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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Mine surprisingly came in two days at the first of the month. No clue why. Normally it is longer.
  2. So the good news is that I went back to my couch and sent to my alt again this morning and things worked as they should. So, perhaps it was a short time issue that is fixed. I suggest giving it another try. Meanwhile I will send the MOD versions to the people that purchased yesterday. So thanks for this post as I probably wouldn't have rechecked :D.
  3. In MY case I did not. Always change permissions it in world. I was SO hoping you had an answer :D.
  4. OK. I am leaving what I wrote first below as it may be relevant. With a no mod script, I suspect that you know what SHOULD happen is that the building "looks" no modify because of the script inside, but the structure itself should be modify for size, texture etc. The fact that it changed on transfer is pretty much what happened to me yesterday (see below). I see ChinRey has maybe replied to this thread (that's kinda spooky - knowing while you are typing LOL) so perhaps there are some answers there. I WILL say that what you describe is very much like what happened to me. *********** Well I can't say I know what is going on, but I had a similar issue yesterday with a couch. It was my mesh, my textures and my texture change script. I even made the animations and they were all set to mod-copy. The only thing that wasn't mine was the sitter scripts which I use in all furniture with sits. Like you, I checked and rechecked permissions, but when I sent to my alt who doesn't have permission to edit my objects, the couch became no mod. This is NOT my norm and I had to change my venue text advertising and make new with a BIG sign saying the couch is copy only. This was not what I wanted to do. So it does seem that there is an issue. I haven't seen this in many years but long ago it happened fairly often.
  5. Most of the muscles you see are actually the TEXTURES on the skin layer that goes over the shape of your avatar. There is actually no real way to make defined muscles in the classic avatar. Some of the male bodies have slight more defined musculature but again, textures. Tellaq has a lot of muscle guys both classic and mesh (the mesh ones apparently don't all work well with clothes you would by somewhere else; at least that is what I heard). Likely there are many others. Looking through the Markeplace skin listings might give you a direction to explore. And yes, this is an official SL forum.
  6. BIGGER PICTURE please. I don't think many of us have any idea what your issue is.
  7. There is also the possibility -- since it is bloodlines, that you need your group tag active in order to buy -- so sales to group members only thing. Also sometimes items WERE set to buy and somehow revert to their no buy state (like what would happen if a sim was rolled back to a time before the items was made buyable). This has happened to me many times over the years. So if wearing your tag doesn't help, then indeed contact the owner of the item. You can find the owner (not the creator necessarily) by right clicking and INSPECTING the vendor.
  8. Chic Aeon

    No Inventory

    You could try installing a different viewer to see if it is there. You "can" put in a support ticket but I am guessing they will just send you to that wiki page. There have been some major inventory losses reported lately. If you have gone through all the steps in the wiki and ALSO installed a new and different viewer (the official Linden Lab one would be good if you don't normally use that) then you can put all that in your support ticket and perhaps get thing back. That is a very big loss so hope it is just a glitch and not a real loss. Good luck.
  9. Chic Aeon

