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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: ... the SL system has become a bit of a mess, and could do with a complete overhaul; i.e. start again using hindsight, up to date technologies, programming that is better able to do what will be required in the future, and features from the start that they've realised would be good, but would be too messy to try to get into SL. That's what I'm thinking too. Present SL has too many issues to be able to correct it effectively. It's a tangled spaghetti. When trying to fix things they always have to take care of "not breaking the existing content". That is a big obstacle to make something really new, to be up to date with present technology,. So it's better to start fresh without the burden of taking care of things of the past. Personally I'm very eager to see what they come up with. Hopefully it is something really awesome. :matte-motes-smile:
  2. My image count is now: • Private: 2 images • Public: 911 images I once reached the limit and I had to start deleting the older ones to make room for the new. Unfortunately I don't remember how many images I had then when the limit hit me. When I asked at that time "what is the limit for images" somebody in the forum replied that it's 500. Well, it seems to be higher now. (I'm waiting to hit the 1000 to see would that be the limit.)
  3. This might be a survey. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  4. Wow! :smileysurprised: Costa Rica 1 - 0 Italy
  5. I have 39805 items in the inventory. Been in SL since 22 March 2007. My guess is that three fourths of those items are totally unnecessary. But it's such a pain and very boring to start sorting it out and deleting the unneeded stuff. :smileyfrustrated: :matte-motes-yawn:
  6. Tex Monday wrote: OW!! That makes my head hurt..can someone just wake me up when it's all over and tell me who won??? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: :matte-motes-big-grin: Could be a South American country. Every time the FIFA World Cup has been held in the Americas the winner has always been from South America. But as always a surprise winner can emerge. Held in - 1994 USA Winner: Brazil Held in - 1986 Mexico Winner: Argentina Held in - 1978 Argentina Winner: Argentina Held in - 1970 Mexico Winner: Brazil Held in - 1962 Chile Winner: Brazil Held in - 1950 Brazil Winner: Uruguay Held in - 1930 Uruguay Winner: Uruguay
  7. Congratulations! At least you got your First Name Last Name back! Nice. :smileyhappy:
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: So what is the "Something all Second Life users should consider" ? Or was that just a lie to get people to read your post? Now, now Phil! Be nice, this could be a camouflaged survey. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink:
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: I always enjoy the "Is it a Boy or is it a Girl" quizes. Hum... "Your Score: You got 2 right out of 8 questions." :smileysurprised: :smileysad: Very difficult guess the gender of the cats from the photos provided there. Why don't they take the photos from the back, tail in upright position? :smileyvery-happy:
  10. MckenzieKy wrote: :matte-motes-stress: *moves to netherlands* Thumbs up and good luck. :matte-motes-big-grin: For me this Uruguay - England match was very interesting and entertaining. Lots of action and many near goals - just a tiny bit missed. Both teams played very well and it was pretty clean game. As I didn't have a favourite team I could enjoy whichever team got a goal. Nice. :smileyhappy:
  11. MckenzieKy wrote: GOOOOO ENGLANDDDDDD :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: :smileysurprised: :smileywink:
  12. What it has been for me: • Joined out of curiosity when I saw an article about Second Life - I was really excited about it • The very first things for me to learn were how to navigate and how to use the camera in SL - effectively • Learned how to use building tools • Lots of exploring the grid to see what it's all about (I still do that after being over seven years in SL) • Learned how to make mesh and how to import mesh to SL (still lots to learn there) • As I like photography in RL the same applies to SL • I use SL mostly for fun • I never use SL as an escape from real life, it's just an interesting fun pastime for me • One fascinating thing for me in SL is that there are people from all over the world there. That's cool. :smileyhappy:
  13. Crim Mip wrote: If you had two sims side by side and really wanted to, you could have the water at different levels, but then you'd have to hide that across the entire shared border or have a wall of water showing. At Linden Memorial Park there is exactly like this solution. The Linden Memorial Park region has water surface level at six meters. In the surrounding regions the water surface level is at twenty meters. What they have done is that there are waterfalls on all region borders - the water is flowing from the surrounding regions to Linden Memorial Park.
  14. Tex Monday wrote: ok...wait..I know this... It's basketball, right? No no wait...Yankees...baseball. No no.....football, right?? When did they start playing in Brazil?? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  15. Kelley Foxclaw wrote: Jiras are worthless, haven't received one reply Please do post links here to the JIRAs you have made. We want to have a look. Thank you.
