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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Coby Foden

    Modify hair

    Sometimes it happens that you cannot select and edit rigged item directly. What you can do is this: Edit first some ordinary prim. It opens the edit window. Ok, now with the edit window still open, just left click on the rigged hair. Now you should be able to edit it.
  2. Ivanova Shostakovich wrote: I don't understand why anyone would want to wear those. I wonder! I'm highly disturbed when in SL I see ladies on a sand beach in their bikinis and wearing high heels. Some even swim with high heels on! Totally breaks my immersion feeling. :smileyfrustrated: :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  3. drakeos99 wrote: I have NOT broken ANY rules tbh by making a second life facebook account (i already have RL one aswell) but i do sometimes post my RL pictures on my SL facebook aswell https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms Registration and Account Security Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account: 1. You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook. 2. You will not create more than one personal account. 3. If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
  4. I have noticed the same thing with some rigged mesh clothes. It is if the light somehow "leaks" through or bends around the edge. However I have also noticed that by enabling shadows the light does not do this and everything looks ok.
  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Who decided that boy buttons go on the right side and girl buttons on the left, but only for tops? For bottoms, it's anyone's guess where girl buttons and zippers go, but guys are always on the right, right? http://www.primermagazine.com/2010/field-manual/why-do-men%E2%80%99s-and-women%E2%80%99s-shirts-button-on-different-sides
  6. Syo Emerald wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: Syo Emerald wrote: I always considered "muh" as the sound a cow makes. Hmm, that's possibly a dialect difference then? Here, they say "Moo!" German cows say "Muh!" In Finland I heard them saying: Ammuu (at least the people imitated the cow's sound like that). :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Splatulated wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Join the inworlds group... Firestorm English Support. where do i find a group ? The group name actually is: Firestorm Support English (not Firestorm English Support). Search that inworld and join.
  8. markkemp wrote: Dresses made out of basic flexiprims are sooooo 2007 :matte-motes-little-laugh: All clothing methods still have their proper uses. Even the "basic" flexiprims. :matte-motes-sing: :matte-motes-asleep:
  9. EvilPayne wrote: Writin' here ta share muh frustration....
  10. Everything you want to know how to use Firestorm viewer is available here: Getting help with Firestorm viewer There are inworld classes too: "We hold in-world classes explaining how to use Firestorm, what the preferences and menus mean, and so on. A great way to learn how to use the viewer, with an opportunity to ask questions as well." Inworld class schedule is here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/firestorm_classes Read and learn; attend the inworld classes. Soon you will be an expert how to use Firestorm.
  11. Min Barzane wrote: And a nother "SKY IS FALLING" thread /me takes popcorns and sits back Bon appetit! :smileywink:
  12. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: If you have a problem or suggestion about the marketplace you should create a jira at https://jira.secondlife.com.
  13. Pamela Galli wrote: There is no evidence anyone working at LL is thinking about the marketplace. They are done with it. "We get our five percent commission from every single sale - even from scams. Works as intended. Done." :smileywink:
  14. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: What is truly sad is this does not apply to the marketplace. They consider the MP to be user to user and will not get involved in disputes. I bought what was supposed to be a very nice horse bundle, back when the breedables were popular, for 10,000L$. when i discovered it was empty i filed a ticket immediately and received a message from LL that it was a user to user dispute and they would not get involved. Always remember, the MP is buyer beware. And they were happy to keep the five percent commission (i.e. 500 L$) they received from this scam. And then "we're not getting involved into this in any way". This is nuts. :smileyfrustrated:
  15. We cannot fix the world map. It's a "feature". The world map is updated less frequently than the minimap. Minimap shows things (like the avatar green dots) in real time, whereras the world map lags behind. I have no idea why it is made so, but that's how it is. There's nothing we can do about it.
