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Lysistrata Szapira

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Everything posted by Lysistrata Szapira

  1. That was Sirena Hair by Natalia Zelmanov. I bought up most of her store back then. She had probably the first hair animations. I kept a couple of her hairs in my museu...inventory. Alas, her Mermaid Diaries site is no more. I know it costs money to host an inactive blog, but I love the time capsules.
  2. I prefer bloggers who don't just put up photos with a list of what they're wearing. I like the ones who give us a glimpse into their SL lives while still giving us pretty pictures and credits. I loved the Emerald's Eyes blog because it wasn't a fashion blog. It was about the adventures of a hilarious person in SL. She wasn't out to impress anyone with her photo or writing skills, but she's just so dang funny. She only posts maybe once or twice a year now unfortunately. I also love Lori Novo's blog. She does pretty pictures and good writing, but you can definitely get to know the person behind the avatar, unlike a lot of fashion bloggers. I tried having my own blog for a very short while, but it's just so much work. I won't criticize too much, but I pay little attention to the bloggers that just do pics/credits and nothing else, unless I see specific items I want to check out in world. 9 times out of 10 I don't buy the item because it doesn't look as good in world as it did in the blogger's photos. I ignore bloggers who seem to exist solely to create p0rn that ends up on the fashion feeds. So many of my favorite writer bloggers have faded away slowly or abruptly to be replaced by the ones who have sponsors. Whatever happened to buying and showing the things you love instead of being beholden to post every item they receive. I never did it to get freebies. I guess I shouldn't be surprised it happened. Influencers have taken over YouTube culture for freebies too, but I'm never going to buy from Shein, Temu, or Wish.
  3. Peeve: A certain event that rhymes with The Parade. I remember when everyone was hyped up to go see what the top creators were going to surprise us with every round. I remember when those top creators started drifting away from the event. I remember when the new style arrived, and it was still kind of cool, and we didn't have to pay 100L per pull for mediocre items. I looked at the September round's offerings, and just went, "Meh." BTDT. There are a handful of cute sets, but I'm not going to waste my time with it. I miss that old excitement.
  4. My alt is putting her stilt on pier (the purple house in the photo) in Cutlass Point up for new ownership today. It faces north into a void zone, so even on max draw distance, the nearby land of Sakura can't be seen. I have had this spot for over 2 years, and I hate giving it up, but life's getting too expensive to have two avatars with premium accounts, so she's leaving Premiumville. Good luck to anyone who wants a try at it. I know stilt on pier are a hard catch.
  5. From the chatter I've heard about the updates, the eyes are still wonky and apparently the store's idea of a solution is to wear unrigged eyes. Nope! Fix your eyes. Why would I pay money to have eyes that don't work properly? that's like buying a brand new 2024 car and the manufacturer tells you to just buy aftermarket headlights because the original headlines are facing at the wrong angle. No excuses. They've had years (before COVID and the war) to fix the eyes. They promised they were working on the eyes. Then they just told us to buy that eye override and disappeared. They lied. I don't do business with companies that outright lie, either in SL or in RL.
  6. If Genus hasn't fixed the wonky eyeblink from the last set of heads, that's a problem.
  7. I've been using my debit card in SL as long as I've been premium. It's not tied to a Paypal account either.
  8. Gloom has a set of eyes out for So Kawaii Sundays that have very little, if any, shadows in the upper portion of the eye. They have some of the whitest sclera I've seen in a while.
  9. Yeah, I just don't get LL's obsession with handing out the most atrocious AOs. Surely someone on their creation staff actually knows how to create animations that don't look utterly stupid? I didn't think they could top the original Duck Walk (tm), but they even fell below their already basement standards with this one. I haven't seen a Linden in world in a hot minute, so I don't know what AOs they use, but come on! New people who are supposedly the target for this avatar, if they are used to other games and virtual worlds, will take one look at that AO and ask what amateur came up with it and then leave world as fast as they arrived. I hate to get nasty with this, but this was a major fail on their part.
  10. For those of you who don't read Patch's posts: The legal terms of this are terrible. I don't see many of the top creators in SL agreeing to this.
  11. My fiance and I have agreed to do a back to back run with Barbenheimer. I figure the heimer should go first so then we can watch the silly pink concoction. My hope is that much of this Barbie movie will be subversive humor. Margo Robbie is excellent at acting sly while still looking adorable. Some of the clips I've seen seems to point this direction anyway. Side note: Go to Google and type Greta Gerwig and see what happens.
