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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Phil Deakins wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: I've been looking at new cars, just window shopping but quite a few are leaving out the spare now and just offering a can of stuff instead. I've never had a flat tyre and with the roadside coverage, do you *really* need that spare or is it just a warm fuzzy feeling? (especially in a city then where recovery would be relatively simple). Spares were a necessity when tire (where'd you learn to spell, Sassy?) reliability was low, roads were rough, and help was potentially far away. I haven't had a flat since... (thinks a minute)... 199... (thinks some more) 1 or so, when my ex-hubby ran over a curb while feeling up my knee. I'd be thrilled to have the trunk space the spare tire takes in my Miata. I can't close the lid on a tank of propane. Where people spell correctly. The word is 'tyre' - with a 'y' What's the name of the language again?
  2. A reason why it is good to keep the tank full: :matte-motes-big-grin: http://drivelinemoto.com/why-you-should-keep-the-gas-tank-full/ An almost empty tank can be a problem in locations where the temperature goes up and down and where the air humidity is often very high. Water condensation in fuel system surely is not a good thing. About this "algae" found in your tank; it appears that it actually is not algae at all. http://www.bellperformance.com/blog/bid/111973/Label-Says-Fights-algae-But-Do-You-Need-a-Diesel-Fuel-Algaecide
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: Either way, having a full tank is the same as carrying a small adult passenger around all the time. The further you go before filling up, the smaller the passenger gets, but it's still weighty, and driving it around costs money in petrol. Yes, it costs something extra to carry some more weight. What I'm really interested to know is that is the saving significant amount of money or not. Now we would need the MythBusters to make test drives to solve this mystery.
  4. ConnieG Sorbet wrote: Question folks: If you were given the opportunity to name the new platform what would you suggest to Linden family it be called? Exploria Why? Surely when it will open we will be exploring it a lot to see what it is all about. :smileywink: :smileyvery-happy: . . . . . . Hmm.. wait, wait... that name's been already taken by some RL resort. I have no more suggestions. :matte-motes-frown: :smileysad:
  5. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: A 20 gallon tank holds 140 pounds of gasoline. You're using aviation gasoline? :smileysurprised: :smileywink: 20 US gallons of it weighs approximately 140 pounds. Gasoline what is used in cars is lighter, 20 US gallons of it weighs approximately 125 pounds. (Darn those US and imperial units, my head is spinning already.) :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: It has been scientifically proven that one should never have more than 1/4 tank of gas in their vehicle unless you can not make it to a filling station in time. That is how car manufacturers get such good mileage results. What I do is that when there is about 1/4 tank of petrol left I go to a petrol station and fill the tank. Why do I do that? Well, I don't want go to buy petrol ever so often. When I fill the tank up the petrol will ususually last from two to four weeks until it's again 1/4 left. Has anybody made scientific calculations how much one can save, lets say per 1000 km, by always filling the tank only to 1/4 of the full tank capacity? That would be interesting to know. If the saving is very small then for me it would not be worth the effort to start visiting petrol stations every three or four days.
