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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I have done this fairly often and even made a tutorial on it, but yesterday on the beta grid it was NOT working. I uploaded them separately. For me, even with the previously correct method, it only put the physics model on one of the two pieces (in this case it was the one named closest to the beginning of the alphabet (not sure it that is important). So as far as "I" know, it is no longer working.
  2. Yes, I said that in the post. If you have a ton of gachas and other no copy items there really isn't anything that works well ^^ hence my aversion to those things. I just picked up a very nice (but primmy) gift that had NO permissions at all. I don't understand why folks do that. Makes things so very difficult. You can of course just TAKE your items (including the no copy ones) up if you are moving or whatever. Then be VERY VERY VERY careful with that file :D. I have done that successfully when moving full sims but it isn't my favorite thing to do.
  3. I am pretty sure I had a "hopefully" type caveat in that post as I know it won't always find everything. It does for me usually, but ---- Items only need to be copy to "take a copy". But if you use "no transfer" to find the typical "no copy" items (usually gachas but not always) it will NOT find the full perm items since they are transfer. Since I don't have any full perm items that I have purchased I have never had your problem. Not sure how to work around that really. Maybe someone who buys full perm items will have an idea. You CAN take copies of locked items (assuming they are copy) but it really is a BAD idea to do so. Depending on how you have your alerts set you may (I do) see this notice when taking a copy. If it is just a few things, not a big deal with things being locked but with a BUNCH of locked items it could be a nightmare.
  4. As noted in my post Inara has a very long and complete post on using rez systems for those that like them. Apparently I am not the only one that does NOT :D. Either way --- have YOU backed up your home decor lately? That Was kind of the point. Honestly it takes me almost no time at all to reposition and rezzers sometimes lose items that get thrown outside the lot lines (at least that has been my experience). Whatever work for you is good.
  5. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2019/04/bellisseria-car-and-boat-rezzing-zones.html
  6. I made a post the end of last month about my method of backing up home and garden builds. It has been a huge success so I thought it might be good to let folks know about it. There is also a post on Inara's blog about using a rezzer for your decor layouts (link to that in my post). You can find the article on my blog. Currently it is at the top of the popular post list but I also made a link in the sidebar under Permalinks. Well I guess I am not awake as I hit the publish button tooooo soon :D. Whatever your method, backing up your layouts is a really good plan!!
  7. My new ONE land impact garden addition. Cosmo anniversary gift.
  8. Just a general note for those shopping for add-ons. Be SURE and test the LOD of the builds (best at least at LOD 2 which is the FS default -- Linden viewer is 1.25). The Linden Homes themselves are high LOD and work for everyone. It looks really bad IMO when your addition breaks up and your house stays there stable. The lowest land impact shouldn't -- in my mind -- be the deciding factor. I will go with the "bang for your buck" idea. I haven't actually looked at all the add-ons out there. I am sure that many are very good. I have though seen some that completely fall apart at a very close distance. Didn't check the LI on those; didn't care as I would never use them. From reading the design threads here, it seems like there are a wide variety of opinions on what is acceptable for land impact on structures. Some folks want to use almost every "prim" inside --- others want a better "curbside appearance" and are willing to spend some LI point to get that. So I doubt there is one answer here. Since I really like to be out in the yard, I spent more on my outdoor decor than many folks. I just went over to my place to check on my ATTACHED outdoor add-ons (not greenhouse) and I have four that equal 45 land impact. That includes a carport, a patio enclosure, a front porch with Widow's Walk and a complete add-on bonus room. I also have plenty of outdoor "clutter" which I think makes my place look lived in :D. Low land impact is easier INSIDE as you don't have to worry quite so much about your LODs -- especially in our small houses.
  9. Right click on the item and then choose Object > INSPECT. You can see the date at the far right. For the MARKETPLACE, I don't think you can tell except for looking at dates on reviews. Also note that some items on the Marketplace could be a NEW version of an older item. My best selling item is ten years old and still a great seller. I have updated it four times at the same price. So just because there are old reviews doesn't necessarily mean the item you are buying is OLD. That should hopefully be explained in the item description.
  10. I think the ever-changing covenant is getting to be VERY confusing. Just a few days ago I pasted the then current covenant from the land tab into a thread asking about commercial and that non-commercial; the no commercial text was there. I also noted in that thread that the covenant had already changed a couple of times (let's make that now at LEAST 3). I just went over and looked (reading a comment that it was no longer there a few posts back) and indeed I couldn't find it either (read through twice). It makes it VERY difficult to stick to the rules when the rules seem to constantly be changing. Note that the wiki (can't copy and paste as that is against the rules) STILL has the non-commercial text http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019 The knowledge base (no rule about copy from there up top) says : Is for residential use only. Business use of any kind is prohibited, including parcel rental, rental boxes, classified ads or other forms of advertising, and event listings. This is not the same as what is on the wiki (at this point in time). I think it would be VERY GOOD if ALL this information would be the SAME.
