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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Ren Toxx wrote: Tex Monday wrote: [...] easier to pull everyone into SL2??? [...] Depends. How do we log into SL2? You run the viewer designed for that next generation platform. In the login screen enter your current avatar name, enter password and there you are. So it's just the same way as login into present SL. Only the viewer will be different for the new platform. You avatar name will be the same in both worlds.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: That brown could do a LOT for me today. Where is she? Umm... I replied to your post telling where you can find her. Unfortunately it appears that telling where to find her is not allowed in this forum - my post got nuked. Sorry Phil, you have to find her yourself. Good luck. :smileyhappy: Do you think you could stand in for her then? Thanks Phil for the kind compliment. :smileyhappy: :heart: /me makes a happy dance. Yay! :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyvery-happy: Psst... to answer your question: Unfortunately, due to my complicated situation, I cannot do it. So sorry. :smileysad: :smileywink:
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: That brown could do a LOT for me today. Where is she? Umm... I replied to your post telling where you can find her. Unfortunately it appears that telling where to find her is not allowed in this forum - my post got nuked. Sorry Phil, you have to find her yourself. Good luck. :smileyhappy:
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Did anyone watch the Brazil vs Germany semi-final last night? It was truly astonishing. In case anyone missed it, the result was 7 - 1 to Germany! I did watch and I couldn't believe my eyes what was happening! Truly very sad and heart breaking thing for the Brazilian players and the fans. What a pity. :smileysad: I saw that guy on TV. He was in the crowd. Yes. He was not only in the Brazil - Germany match as a spectator but also in some other matches. Sure enough the TV camera spotted him in those matches too. Every time he had that trophy in his hands. Devoted fan he is. Endearing. :heart:
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: Did anyone watch the Brazil vs Germany semi-final last night? It was truly astonishing. In case anyone missed it, the result was 7 - 1 to Germany! I did watch and I couldn't believe my eyes what was happening! Truly very sad and heart breaking thing for the Brazilian players and the fans. What a pity. :smileysad:
  6. I wonder, did some hacker get into LL's super secret word list? I wonder, did they ever fire this person and did they ever delete anything what the person typed? Anyway, as it has been clear for a long long time that the 'very secret' word listings do not work well, some radically different approach should be invented and implemented. ASAP.
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: The parts of my post that you quoted are in blue. Your replies to them are in normal grey. My replies to your replies are in brown. This is brown. BROWN. :smileywink:
  8. Ren Toxx wrote: May it be that you have to raise the general performance/quality setting to “Ultra”, for ALM to be enabled? That's what I do, even if I then switch it off until I need it. Well, actually there is no need to crank up the graphics settings to Ultra to be able to enable Advanced Lighting Model (ALM). In Firestorm ALM is possible when the "Performance" is set between "Low" and "Mid".
  9. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Dree Eames wrote: With all due respect Drongle, we can offer folks completely misleading answers such as referring to ambient occlusion as "shadow", or on the other hand we can bedazzle and overwhelm beginners who come here needing our assistance by spewing an over-abundance of eye-crossing technical jargon. I think it's fair to compromise and give a definition that is somewhat simplified and "digestible". When referring to making clothing textures for a mesh object is it not accurate to say that the Ambient Occlusion is commonly referred to as the Shadow layer? That is what each and every Mesh template creator tell you to use it for. Personally I think that for the benefit of beginners it is very important to refer to things with the correct terminology. Beginners can easily get confused if "some possibly commonly used - not actually correct terminology" is used to explain things. Even ambient occlusion can be explained with easily understandable terms. Like here, for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_occlusion "In computer graphics, ambient occlusion is a render technique used to calculate how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting. The enclosed inside of a tube is typically more occluded (and hence darker) than the exposed outer surfaces, and the deeper inside the tube, the more occluded (and darker) it becomes." Anybody can understand that explanation, no need to confuse things telling that they are used to create shadow effect on clothes. Because technically they are NOT shadows. [Edit] Well, in one other source I read this: "Now let’s be clear what ambient occlusion really is. It is the 'occlusion' or 'clouding' or 'blocking' of 'ambient' light. Ambient light means indirect light; Light that does not come directly from a light source but first bounces off one or more surfaces before arriving at the subject. So Ambient Occlusion simply means shadows from bounced light." So, to comply I overlined the last sentence of my original post. :matte-motes-whistle: :matte-motes-bashful: :smileyvery-happy:
  10. rhian Milena wrote: I think one of my main concern is probably silly for right now, is my legacy name. Will I be able to keep my name? Yes, your name will be the same both in the present world and in the new world. That has been said by Ebbe Linden; the link for the post where he said this is below: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-is-building-a-NEW-virtual-world/m-p/2758334#M185698
  11. Bree Giffen wrote: I seriously don't want any more attachable hands, feet, heads, boobs, wieners, etc. Just make the avatar have them all and make them look good! Indeed so, the default avatar should be so good that there is no need for body attachments to hide the ugly default one. Yes.
  12. johnboy Snoodle wrote: I cannot believe anybody in business could be so stupid as to make public that SL is closing down, . . . Ok, johnboy - sorry for the joke... :smileywink: - ... anyway, please do read what really has been said by Linden Lab. Don't just blindly believe all the rumours what you migh hear from misinformed people. Then you might see that the sky is not falling down...
