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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. ChinRey wrote: Chic Aeon wrote: Be sure and check what the mesh will look like with your viewer LOD set to 2 (the Firestorm viewer's default - 75% of the viewing public or so) and if you are very conservative at 1.25 which is the Linden viewer default. That's not absoltuely correct. Firestorm's default LOD setting at medium quality graphics is 1.5, not 2. When I check the LOD values in various graphics settings in Firestorm (64bit), I get this: Quality and speed LOD Low 1.5 ° 2.0 Mid 2.0 ° 2.0 High 2.0 ° 2.0 Ultra 3.0
  2. Here's one link for the basic introduction. http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/blender-basics-introduction-for-beginners/ Download Blender - it's the best free mesh modelling program on the planet.
  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Splatulated wrote: i finally found some one willing let me rez it on their land and not have me pay rent to keep it out... Where do you find these people?!?! Who has space and prims to just let someone rezz a 400 prims ship, free of charge? $14K L for an av? What are you saying to these people? Splat surely uses some magic spell HUD. How else would that be possible? :matte-motes-asleep: :smileywink:
  4. The ultimate newb... :matte-motes-big-grin: In year 2007 there was this kind of "cute" complete avatar in the library. I have kept that as a memory from the good old times in my inventory. :smileyvery-happy:
  5. Splatulated wrote: i want toss a fir ball in there to help sink a sink or ship a shield to protect my own But that's cheating! Your boat should not be protected by shields like Starship Enterprise. No.
  6. There are boats (such as pirate boats) which will get damage and will sink at cannon fire. You won't need any magic HUDs for that.
  7. Perrie Juran wrote: Like I said, we use some of the terms loosely. And I think LL may also. In "about land" any "privately owned" region, even if you own only one, will be listed under type as "Estate/Full (or Homestead, etc). More definitions: (:matte-motes-big-grin:) Private Estate: One or more regions owned by a Resident. An estate's regions don't have to be contiguous. Parcel: Divided part of a region owned by a Resident or a group. A parcel can be as small as 16 sqm or as big a the entire region. Region: A square on the map, either private estate or the mainland. 65,536 sqm [i.e. 256 m x 265 m] of virtual land running on a simulator.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: Alright, Coby. But they weren't my definitions. They were definitions provided by a Linden quite a few years ago. It's him who got it wrong, ... Yes, even some "random" Linden Lab employee can have the definitions mixed up in their mind.
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: To add to Perrie's post... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land Region: A named 256 m x 256 m (65,536 m²) area hosted by a single simulator process (sim). In common usage, the term "simulator" or "sim" may also refer to a region, but in fact a single server process can host multiple regions. That's not a Linden written page, is it? I know that a couple of Lindens contributed to it, as you did, but it's not an official Linden page. So the definitions on it are from the users, and are users ideas. Whatever Phil, but you have your definitions about region and simulator (sim) wrong. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_architecture Simulator: The primary SL server process. Each simulator process simulates one 256x256 meter region. There are about 31,000 regions in total currently. Each one has to be hosted on a server running copies of the Simulator program. There is one simulator per region, 4 or more sims per server, 8000 or so servers. As the viewer moves through the world it is handled off from one simulator to another. If you want Linden Lab confirmation what is a region just look here: https://secondlife.com/land/privatepricing.php Private Region Pricing Type Size Price Maintenance Fee (monthly) Full Region 65,536 sqm $1000 $295 Skill Gaming Region 65,536 sqm $1000 $345 Homestead Region 65,536 sqm $375 $125 Openspace Region 65,536 sqm $250 $75 So, a region is a 256 m x 256 m area on the Second Life grid (i.e. 65,536 sqm). It is not an area containing many of those 256 m x 256 m areas, it is just a single one.
  10. Phil Deakins wrote: Callum Meriman wrote: SL *IS* an MMO and it does have instances. We call them Regions or less corectly Sims. Sims are correctly called sims. Perhaps you don't know the difference between a region and a sim. A sim is a single instance of a 256m x 256m piece of land, and it stands alone in the server - up to 16 of them the last I heard, each a seperate entity in the server machine. A region is comprised of one or multiple sims. For instance, you can have, say, 7 or 8 adjacent sims that make up a city. That's a region. You can't own a region on the mainland, because the mainland itself is the region, but you can own one or more sims on the mainland. That's how LL explained it.a long long time ago, in a land far far away. To add to Perrie's post... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land Region: A named 256 m x 256 m (65,536 m²) area hosted by a single simulator process (sim). In common usage, the term "simulator" or "sim" may also refer to a region, but in fact a single server process can host multiple regions.