  7. Nalates Urriah wrote: Attachments are the same, but prims other than mesh are techincally described as parametric primitives. That means the vertices list is built into the viewer and the prim is actually only a set of values that tell the viewer how to shape the primitive. There is no 'thng' other than settings that can be exported. So, you have to have a program to convert those primitives to something Blender can use. . . . . . There are various tools to help with exporting things from SL. For example, Firestorm (4.6.7) can export prims to collada file; which file will open in Blender perfectly. I tested this functionality with a simple prim house. The whole thing opened in Blender, nothing was missing. How to export? Select prim or prims, then from the Firestorm menu: "Build, Object, Save as, Collada". Naturally the prims must be own creations. PS (Nalates, I guess you knew this already. I just posted this as a general info for those who did not know.) :smileywink:
  8. Etalia Cristole wrote: ... but this new giant ass trend is terrible. This reminds me of a place: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Sconset/46/219/25 I wonder what on earth is going on there? :smileysurprised: At first visit I thought it was some one time occasion/competition, competing on: • Who can make the tallest avatar • Who can make the biggest butt • Who can make the biggest boobs • Who can make the most disproportionate avatar But no, not a one time occasion! I have checked that place a few times again. Same thing has been going on every single time. Hmm... :matte-motes-oh-rly: :smileyvery-happy:
  9. Monti Messmer wrote: Hi, really wonder why people buy mesh pants and shirts. Whats the benefit above system clothes, well its little to nothing, i think. Little? System pants go deep into your butt crack, giving bruises, itchy, uncomfortable, not realistic looking. Same goes for system tops for women; system top will sink into the cleavage making it very unrealistic. Real life pants and tops do not do that, neither do mesh clothes in SL. A big bonus for mesh. :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  10. Pamela Galli wrote: I think the reason Americans cling to Imperial measurement is that it is based on body parts, so you can estimate using, say, a literal rule of thumb (or foot, or stride). Now I am curious about how they came up with a mile. http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/637/whats-the-origin-of-miles-and-yards :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy:
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: Exactly as I do. I buy petrol by the £ and not by quantity. Do you mean that you don't fill up the tank? I always buy petrol "by the tank"; meaning that I always fill it up, as much as goes in there. After filling the tank, I pay the petrol in Euros (€). :smileyhappy:
  12. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Imagine trying to picture Metric measurements while driving, when the only mental frame of reference you've got is Imperial... it would not be pretty. ...Dres I wonder how the designers used to the imperial measuments manage to build in SL accurately? They have no mental immediate grasp how big a meter is. They have to constantly convert between meters and imperial units. Well, I have read that some designers rely on a very inaccurate GAH (General Avatar Heights) method in sizing their stuff. The GAH method includes and relies on eyeballing things "Hm.. let's see, that looks about the right size". No wonder that the scaling of things in SL is so haphazard. :smileyfrustrated: :smileyvery-happy:
  13. Pamela Galli wrote: Coby Foden wrote: 09/03/2014 which amazingly means September 3, 2014. Those are in the same order. I have always wondered: In Europe would you say 3rd of Sept., 2014? (BTW I think everyone has given up on Americans adopting metric measurement. That was just not going to happen,. ) 09/03/2014 in Europe will mean 9th March 2014, not September 3, 2014 as in America. Therefore the ISO system was made for dates YYYY-MM-DD. That's the preferred method in international written communications to avoid confusion. Yes, we do say: "3rd of September 2014" and also just "3rd September 2014". I once heard an American saying "Imperial measurements are good. They have short one syllable names like inch, foot and mile. Easy to pronounce without much effort. Whereas the metric system has those difficult long names like millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer." Well, that person failed to see the advantages of the very easy decimal system what the metric system uses. :smileywink:
  14. Christhiana wrote: It says 9-3-2014, which is today... Oh no. Where I live (Europe) it definitely says 03.09.2014 = 3rd September 2014 However in America it indeed does say 9-3-2014 or 9/3/2014 or 09/03/2014 which amazingly means September 3, 2014. Wow, same date as in Europe, Americans just love to put it in a strange illogical order. :smileysurprised: :smileyvery-happy: Logical orders for dates are: Day-Month-Year and Year-Month-Day Very illogical order (the American way) is: Month-Day-Year Therefore to avoid confusion what a date means, ISO needed to step in and make ISO date format as: YYYY-MM-DD :smileywink:
  15. Splatulated wrote: http://i.imgur.com/hXQaTta.png Learn how to read ISO format dates. :matte-motes-nerdy: :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/iso8601.htm
  16. There is no need at all ever to upload pictures to SL as a JPG file. As Chic told use PNG file. Even better is TGA file where you can easily control whether to show the transparency or not. 24 bit TGA file = without transparency, 32 bit TGA file = with transparency. In a PNG file controlling the transparency could be a bit trickier if you don't "how stuff works". :smileyhappy: As PNG and TGA file are lossless there is no quality loss in those files. JPG file is lossy format, there is lways some quality loss.
