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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: No, they are not being "greedy." They are just making money. I have seen some shoes sold at 350 L$ a pair. No mod. Then if you want to have different colour you need to by that other colour with 350 L$. And it is just for the different colour version of the shoes, exactly the same texture, just tinted with other colour. That is a "bit" greedy I think. I would understand it a little bit more if there was beautifully designed other texture. But no, just the colour. Ufff... Anyway, I don't quite even get, nor like, this "no mod" thing some designers cultivate. :smileywink:
  2. kiramanell wrote: And now on to some reality. There are ppl who use SL for something else than a 'glorified chatroom.' People like me who spent thousands of dollars, and a manifold of that in hours, on building up and decorating entire sims. To dismiss their loss the way you do is rather bizarre (though it matches your 'indifferent' sniley perfectly). Heck, I spent the last 2 days alone on upgrading my wardrobe/avi. I can't even fathom how much more time went into *creating* all that stuff I bought. All of that will be gone, for ever, like teardrops in the rain. Anyone even remotely invested in SL (beyond the most superficial of experiences) will feel that loss. You have agreed to the TOS. Did you read it thoroughly? If you did you would know that SL is not a safe vault where anything ever created or bought would stay for ever. Everything can dissappear for any reason or no reason at all. We have agreed and accepted that risk; everything in SL is and has always been on temporary basis. That's the reality. This is not dismissing anybody's loss - it's just the fact of things. http://lindenlab.com/tos 9.2 Linden Lab provides the Service on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranties, and all Content, Linden Dollars and virtual goods have no guarantee or warranty of any compensable value.
  3. Jandid Harcourt wrote: Im sure it does happen to some people and there FB accounts do get banned, but once again I dont believe its simply because they are SL accounts. https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms I'm quoting some parts from that link: Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account: 1. You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook. 2. You will not create more than one personal account. 3. If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission. 7. You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date. So, if the account has not been created using real name and other real information, then that can be sole reason for the account getting deleted; there need to be no other reason whatsoever. Isn't that clear enough? This is not a matter of belief, it is a fact.
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: I see people bemoaning the probability that they won't be able to continue their SL, along with all their stuff, in SL2. Yeah, there are people like this: ... what ever Linden Lab does; it does not please some. :smileyindifferent:
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: ... , and not being able to remove the scrips is not a problem.. That's your opinion. :smileytongue: Here's mine: No mod items are a PITA; no mod items with non removable scripts are even more PITA. They are so for those who are adept in adjusting prim clothing and items on avatar to fit perfectly. No script can do what one can do by adjusting prims manually. Therefore I always try to avoid any no mod clothing/avatar accessory items; unless it's something I "cannot live without". :smileyvery-happy: So, it's mostly 'no mod - no buy' thing for me.
  6. There is excellent twelve part series on modelling complete female body by Jonathan Williamson. You will learn how to use reference images; you will learn how to make good topology. http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/modeling-the-female-body-course/ This is one the best free tutorials you can find on body modelling for Blender. One more: http://cgcookie.com/blender/lessons/topology-overview-human-head/
  7. You should be happy and excited as finally Linden Lab is taking a leap to future. It's impossible to fix everything in the present SL, there are too many issues preventing to do any great advancement in it. Therefore they are building brand new world without being held back by backward compatibility. Read here what Ebbe Linden (CEO) says, so you will understand a little bit more: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Chat-with-us-masters-Lindens/m-p/2764042#M189154
  8. greek Wingtips wrote: You hit the nail on the head, toally agree with you, I understand that they will say this and that, my concern is all those that will loose all thier stuff /land ect will LL compersate I think they should if sl were to close for the SL2 thats it in a nutshell Linden Lab has never promised anything conserning user content. It's always been "temporary" - subject to dissappear at any time, for any reason or no reason at all. Here's link to the TOS from April 14, 2004 (yes 2004 not 2014): https://web.archive.org/web/20040414173333/http://secondlife.com/corporate/terms.php 4.3 All Data Is Temporary. When using the Service, you may accumulate treasure, experience points, equipment, or other value or status indicators and contribute to the environment ("Accumulated Status"). THIS DATA, AND ANY OTHER DATA RESIDING ON LINDEN'S SERVERS, MAY BE RESET AT ANY TIME FOR ANY OR NO REASON. ALL CHARACTER HISTORY AND DATA MAY BE ERASED IN WHICH CASE EACH CHARACTER MAY BE RESET TO NOVICE STATUS. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE WITH RESPECT TO ITEMS YOU CREATE USING THE SERVICE, ALL OF YOUR CONTENT AND ACCUMULATED STATUS HAS NO INTRINSIC CASH VALUE AND THAT LINDEN DOES NOT ENDORSE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS (SUBJECT TO ANY UNDERLYING RIGHTS IN THE CONTENT), ANY VALUE, CASH OR OTHERWISE, ATTRIBUTED TO CONTENT OR ACCUMULATED STATUS. 6.1 Content. You acknowledge that: (i) by using the Service you may have access to graphics, sound effects, music, video, audio, animation, text and other creative output (collectively, "Content"), and (ii) Content may be provided under license by independent content providers, including contributions from other Participants (all such independent content providers, "Content Providers"). Linden does not pre-screen Content. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT LINDEN HAS THE RIGHT, BUT NOT THE OBLIGATION, TO REMOVE ANY CONTENT (INCLUDING YOURS) IN WHOLE OR IN PART AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE AND WITH NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND.
