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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. Splat, you have already been given... ... all the links needed for how to learn how stuff works. Use them!
  2. singlematt wrote: I am looking for a girl that younger than me on SL to become my long time friend and have sex with me everyday on SL. IM ME inworld (singlematt)
  3. Just don't believe blindly what uninformed people might write. Use reliable sources for information. Here are some facts (is the 'heaven falling' on us or not): http://blog.nalates.net/2014/07/02/firestorm-qa-on-secondlifes-future/ http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2014/07/03/the-future-of-sl-meeting-with-oz-and-pete-linden-video-audio-and-transcript/ And you should be aware what is written in Linden Lab's terms of service. You have agreed to them; we all have. http://lindenlab.com/tos
  4. The clothes are inside those signs. Sometimes the clothes come in boxes. You need to rez them on ground and open them. This link explains how to do it: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  5. Tanith Stillwater wrote: Firestorm is also giving me a message about my preference excluding unknown content and that I need to change that, but not sure how or if I want to. There is a BUG report: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7097 Doing the following seems to help: "Whirly Fizzle added a comment - 29/Aug/14 4:21 PM It turned out my alt did actually meet all the requirements for accessing a skill gaming region and even though my alts payment method was valid and could be and has been used to buy L$ within the viewer I was advised by support to remove my payment method and then readd the same payment method to force a refresh of the information. After doing this, my alt could immediately access skill gaming regions."
  6. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Check your draw distance and be sure that it's no higher than 120. With the new interesting add in, it does some odd things if your draw distance is too far. Interesting, what is too far? When I go sailing I often have my draw distance set to 350 meters; sometimes even more. I have not noticed any odd things happening. What odd things have you seen happening? When sailing 120 meters is just too small distance; it's like sailing partly blinfolded.
  7. Why did you change the subject to "Closed"? Now if somebody else has this problem they cannot find anymore this thread what was originally named as "Phat azz stomach gap". Even if a solution is found it does not mean that the subject title should be changed. If everybody did that the forum would be full of threads named "Closed". I suggest to change the title back to "Phat azz stomach gap" .Thanks. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  8. And the link for grid status is: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  9. Phil Deakins wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: The problem appears to be accounts that dont' have a real-world address on file as a location. If you added payment information recently (within the last couple of years) your billing address was automatically recorded in SL but the earlier system of adding payment info didn't record your address. I have some alts that can access skill game regions and some that can't due to this. There's an option for adding your address manually as well but Whirly's alt seemed to still have problems. It's not that. LL has my RL address. I just checked and it shows up in my account. I entered it so long ago that I don't remember when. So the problem isn't due to the absense of an RL address. Right. It cannot be problem about the address. It's not UK problem either. Whirly Fizzle told what happpens with her accounts (she's in the UK). https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7097 All required details are filled for both of her accounts. Her main account can go to skill gaming regions, her alt account cannot go there.
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: Coby Foden wrote: PS. I spotted Morgan Linden in that region. Wearing a bird avatar. :matte-motes-big-grin: Did you ask her for a Bear? Umm.. no. Morgan was there just for a brief moment. I didn't have a change to utter anything before the bird vanished. :smileysad:
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: I'd be curious if someone who can access Skill Regions sees something in the Place Profile. I went here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fish%20Bowl/220/128/22 (link given by Phil). I see nothing special in the place profile. In the Access tab nothing else is checked, except the "Allow public access". Covenant tab says: Region: Fish Bowl Type: Estate / Full Region / Skill Gaming Rating: Moderate PS. I spotted Morgan Linden in that region. Wearing a bird avatar. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: We still haven't discovered anything common about those who can't get in the sim. Perhaps it really is to do with not having entered payment info relatively recently. My main account's payment info was made many years ago - not updated since then. My alt account's payment info was made yesterday. Both can enter skilled gaming regions. So I guess it's not dependent of when the payment info was made. [Edit] I noticed that Whirly Fizzle has made a bug report: Provide clearer reasons for entry refusal to avatars who cannot access skill gaming regions
  13. Open the world map in your viewer. You will see lots of green dots on the map. Each green dot is an avatar. Zoom in for more closer look at the map. If the dots are still concentrated very close together then it's worth teleporting there to see what's going on there. Just click on the map near the dots and teleport. If there is nothing interesting there, do it again on a different spot. Random teleporting to places this way will help in finding where the people are. Anyway, Second Life is a very huge place so there are are lots of empty or near empty regions at any time of the day and night. PS You can also search for events. There are all kinds of events going on in Second Life. Maybe you will find something what interests you.
