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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. You have some normal faces reversed (sometimes your 3D program gets confused and sometime it is "you"). In Blender (don't know what you are using) you need to turn on "backface culling" so that you can see the ACTUAL way that the faces are set. Then you need to reverse any that are wrong. Sometimes you can just "recalculate" and it will look correct. Other times not. There could be other issues depending on the software you are using but that is the usual problem.
  2. A lot of YouTube videos are now blocked. That is what I found when trying to upload to Sansar anyway. I uploaded my own and it worked fine. So some videos are not meant to be used, just watched. That's my best guess but something else could be going on.
  3. Once my framerates got back to normal (after many months) the scooter works quite well. I am not big on the arrow keys but had some practice with Glytch hunting so that likely helped. My only real issues with the scooter is at sim crossings -- and on the TINY paths by my house (not roads). I have both the red (illegal) sports car and the cute little love bug, but I really like being out in the open more. When you are in a car (for me) it just seems very different. I guess it would be more like RL if you used mouselook, but I don't do mouselook often (again except for the Glytches). Also you can I am pretty sure turn the speed down on the scooter. That might help some. My FPS are now around 30 most places in Bellisseria. When they were running in the teens the scooter didn't work all that well. CARS seem to be easier so you you might want to try those. I need to go out again and practice more :D.
  4. LOL. Be careful NOT to quote. I thought that was why you didn't have any text in your reply -- JUST the link. Note the official (in bold text and in a box) at the top of that page . Hence my "paraphrasing" People copy and paste all the time, but we are not SUPPOSE to do that *wink*.
  5. If you look carefully or take a screenshot and view it in your graphics software (better) you can see that there are NO residents in SSPE71. The green dots you see in this screenshot are folks that are up against the invisible "no entry" region barrier. If you look closely at the whole continent you will see that Patch and the Moles were VERY careful about not leaving any partially finished areas.
  6. Just to be clear the policy states (paraphrased but you can read it yourself at LittleMe's link above) that you do NOT need to have permission to take screenshots of others unless the land tab says snapshots not allowed. I have never actually seen a land tab that said that :D. I did a lot of machinima in the past and so looked at plenty of land tabs for this. Machinima rules are different by the way (never understood why but they are). I have seen land tabs that stated no snapshots for COMMERCIAL USE.
  7. Possibly. I was thinking that since it was obvious how folks got SO EXCITED when the atoll moved over and they could watch, that TPTB decided to LET them watch LOL. See all the comments between the time I posted last night and this morning. I also noted that they have now closed off the sims so that folks can't teleport in. I was surprised they hadn't done that earlier. Anyway, that is a very nice area so hopefully the new plots will be a great addition to the continent.
  8. Bought other people's lots for slightly inflated "'first land" prices. Made a mini-mall. Sold lots. Eventually moved to (then cheaper tier) private land. Made quarter sim mall. Moved back to mainland.
  9. One of the BEST perks of blogging; mine are copy :D. These are the oh so lovely but "primmy" ones from PLAAKA. I bought mine at the aftermarket. Not a huge gambler. Definitely worth the money if you have lots of land and can afford them.
  10. Note that it appears that they have started working on the house at SSPE71 and 72. The circled area (Sorry lost that Screenshot I guess but you can still find it in the picture) is a traffic turn around area and where you see green dots on the map there are now roads and some plots for house and mailboxes. So it looks like they will be building HERE and not moving over from SSP. The sims that we have seen copied over may be for the "new theme" houses and not the new traditional release.
  11. I was in the sim one over just an hour ago because I thought I saw something "new" on the map. It was a road interchange. Looks like they have been both busy and fast --- or I just completely missed seeing that (could be as my draw distance is 120 "D). Anyway, cool!
  12. This is my new animesh kitten, Cara. She is a sweet little thing. I have been retrieving some land impact points by replacing a few things. Want to be able to rez my scooter and drive from home. It's only 8li but ya know when you get towards the end of decorating -- even if you have been careful, those li points get kind of rare. I just noticed that my neighbor has sunflowers and bees in her garden too now (I think it is a "her"):D. I like my variety of sunflowers better, but the ones next door are an impressive 8 land impact for the whole big flowerbed (Botanical). I just love how the mini neighborhood is taking on its own character. As I was looking to see if The Looking Glass still had it sunflowers, I noted this sunflower pack on the Marketplace. Haven't seen it, don't know if it is good or not but has good reviews. So you bargain hunters might want to check it. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LouRoo-Garden-Flower-09-Sunflower/582242 I have some lovely sunflowers from a gacha over on LEA but while mouthwateringly gorgeous they are "primmy" and suited for places with land impact to spare -- and that ain't us :D. But I am SO impressed with what folks have done with their 351 points! Sunflowers DO reseed by the way and blow over from yard to yard, so having them next to each other is very realistic LOL. These are mine
  13. Items in notecards need to be FULL PERM and it is likely the OP doesn't have FP items. Both items could be put in a BOX and then delivered as one item. It would need to be unpacked of course. That is the typical method.