  17. Splatulated wrote: how do i make my own custome animation set or just a button in the runs section for the run animation im tryign to add ? Here is a sample from a notecard, the section where you put the names of the animations. This is the format what ZHAO-II AO will use. [ Standing ]dz824-Stand.N (Adult)|dz821-Stand.N (Teen) [ Walking ]CCfWalk03fast|dz845-Walk.N [ Sitting ]sit_pretty [ Sitting On Ground ] [ Crouching ] [ Crouch Walking ] [ Landing ] [ Standing Up ] [ Falling ]dz323-Falling [ Flying Down ]dz807-Hover.D [ Flying Up ]dz806-Hover.U [ Flying ] [ Flying Slow ] [ Hovering ]dz803-Hover.N [ Jumping ] [ Pre Jumping ] [ Running ]dz281-Running [ Turning Right ] [ Turning Left ] [ Floating ] [ Swimming Forward ] [ Swimming Up ] [ Swimming Down ] [ Typing ] I have bolded and coloured the names of the animations in the above sample to make it clear. You can put one or many animation names on a single line. If there are many animations on single line then the animation names must be separated by vertical line. | Just like in [ Standing ] there are two animation names separated by vertical line. Important: The animations names in the notecard must be exactly like the the animation itself is named. Don't worry about the buttons. The AO script will create all the buttons needed to the AO HUD's menu. Here's a picture of the contents of the AO showing the animations in it. I hope this helps. :matte-motes-nerdy: :matte-motes-big-grin:
  18. Evangeline Arcadia wrote: So what do you prefer and why - mesh or prim clothing? I prefer both. And even system clothing. Mesh is great for something, prims are great for something, system layer clothes are great for something. They all have their uses. Why? I guess the image below (which I have already posted earlier in couple of other threads) shows why. The clothes on the left are not possible to make with prims. Similarly the flexible clothes in the middle and on the right are not possible to make with mesh. Therefore it's good to have all the various options available for making clothes.
  19. Splatulated wrote: so i found out it comes from one of my combat huds ... i have no idea how i activated "melee" mode Great to hear that the problem was solved. Pretty excellent! Yes. :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileyhappy:
  20. Splatulated wrote: i unequipped eevry object on me and relogged and it still persist :c Splat, please repeat after me: I detached I detached I detached I detached Ok, now how to solve the sound problem? Detach everything what you are wearing, yes everything, go totally nude. Log off, and then relog. Dress up. This may or may not work. Most likely it will work if you indeed did detach everything.
  21. Something's going on again. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ [Posted 1:46 PM PDT, 1 September 2014] We are currently performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time, some residents may experience login issues and inventory loading issues. Residents in-world may also be logged off. Please refrain from rezzing no-copy objects and making L$ transactions during this maintenance. Please check back here for updates. PS [update] [Resolved 2:59 PM PDT, 1 September 2014] The unscheduled maintenance is now complete.
  22. I'm trying to imagine myself in front of a screen, holding up my arms without any support, making gestures. How long could I keep doing that before my arms go in strike due to fatique? Standing up in front of the screen could be easier for the arms. But sitting down, umm...
  23. irihapeti wrote: Joe if you still reading here Go to the Sandbox on Help Island. You can rez (drag-drop from Inventory) in the sandbox like others said already Directions to sandbox: out the door of the Freebie shop. Turn right. Over the little bridge. Past the big green Exit sign. Straight ahead for a bit then turn right and stop under the big blue rotating sign that says Press F1 for Help. And you in the middle of the Help Island sandbox Map :matte-motes-big-grin: And taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Help%20Island%20Public/193/188/22 :smileyhappy:
  24. Qie Niangao wrote: Sorina Garrigus wrote: In the last day or two as skill game regions it turns out can not be connected to non skill game regions. Converted sims that are have been converted back to non skill game sims. This is a little weird. I imagine it will affect at most a handful of regions, but it's odd that they're just now getting around to setting that rule. Right, this has been added on 29 September: Note: Skill Gaming Regions cannot be located adjacent to non-Skill Gaming Regions. I guess they have not ever played the xploders which were very common in the past. If they had played they would have known that it was possible to play those across region borders. This just shows that Linden Lab do not use Second Life as we use. Thus they migh be unaware of some features what we the users might know. :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  25. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Please please please stop using symbols between the letters of DEMO when listing them. It's just a sneaky way to get around the NOT demo search. And it pisses people off. Yes, I'm totally pissed off. People use things like this: _demo_ demo DEMO DEMO1 IIDEMOII D+E+M+O 49demo D E M O cDEMO 56-DEMO 58-DEMO 60-DEMO dee.DEMO D*E*M*O jeansDEMO brooks.DEMO -D E M O- wells.DEMO ... and much more. This is just a small sample of the craziness going on. :smileyfrustrated:
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