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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I believe Juan is correct. I have never received a tax deduction by taking part in any of the RFL events -- as a creator or as a buyer. In the PAST people have posted receipts showing that money did go to the charity the event was sponsoring. Best of course would be to contact someone high up in the RFL organization. The place for that in SL would be here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/American Cancer Society/128/128/2 Better yet to answer some of your questions about where the money goes you can look at the real life website and ask Google. Many creators stopped taking part in RFL because of where the money was actually going. So do your research and make your decisions.
  2. Also at Bondi, a big, big set of studio lights. Very impressive. Lots of choices of colors and variations and there is a ceiling version in the mix. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Daydreaming/19/66/22
  3. Out at Bondi along with other items of interest for the weekend :D, this small greenhouse with lovely textures and great LODs. The doors aren't linked to the building (in that older method) but they might be able to be. I took the script out and left the door open. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Daydreaming/19/66/22
  4. Well I read too fast or you added. Either way my dude suggestion would be to try the current male bodies with your old clothes assuming you want to keep them. I also wanted to add for anyone that might be interested as your profile pic currently looks a little "elf" to me that there is a very nice still free UNISEX elf head on the marketplace here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FREE-BeSpoke-Elf-Yule-Head/23052390
  5. Here is a recent "one linden avatar" post (well 2) that might help. Some things may no longer be available though. Tis the way of SL. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-one-linden-avatar.html https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-one-linden-avatar-part-2.html
  6. I noted the store was no longer around awhile ago. I basically LIVED at Sn@tch in my newbie days. Ivy was always very generous. And I loved the Halloween builds that happened for so many years. SL is almost 20 years old. That means that the youngest of the old time residents would now be almost 38 (not counting the teen grid here) so sadly we are bound to lose folks. But we do have our good memories and that is a wonderful thing.
  7. Hard to believe but this is only $50 out for Hello Tuesday. Hello Tuesday has changed somewhat too as now it includes items not only at the shopping district but at main stores. NOT low prim. Very good LODs and very nicely done. Pictures appear to be upside down on purpose but the bar pieces are linked so you can use as you like. .imegica. Industrial miniBar http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Parallel Universe/234/121/23
  8. That may be but I have had many issues with that brand (never bought because of it) and so I am DONE LOL. But thanks for the thoughts. They advertise things on the weekends that aren't actually the product on sale and some other earlier issues that I just blocked out. Enough is enough. Not like I really NEED more clothes
  9. That's nothing. Recently I wanted to buy one color (just one body was fine) of just some pants and it would have cost me 1200 lindens. I wrote a long semi- rant questioning the FATPACK idea. Here is a snippet from that post.
  10. Even in the OLDEN days when runway shows were very popular (and difficult to photograph because of lag) models were not paid much. They often got the clothing they were modeling, but also were expected == in many cases) to accessorize the outfits on their own dime. They had to buy expensive modeling AOS, have really good looking avatars and oftentimes needed to be graduates of a modeling school. It was never as far as I know about the money -- it was about the prestige and the "modeling experience" :D. This so far as runway goes. There were also plenty of store modeling jobs (basically camping on a modeling stand; those were much easier to get but they still paid very little.
  11. So far as Cosmopolitan, those are invitation only and folks there are also in the Cosmopolitan Event. Even if you are in the event, you cannot necessarily rent when a shop becomes available. While I agree that is a more or less real traffic place, the folks that "I" know that have shops there mostly break even on Hello Tuesdays sales. That doesn't mean that everyone has that experience - only the folks that I know that were talking :D, Fifteen years or so ago Malls and shopping sims were definitely the place to be. My experiences (maybe four or five locations) still didn't bring in lots of money. Only one place that had hunts each week proved to be an actual traffic equals sales venue. Still, if you are only going to have a little store I prefer to be in a shopping village simply for the optics. And so far as clubs go, some club owners rent out the stalls to their alts -- again mostly for optics. OH I just thought of something for the OP @MadamePuqe -- The BEST OF SL sim has been completely redone and they are having their grand opening in March sometime. It is very impressive. Not sure how the shops are being rented. The ones that were there before the remodel were partly long time brands with maybe a few "friend" shops in the mix (I don't know that -- just that some shops weren't well known etc. ). So that might be worth checking out.
