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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. As far as editing, I have been using Corel Video Studio and I do have the newest version installed (but alas not used). They have deals on it if you watch and you can get the "exiting" version very inexpensively. 30 day free trial. It does TONS of stuff and many many layers which I often use. The downside to that is that Corel has decided (unless that has changed) to make older versions unusable ONCE YOU SWITCH MACHINES so having the files and the activation codes does you no good. This doesn't (didn't anyway) happen all that quickly. I have used several editors over the years and I think it is good to try various ones to see what will work best for you. If I get VERY enthusiastic I may film something again eventually. So far all I have done is TEST LOL.
  2. I had to smile at the "compact company" text :D. While it LIKELY just meant SL20B (plots opened for building today and since I had prebuilt I am mostly done). BUT I am HOPING that the 2048 Belli homes will be unveiled along with the new avatars. Fingers crossed.
  3. 8li = animated butterflies The Home Store == 50 lindens for Hello Tuesday https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Creative Muses/114/186/2002
  4. At Nutmeg for the weekend. Oddly the chairs didn't hold their LODs as well at home as they did in the store although the didn't seem oversized there. The cloth and the plant set hold well.
  5. Honestly all this is answered in SO MANY PLACES including a whole new Linden sim devoted to the subject. Not saying any more HONESTLY?
  6. No way to know until they write you if you are IN. So far as I know those announcements haven't gone out yet -- and yes, usually it is sooner with more lead time. Others have also asked.
  7. None of this is new news. SL's economy depends in part on the world economy and if you haven't been paying attention it is in the toilet. Pretty sure I can say that LOL. I have talked to some SL friends in Europe and same there as the US and the US has some big problems coming up in June. So far as just the LAND part of the equation, SL land does NOT seem to be mirroring its corporeal counterpart -- at least in my part of the globe. A tiny little house (like under 700 square feet) on a postage stamp lot on a noisy main street in a small town just sold for 285K and there were three bids on the first day. In part corporeal wise I think some folks want their money in something tangible and usable). I am happy my house is also appreciating by leaps and bounds but if you sell then where would you go? HMMMMM. So far as the SL land picture if people are worried about their real lives, making payments, keeping a job etc. they are NOT going to be looking about buying pixel land --- when in fact they can enjoy SL for free or cup of RL coffee a week prices. It isn't just land. This May has been the lowest grossing month that I have had in well over a decade. But we made it through the last recession OK so I suspect we will again. EDITED ADDING: And so far as Belli and policing that has NEVER been fast from day one. The Moles are great (or have been reportedly in the past) fixing bad houses and such -- but covenant breaking claims have been mostly ignored from the beginning.
  8. Looks like you have a good start. I have been out of the machinima scene for some years now. Have new software but my enthusiasm seems to have left the building along with UWA (the great days of SL machinima). My only real comment is to perhaps think about telling a story. There are five gazillion SL dance videos out there. Much like all of art, the point (in theory ) is to "say something". Technically though I think you are doing very well. I would have my cam smoothing set a bit higher. Think about other angles besides the obvious. Be "arty" LOL. And of course HAVE FUN..
  9. I don't know anyone who has heard back about the birthday event or Shop and Hop. Since I have been in every year that I have applied I am guessing that I will be in again. But ya never know. I looked at a landmark from last year and there are plenty of empty sims with just grass sitting next to the old displays from last year. It seemed like we had a couple of weeks or so last year so hopefully folks will hear this next week. Fingers crossed.
  10. LOL. Well I skipped all the comments but it VERY OBVIOUS that you have no idea how many content creators have FREE ACOUNTS. "Premium" has nothing to do with how good you are or how much you add to the grid. Whether or not this is a "real" post or not from the OP, that is the answer. Without the free accounts their would be much less for the PREMIUM folks to spend their money on. That's my two cents.
  11. Indeed it does and resizing won't help since it is the physics causing a big part of the issue. It IS however low triangle count and with good LODs -- so good for some folks. Would have been so much better without the uploader physics (there is a way around that still in the new upload options) (insert sigh)
  12. You pretty much need to keep your eyes open and search. There are "sometimes" rental adds that you can find in the classified -- other times not so much. The only place that I know of is an area I used to live but it has chaned a lot. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Xenosaur/130/93/63 Small two story shops for 100 lindens. There used to be others but it changed hands and it looks like a LOT has moved to the sky which is kind of nice really LOL. Good luck. Also check the land areas in these forums OR put something in "wanted".
