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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. And you can delete those two snaphots "being processed". They will never come through - staying forever in that "being processed" state. Just delete them from the feed.
  2. ZyklonBee wrote: PS . The shape is being used for Dancing. So a nice butt is also a nice touch Avatar's butt is really horrible, no shape adjusting is going to help in that area. But no problem, wear mesh pants. Some of them have very nice butt. Easy way to hide the ugly avatar butt.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Ren Toxx wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Maybe no, Coby, but it did bring us together so it was very good I'm this close to creating a group for you two alone... ahem... :matte-motes-wink-tongue: We could all just move over to the OTHER THREAD and let them have their privacy here. (besides, then we could peek in ) Hey! You cannot escape from us so easily. We are there too, The Other Thread :matte-motes-evil-grin: :matte-motes-whistle:
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: If one doesn't have one, one would like to give one one Yay! That sentence isn't very far from a poem. :cathappy:
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: That's what I'm suggesting - most of the groups are not necessray for you. Useful, yes, but not necessary. Phil, please stop editing your post while I'm replying to it. :smileyindifferent: Thanks. :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue:
  6. It is always a good thing to keep a couple of different viewers installed. I usually have the latest Firestorm viewer and the latest Linden Lab viewer [official release]. Then if there are problems one can quickly check with other viewer does the same problem occur with it too. It helps to narrow down the cause of the problem. If one has only one viewer installed one has no way of knowing is it a viewer problem or is it something else causing the problem. In your case it seems odd: One day the viewer worked all right, then suddenly it stopped working properly. Did something change in your computer? I suspect that it is not a viewer problem what you see. It may be, but as well it may not be - only by testing with different viewer you will know is it a viewer issue.
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: I posted in that one And I replied in that one. :matte-motes-big-grin: (Uff.. this extra thread should have never been started.) :smileyvery-happy:
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: Alright, Coby, my love Would you mind listing the groups you are in - in generic terms; e.g 1 for accommodation, 5 for clothes stores, 4 for singers that I follow, stuff like that. I'm very curious to know how anyone could possibly be actively involved in 42 groups. Five groups only for clothes stores? :smileysurprised: Phil! Woman's world is quite different. :matte-motes-big-grin: Well, here are some group categories in which I usually belong: • Clothing store groups • Skin store groups • Hair store groups • Jewelry store groups • Live concert groups • Events groups • Specific location groups • Sailing groups • Content creation groups • Animation groups • A forum group (yes, there exists even such one) • Viewer groups • Hunt groups • Sandbox groups Yes, I do need all of those. My group count always hovers near 42. If there is need to join some, which happens now and then, I must unjoin some groups to be able to join new ones. Some groups I join are throw away ones, needed only for short time for some specific purpose. Anyway as my groups count is always near the limit, I would be happy with more groups. I can survive with 42 - it's not a question of that. Anyway, that limit is always a nuisance when there is a need to join some new ones. What I try to do now is to keep the group count at 38 or bit below so there is room for additional groups. It is very frustrating if the group count is full and one in a hurry unjoins accidently a wrong group (like a group with join fee for example).
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: I'm with Tari. I can't imagine why anyone would need to be in more than 42 groups. I can't imagine why anyone would actually want to be in anywhere near 42 groups. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Does-anyone-else-think-we-need-more-than-42-group-spaces/m-p/2745468#M183870 :smileytongue:
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: I haven't read much of this thread but I've read enough to know that some people claim to need to be in more than 42 groups for various reasons. Quite frankly, I don't believe a word of it. But you're a man! You have no idea what is enough for a woman. :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink: This is not a matter of belief. Quite regurlarly I need to unjoin some groups to make room for new ones. Then there are groups with join fee, once joined one does not want to unjoin those. And there are groups when one joined were free to join and now have a join fee. One does not want to unjoin those either. You may believe what ever you want, but it does not change the fact in any way. Some people would be happy with more, some are happy with the present limit.
  11. Kascha Matova wrote: But as you can see, there is a really serious problem with the lighting on the textures. Now my face appears to have a really strong facelight applied, but the body is completely left out, and it never looks even passable except during broad daylight. There is option in the HUD for the head: Full bright ON/OFF. As you have noticed with full bright ON the head looks ok only in full daylight. To not be like a lighthouse in darker places just turn the full bright OFF from the head via the head HUD.
  12. If you don't know yet how stuff works, it goes like this: • A man sees a naked woman. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyhappy: • A woman sees a naked man. :smileyindifferent: :smileyfrustrated: That's how it is. Men and women are built differently - outside and inside, physically and mentally.
