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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Butterpecanxx wrote: i bought some shoes but it dont seem to fit right will someone help me please Take snapshot, post it here, include detailed explanation what is the problem. Thanks.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Look again. "Other" has been removed. /me looks again 0.o ... uff, other's gone! :matte-motes-frown: I guess I need new spectacles. :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileyvery-happy:
  3. TundraFire Nightfire wrote: Advert Farms/ Visual SPAM is gone. I've noticed it creeping back on the mainland lately. Groan :womanmad: But there is still the "Other" category available. And in the "Report Abuse" window there is the "Details" field where one can fill in the details. It might be even easier to AR now as there is no need to wade through lots of categories when searching for suitable one.
  4. serotica wrote: Probably been mentioned before, but I find a subtle facelight eliminates face shadows. Once that design flaw is fixed I feel facelights will become obsolete. What do you mean by a "design flaw"? There is no need to fix the lighting nor to eliminate shadows. Shadows are cool. What needs fixing is the avatar mesh to get rid of the faults in it. Of course facelight will eliminate the shadows. I almost always keep shadows on in my viewer. I certainly will not want a facelight to kill the shadows. Look at peoples faces in RL when the sun is shining brightly. The faces will have shadows depending how the sunlights hits the face. I wonder why people want the avatar face to be lit evenly and perfectly in the best possible way always - like in a photo studio? Picture below: Just some Windlight setting, shadows on, no facelight. Yay! If a facelight was worn in the picture here it would have killed the effect of ambient lighting and shadows and thus it would have produced more flatly lit uninteresting picture. Yeah, I'm not a fan of facelights. I prefer torches, when needed. :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  5. Nova Convair wrote: Baloo Uriza wrote: This, however, also destroys legitimate uses of attached lights, like flashlights, lanterns, headlamps, etc. that don't destroy suspension of disbelief in any given scene. I'm in SL many years and I can't remember of any torchlight user. Erm... I still use a torch occasionally at night when it's very dark in the forest. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink: However, I have never used facelights and I will never do so. There is no need for them. Lighting one's face with invisible light source looks strange to me. People, wear torches! :smileytongue:
  6. Aquila Kytori wrote: So I'm guessing there must be a limit of around 300 images? At the time of writing this post I have total of 978 images. The maximum filesize for an image is 1024 KB. The forum software does not let import any bigger filesize image. If you try to import a bigger file then there is a popup message telling that 1024 KB is the maximum filesize.
  7. Watsoon Steampunk wrote: So my question is ; does anyone could tell me which words could classify the items as Mature among : "ground, lawn, backyard, grass, garden, green, park, yard, plot, terrace, grassplot, turf, pitch, field, English, terrain, bush, country club, golf course, landscape, football, baseball, tennis, hockey" My wild guess; either one or many of these: grass - contains "ass" grassplot - contains "ass" pitch - is similar to "**bleep**" <-- I guess it is obvious to all what this **bleep** is what the forum software changed. bush - rhymes with "tush" football - contains "ball" baseball - contains "ball" Yes, the secret word listing can be this crazy and is so too. :smileyfrustrated:
  8. serotica wrote: Here's what I don't quite understand. If one purchases a rigged mesh body (TMP Deluxe) and therefore, by default its shape, why is it that it still uses your previous shape/skin/physics as well? Would I need to purchase other shapes, skins and/or appliers to change that? Like Phat Azz and Lola's for butts and breasts? I know one can use the sliders too but I'm amazed that on purchasing a 5000L body one should even be contemplating, or have to use the sliders afterwards. Some basic definitions: 1. Avatar's default shape • This is the avatar's body shape. It cannot be removed, every avatar will always wear this shape. With the appearance sliders we will be able to change and customize this shape. There are hundreds even thousands of skins available what can be worn on this default shape. This shape can be hidden from view by an alpha mask (but even if hidden from view it is still worn). 2. Mesh body • Mesh bodies are created outside from SL with 3D design programs. Mesh bodies can be imported to SL and they can worn by the avatars. Mesh bodies don't replace avatars default shape, the avatar shape is still worn, it is just hidden from view by an alpha mask; thus we will see only the imported mesh body. The appearance of rigged Fitted Mesh bodies can be changed with the avatar appearance sliders. Only thing what cannot be changed are the facial features (it's a limitation of the Fitted Mesh). Therefore many mesh bodies have a headless option, so we can wear the mesh body and show the avatar shape head, which can be adjusted with the appearance sliders. If you are wearing a mesh body you don't need to buy any additional shapes. You can wear any shape what you might have in your inventory. It should be modifiable, else you cannot adjust the mesh body in any way because non-modifiable shape locks the appearance sliders. It's a good thing that we actually can adjust the mesh bodies. If we couldn't then every avatar wearing the same body would look the same; there would be lots of clones in SL.
  9. Instead of giving direct instruction how to clear the cache I prefer to give you this link so you learn things about the cache. :matte-motes-nerdy: Cache What Is It and What Does It Do? Read it totally, then you know a lot of things about the cache. (Hint: "Preferences, Network & Cache") :smileywink:
  10. Download and install Oculus Rift viewer. Then log in using that viewer. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers On that page scroll down to: Second Life Project OculusRift Channel And download from there this one: Second Life Project OculusRift Viewer version
  11. TundraFire Nightfire wrote: Not just "Payment info on File". I had to buy something with my credit card before I could go to the adult region. This came up in a recent thread a while back. I don't know if that issue has been fixed or not yet, but it was a problem for quite a few people. One of my alt account has no payment info on file. Yet she can go to adult regions. So, payment info on file is not requirement for adult things. However it is possible for the land owner to set the land so that payment info on file is required to enter that place. But that has nothing to do with the adult thing.
