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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Building big supercomputers is not going to convince people to wear big sweaty motion-sickness-inducing expensive VR-goggles for many hours in a day, a time-span similar to the engagement people now have for the 2D Facebook website, or convince them to spend lots of money on big beefy gaming computers with big beefy graphics cards that are scarce and currently go for thousands of dollars above manufacturers' suggested retail price- cards that are required to deal with said VR-goggles. Also: yeah, go right ahead, spare no expense. https://hbr.org/2012/03/the-silver-lining-to-scarcity
  2. There's two kinds of frame rates. First, there's the sim kind that is supposed to be 45 per second. This is literally the simulator frame rate. Anything slower than 45 fps can be considered true sim lag, caused by scripts and lots of physical objects interacting with each other. This mostly depends on how much physical surfaces the land owners have placed around, how many scripts there are running, how many people with scripts are teleporting in in a given time-frame, and, yes, whether LL has fiddled with the sim software. This frame rate will never get above 45 fps, though. You can look it up when you press Control-Shift-1 and scroll down to about 2/3rds of the stats window. Then there's the client-side, which can be anything from 0 to 1000 fps. This depends on how many mesh objects people have rezzed around you, how many alpha-blend textures there are around you, your draw distance, your graphics settings and how powerful your computer is. This is out of the hands of Linden Lab and can only be influenced by you and other users. I recommend limiting your frame rate to 120 fps in cases like you described above. In some rare instances, high frame rates might fry your graphics card. https://www.pcmag.com/news/playing-amazons-new-world-mmo-is-bricking-rtx-3090-graphics-cards [Update] I was wondering what your frame rate peak actually was, since the number was never mentioned in the original post. Judging from the screen shot, it's 80.3 fps? Don't worry about setting your frame rate to a 120 fps limit. lol [Update 2] Just saw the 104 fps and a mention of a laptop in the comments. Still: no worries.
  3. Try switch from Firefox to Chrome or other type of web browser. I've had similar issues that got solved trying it out on another browser several times. (Not since a year though, fortunately.)
  4. Didn't imagine Mr. Darcy to be this warm-hearted (and muscular). I guess I was a little prejudiced.
  5. Yeah, the player tried to play against himself. But when he tried to play black, the piece 'didn't move' ("he rolled white and it went and then rolled black and it wont go"). Maybe it was an illegal move, which the game automatically prohibits. Or maybe another player joined the game after the first player's first move. In that case, the first player can also not move black.
  6. Yes, white always goes first. I can't find anything here in the thread that would suggest otherwise, though. You could toss a coin to decide who plays with white, but more often, one player just hides a white pawn in one hand and a black one in the other and the other player randomly picks one. In tournaments, designation of colors is always predetermined by the tournament organizers who use a complex and varying set of rules for that.
  7. Maybe they're rolling the cannon balls over the sandbanks. Maybe I've just been dealing with an advanced elite chess player who was referring to the rook roll:
  8. I got an IM from someone who had a question about a chess game in SL. They were mentioning the following (emphasis are mine): First, I was wondering if they were confused with backgammon, but now I'm just wondering whether this is just dialect, in which 'roll' means 'move'. Do people say 'roll' anywhere in the English-speaking world, when they refer to moving a chess peace?
  9. It's more a matter of time for me - how much time am I willing to spend on buying stuff in SL. I'd say my budget would be about 5 to 10 hours per month standing in a shopping area, looking around, trying demos. "Beyond the Break-Even Horizon, L$ and time are reversed."
  10. I wish designers wouldn't apply pitch-black ambient occlusion maps to materials that are supposed to have sub-surface scattering properties, like plastics, wax, paper, cardboard and fabrics do. I also wish more designers would put a little bit more effort in low-LoD-versions of attached items. Because the Land Impact may be zero, but no one needs to see a dress with 60,000 triangles from 256 meters away* (and no one needs a plume of smoke to come out of their graphics cards). * If it were just one dress, that'd be no problem, but statistically, the number of such dresses and, hence, drop in frame rate, increases proportionally with the square of draw distance.
  11. Maybe it's just to ask their partner's opinion and let them have a say in whether they should buy a particular new skin?
  12. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion that animated GIFs in SL do not exist and that the earth is flat, but... Keep SL influencer-free!
  13. I am always very fascinated when someone links wikis because they don't quite understand what they are talking about. Do you know Mr. Dunning-Kruger? I do know that I am going to ignore whatever else you have to say on this forum now. Bye.
  14. There will be no Metaverse by Facebook, VR goggles will never become mainstream and NFTs will evaporate.
  15. Yes you can: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetTextureAnim
  16. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Map_API_Introduction (Took me one Google search)
  17. And here I am wishing I could clone myself so I could keep up with my to do list.
  18. Yeah I bought an NTF in SL once. I am now the proud owner of the Brooklyn bridge in New York.
  19. This would destroy the market for scripts. Personally,I'm totally fine with scripts being No Mod. Because, yes indeed, it might break some things. As long as they are in objects that are Mod, because, especially clothes are fine without scripts, after you've set the textures to your liking. People would carry around fewer to none of those totally unnecessary scripts.
  20. Hello creators. Please please please, keep selling your items as No Mod for whatever reason. That way people are less likely to buy your stuff and more likely to buy stuff from a vague acquaintance of mine who does sell their stuff Mod. Cheers!
  21. Wow. So now the First Church of Rosedale has a verifiable Second Coming. Call me a young metaverse creationist.
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