  9. Meanwhile, until we know more, you might want to read this just for fun and pass the time. :smileyhappy: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2452653/how-the-makers-of-second-life-are-using-vr-to-build-the-next-generation-of-virtual-worlds.html There is Ebbe telling some of his dreams and ideas what may come true in the next generation platform.
  10. Kelleyandsusan Kormann wrote: ... all I'm asking for is a little debate on the subject. Erm.. what is there to debate about the next generation platform? We know almost nothing about it so far. Only that it will be "better and more advanced in many ways", it will have the same L$ as in SL, we will get to keep the same avatar name in the new world as in SL. Some SL content possibly can be transferred to the new world, lots of content not. End of discussion at this stage, I guess. :smileyindifferent: :matte-motes-yawn:
  11. Cathy Foil wrote: You don't have to log into secondlife.com to read posts by going to so you don't have to agree to the TOS to read them. I know I tried it before I agreed to the TOS. Yes, that's true. Anybody can read the forums by going to http://community.secondlife.com/, no need to sign in for just reading the posts. No sign in - thus no 'agree to TOS' pop up. However, when one wants to post or reply to post naturally one has to sign in. And then there is that TOS pop up: "To continue logging in to Second Life, you must accept the Terms of Service. Please read them carefully before continuing." (Just clarifying so it's clear for all how stuff works...) :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  12. Yes, it's even in Facebook's terms how they use the data they collect. They track - and use for their advantage - every imaginable (and un-imaginable) thing what the users do.
  13. Votarn Torvalar wrote: In fact LL must be totally aware of the general type of sploder and contest board in general use. It should surely be possible to say whether LL regard the awarding of a prize awarded for best costume in a competition qualifies as a game of chance or skill or neither. Similarly, they could give specific guidance on the sploder that pays out from a pot which users conttribute to. Are they legal or not? For some activities it indeed can be difficult to determine will it be approved or not, for some activities it is fairly easy by reading the documents provided. Let's look at sploders. I quote from two documents what is written there: Linden Lab Official - Second Life Skill Gaming Approved Participants Gambling is strictly prohibited in Second Life and operating, or participating in, a game of chance that provides a Linden Dollar payout is a violation of our Terms of Service. ..and: Linden Lab Official - Policy Regarding Wagering in Second Life It is a violation of this policy to wager in games in the Second Life® environment operated on Linden Lab servers if such games: • Rely on chance or random number generation to determine a winner, OR • Rely on the outcome of real-life organized sporting events, AND provide a payout in • Linden Dollars (L$) OR •Any real-world currency or thing of value. So, what do you think the sploders are? A game of chance or a game of skill? Conditions: - If sploders are game of chance then they are strictly prohibited. - If sploders are game of skill then they are allowed once they are licensed. To conclude: It is clear, without any doubt, that sploders are a game of chance. There is no skill needed to play them. Thus sploders are strictly prohibited. (Well one has to find them to play, know how to pay it and have the patience to wait until the timer has run its course. But that really is not enough to declare sploders as a game of skill, is it? They are purely games of chance.)