  14. Teagan Tobias wrote: But if the gaming is any kind of success, at all, there will be shops and entertainment available to draw more people in and keep them there to spend their winnings. I think its inevitable, and a lot of people will not have access to the entertainment and shops. But I guess that is thinking to far ahead for SL. But if the ONLY things your are allowed to do on a gaming region is gamble (no shops, no entertainment) then, this is pointless. But I don't know that. Perhaps there wouldn't be any shops, and especially not any entertainment in those places. If the sims were full or near full of heavily scripted avatars, wearing tons of high polygon meshes, wearing huge amount of large textures then the games would become unplayable due to huge lag. The regions would crawl like a snail, in near death condition. So most likely the owners of the gaming sims would not want that to happen.
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Death_and_other_worries_outside_Second_Life ETA: Dont you just love how this Forum software does "smiley faces" in URLs? FIFY :matte-motes-nerdy: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official-Death_and_other_worries_outside_Second_Life It's the colon and the letter following the colon causing the smiley to appear. I replaced the colon with a hyphen above so no smiley. Naturally you have to that in the "Text to display", not in the link itself.
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: Perhaps it needs payment info to have been submitted relatively recently, rather than old payment info actually being used. It's a bit of a shambles, isn't it. You might want to delete the payment method and then add it again. It might trigger something in the system. Perhaps, who knows. This is totally nuts.
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Ask Google. define: recurring re·cur riˈkər/ verb gerund or present participle: recurring occur again, periodically, or repeatedly. " when the symptoms recurred, the doctor diagnosed something different" synonyms: happen again, reoccur, occur again, repeat (itself);More Recurring, as in Splatulated. :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  18. Freya Mokusei wrote: Cerise's posts indicate current payment info is required. Before adding payment info on my alt account I was not able to enter skill gaming regions. Immediately after adding payment info I was able get in. What is funny (I use Firestorm): In the web profile it says: Payment info on file In the legacy (old style) profile it says: No Payment Info On File It's many hours ago when I added the payment info and the legacy profile info has not updated sor far. Anyway, the alt can get into the skill gaming regions.
  19. drakeos99 wrote: Still people break those rules and make new accounts hell my SL friends has even famous celebs has that plays second life ... Yes, people do that. Anyway, nobody should be surprised if an account gets deleted due to breaking the rules.
  20. I wonder, has anybody made a BUG report of this nasty BUG? :matte-motes-nerdy: Surely it is a bug of some kind.
  21. Teagan Tobias wrote: LL could lock people out of playing the games, but they chose to lock people out of whole regions. There is a big difference. And me being on SL and not playing is no different than me being in the same region and not playing, no difference at all, . . . Just out of interest I checked a few of those regions. Skill gaming regions appear to be filled with gaming machines. Gaming machines all over the region. If one does not play the games there's nothing to do, nothing interesting to see; unless one considers watching other avatars playing the games as interesting passtime. As I don't play the games I certainly would not go there just to spend time. It would be very boring. :matte-motes-yawn: There are lots of much more interesting things to do in SL, for me.
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: What on earth is unknown content, anyway? Skill gaming content? :smileyvery-happy:
  23. Phil Deakins wrote: If anyone would like to try it to see what happens, the SLurl is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fish%20Bowl/220/128/22 No problem for my main account and one alt account. Both can enter.
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