  12. Sometimes I'm human. Sometimes I'm a cat (TWI or Dinkie), especially when I want to take a break from spending Ls on clothes, hair, and shoes. Human-wise, I started out as a redhead but eventually became a blonde and stuck there. I only go with black-hair when I'm feeling goth-adjacent. I've never really understood the thing about faces looking like "me." No face in SL is going to look like my real life face. I have photos of what my SL face looked like back in 2008 when I joined, and I never want to see that face or shape again. What looks like "me" is whatever head/skin looks attractive to me. I'll see a skin advert and think it's pretty and then go demo it. If it looks good on my Avalon head (the only one I've worn for several years), I'll buy it and wear it. Right now I'm wearing an Asian skin from Deetalez that doesn't really look Asian on Avalon with my current shape. Body-wise, I've been using Maitreya for a very long time. I have other bodies, but I never use them for long because of various quibbles I have with them (Legacy's HUD *barf*; GenX still doesn't have enough clothes rigged for it). I've tried various shapes, but I always go back to my relatively slender shape that some would derogatorily call "basic b!tch." I won't move to Reborn until I can wear it without needing 10+ deformers. I want to look different in SL from what I look like in RL. Clothing style? Classic and not hyper-sexualized. No exposed nips or crotch. I've always been like that. I do confess I've become a bit of a snob who refuses to buy template clothing unless the designers are exceptional at texturing and providing huge color HUDs. After 15 years in world, I know who makes the high quality stuff and I stick to them. It's rare for me to find a brand new store and be impressed with it. As mentioned above, I'll occasionally veer into goth style if I'm in a bad mood.
  13. I lost an entire folder of pets (companions/wanderers, all of it, including a bunch of irreplaceable gacha pets) last year. Nothing worked to get it restored, and neither did the LL help desk (I would have gotten a better response if I'd written a letter to Slanta Clause. I'm still mad about it.
  14. I can honestly say I've looked at furnishings and clothes in RL and wish I could have them at SL prices, not to mention the ability to move objects with a mouse-click.
  15. Blueberry makes some regular (high waisted) jeans for Gen X. Mine are called Daisy and came in one of those weekend deals, I think. Just Because and Lilleth Mills have some LBDs for Gen X. Belleza also has a new collaborator and is selling clothing under that name now, so I'd keep an eye on new releases. Now if we could only get Ison and Coco on board with Gen X.
  16. As soon as I see the word "blockchain" my brain shuts down refuses to contemplate anything to do with it.
  17. I think you could get that look with the Avalon head quite easily, if you are adept at adjusting face shapes. I'm wearing Avalon in the photo below. I don't remember the base shape that comes with it. I create my own shapes based on whatever new skin strikes my fancy. Your nose might be thinner and your jaw more square than mine, but those are easy adjustments on this head. If you want your mouth further below your nose than I have mine, that's also an easy fix.
  18. If they were telling the truth, the slogan would be "Your World, Your Imagination, but only within the limited constraints we give you." When even the big kahuna Philip can't be arsed to let go of his 2003 avatar, how can we expect the upper echelons at LL to actually understand the 2023 world of SL? My godz, they can't even replace the 20-year-old built-in duckwalk. I joined in 2008 and even then I knew the built in AO was prehistoric technology. They hang onto it like it's some cultural/historical touchstone for them. Any newcomers to SL are likely coming from gaming worlds where human avatars walk like humans, and I can imagine many of them just say NOPE on that alone instead of hanging around long enough to find out where decent basic free AOs are. If anything, the new mentors should be ready to hand out a newbie AO and tell them how to use it. It's the small things that count for user retention, and they really drop the ball on small things. Are the Nux avatars going to come with an updated AO or are they going to duckwalk like everyone else did at the beginning?
  19. Belleza really dropped the ball when it made that Gen.X event a one time only thing. Much like Reborn has made theirs a monthly event, Belleza should have done so. Maybe they tried and didn't get enough designers on board? I bought the Classic and haven't worn it for several months because I just can't get enough clothing that I like for it. My favorite designers are just not creating for that body. As it stands I will eventually purchase Reborn, deform the heck out of it, and then redeliver 10,000 clothing items that have added Reborn to existing outfits. That's going to be fun. /snark
  20. Clothing recommendations: Ison (my personal fave), Neve (some skimpy stuff but also a good selection of sportswear), Just Because, Tetra, Purple Moon, Tres Blah, Valentina E. (if you like darker jewel tones), Fashionably Dead, Baby Monkey, Siss Boom, I don't go to many clubs. One I do go to Blackhearts.
  21. Clothing suggestion: Toksik Hair: Raven Bell has some amazing color hairs. I'm not sure on hats, but any modern steampunk shop should have plenty to choose from. Wicca's Originals is a good store to start off for many things, not just hats. If you want that complete look, you're going to have to make the switch to a mesh head and body. Lelutka Avalon imho is the most adaptable of modern mesh heads. Body would just be a matter of your vision for your body. Maitreya has the most made for it. If you're going cheap, Lucybody is free (250L for BOM add-on). Weekend sales always have tons of skins and eyes and jewelry that would fit that look for cheap.
  22. So I became a cat and sat on my dining room table. That's what cats do right? Thanks to those who recommended TWI's Wildcat avatar. It's awesome.
  23. I'm happy that they're providing 3 versions of the body in this update + the free dainty option. If more designers will create for Gen X I would definitely wear the Lite version because I'm all about the BOM. I've got a small collection of Gen X items, but not enough to wear it full time.
  24. SL Peeve: Could someone explain to me where the fad for women running around with their pants/shorts/jeans almost completely unzipped to the point of showing off their pewbs come from? Is it akin to the gay male community where wearing pants falling below the bum signals availability? Did the Kardashians do it and I was just blissfully unaware?
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