  13. Thanks for the link Mistah. I just installed it. First impressions: Krita looks very interesting feature rich program.
  14. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Coby Foden wrote: SimonTemplar Bernard wrote: I wonder how I am gonna type with a rift headset on You drill some holes onto the Oculus display screens. A bit similar way as in this example: Problem solved! This amazingly innovative tip has been given as a free service to all Oculus Rift users. :matte-motes-big-grin: [Edit] If more transparency is needed just enlarge the holes by using a bigger drill. Have I ever told you that you're brilliant? Thank you Maddy! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: :heart: I might invent some other equally awesome idea in the future for the benefit of the community. :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileyhappy:
  15. WickedWanda1956 wrote: LINDEN LABS MUST ADDRESS... Highjacking this thread a bit into a sidetrack... I have always wondered where this misnomer Linden Labs comes from. Well, I have found the answer finally. These two monuments stand close to each other outside at the Governor's Mansion. Uh oh... it has been one of the Beta Testers who made this horrendous spelling error! As everybody knows, quite often this spelling error haunts us still to this date. Naturally enough Linden Lab got the name right. :matte-motes-big-grin: (Although they made some other spelling mistake...) Ok, now as this historical truth has been found out, let's continue with the present subject at hand. :smileyhappy: :smileywink:
  16. SimonTemplar Bernard wrote: I wonder how I am gonna type with a rift headset on You drill some holes onto the Oculus display screens. A bit similar way as in this example: Problem solved! This amazingly innovative tip has been given as a free service to all Oculus Rift users. :matte-motes-big-grin: [Edit] If more transparency is needed just enlarge the holes by using a bigger drill.
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: I think the communications on this have been very carefully managed. I also think it's quaintly charming, how folks imagine that the CEO just blurted something out accidentally, as if there weren't a detailed plan worked out in advance. Yep. It's not too difficult to let something accidentally slip out in a verbal discussion, but it's *very* difficult to let something accidentally slip out in a typed one. I watched the video of the TPV meeting where this blurting... erm.. slip of a tongue... hum.. I mean the announcement :matte-motes-big-grin: of the next generation platform was done by Ebbe. It appears that it indeed was a planned thing to announce the next generation platform in that meeting. Ebbe's voice was very confident when he released the news; there was no sign at all of an accidental slip of a tongue.
  18. I use inworld search to find anything what might interest me at the moment - for example: places, events, shops, groups, people. I use both the new search and the legacy search which some TPVs still have.
  19. Remmock wrote: Except the Lindens have made it clear that their WEB Project is no longer in service. Is there any other method to submit recommendations/suggestions? We can always make suggestions for new features and present ideas in the JIRA. There really is no other way, besides the JIRA. (As far as I understand anything how stuff works...) https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa Select: • Create Issue Then: Select: • Project: 1. BUG Project • Issue type: New Feature Request If some project or BUG report is closed it does not prevent making new suggestions. (This post was just for the benefit for those who did not know how to report a bug or how to make suggestion for new features). :matte-motes-smile:
  20. kiramanell wrote: And sometimes you have to read between the lines a bit. One of the Lindens (Oz?) had already said, earlier, that, as far as LL was concerned, TPV's were a mistake, business-wise. So, I read 'initially no TPVs' as a polite way of him saying they're done with TPV's. Well, "reading between the lines" and making guesses is often just an assumption, not based on anything what really has been said. Like in your case, you just make an assumption. In the present SL initially there were no TPVs, now there are. Now I make an assumption too. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink: My assumption is that the same thing may happen or may not happen in the new world too. We just don't know what will happen.
  21. madjim wrote: Coby Foden wrote: kiramanell wrote: Nevertheless I recall Ebbe saying TPV's would be a thing of the past. Unfortunately your memory circuits appear to have a malfunction. :smileysad: Please re-read carefully what Ebbe actually has said. :matte-motes-smile: He said that initially there would be no TPVs in SL V2. Father "He neglected to add whether LL would allow any TPVs at any future time" Jim Yes indeed, that's what the man said: "Initially". Not "a thing of the past". It might be even a good thing that initially there will be only one viewer. Everybody will use the same one, gathering experiences about it. Gradually get ideas what could be improved - then it's time for the TPVs to step in to do their thing. Linden Lab does first the groundwork - TPVs take care of the enhancements. I think that would be a good approach also in the new world, as it has been in the present one.
  22. VoteboxRepairMan wrote: Have to say, your disdain seems just...odd. Well, I must say that I sure was very thankful, in my relatively early days in SL, for all those xploder owners. I got good amounts of pocket money to buy stuff, and the xploder owners got the traffic what they were after. It was a kind of an unsigned business deal. Both parties were satisfied - both got what they wanted. A win/win situation it was. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  23. The best sources for easy lazy income were the xploders in their heyday. Some club owners put crazy amounts of money in those things (like some 20000 L$ per round, many times during a day). If one was lucky one could get hundreds of L$s in relatively short time. The xploders drew people like rotten flesh draws a swarm of flies. :smileytongue:
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