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Charlotte Bartlett

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Everything posted by Charlotte Bartlett

  1. Hi there, I have never had that before - I have 3-4 link sets and when I select all of them and gently size up - the mesh "explodes". I tried with LL viewer and Firestorm. I wondered if I was doing something silly? Thanks Charlotte Image of the explosion haha - ? https://gyazo.com/fb9374f5e6b8c1a572a54ae902c20b89
  2. Hi Substance Designer is a materials authoring program, so it will help you out if you want to make your own PBR materials. SL doesn't support PBR but if you are using Sansar if could be useful (to a degree)? If unsure, I think they do a monthly subscription - with a free 30 days - probably worth trying it first, then you can pay for it a month at a time (not sure if that compares to the sale) They have their own tutorials - https://tutorials.allegorithmic.com
  3. Hi there There was a known issue where customers were debited, items not delivered, and merchants not credited due to the emergency fixes they had to do yesterday it seems. If it helps - there is a thread here from LL explaining the issue, what they are doing to solve it, and timeline. I would subscribe to that thread to keep updated so you can track your refunds. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/408471-marketplace-order-issue-june-262017/
  4. Hi there There was a known issue where customers were debited, items not delivered, and merchants not credited due to the emergency fixes they had to do yesterday it seems. If it helps - there is a thread here from LL explaining the issue, what they are doing to solve it, and timeline. I would subscribe to that thread to keep updated so you can track your refunds. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/408471-marketplace-order-issue-june-262017/
  5. Hi there There was a known issue where customers were debited, items not delivered, and merchants not credited due to the emergency fixes they had to do yesterday it seems. So these sound like legit issues above. If it helps - there is a thread here from LL explaining the issue, what they are doing to solve it, and timeline. I would subscribe to that thread to keep updated so you can track your refunds. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/408471-marketplace-order-issue-june-262017/
  6. Thanks Pam - I missed that part. Albeit, let's hope they can do that properly and no sales data comes in via the ANS stuff to caspervend etc.
  7. Hi Dakota - just as a fyi - Merchants did not receive those funds I believe (at least in my case and the customers who have alerted me to issues). So once you start redelivering LL will need to credit us the funds as well - not sure whether pending to complete solves that step, but just in case!
  8. If the OP does return you may want to take a look at a tutorial for SP meant for SL. This one from 20 minutes onwards may give you some tips on how to get things SL ready and the post work in PS needed. I wasn't sure your issue is export, (I think stating baking at 4096 is a misnomer as you don't state what size you screencap/optimise at for SL for all we know you are doing that already to 1024 or 512 etc in PS). But this will show you post work e.g. for glass in PS very simple stuff. It may give you some ideas - from about 20 mins in. If the only issue you had was 4096 the others above have given you their feedback. It's from Anya Ohmai
  9. Hi Is it happening with all textures you are exporting (and it may help to post what settings you are using e.g. which template / what you are baking / type of material / HDRI background you are using plus if you see better results with filters on etc like the baked lighting you mention. I have found I still have to do post work in photoshop for substance exports.
  10. Thanks all. The outages updates weren't up when I looked, and they are written really well. That gives me a level of comfort. It still doesn't remove the risk the service may stop without notice but I am going to start looking at a custom back up plan albeit the minute I start thinking about vendor migration I glaze over!
  11. I think that's where my concern lies, what if the service....just stopped. e.g. the owner left SL etc. I don't want to over-react (e.g. I can live with something being down less than a day, but beyond that it starts to get into more serious impacts - particularly if this timed with an event open for example e.g. C88 when all the vendors get hit hard). but at the same time my customers are getting the brunt of something outside my control and that's my main concern. I am pretty clueless on vendors so perhaps a custom method is a plan to look at (though my head hurts to even think about a migration and cost involved). This is where again I wish LL were a little strategic with what services they purchased / supported directly.
  12. Hi all, Recently this evening my customers were impacted by an outage on a vendor service I use for delivery, I am not hugely technical but the website showed server overload issue error messages. The inworld vendors then went down, and some customers ended up paying multiple times for items (the duplicative control for copy items failed to kick in), for all nothing was delivered, redelivery went down too etc. I got woken up by a slew of customer IMs asking for help. It got me to realise how reliant I am on vendors to (a) track and deliver sales (b) manage redeliveries (c) give customers the products they purchase in a timely fashion etc. I love the vendor service I use and their support is great, but I wonder do any of you have back up plans for outages? I don't know what my plan b is - tonight has been bad for customers, but also for creators who are now having to wade through refunds, manual deliveries, and try and reassure customers we weren't stealing their lindens. I don't really know of any other option e.g. using two different vendor systems (would be horrific) or having manual purchase options next to scripted ones (would be confusing for all concerned). I normally would brush it off but this is the second time I have had issues, so am starting to think I need at least some of back up plan for especially on event days where there is a higher volume/impact. I can't imagine going back to "LL" sales.
