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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. greek Wingtips wrote: And you believe that? I just quoted what has been said by Linden Lab in other threads and in other forums. Why do you care what I believe or not believe? You can find some answers to your questions if you would read all the posts done so far. Linden Lab have given some answers - naturally they cannot answer all questions what we might have because the new world is still in very early stages of development. Surely there are vast amount of things not even defined yet.
  2. Just wait till I find another picture! :matte-motes-evil-grin: :smileyvery-happy:
  3. greek Wingtips wrote: I heard some say " oh dont worry SL will still be here" well I know in the Real world very unlike any bussiness to run two indentical or near bussiness closey related, If this is the final nail in the coffin of sl well LL better think very carefull as I for one will not be moving over to any other world and starting over again after nearly 7 years, if push comes to shove I would just move over to one of the other worlds and have a simple account. Actually it will not be "new Second Life". Ebbe was referring to it as "Next Generation Platform". He also said that it will be "in the spirit of Second Life". So that gives a hint that it will have some similarities with Second Life. Ebbe has also said that it will be "better and more advanced" in many ways compared to Second Life. Also there are no plans so far to close Second Life. It will be around for many years to come. Naturally if the new platform will be a lot better in all ways more and more people are going to move there. So at some stage Second Life is not economical any more and it will die out of old age. You're not moving to the Next Generation Platform? Instead you will go to some other less advanced and less populated virtual world? Why is that?
  4. Interestingly while digging the Linden Lab documents more thorougly I found this: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ "Online gambling (i.e., gambling games of chance such as poker, blackjack and slots) is legal where I live. With this new system in place, can I gamble in Second Life?" "No. Approved games of skill will be permitted on Skill Gaming Regions, but this does not change our policy forbidding gambling (wagering on games of chance) in Second Life." So, that confirms that approved licensed Skill Gaming is not considered as gambling - in Second Life.
  5. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: In article I see this: " However, you are responsible for knowing which jurisdictions are prohibited and the requisite ages of participation and not attempting to access a Skill Gaming Region if you do not qualify. Attempts to circumvent our controls will constitute a violation of our Skill Gaming Policy and Terms of Service." So okay. I don't want ever to go to a skill gaming region. Just because. Also I don't want to have to do research every time I am in a new place. So how can I? If someone offers a TP will the message warn me that it is skill region? What is my process to avoid attempting to enter a skill region? Hm... what I read in the link below is this: Linden Lab Official - Second Life Skill Gaming Approved Participants "... access to skill games offering Linden Dollar payouts will be limited to Second Life users who are of sufficient age and are located in a jurisdiction that Linden Lab permits for this type of online gaming activity." ... and further down in the same document: "Authorized Participants: Only users that meet the criteria for Skill Gaming are permitted to access Skill Gaming Regions and participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life. Participation is limited to residents who are at least 19 years of age and do not reside in a prohibited state. Please review the list of prohibited states below to see if you can participate. For more information about why you may not be able to access Skill Gaming Regions in Second Life, please see the FAQ." From that I guess that the system will automatically take care who can enter and who cannot enter to Skill Gaming regions, no need for the users check anything. Just like M and A regions have system enforced limits for entering, so will the skill gaming regions. (I hope).
  6. If you walk carefully - especially on sharp pointed high heels - there's nothing to worry. The shell is strong enough. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  7. Hey highjackers! What's going on here? :smileytongue:
  8. Rya Nitely wrote: Ebbe didn't say it will be called SL2, he said it will be called 'Like SL But Better' When Ebbe released the breaking news and made the announcement about the new world in the TPV meeting he was talking about "Next Generation Platform". Well anyway, we have no idea at all what the new world will be finally called when it's ready. Even Linden Lab might have not yet decided what to call it. Hopefully it will not be called SL2 but something cool. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: :smileywink:
  9. If you have a look underground in SL you will notice that the ground is just a thin shell without any thickness. There is nothing below the shell besides Linden water. Underground is an empty void. Therefore digging tunnels into SL ground is impossible - there is nothing in what to dig into. To be able to do so the ground should have volume, be solid. Thus the only way to make tunnels would be to make them with prims or sculpties or mesh.