  11. Ceka Cianci wrote: :matte-motes-evil-invert: I has a ebil speret in meh hehehe - - - - - - - - - (:matte-motes-asleep: :matte-motes-wink:)
  12. Start here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Citrus/27/203/3 Interesting sea bottom scenery goes through four regions. If you keep your minimap open you can see the interesting route marked in darker blue colour.
  13. Where's the cockpit where the pilot sits? When texturing you might want to make also a specular map so that the vehicle has some cool dynamic specular shine on it.
  14. Personally I have found lots of significant information elsewhere. But your mileage may vary, of course. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  15. Whirly Fizzle wrote: Refs: FIRE-11901 - [WINDOWS 8.1] update with alt click moves camera unexpected ways Fixed your non-working link: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-11901
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: You're in it - this forum. All the loops come through here so you be out of any. There are plenty of other loops floating about - which do not come through here. If you stick just to this forum you miss stuff. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  17. LordHappycat wrote: I don't read a lot of TOS simply because they're tediously long and un-necessarily small in text for the most part. It's like as if they're more for the creators to read it and not us. Plus, there was no "Accept" button before me when joining SL on multiple occasions. The TOS isn't in small letters. The TOS is for everybody who is using Second Life. You definitely have agreed to the TOS. If you hadn't clicked the "I agree" button then you wouldn't be able to post here nor log in to Second Life; that's a fact. What you say above is not true.
  18. LordHappycat wrote: So it is their responsibility to fix it, not abandon it. Really? But you have accepted and agreed to this: http://lindenlab.com/tos "1.2 The Service exists only as long as and in the form that we may provide the Service, and all aspects of the Service, including your User Content, are subject to change or elimination." "Linden Lab has the right to change, limit access to, and/or eliminate any aspect(s), feature(s) or functionality of the Service (including your User Content) as it sees fit at any time without notice, and Linden Lab makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue, or to permit open access to, any aspect of the Service. You acknowledge that your use of the Service is subject to this risk and that you knowingly assume it and make your decisions to participate in the Service, contribute Content and spend your money accordingly." See, it has never been promised nor guaranteed that the service will continue forever.
  19. Splatulated wrote: ... and if cant write the script how much would it cost for a copy of teh script ? There you go: http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/cgi/freescripts.plx?Category=Boat Good luck. :matte-motes-smile: [Edit] You might also need these: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_LSL
  20. Suki Hirano wrote: No mod items are just fail in every aspect. ESPECIALLY no mod clothing/accessories. What the hell is the point of making these things no mod, just to annoy your customers in case they want to tint it or resize it? Indeed. I have seen no mod shoes, FULL BRIGHT; no mod jewelry, FULL BRIGHT. I wonder what those designer have been thinking of? Never seen their creations at night? Aaarghh... :smileyfrustrated: Once long time ago I kind of accidentally bought a pair of no mod shoes. Very nice ones in fact. Only when wearing them at night I saw that they were full bright. Well, I sent a notecard to the designer telling that I really like the beauty and excellent design of the shoes. I asked nicely if they could send me a copy with full bright turned off. Next day I received non full bright - no mod - shoes. Excellent service. Lovely. Sometimes nice words cause nice actions. :matte-motes-smile: But nevertherless, the designer still wanted to keep them no mod - for some mysterious reason. They didn't even sell fat packs of those shoes with different colours and textures. So the no mod thing of the shoes had no sensible point or marketing reason at all.
  21. LordHappycat wrote: Not try and make a new one, just yet. If not now, in your opinion, when would the right time be? After five years, or ten years, or twenty years? When?
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Women are not the only ones who can get a weird feeling. Can you elaborate a bit? :matte-motes-big-grin:
  23. Thomas Galbreus wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: The law clearly only has power over German citizens Which is all I have been talking about in this thread. But why in this thread? Why not start a new thread: "Porn and German law"? This thread is about: "Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world" Nothing to do with German law. Thanks. :smileyhappy: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Participation_Guidelines Off Topic Content: Please keep your commentary relevant to the discussion and within the format that the forum, board or question and answer area require. Content that is blatantly off topic is not permitted. :smileywink:
  24. How about this one? Have you ever seen this before? :catlol:
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