  13. Thanks on the filter, added BUG-41223 Thought it would be useful to say the purpose of the space. e.g. Event, Shopping, Role Playing etc. Thinking it will help if there is a purpose index, that may later allow future changes to perhaps develop further saving "places" based on things we like to search for. e.g. I would love to see all the shopping events, add them to my 'favourites' then when calendar is integrated I can keep a note of dates to visit those sims on those dates etc. I also echo the marketplace, flickr, facebook, website etc. links showing on Places. I added this request under https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41224
  14. It is rather interesting that while companies were on holiday the market adjusted back to the rate it had been stable at for so long. Then today, when companies return from holidays, between 8am PST and 11am PST a total of Linden $ 33,000,000 (average of about 131,000 USD) was pushed into the market for sale at staggered rates. Even more unusual, at some point higher rates sales were put in (which were losing the seller money). Even when only 3,200 Linden $ was for sale at 253, suddenly 4.7M Linden $ appeared for sale at 254. This makes little sense, even if a desparate land baron was trying to offload to make tier, - they would only have had to wait minutes/less than an hour based on volume being traded to have their order filled at a lower rate. Now we no longer have the buy-down, it's very interesting on just how these staggered amounts are happening and how they impact the rates.
  15. Seems strange we have had all the unusual activity on the Lindex, and now unusual transactions appearing on some accounts.
  16. And the activity looks about normal for a weekend too which is good news. Something is still a bit strange though. I posted this over the road, but in my 30 days history I have the below appear. I wondered if database/system related, or something else. I am not sure I can check to see if the Lindens were returned due to the balance I had at the time. I did try to raise a support ticket but the system is down right now for me at least and nothing on the status blog. Order Id Order Type Quantity Ordered Quantity Filled Limit Rate Time Opened Time Closed Closure Method Gross US$ Net US$ 15858719 Market Buy L$ 2,800 L$ 0 – 2009-12-15 06:01:33 2016-05-19 17:46:33 system_cancel US$ 0.00 US$ 0.00 33748897 Market Buy L$ 6,000 L$ 0 – 2013-01-01 11:11:46 2016-05-19 17:46:33 system_cancel US$ 0.00 US$ 0.00
  17. Mine went through just after too. Also to give credit where it is due. My cash out testing is now within 24 hours from process to PayPal ....
  18. Even 251 is stalling now - e.g. 4 hours to get a sale through. I suspect we are heading more into 253 if this trend continues as it has for this month. I wondered if anybody had theories on what is leading to this? I was thinking of a few random ones.... (a) purposeful devaluation to reduce cash out amounts of creators/merchants. Another creator mentioned a comment made from Ebbe relating to income per designer was high (assume this means the ones cashing out / not using their income for tier and inworld spending etc) and customers were paying too much for land, and he wants to balance that. Linked? (b) just random and linked to the fact there are a lot of cash outs to take the discounted sim rates (so we'll see it improve back to the 249 rate over the coming months) (d) Other - they have somebody really working financials so are improving the profitbiilty of SL (this I don't mind at all if transparent for us all) e.g. step one (a) Land step two (b) make Linden Dollars cheaper etc - it this helps increase consumers it's a good thing. Giving them a better base to entice users to also use Sansar etc / keep tier stable on SL. I am just musing this as it's an interesting change in behaviour and only times I have seen this level of movement, it has been tied to very specific events in SL history.
  19. So now we are seeing speedier payouts... I noticed the Lindex on limit sells is slowly taking a nose dive - even selling at 251 is hard pushing us nearer to 253? This is very different to earlier months as we transitioned out of 248 to 249. Pennies on the dollar but with larger cash out / across all merchants it's not a small amount of cash. Purposeful devaluation or just reflective of specific activities over the past few months (e.g. people cashing out for the sim discounts etc to USD?)...
  20. We have success. Money hit PayPal on Tuesday evening. Making it within 2 business days. So perhaps tied to starting it in a Monday not Sunday? Will keep testing the times to see if maintained.
  21. I am running test 2 today Cashed out at 9.35 PDT. Will post back when they settle the funds.
  22. I agree/disagree. Yes Sunday is a non business day, but therefore at 8am Monday morning the process is started - the money reached paypal late on Wednesday after my bank had closed. That's effectively 3 business days from start to finish inclusive. So what exactly are they NOW doing for 3 days with that money. The old excuse was to keep the 1 USD fee they used that slower Paypal method from memory back in 2007. Later came the "oh and we do fraud checks". So now what is causing the delay if we are paying full whack on fees (and as somebody rightly pointed out above) already paying out by taking a haircut on the lindex which can be hundreds of USD dependent on sale amount. It's great you are satisfied with an up to 5 days for processing, but I find that rather lacking so differ on that opinion, based on the reality of moving electronic money.
  23. I wondered how other merchants are getting results so far on timing with the new payout system/approach. My previous cash out routine was Sunday evenings and by Thursday money was in my PayPal (and my bank is good by Friday in my account) - cost 1 USD. New cash out with the increased fees but "improved timeline". Cash out still on Sunday evening. Money arrives Wednesday afternoon (so will be in my bank by Thursday) - cost now based on the new charges. So for a 150% increase in fees I get a whole 24 hours earlier and still 3 business days (4 calendar days)? My account doesn't need fraud checks to slow it down - I have coming up to 10 years of cash out history so pass their Know Your Customer fraud requirements. Not impressive. I would be ok with the fee if it was real-time cash out for established merchants where they have our tax information and verification they already did last year on file + where it is to the same paypal account that has been established for (in my case) 9+ years. Got to love "improvements". :smileyfrustrated:
  24. As a bit more information also for creators who aren't using Blender. 3ds Max is PC only. Maya PC and Mac. I will fill in too - I use Mac but have Parellels for window only apps - so no issue for me if no Mac version initially. Parellels is fairly cost effective with Windows 10. Gives me the benefit of the hardware and OS I prefer for 90pct of my time, and when I am forced into Windows I have the capabilitiy from my Mac.
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