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: I do believe that gathering the names of alts through IPs is against the ToS. So are sploders that people put money into, incidentally, because no skill is involved, although LL does seem to be quite relaxed about them. I remember the time when there were tens of active xploders (these were different from sploders) in SL. It took some skill to be able to decide to what xploder to TP next. The web page displaying all running xploders, the amount of money in them, how many people had entered, and how much time was left for xploding was a great help. If one chose wisely in which order to visit various xploders one could make nice pocket money in relatively short time.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: All Premium accounts still get the weekly stipend. I have never quite understood this stipend thing. You pay something to Linden Lab. Then Linden Lab gives you something back, as if you have paid too much. What's the BIG idea behind this I wonder? :smileyvery-happy:
  15. Phil Deakins wrote: What puzzles me sometimes is when a small female avatar appears that's so small that, apart from one thing, it's definitely a child. But it has well-developed boobs. What?
  16. ChinRey wrote: One day we will all use mesh avatars - Who told you so? Are you sure? Would it be a good thing? I certainly hope that thing not to happen. Personally I feel that mesh avatars and all the mesh body add-ons are not very good thing. A much, much better solution would be if Linden Lab implemented new excellent default avatar mesh - male and female. Those would be the standard. Supply for clothing, skins and accesories would be huge - just like is the case with present avatar shape. With mesh avatars nothing would be standard; different creators will create different mesh avatars - all of them incompatible with each other - a limited supply of clothes, skins and accessories. A very bad thing.
  17. Kyrah Abattoir wrote: Require a minimum warning delay to vacate the area. 10 seconds, from personal experience is too short ... Require their sphere of influence to be visible or obvious. Inside of a house? obvious. Translucent "do not enter" dome? obvious. An open field is not. • I agree that the usual 10 seconds warning time is ridiculously short time if one happens to enter the protected are with a vehicle. 60 seconds would be better. On the other hand I can understand that there might be times when the land owner wants to get rid of any unwanted visitors without any warning time at all - like from inside their houses. But for somebody just passing by the land, with a vehicle for example, an immediate ejection is not very cool - especially so if nobody is not even at home. • There are security orbs which will show visually to the "intruder" the protected area. The orb owner can turn it ON/OFF.
  18. Flexi hairs are still my preferred ones. Even though they don't move and sway exactly like real hairs do, to my eyes flexi hairs look and move much nicer than the stiff glued to the body mesh hairs. Even if the long mesh hair is rigged, its movement resembles nothing what we see in RL - it is glued to the body. For short hairs mesh is good, but for long hairs flexi wins in my selection. :smileyhappy:
  19. What collision bones are affected by avatar physics? The answer is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Rigging_Fitted_Mesh
  20. ๔єς๏гคՇє๔ ՇєאՇ เรภ'Շ ร๏ ς๏๏ɭ คร ๏ภє ๓เﻮђՇ Շђเภк ŦเгรՇ ∂є¢σяαтє∂ тєχт ιѕη'т ѕσ ¢σσℓ αѕ σηє мιﻭнт тнιηк ƒιяѕт :smileywink: Just use ordinary - readable, clear - text in your Display Name and everybody will be happy. :smileyhappy:
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: The way I view the Forum is I go to "recent posts," navigate through several pages and open in separate tabs anything that looks like it may be of interest to me. After doing this in the morning I usually only have to check the first two pages of the "recent posts" if I come back later to catch anything new. What I do is that I go to: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums/ct-p/Forums As I like to read the forums in orderly fashion :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileywink: I start with "Your Avatar". When that is read I go down forum by forum - reading naturally only those forum areas that interest me. When I have read all, I refresh the page where I started from to see are there any new post in the forum areas I'm interested in.
  22. Tex Monday wrote: And I will ask again...in terms of places for surveys to be placed, I thought that is why LL set up the education section of the forums. That forum is: Second Life Education - Discussions for educational organizations and educational use of Second Life. I guess that any survey maker who might glance at that forum and its description would be very unsure would that be the right place for a survey post. They might think and wonder: "Hmm.. Second Life Education? No my survey is not about Second Life education. My survey hasn't got anything to do with educational organizations either. And it's not about educational use of Second Life. Well, as there isn't anything really suitable for my survey I will post it to General Discussion forum." Have there ever been any surveys posted in that forum area? I don't recall seeing any. So the survey makers are posting to General Discussion forum - with the results what we have seen many times here.
  23. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Oh for goodness sakes! I've just written 3 replies to a very old thread that was brought back to life with an empty post! Hrmph! OMG, what did you do Phil! You deserve a spanking. :smileytongue: :smileyvery-happy: You're right, Coby. I'm so ashamed that I feel it would be wrong to let me get off without that punishment. Your place or mine? I'll leave it to this symbolic spanking in the forum. But for this time only. :matte-motes-evil-invert: :smileyhappy:
  24. LaskyaClaren wrote: Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here. Every day I scan and read multiple subforums - really many of them. General Discussion forum surely is not the only place where interesting things are going on. It's great that there are many subforums, lacking those the General Discussion forum would be - too general.
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