  11. Wow I really missed that. Can you point us to the source of "they said" LOL. Thanks.
  12. OH SORRY. Just waking up. MEANT a 1024 lot which is typically 32 x 32. Will fix my oops above. Thanks.
  13. Currently house plots are [edit as there is no cross out Hmmm] 32 x 32 with 351 prims. Houseboats are more typically 16x 64 with a few being 32 x 32 . Most houses have very large setback so that VISUALLY they look larger than their actual size. I measured mine and VISUALLY it is well over a 2048 size lot . This counts roads and empty land around the plot. Some house abut community areas and appear to have even large plots (again just visually). [fixed now I think] Those of us watching the SSP sims have seen planned areas which appear to have smaller lots (my guess when they appeared a few months back was that these would be 512 plots partly to supply folks in current Linden Homes that have 512 mainland plots also (thus using up their 1024 allotment). So there is a possibility that the 1024s may not always be the norm. There could of course be larger plots sometime in the future for higher Premium levels. Neither the 512s or the say 2048s have been announced officially. Perhaps we will have some more info at SL16B talks (assuming those happen again this year).
  14. Interesting. Can you tell use WHICH "tech show" and when? Thanks.
  15. You wait until that option is available on the website. I believe Grumpity Linden said the 4th. There will no doubt be an announcement.
  16. Just a few important things. The info on the wiki page doesn't necessarily match the CURRENT info on the land tab. The convenient for the new homes has changed a couple of times already. AND there are no rules really to help make things lag free (well very few anyway) so the framerate depends a lot on where you are and what your neighbors are using in their houses. This is the current Covenant from the land tab. Not sure why it wasn't coming up for you when you tried. Welcome to Linden Homes for Premium account holders. Linden Homes is a residential community, located on the Bellisseria continent, owned and managed by Linden Lab. The purpose of Linden Homes is to provide an opportunity for Premium account Residents of the Second Life virtual world to quickly own a home and belong to a community. Linden Homes are available to Premium account holders with 1024m2 of available tier. Premium accounts are provided 1024m2 available tier at no cost. As a Premium Account holder, you are eligible for live chat and ticket support from our Support Portal. If you need support for your Linden Home: 1. Go to https://support.secondlife.com/ and submit a ticket. 2. Select the "Land and Region" ticket type. 3. Under the resulting dropdown, select "Linden Homes". Linden Homes is governed by this Covenant, Linden Home Terms and Conditions, Terms of Service (TOS), and Community Standards (CS): http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php == Linden Home Restrictions == Linden Home has unique restrictions in addition to those outlined in the Linden Home Terms and Conditions. By accepting a Linden Home, you agree to additional restrictions as follows: *Land cannot be terraformed, sold, deeded to group, joined, or divided. Land can only be set to group. *Land cannot contain temp-rezzers, or individual prims beyond the allocated size of the Second Life Viewer build tools. (64,64,64). *Skyboxes are only allowed above 2000m. *Your Linden Home may not be removed, modified, exchanged, set or deeded to group, or transferred. *Residents must use one of the houses provided. Modification of the house itself beyond what is built into the controls is not possible. Additional buildings or structures are allowed as long as they are in theme and meet the height restrictions. *Privacy walls or fences should match the theme and extend no more than 4m above ground level. All other structures should not extend higher than 15m above ground level or sea level, whichever is higher. *Linden Homes should be kept presentable and in-theme to their unique areas. *Linden Homes can not be used as sandboxes. *Linden Homes do not include traffic tracking. *Linden Homes can not be shown in search. *Ownership is limited to one Linden Home per Premium Account. *Changes cannot be made to roads, paths, plants, trees, rocks and other landscaping. Trees or other objects that overhang into parcels are meant to do so. They cannot be moved or removed. *Objects that extend outside of your parcel can be returned without warning or notice. *Residents may decorate the interior of their house to their liking. The exterior should always remain in theme out of consideration for your neighbors. *Linden Home regions are Moderate rated regions. Please see the http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ regarding adult content and behavior. *Using prims or objects on parcels meant as advertisements on the world map is not allowed. *Lights or particles on your parcel should not extend into your neighbors parcels or houses. *“Off region” decorations extending from your parcel are not allowed. *Public space outside your parcel lines is just that… public space. Do not extend objects outside of your parcel in a way that will block, wall off, or “claim” public areas for yourself to the exclusion of other residents. == Security == *Linden Homes do not have the ability to set your parcel access to group access only (which creates ban lines for everyone else). You can still eject and ban people by name. *Security orbs are only allowed if they comply with the following restrictions: -Minimum of 15 seconds warning time (no shorter) -Eject from parcel only (not teleport them home) -Effective range cannot include