  16. Wear mesh pants (i.e. in British English called trousers). They will hide that ugly fault in avatar's shape. Lots of mesh pants have very nice butt in them. :matte-motes-smile: Try lots of demos first before buying. What you can can also do is go shopping for animations for your AO. Finding really good animations for AO can take quite some time but it's worth it. Try lots of animations and look carefully your avatar from all sides to see that they don't do any nasty deformations on the avatar's shape.
  17. No problem. :matte-motes-smile:
  18. Ssmiles wrote: "Slink" shoes are made by the owner of "Slink". They are a specific brand made by Siddean Munro so I don't understand how you are making them. If you made them, they aren't Slink. You also should not copy another creators items. Tell your friend to buy them if they want them. At any rate, you don't have to rig shoes, it's not neccesary to get them to move with the feet. Just attach the right one to the right foot and the left one to the left and adjust as needed. I'm sure that the OP meant that they made shoes for the Slink feet. Siddean Munro even provides - on request - a shoe last on which it is easy to design fitting shoes for the Slink feet. There is no "copying of another creators items" going on in OP's case. The Slink feet itself are rigged, so it makes perfect sense to rig the shoes to those feet too. And if the shoes reach to the ankle or go above the ankle it is definitely necessary to rig the shoes so that they will bend with the ankle bending.
  19. You can find my reply on the other forum where asked exactly the same question: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Low-FPS-normal-on-this-much-processing-power/m-p/2748934#M184195 Hint: No need to post about the same matter on multiple SL forum areas. :smileywink: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  20. Your antialiasing is 16x. If you have high resolution display (like 1920 x 1200 or 1920 x 1080) you really don't need it that high. Lower it to 2x and see is there any difference in fps. Shadows have big impact on fps. Use shadows only when you absolutely need them. In crowded places (lots of avatars) it helps to keep the "Max. # of non-impostor avatars" low - somewhere around 10.
  21. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Yes, everyone "can" play with the sliders and get shape, but getting the proportions right can make a difference, and that takes time and practice. One of the easiest ways to get the avatar proportions right is this: • Find a full frontal photo (preferably nude or in swimwear), or take one from yourself • Upload it to SL and put it on prim face • Enlarge the prim so that the photo is exactly the height what you want your avatar to be -- do not stretch the prim in one direction only, crab in one of the white corner markers -- then the photo is not distorted as prim enlarges to all directions • Put your avatar on a pose stand, preferably one in which you can adjust the leg separation and arms position • Place the prim with the photo next to yourself • Start adjusting the shape sliders • Do it so long until the avatars proportions are as close as possible with the photo's proportions • Congratulations! Now you have a realistically proportioned shape on your avatar. This is the easiest method to get the proportions right for anybody who is not an artist and who does not know how the human proportions should be. It is good to have also full side photo and full back photo for further reference. With this method anybody should be able to adjust realistic proportions on the shape. The hardest part perhaps is the face, to get nice pleasing features on it on. That needs a lot of work, artistic eye and skills. Here is an example what I did (in the photo: left my avatar, on the right real woman): https://www.flickr.com/photos/94297464@N02/13785050634/ Pretty close match with avatar's vs real woman's proportions. And it was not hard at all. Needs just some patience and time adjusting the sliders.
  22. That is very true. For my skin there are no appliers available. However, following Slink's instructions to the letter I was able to get a perfect match with the Slink feet and my skin. No seam, and no colour mismatch are seen. The blend is perfect.
  23. Kelli May wrote: irihapeti wrote: ... but also like Hugsy mention. I defo would like a minimap in the viewer that allows me to identify all parcels which have restrictions. banlines on, no-object entry. no-scripts, etc The Catznip viewer, for one, shows parcel boundaries and banline enclosed areas on the minimap. Those minimap enhancements are really great. :smileyhappy: Firestorm viewer has also adopted these "Epic minimap improvements from Catznip and Milkshake" [<-- stated by Jessica Lyon] since FS version
  24. bebejee wrote: Someone said all shapes are the same and need to be adjusted by sliders, but in my own experienced I have not managed to create the sexy butt shape on mine as seeon on other purchsed shapes I see despite playing around with the sliders, I use the default shape of female student avatar from LL, sliders do not give you the shapes some creators have made to sell. All shapes what you see in Second Life are based on the exact same default avatar shape. It is just a matter of skillfully adjusting the sliders to get pleasing result. No designer has any other than the default shape to work on with. Note: It is not just the shape what determines how the avatar looks. The skin plays also a big role there. Exactly the same adjustments in a shape will look somewhat different with different skins. For example by using different highlighting and shadowing in different skins exactly the same shape can appear to be quite different. Those higlightings and shadowings will trick our eye to see what actually is not in the shape itself.
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