  12. You might want to try Radecast. That should serve the purpose if the only thing you want to do is to chat with friends. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory/Radegast "Light-weight feature rich non-graphical client, ideal for situations where full 3D rendering client is less than ideal option, for instance, an office environment, running on low performance computers and similar.
  13. TundraFire Nightfire wrote: You may need to have "Payment info on file". Read OP's post again. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink:
  14. nausea thread - how do i get used to the rift? Question For Motion Sickness Sufferers http://www.pcgamesn.com/oculus-rift-nausea-ongoing-challenge-may-always-be-problem Good luck. :matte-motes-sick: :smileyfrustrated: :smileywink: Well, some say they get nausea feelings, some say they don't.
  15. Treasure Ballinger wrote: Question: If you de-render something, can't other people still see it? Yes, if you de-render something it has no effect what others see; it affects only what you see.
  16. SL plays its tricks on us sometimes. Once I was standing with my friend on a beach. I saw his other shoe not on his foot but floating in the air about one meter above the ground and two meters away from him. However he saw that both his shoes were on the feet. I relogged and then I saw his shoes on the feet. We have experienced similar other things too, the other one sees things that the other one does not see. Like open mouth on avatar, other one says it's open, the other one says it's definitely not open. A big Joker the SL is occasionally. :smileyfrustrated: :smileyvery-happy: Sometimes just clearing the texture cache resolves wonky things. (Note: no need to clear the object cache, which will force inventory re-loading.)
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: I beg to differ. My card is a GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2 - the 2nd digit is a 2 - and I can run 2 viewers with it very smoothly as long as neither of them have their graphics set too high. I have them set midway between Mid and High. Naturally what graphics card is ok for a user depends a lot how one uses SL, where one goes, and what settings the user sees as satisfactory. My card is GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2. Running Windows 7 (64bit version) and 64bit version of Firestorm viewer (occasionally using Linden Lab viewer and some other ones too). My graphics settings are: With the above settings I can run three viewers without any difficulty (maybe even more, I have not tired more than three) IF the scene is not very complex. However, when running only one viewer, when I go for example to some live concert where there are lots of avatars, then the single running viewer will have a serious drop in framerate. The scene starts to resemble a slideshow. Similar thing happens in any very complex scene even if there are not lots of avatars present. I love shadows, they add a lot towards making the environment more realistic. Like walking in a SL forest. It's totally different experience with shadows on than without shadows. The geral rule of thumb is: to display everything what SL is capable to display one does need a fast graphics card, the faster the better the experience will be. (By the way, telling that the graphics setting performance slider is somewhere does not tell much, because one can still tick various options without the performance slider moving anywhere.)
  18. Sassy Romano wrote: A carriage would have been recognised in the UK for the first too. A carriage or pram would be typically referring to a lying arrangement, more akin to a cot on wheels, usually able to see the parents and vice versa. At this point, the parents still think it's cute and want to keep and eye on it, the baby can still see the food source. Whereas a stroller or buggy would be for the little ones that can't be bothered to walk or haven't been made to do so by their parents. Typically forward facing so that it can't see the pained expression on the parents faces. I love this explanation. Perfectly worded. Thanks. :heart: :matte-motes-smile:
  19. Dana Dielli wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Ok, the British have solved the problem what the Americans have. :smileyhappy: LOL Well I'm American, and I would have called #1 a Baby Carriage, and #2 would be a stroller. Ok, thanks for the clarification. Drake's reply seemed rather odd to me ("there's no difference"). :smileyhappy:
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote:We dont make a distinction because we dont give a damn what type it is. It's not that important. Try putting a three year old kid into the stroller in picture 1. You'll learn very fast that that the type matters a lot. :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  21. pedrw wrote: Is not true. What you're talking about is just speculation. 1) I was wrong on the anniversary date What has an anniversary date to do with changing your date of birth, and account creation? I don't know anymore what you are talking about. I might have speculated something in my post (because it is not entirely clear what you mean by "How can I change my date of birth"). Now you are talking about anniversary date. I'm "a bit" confused now. Anyway, Linden Lab Terms of Service (TOS) is not speculation.
  22. Sassy Romano wrote: Top one is a Pram, the second one is a Stroller or Buggy, take your pick. Ok, the British have solved the problem what the Americans have. :smileyhappy:
  23. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Those are both Strollers. That's strange. So if people are talking about strollers they have no idea what kind of stroller it is, until it is further defined (like "I mean a stroller where the baby lies down" and "I mean a stroller where the baby sits"). Here where I live we have different word for each.
  24. Now as this thread has transformed into a language thread I have a question to ask. :matte-motes-big-grin: What are these things, in the pictures below, most commonly called in USA and UK? Picture 1 Is this: Perambulator, Pram, Stroller, Baby Buggy or Baby Carriage? Picture 2 And what is this? Does it have different word from the above?
  25. pedrw wrote: Congratulations !!! Again, SecondLife could ruin my experience here. I asked for help ticket explaining the problem but did not answer me and eliminated my account ... Unfortunately you broke the rules when making your account. Making a ticket saying that "I want to change my date of birth" was clear indication to Linden Lab that you had not provided accurate true information. That could be the reason that your account got deleted. Had you explained that you had made an error at registration by giving a wrong date of birth and then providing a copy of document to Linden Lab (for example copy of passport) then it might be that Linden Lab would have accepted the explanation and would not have deleted your account. Look here: http://lindenlab.com/tos#tos4
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