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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Recently I have noticed in some regions that AO (ZHAO) stops working and there are lots of script errors coming from it. I have changed absolutely nothing in the AO. Not very common problem but it exists anyway - recently. I have noticed that detaching and re-attaching the AO usually fixes things. Sometimes I need to TP to different region to get the AO working again.
  2. Stefanosje Sellers wrote: Anyways to get to my question: lately I have been receiving multiple threats and warrants, with the demand I take their avatars pictures down. The threats include destroying my business, IRL lawsuits and what not. For the benefit of those drama queens we need a new feature in SL. Naturally the permission to de-render the box would cost - let's say 500 L$. :smileyvery-happy:
  3. Only prim types: box, cylinder and prism and be made flexible. Sculpties and mesh cannot be flexible. Also a link set (i.e. something made of many prims) cannot be made flexible as a whole (i.e. all parts flexible, still staying connected nicely). Therefore it is impossible to make long flexible earrings in Second Life, having multiple parts, like they are in real life.
  4. VioletCities wrote: You'll see how Advancdd Lighting Model and Ambient Occln show the ruination of your avatar's face. As I showed in this post here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/How-Second-Life-Light-Wreaks-Havoc-on-Your-Face-And-What-to-do/m-p/2802358#M55775 .. it's NOT the Advanced Lighting Model NOR Ambient Occlusion which make ugly the lines show clearly.
  5. VioletCities wrote: Ambient Occlusion and Advanced Lighting RUIN your avatar's face, although they make the sky and the general landscape look wonderful. It's not the Ambient Occlusion nor the Advanced Lighting Model which show the ugly lines on the sides of the nose. It's just the Windlight setting and the time of the day. Some Windlights show the lines, some don't. The proof: Advanced Lighting Model: on; Ambient occlusion: on; Shadows: on. (I forgot what Windlight setting that place used.)
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Was it something like this? Perrie! :smileysurprised: No, it wasn't anything like that at all. :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Bu the accidental nudist has certainly returned. Yes it has. Not long ago I TPed to Kuula. Almost immediately I got an IM "Coby you should wear top here. You're naked above your waist". The thing was that I was wearing sculpted bra. It just didn't rez to the person IMing me. Well, I just slapped one system top on me and all was good. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  8. Splatulated wrote: UncommonTruth wrote: There are sometimes prims used as attachment points for things like prim teeth, hair, or ears. They're supposed to be inside of the head but sometimes if they're edited and moved around, the tiny little boxes used will end up on the ouside and able to be seen. If you cam inside of people's heads you'll see the little boxes I'm talking about. wait those arn't the brains of SL characters D: ?? No, those boxes are not avatar's brain. The shrunken down system hair inside the skull is the brain. :smileywink:
  9. Catrina Capelo wrote: I just spent hours trying to find a dress that actually fit my average AV - not one dress fit!!! . . . . . ... it's driving people like me away since mesh is just a big failure!!! I agree that it can be a pain to find nicely fitting mesh clothes. However I don't agree mesh to be a big failure - no. Even though there are lots of not so well made mesh clothes, there also excellent mesh clothes available. I have been lucky to find nice collection of very well fitting ones; it just has taken time and patience to find them. I have not changed my shape even one bit to have a near perfect fit in the examplesbelow. Mesh is just another additional way to make clothes. Well made system layer clothes and flexi prim clothes still look excellent; there is no need to wear mesh clothes if one does not find fitting ones. Mesh is not all purpose thing in clothing; it has its proper uses, as do the older clothing methods.
  10. Splatulated wrote: how do i take the complete boat back its two parts i dont want rez half a boat or will it rez the full boat even if i only take half of it ? Just select the whole boat (both parts) and take back to your inventory.
  11. Splatulated wrote: if you dont know what equip means its same as attach or wear No it isn't the same. You are just confusing people with your own terms. Why do you use them anyway? Ok, now for the texture change. I'm being nice now for a change. :matte-motes-smile: I changed texture on my boat: It stays there, not reverting back to the original one. Steps to produce: 1. Rez your boat on water. 2. Change the texture. 3. Take the boat back to your inventory. 4. Now you have two copies of the boat in your inventory. 5. Rez the new copy of the boat on water. 6. You're done. Your new texture is on the boat. This is how it generally works on any object.
  12. Splatulated wrote: i then equipped the sailing hud... You didn't "equip" the sailing HUD. You attached it. Please try to use common SL terms instead of inventing your own ones. Thanks. :smileyhappy: Why it is good to use common SL terms? Lots of people are reading the forums. If they are new, they will be totally confused if people use their own invented terms instead of the common SL terms. So please use the SL terms, you make a service to the community by doing so.