  16. Jacob Cagney wrote: Considering "azz" is a mask for the other word I am surprised that it isn't considered Adult and not just Mature. Since profanity should be adult under the guidelines. I find this Linden Lab's blind robotic word filtering, without any consideration for the context how the word is used, very poorly implemented matter. It just does not work; as has been noticed over and over again in the Marketplace. For example this ass word. Ass may refer to: •Ass people (Jasses, Ossetians and Burtasses), selfname of Alans (Scytho-Sarmatian tribes) ← No profanity here •Asinus, a subgenus of Equus that includes the donkey and other asses ← No profanity here •Donkey, Equus africanus asinus ← No profanity here •By extension, an insult meaning idiot ← Insulting, no profanity •North American English informal term for buttocks ← No profanity here •áss, one of the Æsir in Norse mythology ← No profanity here •Ass (album), by Badfinger ← No profanity here •In abstract algebra, Ass(M) denotes the collection of all associated primes of a module M ← No profanity here •AsS, the basic chemical formula for arsenic sulfide ← No profanity here ASS may stand for: •ASS (car), a French car made from 1919 to 1920 ← No profanity here •ASS (gene), a human gene that encodes for the enzyme argininosuccinate synthetase ← No profanity here Lots of words have many meanings, therefore blind word filtering will fail. [Edit] This needs a nice ass picture too... :matte-motes-smile:
  17. Not trying to dissappoint you, but: before even trying to make clothes for SL, you must: 1. Learn to use Photoshop well. Really well. So that you understand how to create things with it without getting lost. 2. Learn to use Blender well. Really well. So that you understand how to create things with it without getting lost. When you have learned how to make efficiently different kinds of things with those programs then you are ready to make clothes. Unfornutaly there isn't any shortcut fast way to be a creator. There are tons of all kinds of free tutorials for Photoshop and Blender. Study them, learn. You will find even the learning fun and enjoyable if you really are interested to learn how to create things.
  18. Min Barzane wrote: Properies tab,shading,activate backface cooling,that will let you see wich way your faces are turned Backface culling (not cooling). :matte-motes-big-grin:
  19. I made a test with mesh plane, subdivided into four faces, each face was assigned a separate material in Blender. Other test with four prim cubes. I applied seamless texture on the four subdivided mesh plane faces and I applied the same seamless texture on the four prim faces. So, there are four individual textures on the mesh plane and each cube face an invidual texture. The result is that there is no visible seam at all; not between the mesh plane faces and not between the prim faces. Here's the snapshot: I guess what might happen in your case Trinity. When you cut the textures and apply them to prim or mesh faces the pixels on the cut line do not align exactly. Therefore you see the line. There's also one thing: if your cut textures are not eaxactly sizes of power of two then when you upload them to SL the viewer will resize them to the nearest power of two sizes. This most likely will also cause that the pixels along the cut line do not align exactly. The images you upload should be the exact sizes given here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_sizes Then the viewer is happy and will not touch their sizes but uploads them as they are. PS. I can zoom in and out, change the lighting conditions and still no seam is visible. Perfect.
  20. Splatulated wrote: accidently moved it eitehr 110,000 feet up or down Up! Never do that again! :smileymad: You almost destroyed one of our space vehicles.
  21. In legacy profiles the aspect ratio for 2nd life profile picture is 4:3. In web profiles the aspect ratio is 1:1. Whatever aspect ratio one uses, the picture will be screwed up for about half the people viewing it. Some use viewers which have web profiles, some use viewers which have legacy profiles. Here's an example what happens: One solution is to make one's profile picture to aspect ratio 8:7. Then nobody will see it correctly, but also nobody will see it very stretched nor very squashed. Our "Shared experience" in profile pictures is a 'bit' ruined - so far until all viewers use the same aspect ratio in profile pictures, either 4:3 or 1:1. Personally I would prefer it to be 4:3. It gives more choises and variations to make a nice photo than a square 1:1 does. To see what different aspect ratios are used in SL, look here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits Scroll down to: "Textures - Aspect ratios"
  22. Nevertheless, whatever textures they are you must obey what the seller has stated in the notecard. It's the seller's wish and condition, and so be it.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: What next? Cricket porn? Where will it all stop? Next is, ask Google: "how do crickets mate video" (We can consider that video as a biology lesson.) :matte-motes-asleep-2: It's apparent that the crickets do not mate while playing the cricket game as, according to what Phil said, it's apparent that only male crickets will be in the game.
  24. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: ... the whole object of the game is to hit cricket balls with a heavy piece of wood. I don't think it hurts them though Who is in charge of making sure you only have male crickets? --- And now the facts... :matte-motes-nerdy: :matte-motes-big-grin:
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