the airspace between 400m and 2000m (to allow for people to fly overhead but not in the airspace where skyboxes are allowed) If you are uncertain, there is a free security system provided in the Linden Homes Content Pack. It does not have the ability to be set in a manner that does not comply with these restrictions. Click on the house controller outside of your parcel (the one used for changing house models) to get the most current content pack sent to you. == Linden Home Benefits == *Use your Premium account's 1024m2 included land tier allocation towards your Linden Home. *Ready-to-move-in themed home on a 512m2 or 1024m2 parcel. *Select your own Linden Home theme. *Decorate your home with furnishings. *Invite your friends to your home. *Meet your neighbors and make friends. *1024m2 parcel Linden Homes are allocated 351 Land Impact. *Set Home to here at your Linden Home location. (World menu > Set Home to Here.) *Set land to group. == Linden Home Etiquette == Living in a community includes courtesy towards your neighbors. Here are some guidelines for etiquette in Linden Home regions: *Use local chat say, rather than shout. *Adhere to the Maturity Rating for the Linden Home region you're located in. *Respect your neighbors' privacy. *Review general Second Life etiquette suggestions and incorporate them into your Linden Home experience: http://bit.ly/sletiquette == Help == The Second Life Knowledge Base (KB) includes many helpful articles for beginning landowners and Residents new to the Second Life virtual world. Check it out: » https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/ This covenant is subject to change. We hope you enjoy your new Linden Home!
  17. You have to wait until new homes are released. They are all taken now. If you watch these forums and especially this thread you can keep up on the progress. You CAN keep hitting the refresh key on the available homes page but that is a very tedious activity.
  18. Thanks for all the comments. It seems by now that most people feel the cut back on groups was the major inappropriate decision in the recently announced restructuring package. There may be good reasons for this tech wise -- a balancing act; but what The Lab continues to forget is how things will LOOK and be RECEIVED by the citizenship. I will say they are listening now more than in those years when Lindens did not walk upon the earth. That is good. As I have been reading ALL these threads, many saying the same things I was reminded that when the new premium levels were first talked about (by Ebbe at a Town Hall) the point that he kept trying to make was that The Lab wanted to make Premium SO WORTHWHILE that everyone would want it. I am going to pause for a couple of seconds here for that last line to sink in. Lots of good things have been happening here lately and some things are going well. I actually had 90fps at my Bellisseria home the other night instead of 15 (and yes it was a painful few months with my framerate in the dumpster and nothing "I" could do to fix). So I am feeling a bit more warm and fuzzy than I might have been a few weeks ago. The Traditional and Houseboat releases have been a great success aside from some miscommunication which ended up "looking" like bait and switch to many members that were unable to get a house after clicking on an ad that said they could have one. The new Linden Home continent has been one of the best things IMO that LL has done in a decade. Hence, those new homes certainly fit into the "make Premium so good" theme. I don't particularly have a giant problem with the rate increase. There is nothing at all in the new package that I care about however. Aside from my Bellisseria home I would be perfectly happy back on Basic mode. So, it seems to me that Ebbe's goal (and assumably the goal of other company VIPs) of "so worthwhile" didn't quite hit the target. We don't know why. We don't know what's going on in the boardroom. We have a few whispers and a few speculations and some hints --- but we don't know. Hopefully that group slot downgrade for basic member will get readjusted since even many Premium members are put out by it. Hopefully some new perks WILL get added in the future. Yet more land per account maybe? There is certainly plenty of it still out there. Perhaps by the time the new Super Premium (or whatever) level is unveiled the perks WILL be too good to pass up. Most all companies make both good and bad decisions. Figuring out just when to cut losses is tricky. Most of us here want Second Life to succeed and carry on for many years. Hopefully we can muddle through this rough and muddy patch and get to the other side of the canyon.
  19. In response to a comment about Bellisseria being "retirement homes"
  20. Just noting that you didn't factor in the stipend kickback which would be 300 lindens per week. Also, since I redid my faulty math of a few evenings ago, using the group land option with four avatars and paying yearly for each (and including the stipend which gets back a good portion of the yearly fee that can be used the NEXT year for the fee etc.) that same lot would be about (not being picky with the math here) $13.00 a month for "tier". You can also have a bonus of a 400 meter plot for free if that is helpful I do agree that there are many times when renting IS cheaper than owning and I have rented many times (both mainland and estate) but even with the announced increase the "land alts" are still a very good value. And of course there is the purchase price to factor in, but "I" at least am a good shopper and have rarely paid much more than 1 linden per meter -- with some very resalable lots.
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