  14. Conifer Dada wrote: ..., the new world could still have the Linden Dollar as its currency, in which case people could transfer money between the two worlds Yes, that has been already stated by Ebbe. The money in the new world and in Second Life will the same L$. We can keep also our same avatar names in both worlds.
  15. greek Wingtips wrote: ... I understand that they will say this and that, my concern is all those that will loose all thier stuff /land ect will LL compersate I think they should if sl were to close for the SL2 thats it in a nutshell If... • if Linden Lab builds a new better world • and if people will go in masses to that new world • and if Second Life will be closed due to lack of people I will demand full compensation from Linden Lab for everything what I have spent in Second Life. Because Linden Lab killed Second Life. :smileymad: • if Philip Rosendale builds a new better world • and if people will go in masses to that new world • and if Second Life will be closed due to lack of people I will demand full compensation from Philip Rosendale for everything what I have spent in Second Life. Because Philip Rosendale killed Second Life. :smileymad: • if Utopia Inc. builds a new better world • and if people will go in masses to that new world • and if Second Life will be closed due to lack of people I will demand full compensation from Utopia Inc. for everything what I have spent in Second Life. Because Utopia Inc. killed Second Life. :smileymad: Erm... wait... wait... :matte-motes-bashful:
  16. Vivienne Schell wrote: Haha, sure, so you expect an interactive Maya, yes? Or "Avatar"? Get real. I didn't say anything what I expect. Back to you. :smileyhappy:
  17. Vivienne Schell wrote: This sounds more like an attempt to develop a more mainstream and therefore stripped down, simplified, limited and regulated and basically different environment. In post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-is-building-a-NEW-virtual-world/m-p/2758334#M185698 Ebbe Linden wrote: ... several areas will have radical improvements ... ... Animations will change (major mprovements as we don't currently do it the way it should be done) ... ... Avatars will be radically improved as well ...
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: I did say that but I don;t don't remember promising. Hrrmm... don't be so pedantic. I'm supposed to be pedantic, not you. :matte-motes-nerdy: :matte-motes-wink:
  19. Yes, they will. The star will look great. One can decorate one's avatar with these amazing stars. :matte-motes-big-grin: PS. For qualified men, there is a star with blue text available.
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: If there's any confusion, it's LL that has caused it by hanging on to the statement that "gambling is not allowed" when, with the new rules, gambling definitely is allowed as long as it's skillful. Hey! You already promised that you will not say that gambling is allowed in SL. :smileymad: Grrr...
  21. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: You really are fond of the phrase "gambling - as in gaming", aren't you? :smileyhappy: Yep. They mean the same thing in this context . LOL. But not in Second Life - which is the context here. :smileyhappy: :smileytongue:
  22. Perrie got it right. The big rock bounced at least once. And besides the big rock there were plenty of smaller rocks falling all over the car. The smaller rocks were already cleaned away from the scene. The big rock was left there because there wasn't strong enough machine available to lift the rock. That's how this "there was no loss" thing happened. Yes we saw it!
  23. Vivienne Schell wrote: "Naturally if the new platform will be a lot better in all ways more and more people are going to move there. So at some stage Second Life is not economical any more and it will die out of old age." If you claim THIS to be what "LL answered", show me the exact quote. No Linden employee ever said something like this in the context. Never ever. Negativism? No, reality check. To your satisfaction :smileyhappy: I hereby confess that the text in blue above, what you quoted from my post, is my conclusion what will most likely happen. SL will stay as long as it is profitable, when not profitable any more there is no incentive to keep it alive. It's a logical business choice for Linden Lab. It's not positivism nor negativism. It just is.
  24. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Interestingly while digging the Linden Lab documents more thorougly I found this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ "Online gambling (i.e., gambling games of chance such as poker, blackjack and slots) is legal where I live. With this new system in place, can I gamble in Second Life?" "No. Approved games of skill will be permitted on Skill Gaming Regions, but this does not change our policy forbidding gambling (wagering on games of chance) in Second Life." So, that confirms that approved licensed Skill Gaming is not considered as gambling - in Second Life. Is not considered as gambling by LL, but, in reality, it is gambling - as in gaming. You really are fond of the phrase "gambling - as in gaming", aren't you? :smileyhappy:
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