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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Add more main memory to your computer. You now have 4094 MB (= 4 GB) of main memory. Add another 4094 MB so you have total of 8169 MB (= 8 GB) For 64bit system 4 GB really is not quite enough (even though many 64bit computers are delivered with only 4 GB). 8 GB will make 64bit system happier.
  2. Elizabeth Ely wrote: Any tips would be helpful to 1st correct my blurry text in SL and 2nd any tips on what to set my settings inworld and on my PC to improve my graphic quality and speed inworld. One reason for blurry text in the viewer UI is that the anti-aliasing is set to something else than "Use Application Settings". But as you are using the application settings I have no clear idea what might be the issue. What you might want to try is: In the viewer "Preferences, Graphics, Hardware" disable the antialiasing. After that log off and relog back in. Then enable the antialising in the viewer (2x is enough).
  3. I always do his on the SL home page: right click on a link (like "My Second Life" or "Shopping", etc.), then I select "Open in new tab". Problem solved, the home page remains open in its own tab. Often I have lots of tabs opened in my browser to various web pages. Makes it easy to hop between web pages. :smileyhappy:
  4. Afraid? No, not afraid, they just want some privacy to do whatever they might be doing. In SL it is just like in real life, people want their privacy in their homes.
  5. Quinn Lysette wrote: to any 1 using phoenix viewer 64-bit test this for me ok in the graphic settings look for render glow and set it to 0 off even after unchecking openGL I still got a memory crash so im still tryin to find out what happened so do this test for me and let me know if u get the memory popup and crash You must mean Firestorm 64-bit viewer (Phoenix viewer is obsolete already). Ok, now the test: 1. I set "Render Glow" to 0. No memory issues, no crash. 2. I keep Render Glow as above, I unselect "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects". No memory issues, no crash. Tested with viewer: Firestorm 4.6.7 (42398) Computer: CPU: Intel® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3411.15 MHz) Memory: 8169 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 PS. In 64-bit Firestorm I have never had memory issues. In 32-bit version I had some memory issues (happened quite seldom though).
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: I did mean to say "Display Names." My bad and I'll fix so not to confuse anyone. I grabbed Phil when display names came out and when I do a search for Phil now in the web search I get plenty of what appear to be display names; e.g. Phil (PhilipMax). I don't even see mine listed as just Phil like your Perrie is. When I type Phil Resident in the legacy search (in Firestorm), the first name what shows up is Phil. When I type just Phil in the search there are thousands of all kinds names which have the part "Phil" in them. In the web search typing either Phil Resident or Phil (Sort by, User Name: A to Z) it appears that plain Phil user name does not come up at all. There were 1814 results, I got tired of scrolling to see that was Phil included in the results. To make it easier there should be an option "search this word only, exactly as it is written and nothing else". Anyway, it indeed looks like that user name Phil is already dropped off from the web search.
  7. The NOT demo operator does not work well because instead of just demo some merchants use things like the following to define their demos: _demo_ demo DEMO DEMO1 IIDEMOII D+E+M+O 49demo D E M O cDEMO 56-DEMO 58-DEMO 60-DEMO dee.DEMO D*E*M*O jeansDEMO brooks.DEMO -D E M O- wells.DEMO That is just a small sample how demos are defined in the Marketplace. Naturally the NOT demo does not filter those out. :smileymad: :smileysad:
  8. Jaden Beaumont wrote: I need to block someone for a while. I don't want them to see in any form that I am online, whether through friends list, group list or their profile on the sl website. Is this possible? or once they are no longer visible on your friends list they can't see you anywhere else either? Whatever you do, there is still a way to find are you online or not by using a script.
  9. Firestorm viewer gives the following result when searching bard w people. Old search finds 29 people, web seach finds 6 people. It's odd that the web search includes also Fenn MacMoragh.
  10. pedrw wrote: What's worse is that most residents of SL are too old ... What is your definition of "too old" resident? Is it SL age - if so, how old is too old? Is it RL age - if so, how old is too old? And why do you think something is too old?
