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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Opensim is a generic term for a collection of platforms running the software. Many are hosted on people's computers but there are several large and long-standing platforms that "rent" out regions. Kitely is one of the main ones and hosts the marketplace for all of Opensim. In Kitely a standard region like we have in SL is $15 US a month. Four regions are $19.95. So this works for SOME folks. The DOWNSIDE is that there is very little good content there. So it is best if you are a creator. The downside for creators is that if you sell to other grids or VISIT other grids (it gets complex here so I'll skip it) you run the risk of having your work stolen. If you can make everything you need (and I have done that) then it works. If not it is a bit like going back in time in SL 10 years or so. Of if you don't mind using stollen goods you can do that LOL. That is the simplistic version. And you you can OFTEN move between platforms and grids but the server needs to be up and you need to have the "address" to get there. Hope that helps some.
  2. Repeat after me -- "I do NOT need more kitchen stuff", "I do NOT need more kitchen stuff" LOL. How can you resist. Weekend sale here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ember Isle/53/37/1602
  3. BWC group gift at NEXT UP. And really REALLY old but fun hair.
  4. Over at Scarlet Creative going through some of the weekend sale stuff, aren't these the CUTEST TREES? I need to see if they are still available. :Fanatik Architecture: Garden Tree 1 Looks like part of a set https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Fanatik-Architecture-Garden-trees-bushes-shrubs-and-hills-mesh-landscaping-decoaration-kit/5452453
  5. So personally I am against the reselling of old gachas by creators since it is kind of a slap in the face to the gacha players and sellers who spent tons of money getting this stuff before it became outlawed, but this is pretty much a gift so posting it. "I" am not buying it just on principle but we all have our ideas on this matter :D.
  6. The plumbing part is from Second Spaces The Burrow Set which was from a Harry Potter type event a few years back. Super cute. The bistro table is a ChiC buildings build that comes with more modern stools. I needed something else to put the "kitchen clutter" on LOL. South part of UMBER at ground level :D.
  7. Spiffying up my kitchen with some weekend sales items. LOL. Hard to resist.
  8. Two piece kitchen set at Nutmeg. 2 li each. Good LODs. Reasonable tris. For the weekend. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//124/100/31
  9. Personally, if you listen closely when Patch was asked about Belli he said "we've uh got the Premium Plus linden homes that are uh nearing completion" . That could be 100 percent true in that the models are done but no layouts or landscaping or even FINAL OK has finalized them. Patch didn't seem all that comfortable with the question. I am guessing that the mobile viewer (in the work for OH SO MANY years now) and PBR are at the top of the roadmap list and that the Belli homes moved down a few slots. Aside from the fact that people bought PP BECAUSE of the 2048 homes that didn't appear, that seems like a very logical choice as those project will benefit many more people and affect most everyone. My best guess is June with SL20B. That's three month in the future.
  10. No, it isn't a UFO report but I have had a few occasions over the last few weeks when the clouds have reverted to this look. They are supposed to look like this. I don't have any special cloud texture used here == just the default. It seems like maybe the texture isn't loading? But this doesn't happen when I log in but when I open the viewer after it being minimized. I am using the latest Firestorm. Anyone else seeing this? Just wondering.
  11. That "story" is so VERY OLD and has never come to fruition for the believers :D. As long as SL is making money for the investors it is "safe" to continue. So in quite a few ways we should likely be happy that they are actively working on ways to profit -- other than selling or closing. I would rather make less profit than have the grid disappear and I suspect that would be the majority of folks' position. UNLESS you have access to The Lab's balance sheets -- you are just making assumptions.
  12. Kitely does (Opensim "main" platform) and Inworldz DID before it closed. Also Sinespace and Sansar (as far as know still). Those are just platforms I have been a part of. Kitely sends your money to you automatically every week or so depending on how much you sell. That's pretty nice. PS. There are other opensim worlds that let you cash out via third parties.
  13. In case you are being serious -- history has shown that actions will make no difference. There was a huge exodus of people (mostly artists and creators) that left SL during the change to the TOS in August of 2013. Most went to Opensim which thrived during the next years. Some just quit virtual life. None of that made any difference. Linden Lab holds the cards. Their platform. Their rules. Even the TOS is very clear and that -- and always has been at least for the last 16 or 17 years. Each person will decide how to react to this change. For many it will make no difference. For some it will be a deal breaker. Everyone gets to choose but there have only been a tiny handful of times when The Lab has made reversals based on the outcry of the populous and a few voices will not matter to them.
  14. I don't know if folks CARE about the unboxing. I don't as long as you get the item LOL. If you have items that aren't boxed you could say "unboxed" in the description in case someone cares. There are TIMES when rezzing an item will make it no transfers (meaning no mod, no copy, no transfer in most cases) so that is a risk. Likely nothing to do with clothes however. What you run into (especially at the Arcade) is that creators are ALSO selling the full set. I am pretty sure those are COPY and not transfer so anyone these days that wants the full set likely will buy the copy version. Honestly when I look at the prices of gacha type items they are often all over the map. The more you charge the longer you will wait to sell (or ever sell in some cases). It all depends on supply and demand. Playing any machine "forever" is NOT a smart thing to do. You will most likely lose money. That gambling addition thing was one reason the TOS was changed -- not the primary of course which was about laws and repercussions.