  13. Soon we will need a dictionary. :smileywink: Splat's term: equip SL term: attach Splat's term: equipment slot SL term: attachment point Splat's term: lin SL term: Linden dollar and L$
  14. Tex Monday wrote: MsJS Bagley wrote: it means you have to have "payment on file" Thank you...but LL answered my question two posts down from when I asked it This thread clearly is getting too long. Soon nobody remembers what has been said and what not. Thus it will start all over again. :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  15. Dillon Levenque wrote: Funny that. There's film—video ?—of the end of that game that concentrates on the fans, ... .... "Wow, they're all wearing hats and coats and ties." In the beginning of the video - fans; also at the very end of the video. Seems to be hot weather. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  16. I went to see the place. Only dress code in the notecard was this: "No nudity, no partial nudity except in scuba area where PG bathing suits are acceptable. Dress should be the same as in a real museum and that means shirts for men in most cases (its up to my discretion)." I wore a mesh mini-dress, no shoes just bare feet. There was a woman close by the landing spot - owner of the place. Nobody else in the whole region besides me and her. She said nothing at all while I was exploring the place. Out of curiosity I enabled "show look at" to see if she was actively checking the coming visitor. Yes she was alive, not afk.
  17. Nudity is not adult activity (you can see kids even at RL nudist beaches). However open sex activities definitely are adult activities. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Adult_Content_FAQ Is simple nudity without sex Adult? Depending on context, nudity may not require an Adult rating. For example all of the following could be rated Moderate: A nude beach without sexual activity. Skin vendors showing a nude skin to display the product. Nude art that is not sexual. Strip clubs that do not use adult words in search or host sex furniture. Depending on the context, exposed genitalia may not be considered Adult. For example: Hanging out at a nude beach would be fine. Walking around pants-less on the mainland could be inappropriate. Non-sexualized depictions of nudity are Moderate NOT Adult.
  18. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Well at this stage it really should be called just NGP. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  19. Phil Deakins wrote: However, we don't yet have a name to call is and SL2, which I believe I started, is very easy to type and think by comparison to SL v2.0 or other suggestions that are even longer. Well at this stage it really should be called just NGP. It is as short as SL2 and easy to type too. :smileywink: Calling the new world SL2 may give false ideas to people in general. NGP = Next Generation Platform ("In the spirit of Second Life" as Ebbe said.)
  20. insilvermoonlight wrote: It wasn't until I attached to the skull that it started to behave the way it should. So my question is, why did the neck attachment not work? I have had similar unsatidfactory results with prims as well. For instance when I tried to make nipple rings and attached to the left and right pecs, they waved around and would not stay put. So there lies my delimma. The neck moves in different way than the skull does. So if you attach a hat to the neck then naturally the hat does not follow the movement of the skull - it moves with the neck movement. As for the nipple rings - you attach them to the chest. Then they stay in the same same place with the boobs. You can attach the nipple rings also to spine; that works as well. The pecs move in different way from the boobs - as you saw when attaching the nipple rings on pecs.
  21. Hang on tight Maddy. Especially when the big hand points at six! :smileysurprised:
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: <snip> Mesh isn't perfect but it is a lot better than what we had before for the most part. That is highly debatable. I think all clothing types and methods have their proper uses where each suits a particular purpose the best. Image tells it all.
  23. SaraCarena wrote: Coby Foden wrote: I`ll have the pants if you don`t wear them anymore :matte-motes-big-grin: I would gladly send the whole thing. :smileyvery-happy: But unfortunately it's no transfer. :smileysad:
  24. Splatulated wrote: Kelley Wonder wrote: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/cache nothing about why gestures un equip and i use singularity not firestorm Why do you clear your cache anyways? There are very rare occasions when you actually need to clear the cache. This applies to all viewers. Please do read carefully this section (thoroughly) in the above link: Clearing Cache: The DOs and DON'Ts Be picky about why and when you clear your cache. Clearing cache doesn't fix everything. In fact, it doesn't fix nearly as many problems as many people seem to think. And doing it when it's unnecessary has its drawbacks, including slower initial rez times and excess bandwidth being pulled, which can create sim lag. “Clear your cache” is something we'll recommend ONLY if the problem appears to be cache-related: that is, pertaining to textures or, once in a while, inventory. A full cache is almost always better than an empty one. Here is a basic “DO” list: When to clear your cache: When textures are not rezzing properly, you may choose to clear your texture cache. When your inventory is not loading fully, you may choose to clear your inventory cache. When you toggle the HTTP Get Textures setting in your viewer, texture cache needs to be cleared. A cache clear is part of performing a clean install. Note that often, only part of your cache needs to be cleared. While you can clear your full cache by clicking the button in Preferences, it is not hard to perform the needed part of the cache clear manually. You can find your cache folder by going to Preferences and then Network & Cache in Firestorm. Click the “Open” button alongside the path to your cache files location. In there you'll see some files ending with .inv.gz – these are your inventory cache files – and a folder containing your texture cache. More information is here for Firestorm. When NOT to clear your cache: Don't clear cache as a matter of routine maintenance. If there isn't something actually wrong with your cache, then this does nothing beneficial. Don't clear it for problems unrelated to the cache. It won't help for: teleport issues asset upload issues movement or communication problems most kinds of lag most kinds of crashes a vast majority of bake fails
  25. Inworld: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blake%20Diego/230/56/37 Complete outfit for men, includes hat. Hat is ok for women too. (Outfit name: *GC* USED 18th CENTURY OUTFIT)
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