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: Alright, Innula. From now on I'll say things like "Gaming is allowed in SL under certain conditions" and not use the word 'gambling' when saying things like that. Thank you Phil. :matte-motes-smile: :heart: [Edit] Oopss... I forgot the cuddle! There! :smileyhappy:
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Isn't it clear from the above that: • Games of change (pay in/pay out) are considered as gambling in SL. • Approved skill games (pay in/pay out) are not considered as gambling in SL. Why do you need to bring any other definitions about gambling in this context? Yes it's clear from that, but LL used the word 'gaming' which, in this context actually means gambling. Why does it matter to you, Coby? Hehehe... sometimes I just want to tease you a bit - and tickle your brain. :matte-motes-evil-grin: Why does it matter to me? Well, I love when the documents are clear and accurate. If Linden Lab actually allows gambling in SL then why don't they clearly say so? Why to hide it under some other name? If gambling is allowed in SL then LL surely need to reword some documents. Anyway, it's your interpretation that "Skilled Gaming" would actually mean "Skilled Gambling" in this case. The way Linden Lab has worded their document, I take it as it reads. Gambling is strictly prohibited in SL. That is a fact what LL says. Therefore "Skilled Gaming" cannot mean "Skilled Gambling" as far as what comes to SL. Phil, you are confusing people by saying that gambling is allowed in SL. :smileysurprised: Stop it. Thanks. :smileywink:
  12. Finally God had some mercy on Brazilians by allowing Germany to win. If Argentina had won it would have been like a third kill. Muito obrigado Alemanha! :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink:
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: No Coby. Gambling IS allowed in SL. As long as the gambling game is skill. Lab_Official - Second_Life_Skill_Gaming "Gambling is strictly prohibited in Second Life and operating, or participating in, a game of chance that provides a Linden Dollar payout is a violation of our Terms of Service. However, games of skill are legally permitted in many jurisdictions, and Second Life’s Skill Gaming Policy establishes that skill games offering Linden Dollar payouts will be allowed, but each game, its creator, its operator, and the region on which it is operated must be approved by Linden Lab." Isn't it clear from the above that: • Games of change (pay in/pay out) are considered as gambling in SL. • Approved skill games (pay in/pay out) are not considered as gambling in SL. Why do you need to bring any other definitions about gambling in this context?
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: I didn't say that gambling isn't allowed. It's allowed if it's almost all down the skill, but not allowed if too big a part of it is down to chance - like rolling dice in Greedy Greedy. Gambling can be licensed in SL. If I bet on myself to win something skillful, I'm taking a gamble because I might not win. The #2 in your post states, "... and when winning or losing is decided mostly by chance." That's how LL describes gambling, so maybe we need another word for paying to play a skillful game and trying to win money. Because that's what's allowed if licensed. LL calls in Skill Gaming, but gaming in this context means gambling. You are just twisting definitions Phil :smileyindifferent: If some activity is "almost all down to the skill" then by definition that is not gambling in Second Life. Gambling
  15. Milla Michinaga wrote: Are the effects of normal maps only visible in Second Life with Advanced Lighting? Or can you have your graphics settings at Medium or High and still see the effects? I've been gone for a while and I'm only now starting to get exicted about the possiblities of normal maps, but if you can only see that on Ultra settings in SL it kind of puts a damper on things. Thanks, Milla No need for Ultra settings to be able to enable ALM. This screen shot is from Firestorm (version 4.6.5):
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: For something to be subject to the new rules, it must be gambling/gaming; i.e. pay in and pay out. Gambling is ok, but must be licensed. Skill games will get licenses. Games that have too much chance in them won't; e.g. Greedy Greedy is mostly chance because rolling dice is pure chance. Isn't that a bit confusing what you say Phil? In effect first you are saying that gambling is allowed, and then then you say that gambling is not allowed. To clarify my point: 1. Linden Lab Official - Second Life Skill Gaming Approved Participants "Gambling is strictly prohibited in Second Life and operating, or participating in, a game of chance that provides a Linden Dollar payout is a violation of our Terms of Service." 2. What is Gambling? "A person is gambling whenever he or she takes the chance of losing money or belongings, and when winning or losing is decided mostly by chance." You say that gambling is ok but must be licensed. My understanding is that gambling activities cannot be licensed in SL at all. PS. What comes to sploders (pay in and pay out types): The Skilled Gaming policy does not apply to them because sploders are based purely on chance. Sploders are gambling activity, gambling is prohibited; thus sploders are prohibited.
  17. AzureFire wrote: I can't find anything like that in preferences. Nothing is working. In Firestorm
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: I think I've been quite productive in this thread In our country we have the saying: "Who raises the cat's tail if not the cat itself." :catwink: :smileyhappy:
  19. Perrie Juran wrote: That seriously looks more like a knock on the head than a spanking. I had to use that one because (for some weird reason :smileyindifferent:) all the animated spanking GIFs were about a man spanking a woman.
  20. Orca Flotta wrote: Anyhoo, the most widely used TPV, Firestorm, gives you an quasi-Phoenix (V1) GUI as well as their usual V2 interface. Erm, wouldn't it be better to call it V3 interface (not V2, which was really horrible - IMO).
  21. You can also clear only the texture cache. In this way the object cache stays untouched and there is no reloading of inventory items needed. Locate the viewer's cache in your hard disk, log off and then delete the folder named "texturecache". After that relog. You will see that all inventory items are still there. Fast way to solve texture corruption problems.
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Why ya guys keep calling it SL2? Can't that have people getting mislead into thinking this is actually a second version of second life rather than another different virtual world made by the same company? It was me who started calling it SL2. Phil! You need spanking. There! :smileyhappy:
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: Why ya guys keep calling it SL2? Can't that have people getting mislead into thinking this is actually a second version of second life rather than another different virtual world made by the same company? I wonder that that too. When Ebbe made the announcement in the TPV meeting he didn't say SL2. He was talking in general terms and he referred to the new world as Next Generation Platform. Surely they will come up with some definite name later on. Hopefully they invent some cool name which is clearly different from Second Life. (Calling the new world SL2 is indeed misleading. Many people might draw wrong conclusions from it.)
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