  11. yo! wat a gr8t promlemo u hav ther wel wat u mite try 1st is to detch everything from you're avatr coz u might be wearin somthing very laggy stuffs then try turning your avtar bck to normal human its normal thing when u click da shut down it wil defo shut down nothing worng with dat then instead of using teh weirdo driver u wuld hav better luck if u used normal driver i hope this litle help wil help somthing to fix you're promlem good luck
  12. Carol Darkthief wrote: Trouble is, we're on different continents, and using different ISPs, and just saying you don't see a problem is pretty useless. Well, the OP asked: "Is it just me or is LL working on something?" "Does anyone else have the same issues?" I answered those questions. I'm so sorry for my useless answer. :smileyvery-happy:
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: It's utterly bewildering to anybody starting out now, and something that must be simplified in the next generation, no matter how many content categories are made obsolete in the process. Yes indeed. For the new users the first login experience should definitely have a WOW effect, like: "This looks really cool!" I'm sure that if it was so, many more new users would login back again and explore the world. I wonder why this is so hard for Linden Lab to understand! Some things towards the wow effect would be: • The default starter avatars should look beautiful, handsome, even awesome • The default animations - few walks, few stands, few sits - should be natural looking and excellent • The first login region should be interesting with lots of helpful instructions I have often wondered why the starter avatars must look rather bad and even really bad? Same thing with the default animations. What is the "grand" idea behind this thinking? It looks like as if Linden Lab really does not want to give an amazing first login experience at all. This is really strange. :matte-motes-frown:
  14. Jennifer Boyle wrote: Since I do, it would be convenient to put the cache on the flash drive, which I have tried several times. I consistantly experience SEVERE lag when I do, which is immediately resolved by moviing the cache to a hard drive. The simple answer is that your flash drive has a much slower data transfer rate than what your hard disk has. The faster the disk where your cache is located the better your experience will be.
  15. Mandy Carbenell wrote: Does anyone else have the same issues? Not me. Everything works just fine. The website works ok, login inworld works ok. This http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ [Posted 10:56 PM PDT, 20 September 2014] shows that nothing strange is going on at the moment.
  16. Creating a new avatar is still fun, nothing has changed in that respect. Linden Lab just have (foolishly) introduced the new (bad looking) starter mesh avatars which confuse people a lot. First of all detach everything what you are wearing. Take off also all clothes, tattoos and alpha masks. To "create" a new avatar mesh (i.e. the body) do this: • In your inventory right click a folder (where you want the new shape to appear) • Select "New Body Parts, New shape" • Wear this shape and start tweaking the shape to your liking with the appearance editor If you don't want to go the above route, you can find also the classic avatars (non-mesh ones) in the library. Just look into: "Library, Clothing, Initial Outfits". All outfits there which have not the word (Mesh) are the classic avatars. Below the "Initial" outfits folder there are many other folders which have the classic avatars.
  17. The day presets do work fine for me. The sun moves as it has always moved - unless the region has fixed day set on in the region Windlight settings. I have checked this in the latest Linden Lab viewer and in the latest Firestorm viewer. Have you been in other regions to see does the time of day change there for you? In Linden Lab viewer enable: "World, Sun, Use Region Settings". Then teleport to different regions and observe what happens. You can also try the following as an another test: From the menu select "World, Environment Editor, Environment Setting..." And there: • First enable "Customize my environment" • And then at the "Sky / Day Cycle" enable "Day Cycle". Then observe what happens.
  18. Cyann Ornitz wrote: When I move the camera now there seems to be some white line at top of the screen and few pixels that seem to be moving around. Is there any way to move this line down? Yes there is a white line at the top of the screen when you enable the freeze frame, but that line does not come to the snapshot. (Naturally the white line appears in the snapshot if you have selected "Interface"). When I move the camera I don't see "few pixels" moving around. As far as I can see the freeze frame works the way it has worked always. I checked the freeze frame functionality in: Second Life 3.7.15 (293376)
  19. XNyanNyanX wrote: I am aware of the ToS, and that they can change certain features, but the fact they are going to potentially do changes that will in essence render an entire inventory useless nearly is rather a tad over done. I would much prefer backwards compatibility. They can even "pull the plug" at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. Without any compensations to anybody. They have clearly stated it, it's their world and their rules. We can argue that "it's not fair". But it will not change anything. What they are doing now is: • Keeping the present SL running as long as it is profitable for them. (For a company that is sensible thing to do.) • Developing new platform without letting backwards compatibility to prevent new better things to be developed. What other options there would be really to remain as the leader in the business of virtual worlds? Sit on their hands and one day find out that some other company has built a new more advanced virtual world that attracts the masses? In my thinking that would be a slow suicide for Linden Lab. Often strict backwards compatibility will get in the way of true advancement. Sometimes it is just not possible to develop new things and keep backwards compatibility. Surely, lots of present SL content will not be imported into the new platform due to incompatibility. That's how things are.