  12. Sadly I think the days of actual "busy locations" have disappeared (over a decade ago really) so while you are shopping for those be sure and check if the traffic is "real" or if it is just bots or alts wandering around OR just folks watching lucky boards that are not really shoppers. I looked recently and didn't find a thing and I have good "land karma". It appears that you are new so likely have missed out on a lot of SL history. Good luck. If you find a great place would be good to come back and let others know.
  13. Since both the SLURL in the OP and the one on the Marketplace (took some sleuthing to find that) go to private property mostly empty, letting folks know that the Marketplace store is here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/252641 There is apparently no inworld store. So maybe some more current and additional info from the OP is needed. They appear to be "new" so that might be part of the issue. Don't know. Was an interesting mini-adventure while I wait for homemade Thai food to arrive YUMMMM.
  14. This is gorgeous. Many color themes. New. Architect . There was a "just lighing" item out awhile ago that I think coordinates. Weekend sale. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Essences/76/185/22
  15. Well I honestly didn't read all the LONG answers here but if the OP owns the parcel then go to the PLACES pages and find the parcel under your name (account). Use the places page to go to the parcel. It always goes to what it considers the center of the parcel. You will be able to see the coordinates in the SLURL>
  16. Just in case this is an actual TRUE thread (there have been others that were spoofs). Let all your friends know what is going on. Have IMs go to email Make a NEW avatar (honestly it can be fun). Take a break, go new places. Keep in touch with friends via IM. The stalker will get tired if you don't log in for awhile and then most likely you can go back to your old account. Log in on the stalked account ONLY when necessary and BRIEFLY. That's one logical answer.
  17. I installed the new Orangery (weekend sale) in my meadow. Happily digging deep in my inventory found planters and a "meditation pool" or whatever LOL from long ago that still looked great. Orange trees completed the build with lots of flowers out front. A very calming place to visit on a busy or problematic day.
  18. Basically the mantra here on the forums is no demo - no purchase. If it is a ten linden item or even 25 or 60 and you are willing to gamble then just be aware it IS a gamble. Your head likely came with some shapes. You can play around with those and make your own shape. It is a very good skill to learn and completely free, so trying that would be good. Vendor photos sometimes (fairly often) look better than what you will see inworld. So just be aware
  19. Weekend sales at Nutmeg. The demo is 8 li but downsized to what is shown it is 4. Good LODs even smaller (for inside). 104k triangles for the whole build.
  20. By ELM at Kistom9, While I personally think this is priced too high in today's market (folks either seem to be making money on sales or hiking up the regular cost (well, maybe both LOL - a mystery). It is gorgeous, low triangles with great LODs so very well made. You can buy parts or the whole set. I am in the cam sim as the main is filled.
  21. The list I saw in the destination guide looks to me like all the sites were vetted before being added. Since any non--profit or not-for-profit organization would have paperwork -- from the US anyway and I suspect most countries -- then all they would need to do to verify would be to show LL their credentials. This might be a good place to look (from the destination guide)
  22. Ahhh, Maybe I misunderstood your post. I thought the tinting DISAPPEARED, not just changed. EEP or Windlight if you have a viewer still using that will indded change the look of things -- enormously. However if you are using the SAME EEP and the same viewer things shouldn't change. There can be problems with scripts at very high altitudes -- this I hear anyway, but I have never had any issues below 4K meters which is said to be the dividing line. I went back and reread your post and you said this was on ONE ITEM ONLY so I can't see that it would be light settings unless perhaps there is light built into the item (like some backdrops I have). I know very little about the different channels but suspect unless there was a change with how EEP would work it would not be a factor.
  23. Wondering what the status of The Free Dove. It is still there for those that are wondering. Is it simply going to remain?
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