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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Tex Monday wrote: ETA: Ugh...my typing fingers have been uncooperative for the past few days..... Aww... :smileysad: http://www.livestrong.com/article/199753-finger-dexterity-exercises/ :matte-motes-smile:
  2. kiramanell wrote: Nevertheless I recall Ebbe saying TPV's would be a thing of the past. Unfortunately your memory circuits appear to have a malfunction. :smileysad: Please re-read carefully what Ebbe actually has said. :matte-motes-smile:
  3. VoteboxRepairMan wrote: You could log in 7 or 8 alts and just pop through the sims collecting money for your main. Great days, no need to get a boring SL job! Where are these easy money boxes? Where? Please tell me, tell me! I'm running out of cash soon, need more. .. or wait, did you say..? VoteboxRepairMan wrote: But the rot seems to have set in. Some greedy sim owners have set the voteboxes so that you have to stay there for 10 mins for a 1L payout, Anyway, this seems to me an apt reminder that SL is truly dying. Let's see, 1 L$/10 min, it's 6 L$/1 hour, 144 L$/24 hours. Hmm... that's... 59 US cents! You're right. There is no easy money any more. Second Life indeed is doomed - game over! Sigh... :smileysad:
  4. Dillon Levenque wrote: I do get the 'penaly kick' thing. I don't like it, any more than I like it in hockey, the only somewhat major American sport that has such rules. Even with hockey I believe that tournament/playoff games must be decided by final score and if the game is tied at the end of regulation periods are added until one team is victorious. In football they play 45 minutes + 45 minutes, which is total of 90 minutes. If there is no winner then there is additional time of 15 minutes + 15 minutes. This makes total of 120 minutes (2 hours) of play. Some players have run very fast already some 13 kilometers (8 miles) during the play. At this time many players are totally exhausted, hardly able to run any more. If the playing was continued with additional time until a winner was found, the play would ultimately slow down into a crawl. Thus the penalty kick system is the best solution to end the game quickly - before the players die on the field.
  5. irihapeti wrote: Dear Ebbe please hurry and come up with a name for this project. In the net there is already a logo floating around... :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink:
  6. Cincia Singh wrote: The "zomg LL is teh evol and is causing me severe butt-hurt" crowd are especially entertaining. These people narrowly edge out the "this is the straw that broke my camel's back so I'm taking my dolly and going home never to return" crowd for entertainment value. Yes. I totally agree. :matte-motes-big-grin: Without those people the forums might be rather boring. :smileywink:
  7. Niecia Davi wrote: - How do I find my keyboard when wearing the Oculus? - Do I have at least an option to view/check my avie from 3rd person perspective? • Even proficient touch typist say that it is awkward and difficult to use the keyboard when totally blindfolded - what Oculus exactly is. My view is that nobody will use Oculus continuously for hours and hours totally disconnected from the real world. Oculus could be awesome for short periods of time though. • It will not be compulsory to use Oculus, the world will function perfectly on our normal screens.
  8. tinaplick wrote: If you want nipples that point (mine don't) you may need at attachment. The system nipples (like my RL ones) are pretty flat and are not adjustable. System nipples just don't exist at all on the avatar shape. If one wants nipples one needs to use an attachment. There is some kind of crude areola area on the breast, but nipples - none. Here's a front view and a side view in wireframe mode of the breast areola area - there is no nipple. A good texture can fake our eyes to see that there is a nipple - but naturally it still is totally flat, not protruding one.
  9. Rhys Goode wrote: I keeping my name and a nicely designed avatar would be great. Here's what Ebbe has said: Ebbe Linden wrote: • Avatars will be radically improved .... Question: Will at least the L$ currency remain the same and will available balances be usable in both worlds? • Yes • Identity and friends will be preserved. Some people have already asked that would it be possible to import the present SL avatar to the new world. We'll, we don't know anything about that yet. Besides, I wonder would there be lot of interest to such possibility if the new world avatars would be radically better in looks and functionality.
  10. Vivienne Schell wrote: In regards to the second life screenshot above: The two people sitting there seem to feel comfortable in this piece of puffy pixels. If they would not, what was their motivation to rez it? Or (OMG!) spend money on it? Well, actually the normal human sized avatars did not rez that monstrous sitting place there. That place was a live concert venue, the furniture was the venue owner's. Maybe the owner had stretched them even larger than they had been originally 'to just to fill up the space'? :smileysurprised: :smileytongue:
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Note: But as long as Luis Suarez continues to play for my club team (Liverpool) I'm a happy man I wrote that before Luis Suarez bit the italian player. I so wish he hadn't done it. It's the 3rd time he's bit a player. Hmm.. have they tried to feed him well before the matches?