  15. Paper Sparrow Fabfree hunt. Look at those matching stripes!!!
  16. Yes agreed -- BUT if it is ONLY Premium Plus folks that get to bypass the fees and only for one full sim I would guess that to be a small percentage of the populous ---- look at the other end of the scale where the increased fees are. My guess is that definitely tips in Tilia's direction. Patch mentioned YEARS ago that LL was thinking about letting some current cost be paid in linden dollars. My ears were very perky because I no longer buy or sell lindens existing completely inworld bypassing Tilia. I thought and thought about that comment and couldn't see any up side to the move for LL. Connecting that ability to pay to PPlus both cuts down the use of the perk and likely would increase the adoption of PPlus somewhat -- depending if it penciled out for that particular citizen. There are apparently (from blog comments) a bunch of PPlus folks that will be jumping ship if those Belli houses don't arrive -- and maybe even if they do since they seem to feel they have been mislead. I thought it was a bad plan to opt in so early when the houses weren't even on the obvious horizon, but folks did because they REALLY wanted those 2048 houses. The ability to bypass fees is good but if there were LL scales to measure the changes in lost income versus new income I would guess the the increase in money conversion fees would be much higher (and again would go into Tilia's bank account which from the newest partnership appeared to be the focus of the new folks. So something needed to LOOK GOOD to take away some of the focus of the price increase. I am not sure this will hurt creators more than the general public EXCEPT for the increase in fees for transferring dollars out to Paypal; that WILL make yet another cut in the profits for creators still making RL income here. Business is already very slow for many old time creators. At the same time I see a slew of "new folks" (they do appear to be new since their products aren't that great) coming onto the selling scene. I am guessing that most of the new folks are having fun playing at owning stores and taking parts in events and that's a great thing. No problems there. But the long time creators that I know are making less now than they used too. I personally don't know one that is making more. There must be some folks that are, but the shift to sale shopping where you can get previous items that were sometimes over a thousand lindens for 50 lindens has certainly impacted the commercial climate. Many have slowed down creating, are making smaller and less complex things or just quitting altogether if they are still here. The increase in transaction fees to "cash out" is just going to be one more thing to make some reassess. A little bit of smoke and mirrors here :D.
  17. The obvious answer (to me anyway) is to get folks into Premium Plus membership. The many folks that opted into PP when it was NEW in order to get a 2048 Belli house which was supposed to arrive in the Fall have NOT been happy (another thread). So if those houses are still on the drawing board they will have plenty of people going back down to Premium. They need something to entice a different group of the populous. Right now there isn't really much reason to opt into PP since those much wanted Belli houses haven't appeared. The REAL entity that this is helping is Tilia --- think on that :D.
  18. Out from Simple Things in the greatly expanded Hello Tuesday. $50 - 9li pretty good LODs but check for your use. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gravity/80/249/1501
  19. Honestly I can't think of any brand these days that I would consider a fashion house. We DID have actual fashion houses with all sorts of creative designs, runway shows et all "back in the day (before mesh an honestly before sculpts LOL. They of course didn't look as put together as some of the work does now, but for creativity and "look" they really had it going. A couple of years ago someone put together and impressive runway show with designs (the models were bots ) . It would be great if we could get BACK to those days but with updated styles in mesh. Looked it up. It was only a year ago. There was something odd about how they were trying to sell things though. I can't really remember what the "issue" was or maybe they weren't trying to sell at all. My blog post doesn't say and I don't remember. There was a video on this too if you want to look it up. As far as I know that brand didn't stick around. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2022/02/metaverse-fashion-show.html
  20. Just to add to this thread -- the "Color Sims" ( I am on Umber) still have advanced (or retro from long ago if you want to look at it that way) terraforming. That is both "good" and "bad" depending on the size of your plot and your neighbors' sensibilities and their aesthetics. There was a reason LL changed those terraforming rules. So think ISLAND
  21. I personally think these are a bit too expensive considering the general sales climate, but they are cute. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/No Comment/125/43/22
  22. THAT will be interesting to hear about if it is brought up on the video. Traditionally that has rarely been then case with the idea of pushing the confused baby birds out of the nest and if they fly -- they fly :D. In Sansar it was ESPECIALLY bad with no amount of asking got answers. Even the devs were very quiet. We got "new shaders" fairly often but figuring it what they did and how they worked was up to the more techy creators who often shared that info on Discord. I am guessing NOT, but would be thrilled to be wrong.
  23. On the Superfans board which "usually" changes each Friday (no guarantees). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trompe Loeil Mainstore/214/179/23
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