  14. Since the Terms of Service (which you "signed" in order to use the SL platform) specifically bans money purchases from outside sellers --- AND you got a warning, thinking about buying illegally again is very dangerous. You will most likely lose your account next time. Either use a legal method of buying lindens or decide to do the "money free" version of Second Life. There are many folks who never buy lindens. And there are jobs that you can get to earn money. Another alternative.
  15. More my speed. I have both wearable bike and scooter. Scooter not happy on sim crossing but certainly goes faster. Thanks for all your work.
  16. I had to smile this morning when I took a look around my neighborhood. I used to tell folks I was easy to find, just go to Heathstone on the beach and look for the house with all the clutter. Well THAT won't work any longer LOL. My neighbor a couple of doors down has really embraced my "lived in" look (not that I invented it of course). Love it! Of course I am VERY happy my framerates are back to normal after many months or I would have to derender a bunch of their things in order to be able to move when I looked in their direction :D. Perfect timing for the network update that fixed my FPS problems. Let there be clutter!
  17. Unfortunately there are some retailers that make up their own mailing lists -- sometimes from info in the visitor log and sometimes seemingly out of the blue. I have received (via alts) unsolicited messages over and over again even after blocking and even after writing to the owner of the delivery method. Sometimes they change the name on the delivery kiosk each time making blocking not work. Sometimes they change the owners. It seems pretty obvious that this is their PLAN. By law in the US (not sure about other countries) businesses are supposed to remove folks from any mailing lists if asked to do so. But sometimes the folks sending out don't comply. You can (and I have) reported the owner of the mailing kiosk in an AR under "excessive spam" or something akin to that. That has worked for me in the past. After I finally get OFF their lists, I don't return to the store. The info in the notecard doesn't need to go to a webpage, it can be just a note saying "send a notecard to XXXXXX if you would like to be removed from this mailing list.
  18. While this is almost always a MESH issue, it normally isn't the fault of the furniture but faulty HOUSE physics. There is the possibility that you will not be able to rez a prim inside the house -- so that makes it even more difficult. If you cannot rez a prim inside the house (sometimes you will get a prim but it will not be on the floor or even CLOSE to the floor) you can rez the prim on the ground outside (hopefully you HAVE ground outside) and then drag it in. You can also rez your furniture outside and then move it into the building. We don't see as much of this these days but you could be living in an older mesh building.
  19. I am pretty sure they renamed them today. My map always updates later than other people's (not everyone obviously) as there are often posts with "new stuff" that I can't see for a few hours.
  20. I went over to those houseboats and they are quite nice. That being said, they will NOT be the "Bellisseria Experience". If you are NEW, my suggestion would be to just come on over to Bellisseria and hang out with folks. There are lots of open community areas as well as citizen public places like pubs and bookstores and coffee shops etc. There is a citizen (not official) community events website somewhere (don't know where really but asking here will likely get you a link. Personally I think it would be better to discover what SL is all about before plunging. You can take part in lots of things on the new continent without having a home there === and right now you can't get a home anyway as they are all sold out. So take it slow and explore. Again, the houseboats here are quite nice IMO but not the same as living on a continent with a community (that can be a plus or a minus as we all know how "families" are. You could certainly rent one of the mainland houseboats and then hang out in Bellisseria. That works too.
  21. Looks fun. My experience with these rides leads me to believe this is either and all day tour or one that needs to be broken up in bits. It took me 2.5 hours to do about a quarter of this root. But maybe I am just sloooooow. I was on a BIKE not a scooter.
  22. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SL16B Stunning/96/102/2007
  23. Imma thinkin' that we could use a little more positive energy around here. To that end I am introducing a new fantasy thread. If you could switch to any plot on the existing continent where would it be? It can't be your own plot or your alts plot, but one that you are truly lusting after. Please include a photo of the area or a map shot or coordinates. Let's have some fun! I have visited each and every region on the current Bellisseria continent. This is by far my top pick. There are some others, but this has A. location, B. minimal neighbors, C Parklike adjoining areas D. adjoining road and E. Unobstructed ocean view. And it is also bordered by some slight hills so not entirely flat (a personal plus). EDIT: You don't need to already have a plot to participate.
  24. I can not confirm that the Linden Homes showing up on the map are the same set up as at the Home Expo. So watch the map and see if anything new and "housey" turns up next to them. Rules are Rules ---
  25. OK. My sim is actually up (or maybe just came back).
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