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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. That is a lighthouse and dock.
  2. Assuming you have a Linden Home already, you would need to abandon that and "try" to get a new home. You cannot have more than one. So no real way to move. You could make an alt premium and try with the alt. That's about your only "safer" option.
  3. Since this is the area where many of us saw the "trailers in the forest" (or some guessed cabins) "I" for one expected that is where the next set of themed places would go. There are several regions that are mountainous and could be turned into forests of some kind. You can see the tree set up (without the rectangles) at SSP84 and it has been there a long while. The strange plywood squares we now know from watching the new Bellisseria area being build are where the Moles use to place the items to be used on that region. So it looks to me that a largish area may become forest of some kind (or at least plenty of trees and no paved road -- or maybe single lane gravel). That has been my guess for a couple of months now and I haven't seen anything to change my mind. But we could be surprised of course. SSP83 looks to be a "connecting" sim with perhaps traditional homes in the Northwest and whatever those small rectangles are in the mountain area. With SSP85 being traditional homes (or style number 4 perhaps) as a blending area from suburban to more rural. There are roundabouts at SSP85 (see screenshot below) So this too could be a region containing two styles of home and used to bridge the genre's A community area would go well here I would think and help bridge things. That's just me thinking like a sim designer -- LOL. Obviously no actual intel.
  4. My neighborhood park in Heathstone. Basically a park for four regions as it is on the crossroads. Rocks, trees and tables with road access --- and ocean view. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Heathstone/222/5/25
  5. @AngieRath I tried to quote the page above but it didn't happen. Sorry Look at the dates in your quotes. Those comments are about the Preview plots at the RFL HOME EXPO, not at SL16B. And while Patche's quote is official, he has not made an official statement. He has (likely purposefully and for fun) led us astray a time or two already. It seems possible that there will be various sizes of plots. We already saw on SSP seemingly (from the map photos) plots with much smaller rectangles and more than the 1024 size normal number, suggesting that there were also smaller plots --- these in part perhaps so that the folks with Linden Homes will have a way to move easily if they only have 512 free tier (the tier needed for the old Linden Homes). It has certainly been SPECULATED that there may be larger parcels down the line for the new VIP Levels, but so far "I" haven't seen any confirmation or even official hints that might be the case. IF YOU HAVE SEEN AN OFFICIAL COMMENT (other than Patches aside from long ago :D) please let us know. All the new homes going in now at Bellisseria are 1024 lots ==== these the traditional and houseboat styles. We haven't seen any work on the new styles on the continent yet or on SSP -- unless you count SSP84 mentioned above which at one time had small rectangles of bright pastels that many thought were trailers. That sim no longer has buildings on it and has been static for around a month, maybe longer. So as far as I can see, my quote still holds true, we haven't seen any VISUAL indication that there will be either lager lots or larger houses. In fact Patch stated a few times that The Lab wanted small homes so that folks could add on and personalize and also because these homes were meant to be starter homes. That could change with the new VIP premium, but it might also (if it happens) be on another continent and not Belliseria.
  6. Here is the best list I have found for fixing inventory. If you have empty FOLDERS showing up it may be the problem far down on the list but best to check them one at a time for the most common. https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory Note that inventory CAN disappear, but if you have missing folders, it is likely just a viewer issue. One easy step is to install an alternative viewer (either a 3rd party or the Linden viewer -- whatever you do not have) and see if the items show up in THAT viewer. A big hint as to issues.
  7. There are a few (maybe three) of the new houses today showing up on the map. They are mixed in with the others with different characteristics. Those three DO look much like what I saw on SSP -- except then it was a whole sim of the same markers. So likely a version of the layout process IS what I saw long ago -- just a whole REGION all looking the same, not what we see on the map currently at the new area. Trouble editing this so adding this photo of that actually house layout. Looks like the mystery is solved. Whatever that green footprint BELOW the house is, the colors mix with the roof to make a darker green visually when there are only so many pixels to see.
  8. I think that is is VERY likely -- looking at the statistics -- that the skybox was made with prims and then exported to DAE and NOT CLEANED UP let alone optimized. That is a completely different story than "heavy mesh" simply because it really isn't a 3D model at all, just a hack. I absolutely agree that it shouldn't happen. It is terribly messy and I have said my piece on that many times. The folks doing that "export to mesh" thing don't know what they are doing so in their cases it is just lack of knowledge. In the cases of many well known brands, there are other reasons --- none which are acceptable to me. So I simply don't buy and don't use those products -- and my sim runs much better for the lack of them :D. Understand your frustration though.
  9. While I am definitely a country gal outside the house, somehow that "city" thing pops into almost all my interior stylings. The typist has never lived in a city. Maybe it is just a wanderlust thing. I am hoping (and expecting) that somewhere down the line we will get some modern urban minimalist homes. We'll see. A cat's eye view.
