the first time in my almost 16-year Second Life, that right-clicking an object to bring up a menu is delayed by a second or more. Not always, and not all objects, just some, and sometimes. Has anyone else noticed too? What could the cause be? Is it the cloud, or Russian submarines messing with trans-Atlantic cables? Can something be done about it?
  10. Someone complained to me about grey and half-loaded (blurry) textures once. I advised them: relog at another, potentially less laggy location, check internet connection, etc, etc. Just wait it out for a little. It happens to anyone at any moment, with any object at some point. The textures in question had been rezzing fine for anyone else for over 5 years. So they answered back in a rather upset manner: I should not insult their intelligence by 'blaming their computer'. According to them, the product was faulty and they demanded their money back. People need to learn that some problems in SL can't be blamed on, nor solved by SL or by an SL creator. They both depend on a smoothly-running global network infrastructure to transmit their data. And that infrastructure happens to be the internet, which is vulnerable to all kinds of stuff, including Russian submarines cutting trans-Atlantic internet cables.
  11. Experimental setup to research Gopi's hypothesis ('female avatars are IM bait'): Make two avatars, one male, one female. Send them to noobie places. Count the spontaneous IMs. To make the measurements statistically relevant, visit many places, and/or use more avatars. Record the IM count, calculate the p-value, reject or accept the null hypothesis (which is 'no, female avatars are not IM bait'), Quod erat demonstrandum. [Edit] The word 'bait' implies that female avatars deliberately invoke IMs from strangers though their female-ness. 'Female avatars receive more IMs from strangers than male avatars', would be a more neutrally-worded hypothesis.
  12. That is odd. We live in the same city. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blade+runner+memory+creation
  13. The next evolutionary step for virtual worlds/metaverses should not be dumb plastic things on your body, but something that focuses on content. I truly hope that Meta will keep tussling with VR goggles, mining your data and your soul, selling you out to ad companies and bleeding billions by doing so, while the grown ups focus on quality content. I hope that, somewhere in my lifetime, content for virtual worlds can be created similar to how memories are created in Blade Runner 2049. And with AI content generation tools like DALL-E 2 around the corner, it's might not even be as technically distant as the following scene from Blade Runner suggests:
  14. I'm going to found an adoption agency for cricket balls and carpets. And demand future foster parents to use the right tools for their upbringing.
  15. Unless you forgot to mention the single most important piece of hardware, the graphics card, the answer is simply no.
  16. What do you mean? A completely different product? Or a product in which the colors are somewhat off?
  17. I highly agree with a Lag of Lindens (for aesthetic reasons, mostly). I'd like to suggest a Mole of Moles. (One Mole of Moles = 6 × 10²³ moles.)
  18. I'm not sure what the "##" and "???" are supposed to indicate, or which other games you might mean. Likely Pac-Man and Brick-Out. They got upgraded several times and now run a lot smoother in a 64-bit web browser than in the 80s on old 8-bit junk. But other than that: "Huh?" I think Second Life has been upgraded several times. Remember the upgrade to flexy prims? The upgrade from 16-kb LSL1 to 64-kb Mono scripts? Sculpties? Media-on-a-prim? Mesh? 33% Land Impact increase? Server-side baking? Animesh? Bake-on-mesh? What do you mean 'not being upgraded'?
  19. Are you implying with this question that there used to exist sims or cities in Second Life that I considered art (if you pardon my sudden bout of semantics)? Also, how good would my answer be if your definition of art is dramatically different from mine? I have a few simplistic, semi-serious definitions of art. On is: - If I don't know what it is, it's art. Another, more pragmatic definition I conjured up myself is: - If a bored, rich or mentally insane (or both) person thinks it's worth to throw a significant portion of their wealth at it, it's art. Someone once publicly referred to some of my creations in SL as art. I was actually shocked and confused and a little upset, even. I kinda thought it was an insult to real artists, but I did not protest, because I also realized they were just trying to be friendly and make a compliment. Also, I think the perception of art has been poisoned by things like crypto and NFTs and that sort of scammy bs, so here's my final take on the original question, for the sake of protecting these sims and cities and any other artefacts in SL: - No, there's absolutely no art in SL.
  20. What an interesting report. How curious that the makers chose Dubai as a real-life background, of all cities. Probably because it's modern and advnaced-looking but it also feels very superficial, as if there's nothing substantial behind the façade. Especially that large library. The bookshelves look nice, but quite fake. When, at the beginning, the CNN reporter walked past those bookshelves, my first reaction was: is that real-life or in a simulation? It was uncanny. Also, that haptic suit, the Teslasuit ('not related to the car') with the built-in muscle electro-stimulatory thingamajigs all over: I sure hope one will never be wearing one and have it hacked. That could potentially be a hellish experience.
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