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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Yea, last time I thought to look there was still a region frozen in time dedicated for Duran Duran to give concerts. I think there might have been one. The region has just sat there, gathering digital dust bunnies for a decade & a half now. https://duranduran.fandom.com/wiki/Second_Life There was also as others mentioned, a toedipping of corporate sponsors into SL back then & it didn’t pan out. “ The Second Life online service is fast becoming a three-dimensional test bed for corporate marketers, including Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Sun Microsystems, Nissan, Adidas/Reebok, Toyota and Starwood hotels. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/19/technology/19virtual.html Ill clue you in on how that turned out (they’re no longer around in world). You’re trying to make solutions to problems that don’t exist. *& by you I mean the OP
  2. I think your personal opinion that private sim fees are too high & “killing” SL is just that. An opinion. Not everyone can afford to drive a Mercedes. Some can but opt not to. Others buy something cheaper. Others can’t afford a vehicle at all. Those facts aren’t hurting Mercedes. Same w Linden Lab. Not every customer can afford or nor wants to pay for an entire sim. There are many options, all the way down to many, many folks never spending a dime on the “game” but very active in world all the same.
  3. Yea that’s him. I googled last night to make sure I wasn’t misremembering before posting. He did jail time for one of the “incidents”. Then I remember he had a bizarre YouTube I had found 10+ years ago after watching that documentary. But there’s nothing posted about him or attributed to him in at least 10 years. So I’m guessing he’s moved on to another plane of existence. 🤷‍♀️
  4. I posted years ago about this guy in the UK who had made up this entire misogynistic society based on Gor called the Kaotians & had managed to entice a few women & one young man to be with him in the real world. There was a documentary about this guy. It was pretty big, this pretend secret organization of sex slavers that were “always watching” etc. Reminded me an awful lot of a true crime case or two where women had been kidnapped & brainwashed into staying out of fear of threat to their family by “the company.”
  5. Over the years I’ve encountered various places that come & go that would offer free homes. One was a Tiny Empires group, lots of role play groups will have group land that might offer homes to active members. Sometimes you just randomly encounter a new friend with land that will let you bunk with them. But like others suggested look around for a non demanding job, they’re not all escorting (which I’m not putting down) & the djing is yea, a bit of an investment in an already saturated market. Until then yes, you can always rez a platform on a sandbox & stick it in the air, pick it all up in one piece when you log & rerezz each use (just don’t expect a lot of privacy).
  6. Yes 😃. The gold version does more like rewind game play, but the basic one we have has like 70 games. It has the yellow & white plug in cords, only one of our tvs has those inputs so you might check & see if you will need an adapter, too.
  7. We have one of these & actually played with it yesterday for the first time in years. You can find them for about $25 usd if you look around. I only ever played combat, outlaw & space invaders but it’s a lot of fun for the nostalgia.
  8. I just got access to Hulu. Last night I binged 11.22.63 & today season 2 of Castle Rock, which has turned out to be a good choice since it’s been a dark & stormy day. 👻 ☁️
  9. I don’t - can’t drink liquor, I have alcohol intolerance which means my body doesn’t metabolize it. Just a sip & I get flush & feverish. But I love big froo froo tiki bar type drinks so I make cute drinks at home that are basically Shirley Temples with frozen maraschino cherries & strawberries or pineapple floating as ice cubes. I love swizzle sticks, paper umbrellas & pirate sword type decorations. I made that:
  10. Nicolas Cage explained this to Cher in Moonstruck. 🌙 ❤️ “Ronny Cammareri: Loretta, I love you. Not like they told you love is, and I didn't know this either, but love don't make things nice - it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and *die*. The storybooks are *bull 💩”. Now I want you to come upstairs with me and *get* in my bed!”
  11. There are any number of factors that can contribute to depression. Your safest approach is to consult with your doctor. If you do not have one, check with your insurance. If you have none, please reach out to your local hospital, they can likely assist you with finding care you can afford, if not free. Please do not be convinced by previous suggestions to just mantra & motivational poster yourself out of depression. best wishes 🤗
  12. Not really a true comparison. In the 80s it was a big deal if a kid had a Walkman. Gameboy? Maybe you knew a kid whose older brother had one and you considered it a fun time to peep over their shoulder as the played . We only had a vcr because my dad won it at a Xmas party. These items were several hundred dollars when they popped up in the USA. Now one can literally get a cell phone for free to no cost. If cell phones & iPads existed when I was a kid (& as accessible as they are now) we would have had our eyeballs glued to them, too.
  13. TV pet peeve: recorded laugh tracks. They are super annoying & distracting. I don’t need to be told a one liner is funny, if it is, then I’ll laugh. Also a few songs in commercials that I hear over & over. One would be the Applebees country rap & the “how ya like me now” song in the crest commercial. I read that the actual song is big in dance clubs. It makes my ears bleed.
  14. To be fair- one can watch news coverage of any one event on Fox News & then flip over to CNN & be given a wholly different view point with accompanying information. Which channel told the truth (or a closer version to it) & which has skewed with an agenda “facts”?
  15. Blog your groups adventures! Co-opt a writer, photographer, costume designator, hot spot picker outer & so forth & swap responsibilities each week or however often. Rating system or ambiance, friendliness, exceptional experience- heck you guys could create an award to give the club you all liked most in a month or whatever- present it to club owner. Maybe goofy, but if I were still active & had a group that I consistently wen5 out with I’d definitely propose it!
  16. I finally got to see The Forever Purge today. I sat there chuckling that the studio went thru a lot of trouble to get a Josh Lucas lookalike. It was Josh Lucas 😑 Tonight I’m on YT watching random Ghostbusters things, like people who own replica Ecto-1s & put them in parades or just drive around NYC- how fun would that be to see?!? My favorite is a clip about how they made Slimer. He’s adorable. I peek at entertainment news every morning hoping to not see that the newest movie has been pushed back- again. 👻
  17. So anyone not agreeing with you should be institutionalized? Cause that’s what your statement means.
  18. I’ve been trying to just lurk this week cause I know I get very biased & opinionated…. That said- Each individual on the planet can not account for the worldview of 7.5 billion people. That would only be possible in a dystopian utopia. Can’t happen. Won’t happen. Should never happen, because of fundamental extremists who would likely kill just about everyone on the planet until there was no one left to voice their own opinion, All I can hope I raised my child to understand is he should just be kind, helpful, honest & faithful. Work hard, because- Murphy’s Law. Never stop learning & believe people when they show you who they really are. That’s the relationship I hope he has with the world.
  19. Holy macaroni. what a thread. what happened to taking ownership for our choices?
  20. *edit* my photos didn’t attach & when I go to edit to add the option to try again is not there…..
  21. I worked for the main dial up internet provider the 90s in a call center & at one point something similar was introduced to access our machines. It just generated random characters & you had to type them into the computer. I was really bad about forgetting it at home, misplacing it altogether, or leaving it my pocket & running it thru the washer, etc. 😑
  22. https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/The-Myth-of-Racial-Color-Blindness-Intro-Sample.pdf this is just the introduction to a book published by the APA (tho it’s a 19 page long introduction) exploring & countering similar beliefs you’ve stated. I’m putting it here in case you would care to skim thru.
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