  10. Well that is SO UNFAIR - LOL. From the SL16B notices: Thanks everyone for being a part of SL16B! The enthusiasm and excitement are palpable! We know how much everyone is looking forward to flinging open the doors and welcoming all of SL to the party, but we need your help first. We want the regions to be a surprise to everyone, so please don’t share pictures of information about the regions with anyone. You have special access which results in a shared trust. Spoil the surprise and you may find yourself removed from SL16B. Power has its privileges. PS. All said with a smile
  11. Historically (13 years ago or so) each "typist" could have five accounts. You paid $9.95 for EACH "alt" account that you wanted to be legal. This did NOT make them premium of course, just correct in the eyes of The Lab and with a "payment info used" designation. That didn't last too terribly long and the fee was eventually dropped. Note that back then "no payment on file" accounts were looked down on more than today. Back then there were oh so very many griefers and all of course were "no payment info on file". For many years now and at one time (no longer) it was written in the official documents that we cannot copy and paste from people were allowed any reasonable number (no number was ever given that I saw) --- as long as they were good citizens and not griefers. Alts becoming premium became popular in part for mainland ownership and free tier reasons. It is much cheaper (and still we be after the current membership fee rise) to have several premium accounts rather than paying the tier fee on a larger than 1024 parcel. There are folks here on the forums who have "armies" of alts and Linden Lab knows. There were folks that made an alt for every letter of the alphabet when lucky chairs were a huge thing. It is really in The Lab's best interest to have as many premium members as possible. They really don't seem to care who's Visa card the bill goes on. As we have seen repeatedly the wikis and knowledge base seldom reflect the current state of affairs. And to the OP. A waiting list will never happen. For OH so many business reasons it would be a waste of resources when the new homes are supposed to be HELPING that bottom line. Everyone has the same chance. Those paying closer attention will have a slightly better chance simply because they are paying attention. If you will not be able to take part in the next feeding frenzy rollout because you are working -- you are not alone. And congratulations on having an active, full and busy REAL LIFE :D. While there may be folks that have more than one new Linden Home, they paid the fees and took their chances with the rest. I don't personally know of anyone that has more than two plots, but there could be. And I think @Teager made some really excellent (and new to me) comments.
  12. Details make the difference I think. Playing with the Phototools
  13. Here is the high tech version of my styling (see post on this page towards the top). Shadows, Depth of Field, Vignette shadows (and a different pose of course). I added some extra props too. It all comes together and now and then our vision becomes reality.
  14. So I got to thinking about the "post processing" and other possibly elitist remarks a little ways back and did a test to see if my theory also mentioned a few posts back holds true. This is a completely raw shot, not even taken with the viewer but with the "snip tool" in Win10. It is at the very lowest setting with almost NOTHING turned on. Still, it isn't a bad shot at all IMO. WAY before people take their photos, they are hopefully thinking about the styling they have put together, the pose they have chosen, the location of the shot, and the composition of the completed photo. ALL those things happen before we take our screen capture. Would this be a better photo with high-ultra (my default), shadows and Depth of Field? Likely, but that doesn't mean people should feel they cannot "compete" with high end computers and fancy graphics programs. I will eventually post "the fancier" shot when I get around to it LOL, but here is the simple and nice one.
  15. Didn't read all the dram-a chatter but aside from my current gray blurry edges and signature I have never done a lot of post processing. I will say that folks with low end computers have a more difficult time with photos simply because the world doesn't look as good to them. Not a skill thing there at all. Still, ideas, styling and composition can make some very engaging photos. The important part is to have fun. Girlie Pinks
  16. If you look at SL16B grounds on the map --- at what SEEMS to be the new homes area next to the previous preview spot that was at the Home Expo -- there is no visual indication at all that either plots or houses will be larger. Easy enough to see by comparing the squares on that region with the houseboats and houses next door. While there could POSSIBLY be larger plots in the future for VIP Premium , I am not aware of ANY official comment on that feature. We don't even know how far off the VIP Premium status will be, only that it will be [Grumpity on these forums]. At one point (the Home Expo radio show I believe) Patch mentioned the number seven in regards to abode styles and also said that there would be further "nautical" themes. It wasn't clear to me if the number seven included the two already released. And of course that number could certainly change over time. There has never been any mention to my knowledge that there will be more TRADITIONAL home styles. It seems likely that they will continue with the four versions per themes idea with various exterior and interior color choices ---- that just makes sense. Adding: I also got the impression from Patch in that "reading between the lines" mode (most likely in regards to adding more colors and options to the existing styles) that there would not be any more major changes to the already released builds. Honestly, from comments made by several official folks it seems like they are very focused on NEW stuff and the structures that are out are "done" in their minds (and as I builder I really get that :D). If someone has a quote, please let us know.
  17. Fancy Decor - Marketplace - Free Actually "indoor" LODs but very nicely done - 2 LI at this size.
  18. Well the "CHIMNEY" part definitely could have been the block with arrow (fun to see how these get set up), but I never saw any green border and the green that showed up on the map was a dark forest green, not bright green and only the size of a roof. And they showed up all at once, a full sim WITH all the trees in. So still somewhat of a mystery. This is what I see from above in that area. So "no" not what I saw and not the full plot green houses either --- BUT maybe the rust colored blocks. LOL. Most likely it was some sort of prototype sim that either wasn't accepted or that we haven't seen yet. Lots of official comments that LOTS of things are in the works. So eventually it may all become clear. EDIT: And on the houses that I saw at SSP the "chimneys" were all at the END of the building -- like on an outside wall. (not exactly sure on that now so crossing out LOL)
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