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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: Actually, cricket is quite a simple game. Here are the rules:- Sometimes you get men still in and not out. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. That's a lot of traffic going on! In, out, in, out, in, out... ... and what about the spectators; are they having these during the cricket match?
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: You all managed to miss the main meaning of the word 'pitch'. The piece of ground that cricket is played on is called a cricket pitch, or just the pitch. All other meanings of the word pale into insignificance by comparison. Cricket has most strange definitions. Why there is a "silly point" there? And "silly mid off" and "silly mid on"? There are also all kinds of legs in the game. •Square leg •Short leg •Long leg •Fine leg •Leg stump •Deep square leg Even a "square leg umpire" exist in the game. :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy:
  3. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: Also: Preferences/Firestorm/Avatar/Amount that Avatar's head Follows Mouse... Set both sliders to zero. Umm.... that's like zombifying (or statue'fying) the avatar. :smileywink: For myself I prefer AO animations where the head is free to move. Then when I chat with somebody face to face I can turn my face to look at their face. When the head movement is locked either by the animation or by the viewer settings it is not possible.
  4. Sorina Garrigus wrote: “Skill Game” or “Skill Gaming” shall mean a game, implemented through an Inworld object: 1) whose outcome is determined by skill and is not contingent, in whole or in material part, upon chance; 2) requires or permits the payment of Linden Dollars to play; 3) provides a payout in Linden Dollars; and 4) is legally authorized by applicable United States and international law. Games in which Second Life residents do not pay to play are not within the scope of this Skill Gaming Policy. “Skill Games” are not intended to include and shall not include “gambling” as defined by applicable United States and international law. ..... A game set to freeplay is not permitting paying to play. One question: If that game set to freeplay has also the option to set it to require or to permit payment, who is going to control that it will remain "set to freeplay" at all times?
  5. Some poses indeed do put the eyes in very strange angles. Which is especially annoying when taking snapshots for example. In the marketplace there is a free HUD which solves this problem. Excellent thing when taking avatar snapshots. You can lock the eyes pointing to various directions. There some emotes too in the HUD. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnyPose-Expression/2613652
  6. Madelaine McMasters wrote: The next time you're going to make that "mistake", invite me to watch. Only if you promise to be the sea bottom cleaner. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  7. Rolig Loon wrote: As long as you don't make the ghastly mistake of setting your building physical, I once made that mistake (not knowing any better at that time). I decided to add some prims to a boat I had bought. Well, first of all I made the boat physical (no idea why). And then... I unlinked it. BOOM! :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: :smileylol: All the prims were scattered all over the sea bottom. Some prims even went under the sea bottom itself. It took me about fifteen minutes to locate and delete every piece - 32 of them.
  8. markkemp wrote: Interestingly this indicates the SL graphics engine is perfectly capable of handling reflections. Just look at the Linden water. Be sure that you have set in the graphics peferences Water Reflections: Everything. This also 'indicates' that the viewer indeed can handle reflections. You can even set the water smooth (no waves) to see the reflections on the water very clearly. Without waves: With waves: And there is this JIRA: Real mirror reflections on prims So far, with available viewers, only Linden water can show real reflections. But in the above link you can see a video and images of the real mirror reflections on a prim (self compiled adjusted viewer has been used).
  9. Splatulated wrote: wait theres a group for it ? Splat! Why don't you use the search? You get much faster responses than posting every possible (and impossible) question here in the forum. http://search.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US&collection_chosen=groups&query_term=toodledoo
  10. Theresa Tennyson wrote: I suspect that ship is built how some complicated older vehicles were where you only rezz the simple hull-shaped object and "wear" the more complicated part with the rigging, cannons and your name board. This was to get around the prim limits for physical vehicles. Wearing the rigging, etc is only necessary if you're actually sailing it. Yes, it appears to be like that. Description from the Marketplace: "Sails set is automatically worn when boarding the ship." So, Splatulated; Attention: You need to rez only the lower part of the ship. Put the texture on it. Take the lower part of the ship back to inventory. New copy is created into your inventory. Rez this new copy on water. Your texture should be there ok now. Next, board the ship and the sails set is automatically worn on your avatar. All is good as intended. Go sailing. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  11. Splatulated wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: Yet again, this refers to information in another thread but had no link to it. ... i dont know where that topic went was like 3 weeks ago i made it probably considered thread necromancy by now Your original thread didn't go anywhere. Here's the link to it: How do i change the texture permanently?
  12. Sassy Romano wrote: Pitches is not a bad word in English, it's not slang for anything that I know of either. Indeed, not a bad word. Maybe it's rated as M because it rhymes with b*tches? This is more than crazy. :smileyfrustrated: pitch noun: pitch; plural noun: pitches 1. the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone. "her voice rose steadily in pitch" 2. the steepness of a slope, especially of a roof. pitch verb: pitch; 3rd person present: pitches; past tense: pitched; past participle: pitched; gerund or present participle: pitching 1. set (one's voice or a piece of music) at a particular pitch. "you've pitched the melody very high" set or aim at a particular level, target, or audience. "he should pitch his talk at a suitable level for the age group" 2. throw roughly or casually. "he crumpled the page up and pitched it into the fireplace"
  13. SamanthaPrater wrote: My issue is why work on a new viewer/ grid when their is so many problems with the current? That's the very reason why they are building a new world. There are too many issues and limitations in the present one. Therefore it is sensible thing to build a totally new one without the burden of all the old bugs and limitations. Nobody knows will it be succesful or not - not even Linden Lab. Anyway, they chose to take the risk.