  13. Well it has fixed my issues (meaning that the things that were NOT working after an update did then work after cleaning) at LEAST a dozen times in the last few months. So I am a fan. Sure there are other unitalities like Glary, that's just the one I use. If Windows updates actually WORKED when applied without breaking things, that would be a wonderful thing. So far that has not be then case for me. Worse in Win 11 than Win 10 (I have both). Just my experience. Yours may differ.
  14. Along with all that techy advice I have found that running a utilities program (I use Glary utilities free version) solves a LOT of issues -- especially if you are on Win 11. It has become my BFF and fixed a TON of things that had nothing to do with what "I" did.
  15. I never played the Flickr game. Back when I joined there were too many really horrible "photographers" buying both likes and followers. Then the "I'll like you if you like me" thing became vogue. Once the donut guys bought out Flickr they really lost me. Now I post shots leading to blog posts rarely I even telling the creators that I blog for still (mostly old timers that don't us BlogOtex) that the best way to see what I am blogging is to check their tag on the blog. If there is something really special about a picture OR I feel like I haven't put anything in a creator's group for awhile I upload. I also used to put the Flickr pictures on my blog FROM Flickr. Then when the photo sharing site changed hands I lost a ton of blog pictures because I had to take so many shots off OR pay for Pro and when the site wasn't working a good portion of the time that didn't seem too promising. Now I upload all the photos through Blogspot. If you are going to be a typical blogger (that should be in quotes I guess as most Flickr Bloggers never actually WRITE anything on their blogs other than the names of products and links to venues) then playing all those games is very important. I, however, have pretty much always done my own thing and I am happy with that LOL.
  16. Just wanted to add that I had some issues like this many months ago. It had nothing to do with the mouse --- but with the REGION. I have been using a logitech wireless mouse for many years (same old model as it is small and my hands are too. Changing out the mouse had nothing to do with those issue for me. The "fixed themselves" over time. It was also not the viewer. So did you try rezzing in a SANDBOX (hence other region)? The other thing that it could be is a Windows Update. I have had recent ones on both Win 10 and Win11 (I actually have Win11 notebook set to only update every five weeks because the updates were causing ALL kinds of issues. This latest one on my notebook made it so I can't charge up my headphones on that computer. They charge fine if I attach the same cord and headset to my big computer. So I guess I am just saying that it MAY have nothing to do with the mouse. Some things unfortunately are beyond our control. Good luck.
  17. I read this when it first came on then lost it and not reading all the comments so if this has been said, sorry. Since Linden Lab now OWNS and runs the major vendor company --- if this WAS a problem with the vendor system (I had one last week which I thought was odd) then perhaps a support ticket might get you somewhere. You would need all the info showing that the money was deducted, time etc. In GENERAL as I am sure it has been said LL doesn't get into these citizen issues. If it was the fault of the VENDOR system however it seems like they should rectify somehow. That's all I've got
  18. Since you likely don't know this --- Aquila is the Queen of mesh in SL and has helped MANY of us learn for well over a decade @Aquila Kytori
  19. Along with Aquila's excellent advice that I am guessing a few of us were smiling about ---- taking some inworld building classes (both prim and ?Blender (I thihk Builders Brewery still has beginning Blender classes) would be a good start. You are trying to make a very complex object when you don't know the basics. That just doesn't work. When I was teaching classes and indeed in the Blender videos I made I started just importing a cube with a texture . Honestly that's tricky enough when you have no idea what your are doing. Then a picture frame, a table and EVENTUALLY a very simple building with physics. Baby steps. For most of us Blender has been a long journey. Enjoy the process.
  20. Trompe Loeil at COLLABOR88 and at the original pricing of LONG ago :D. Really good LODs on this. 27 land impact and on off light.
  21. So as long as items are no transfer wouldn't that fix the transfer issue? Waiting to see where this goes with the populous. To be honest I didn't read all your posted details. Too late and too tired. Busy day - just commenting on this part.
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