    No Inventory

    This sounds doesn't sound like a "real" inventory loss happily. The wiki has lots of suggestions: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss
  10. Certainly a possibility. That reset is so ingrained in me I forget about it when thinking about issues of others. If that IS the issue then changing back to default may solve the issue if it is an "everything" issue which I am still not clear about :D.
  11. It is most likely not your system but the MESH (I am assuming here) that wasn't uploaded properly. In order to see "that" mesh better you can turn your LOD settting up. You can find those in the GRAPHICS preferences. Hopefully you don't need to set to 4 to see the object. Well made made with good LOD settings should work well for you so I am guessing that this isn't ALL objects or that you have a lot of C*&^% mesh around *wink*. If that's not it, write back with more details and maybe a screenshot. One interesting test would be to go to Linden Realms which is optimized for VERY low LOD viewer settings. If the items distort there too, then it is another issue. It rarely is however.
  12. "I" no longer go to the beta grid after a major inventory (OMG inventory again) snaffu that took me a week to fix on the main grid. I send my alt. She has a tiny inventory. She sometimes has issues but is willing to take one for the team.
  13. Mesh sandbox three has been up all day and working fine so far.
  14. Sorry that is Alwin Alcott's quote above. I pasted from a wrong spot. Just a note to the OP :D. "Looking into" events isn't really up to most retailers. Venues are very difficult (sometimes almost impossible unless you are a grand networker) to get in. I have talented creator friends with businesses of many years who have been trying forever to get into some big name events. Unless you are an out of the world we haven't ever seen that before item producer *wink*, I would suggest trying to get into some minor venue and maybe some Relay for Life events which tend to let most people in so that they can contribute to the cause. And while I agree that malls are pretty much dead, if you can find an inexpensive place that looks pretty good, that is an important IMHO part of a Marketplace presence. Even if folks never come to your store, they may at least note that you HAVE a store and that is a bonus point. Don't worry about setting the world on fire. It takes time and energy and resolve. Just enjoy yourself and try to make a game out of "paying the rent". Its a good way to begin a long term business. Many folks can attest to that. Good luck!
  15. Thanks for posting. Good news for Opensim for sure. There is a program there but you cannot use it in any items you sell. Hence I have single sits in my stuff. Furniture doesn't sell well over there anyway really so not a big deal. But for the future, very good. I managed to get four people with single sits, two couples or one couple with two singles and a foursome in a couch recently. It was NOT easy. Of course I am relatively new the the program (only a few months). I agree it must be tiring to do support. Happily I don't need to often :D.
  16. Search is your friend. Type in "how to turn on the devoloper menu in SL" into Google or likely these forums and you will find out.
  17. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  18. Well there was a forum feedback thread for quite awhile after the new one appeared, and many changes asked for were included or adapted which I thought was quite impressive.
  19. Here is a video that might be helpful. https://avastar.online/reference/use-sl-shapes/
  20. Since going by your inworld profile you are well beyond the 14 days age (assuming that I seeing the correct profile) then your best action would be to turn in a support ticket.
  21. Yes, that has been suggested already but not what I was looking for. Maybe my "elegant" way will appear. Many new things have when asked for!
  22. OK. I am going to jump in here with some thoughts and some honest facts. Your artwork looks quite engaging. I was a real life painter for many years, did the shows and galleries and all that. Got more fame than fortune, not an unusual scenario. That same scenario filters over into our virtual world. As Talligurl says there are quite a few art communities. Some are not expensive to have a shop in. There may even be some free ones out there. The clothing market is likely THE most competitive arena in SL. There are some outstanding designers with all sorts of skills including making and rigging mesh. If you would have come here a decade ago, your tee shirts would likely have been quite popular, but times have moved on. I suggest looking as your art AS art and if you ALSO want to pursue clothes making, think of that as a separate pursuit. You likely have many of the skills needed already (the texturing part). You can do many things in SL; you don't need to confine yourself in one tiny box. I suspect you will meet more like-minded people in an arty setting than behind a counter (virtually speaking) of a shop. And likely enjoy yourself more. Will you make money? Perhaps, some. The folks making incomes in SL work here full time and often have a support crew and other creators working under them. It isn't easy. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try, just that realism needs to be a part of the plan. If you absolutely want to make clothes, then by all means work on those skills and do that. If it is your art that is important to you, then concentrate on your art and bringing that over to the virtual world. If you need upload money, I suggest heading over to the Linden Realms where you can still make money by running through crystals. You also learn some important SL skills along the way. There was a time when I played the "collect enough crystals to pay for the uploads for the day" game. It wasn't actually NECESSARY but it was sort of fun :D. And that is really the bottom line. Pursue what is FUN! Best of success on your adventures. Edit: If you decide to put some of your art in frames, here is a tutorial on how to do that: https://www.slartist.com/pifb-lesson-2-frames-part-1_9e4223a17.html https://www.slartist.com/pifb-lesson-2-frames-part-2_9b9287a99.html Two parts.
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