  14. Smile :smileywink: :smileyhappy: :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyvery-happy: :catlol: :matte-motes-asleep-2: :matte-motes-asleep:
  15. Splatulated wrote: where do you go for yard sales ? http://seraphimsl.com/2014/05/31/the-yardsale-list-jun-sep-2014/
  16. VioletCities wrote: What about indoors? It makes no sense for the sun to be shining upon you in a certain direction while indoors. That's not very realistic. Keeping shadows on solves this. When the shadows are on then naturally the sunlight does not shine through any objects.
  17. VioletCities wrote: It appears that in that picture you're facing away from the direction sunlight is coming from. I mean, it looks like your face is shrouded in shadow because you see a bit of sunlight on your shoulder. If that light that's on your shoulder was on your face we might see something differently than that smooth skin. Yes, your observation is correct. The face is in shadow; I had shadows on. It's true also that sunlight hitting the face makes the lines on the sides of the nose very apparent. Turning the face away from the sun makes the face better looking almost in any Windlight setting. Anyway, even in real life the light is not always the most flattering to the human face. Lighting varies in RL and so it does also in SL. I like the varying lighting conditions more than something frozen "perfect" lighting. Varying conditions add liveliness and variation to the environment. Therefore I really don't mind if the avatar faces do not look the best at all times. Taking snapshots is a different thing, then I often choose some nice lighting suitable for the purpose.
  18. X3aV wrote: Guess what, deary, you are a real person! You are more beautiful than anyone trying to be you could be! Yay! :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy: :matte-motes-asleep:
  19. X3aV wrote: As much as you try to make your avatar look real, why does she always have that stupid blank look on her face in every photo? Coby's SL Photos Yeah, isn't that very sad? However much we try we cannot make the avatars to look like real persons. :smileysad: Sniff...
  20. X3aV wrote: Silly pictures do not an argument make. Yes, I do agree, they don't. That was just a pictorial presentation of two persons making an argument about something.
  21. X3aV wrote: Drake1Nightfire wrote: SL is not a video game. It is a video game. It's not a game! It's a game! No! Yes! - - - - :matte-motes-yawn:
  22. Splatulated wrote: how would google help me Google knows (almost) everything. :matte-motes-big-grin: You just need to learn how to use it efficiently.
  23. Estelle Pienaar wrote: This is however a bigger problem. None of the automatic updates has worked for me for at least 10 weeks. I already did a manual clean re-install 5 weeks ago and the problem of update files missing reappeard right away the next time. Well for the next time I know that I will cancel the installation completely and maybe and disable automatic updates until this mess gets fixed. This is quite strange. I have never had any problems whatsoever with automatic updates in Linden Lab viewer. Always everything has gone just fine. This makes me think that there is nothing wrong with the automatic update itself. If there was surely I would have the problems too. Or maybe the automatic update doesn't work right in all computers? Difficult to tell what's going on. PS. When installing new version of TPV viewer (like Firestorm for example) I always do a clean install - first deleting and cleaning everything related to the old version and after that I install the new version. But for Linden Lab viewer I just let the automatic update do its thing.
  24. Just to reply generally to this snapshots issue. As an example, I explore SL a lot; I take plenty of snapshots of the sceneries, and sometimes of the interesting people too. If they are for all to see in public places then I feel free to include them into the snapshots if I so choose. Naturally I don't take snapshots, nor even peep in, when the avatar's are in their private places doing their whatever private things. Like in these two recent snapshots: I didn't ask anybody's permission can I include them in the snapshots. I didn't tell anybody at all that I took the snapshots. And naturally I didn't ask anybody can I post the snapshots here. Because: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official__Snapshot_and_machinima_policy As long as you comply with the terms and conditions below, both Linden Lab and the Residents of Second Life (collectively, “we”) grant you the following copyright licenses: A License To Capture. You may take snapshots and capture machinima of the 3D content we created that is displayed in-world, and A License To Use. You may use the resulting snapshot or machinima within or outside of Second Life in any current or future media. ..and.. b) Avatar Consent for Machinima Consent is not required for any snapshots. Well, about Help Island Public. Nowadays it is mostly a hangout and chatting place for oldbies. Often these avatars look really good and well dressed. What a big change from the early days! There are occasional exceptions though. Sometimes a newbie might drop by, but they are rare in this place.
  25. cibernut wrote: Yes the mini map gives an indicator but I can't find anything for the world map, if there was a heading-dial always showing you'd always know which diretion you're going in with or without a map. Like Ohjiro said, there is direction indicator in the world map. See that light gradually fading triangle starting from avatar's position? That's the indicator where the avatar is facing to. The avatar is facing towards in the middle of the longer edge of that triangle. And if the avatar moves it moves to that direction. I drew additional arrow on the image to make the matter clear. Avatar is facing where the arrow is pointing. If the avatar moves this arrow shows the direction where the avatar is moving to. PS. Naturally in the world map north is up, south is down, east is on the right, west is on the left. :matte-motes-asleep-2:
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