  12. DesperadoReprise wrote: Magnus Brody wrote: Although I know your very reason for continually posting here is to annoy anyone you can, it is not only annoying, but also as innacurate as telling me I am more dimwitted than you only because I am Scottish, to continually bang on about Ebbe communicating in English as a Second Language, particularly when your clear inference is that he struggles. I think Ebbe is telling us as much as he can, particualry when it's considered that the developers are only writing the new software now, so I don't see how he can be absolutely definitive about this type of prim or that avatar axis, etc. Just because he's as competent as you apparently are - you have obviously set your standards low enough - doesn't mean that he's fluent, or even that he knows what he's saying. "sinking low-down" This clearly shows that correct spelling in English language does not matter very much. :smileyindifferent:
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: I dearly hope that nobody is going to import any of their hugely oversized stuff to the new BETTER world! It will all depend on where the camera is Yes. Hopefully this time it will be in the right - BETTER - place. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  14. I dearly hope that nobody is going to import any of their hugely oversized stuff to the new BETTER world! :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: :smileyvery-happy: Nobody wants the same totally random sizing of things in the better world as in the present one. Agreed? Everybody? Ok, thank you very much. :smileyhappy:
  15. Simone Arsenault wrote: I am sorry but you make me smiling. In my european country, so many huge companies were sued and forced to backtrack because : not everything that you are forced to sign with prior agreement means that is acceptable. In my country consumers have legal protection fortunately. (:smileyhappy:) Were you really forced to agree with the TOS? Did somebody held you at gunpoint forcing you to agree? Of course not. You were not forced to do anything. You created your account voluntarily, you agreed to the TOS voluntarily to get inworld. If you didn't like the TOS there was the option for you to not to agree and stay out from SL. You made the choise what you did voluntarily - there was no forcing of any kind going on. Agreeing to the TOS is a requirement to get inworld. You either agree or do not agree with the reguirement - it's your free choise to decide what to do.
  16. Ebbe Linden wrote: Identity and friends will be preserved. Excellent! :matte-motes-big-grin: :heart:
  17. Ebbe Linden wrote: Avatars will be radically improved as well so a lot TBD Yes! Thank you. :matte-motes-big-grin: :heart:
  18. Learn how to use ALT-key down + mouse movement. You'll love it. • Hold down ALT-key • Place the mouse pointer on your avatar • Drag the mouse while keeping ALT-key down This way you can look at your avatar from any direction you wish. Works in any viewer. In the same way you can look at any object from any direction.
  19. It goes like this: Creating a new virtual world... 1. Linden Lab creates new world, announces early about the plan. -- some people get angry, "you are destroying the present SL with this early announcement!" :smileymad: 2. Linden Lab creates new world, announces only when it's completely ready. -- some people get angry, "why didn't you announce this earlier? We're totally unprepared for this!" :smileymad: 3. Some other company creates new world, announces it early, or announces when it's ready. -- nobody gets angry, lots of people are interested and will go and see how it looks. :smileyhappy: :matte-motes-big-grin: Personally I'm very glad about this early announcement and I'm very interested about the new world the Lab is making. It was the right time to take the leap into the more advanced future. Thank you for that. :smileyhappy:
  20. Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world Building a new one does not mean *destroying* the old one. Naturally the new one will replace the old one over time - if the new one is better, what it most likely will be. Welcome better world. :smileyhappy:
  21. Your question: Are you a fan of the petite-curvy thigh-gap look? My answer: Oh no! :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated: :smileytongue: Your question: if not; then how do you prefer your avatar shapes? My answer: I prefer realistically proportioned human look - on a human avatar. My answer to this short survey was given to you free of charge. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink:
  22. Mony Lindman wrote: You say "If Linden Lab would not make a new virtual world with up to date technology it is highly likely that somebody else would". Well.. someone else already does.. it's called High Fidelity. Is that not competition enough for SL? It is very interesting to see which comes first: Is it Second Life 2 (or whatever it will be called) or is it High Fidelity? And it will be very interesting to see also how they differ from each other. Maybe there might be even some other virtual world under development? It was about time that Linden Lab took the step into the future; before it was too late. We have very interesting times ahead.
  23. Lynda Baran wrote: I have been in SL for a little over five years. Doing business with SL and it's creators, spending by my count nearly $9,000 for clothes, toys and tier. Now suddenly SL decides to say screw you, it means nothing to us. . . . . . . And, just like when I first came here from a different on line world, I will convince my friends and family to move too. How about if some other company instead of Linden Lab made a really awesome new virtual world? If it really was amazing in all respects compared to the present Second Life surely it would attract lots of present SL users, perhaps the majority would go there. Would the users scream at the new company "Oh why did you make this world! Now all our assets in Second Life are totally useless as you lured the majority of SL users to come here with all this awesomeness. Shame on you. You should have never done this terrible thing to us!"? Surely that would not happen. But now as Linden Lab has announced that they are going to make a better world, there is terrible outcry by some users. Why is that? If Linden Lab would not do it, somebody else would do it - most propably. If Linden Lab made the new world there is a slight change that some old SL assets can be used in the new world (not promised though, not denied either). If it was totally different company it could be that nothing from SL could be used there. Which is a better a better choise?
  24. Mony Lindman wrote: At this time there's only a small number of people who heard about it but when everybody will know that their assets may be useless and worthless tomorrow.. There has never been any promise that the present SL will continue forever. It has been no secret, the TOS clearly states that fact. And you have agreed to that, haven't you? 1.2 The Service exists only as long as and in the form that we may provide the Service, and all aspects of the Service, including your User Content, are subject to change or elimination. Linden Lab has the right to change, limit access to, and/or eliminate any aspect(s), feature(s) or functionality of the Service (including your User Content) as it sees fit at any time without notice, and Linden Lab makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue, or to permit open access to, any aspect of the Service. You acknowledge that your use of the Service is subject to this risk and that you knowingly assume it and make your decisions to participate in the Service, contribute Content and spend your money accordingly. Anyway, the backward compatibility thing what you are after actually is the major obstacle which prevents any major awesome overhaul and upgrade to the present SL. Therefore it is better to create a new world without the burden of old content. If Linden Lab would not make a new virtual world with up to date technology it is highly likely that somebody else would. Either way, will it be Linden Lab or somebody else who makes the new world, it would mean the inevitable slow decline and eventual death of the present SL - provided that the new world is really outstanding and better in all respects. Which it may well be. :smileyhappy:
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