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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Highly detailed mesh store logos hidden inside people's bodies for no one to see, but for all SL residents' computers to waste electricity on anyway.
  2. I'd also like to see what percentage of people would go about their daily business in SL with ALM disabled. The number has been declining over the years, but suspect it's still somewhere up to 33% of all users logged in at any given time. (For 'newer' graphics cards (Nividia 900 series and up), ALM on of off hardly makes a difference in frame rate. For older ones, it can be an order of magnitude different.) So here's a quick & simple poll: https://take.quiz-maker.com/poll4478204xf3DC3a83-140 [Update] LOL, never mind the poll. I could cast 3 votes all by myself. What a joke of a website.
  3. I don't think this intentional. It's probably an side effect from multi-prim, parallel notifying devices that load-balance the automated instant message actions to 'subscribers' to circumvent scripts from being throttled when mass-sending IMs. So if you mute one, the messaging continues on the other prim. I'm not sure if muting the owner of the object would help. Probably not. Nonetheless, it's poor design if it's unresponsive to people unsubscribing from these machines or muting them.
  4. As a creator, you can't rely on all customers turning their viewer settings to whatever the creator deems convenient. As a rule of thumb, if an object turns into triangles from way too close with the SL viewer's default LoD setting (2 in Firestorm), then, as a creator, you're just doing it wrong. Making mesh with good LoD requires more effort from the creator's (making additional lower-poly models of their product). But then again, maybe it's all just matter of L$L$L$. The less time a creator spends making decent low-LoD models, the more time they can spend on churning out new stuff that will likely sell anyway, regardless of what it will look like from further away.
  5. @Patch Linden Will the CasperLet rental system (part of CasperTech) also be somehow integrated into the grid system, in conjunction with the land buy/maintenance system?
  6. @Patch Linden, does closer integration mean that we can expect additional gift and redeliver buttons in the existing SL vending system so we don't have to rely on all those laggy scripts and tedious setups anymore? (With all respect to Casper, but I have 500+ vendor machines in my store so I was never too keen on putting a script in each, or have customers browse through a multi vendor thing.)
  7. Oddly enough, 'taart' is Common Dutch for both cake and pie. Yet, here in Limburg, there's also 'vlaai' (vloai/vla als the locals call it), which is more like pie. I think vlaai is etymologically related to the English 'flop', as in cow flop (koeienvlaai). Gooseberry flop from the Bishop's Mill bakery.
  8. Enormous peeve: SL houses, backdrops and other large objects with a script in the root prim that has a touch event in it. Seriously, creators: never ever do this. Bonus horror: making the whole damn thing No Mod.
  9. It's like popular blogs and YouTube channels: continuity and constantly bringing out new content on the long run is key. How long? Probably long after you've worn yourself completely out.
  10. I didn't even check, assuming the body would be No Mod, like most rigged items. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll just make a copy with no scripts for each outfit. Saves me a lot of HUD screen estate. and 'too many textures' warnings for that HUD.
  11. Auto-hide is generally poorly scripted (I think it involves poor object detection, signaling and above all, timing), but lag plays a minor role too. Every time I switch outfits (mostly including a Belleza Jake body), the alpha settings go completely bonkers and I have to use an alpha preset button on the body HUD to hide all my arms and legs poking through my clothes. Every. Single. Time. And I'll repeat it again for creators too: there's really no reason to sell any mesh object as No Mod, except when it's a demo.
  12. What I said there was that people (even adults) do not always make the right decision when it comes to drugs, alcohol, gambling or collecting fountain pens. Nowhere did I suggest that doing drugs, alcohol or gambling or gachas or whatever was bad.
  13. Can you quote the part where I was scolding or objecting to gacha?
  14. Are you suggesting only kids do not have the discipline to just say no?
  15. I always have my auto response for non-friends on, stating that I'm afk or busy and that I'll answer asap. That's the only way to keep myself sane in SL.
  16. Just like doing drugs, alcohol, and (other forms of) gambling, right?
  17. I see machines with queue lengths of 3, and here, at the Arcade, apparently 6. But to me, and as mentioned above as well, it still looks like gambling. People will still go after the rares, which will less likely appear in the queue at all. And thus, like with the old gacha machines, people will continue to pay these machines until, by chance, their desired prize appears in that queue. Wouldn't the suspense of gambling - you know, the adrenalin kick you get by the anticipation of reward while you are bleeding money - increase with the reduction of the queue length? Or would the intensity of such sensation not matter significantly with the differences in queue length (or even zero queue), given that the rare ones appear so infrequently anyway? And are these gacha machine alternatives as addictive as the original machines? I guess I'm curious what people feel, physically and emotionally, when they play these things, and how these feelings compare with the ones experienced while playing the old machine. Also, are there any legal limits to a queue length? Is a length of 1 legal? [Update] Another thing I was wondering: what seems to be the frequency of doubles and triples appearing in these queues? Are the appearances of the items as random as one would expect, mathematically? Or did the scripters 'work' the numbers a little as to make double and triple appearances go away so that every new queue member is different from the previous one? I'm asking, because @Marianne Little's example at the top of this thread shows a very un-random distribution of billiard balls. I understand that's just a photoshopped picture, for the sake of aesthetics, but the notion made me wonder what it would be like in a real situation.
  18. For a second there, I forgot our universal, hard-wired and irresistible human instinct to hoard inanimate objects. Mea culpa.
  19. And yet, here you are typing a whole lot of tl;dr after that, joining in on the discussion. You're welcome.
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