  20. XNyanNyanX wrote: Will Linden LAbs recompensate those of uis that have lost REAL money investments into these expensive items. Linden Lab will not compensate anything what you have spent. They have clearly stated that in their TOS. You have agreed to the TOS; you have knowingly taken the risk of possibly losing everything at some time. If you haven't read the TOS (i.e. agreed blindly without reading) that is no excuse for not knowing the rules. http://www.lindenlab.com/tos 1.2 The Service exists only as long as and in the form that we may provide the Service, and all aspects of the Service, including your User Content, are subject to change or elimination. Linden Lab has the right to change, limit access to, and/or eliminate any aspect(s), feature(s) or functionality of the Service (including your User Content) as it sees fit at any time without notice, and Linden Lab makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue, or to permit open access to, any aspect of the Service. You acknowledge that your use of the Service is subject to this risk and that you knowingly assume it and make your decisions to participate in the Service, contribute Content and spend your money accordingly.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: PayPal has different flags they use for accounts. First is a Verified wher you have confirmed your banking info with them . . . . . So could it be that for those of you who only have PayPal that you have a Credit Card linked to your PayPal account? About account verification, PayPal says: To become Verified, log in to your PayPal account, click the Unverified link, and follow the instructions. Note: To become Verified, you must: 1. Confirm your email address. 2. Add a credit or debit card to your account. 3. Link and confirm your card. My PayPal account is verified and I have credit card linked to the account.
  22. Perrie Juran wrote: Chronalis Rexen wrote: Sept. 18, 2014, 8:28 a.m. Georgina Linden Greetings, Our skill gaming areas require a credit card with an active billing address on file to access. If this is not on the file, the regions will remain inaccessible on your account. Regards, Linden Lab __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Can someone show me where it says this at anywhere in the policy or the TOS because I sure as hell can't find it. Fascinating. And like you I can not think of or find anywhere that specifically says, "you must have a credit card, etc." But it appears that now we know exactly what is meant by, 2.2 "A Valid Payment Method," which to my knowledge is never clearly defined. ETA, because LL only accepts two payment methods it would be a given that it would need to be at least one of these that are used to verify eligibilty. What Georgina Linden tells seems strange to me. My billing information "Payment Method" is a PayPal account. I have no other payment method. My alt account has that same payment method too. I can go with both accounts to Skilled Gaming regions.
  23. jwjaii wrote: Unfortunately, it seems that nothing goes well for me here. Before anything else you need to learn how to use Second Life effectively. You need to learn some basic things how Second Life works. If you don't make an effort to learn you will always have many problems and your Second Life experience is not so great. Here are some links to helpful articles. Read and understand what is said there and your experience will be a lot smoother and enjoyable. We have all gone through the learning stage. The more you learn the easier the things will be as you undestand how things work. Happy learning. :matte-motes-smile: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Controlling-your-avatar-s-appearance/ta-p/700709 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Problems-with-rezzing-and-inventory/ta-p/1332559 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-your-inventory/ta-p/1370823 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Finding-lost-objects-and-attachments/ta-p/1316943 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-clothing-that-fits-your-avatar/ta-p/2570096 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Second-Life-Marketplace/ta-p/700189 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-User-s-Guide/ta-p/1244857 Please don't say "it's too complicated, it should be easier". That is useless leading you to nowhere but frustration. Second Life is what it is, it's not going to change to something very simple. Only way to master it is to learn. Trust me. There is no other way.
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