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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Snow newly adrift fantastically unthawing. R O B O T 🤖
  2. My response as I would usually go on long winded would be off track of the thread topic. But I want to know why the “forcibly” caveat? edit: because my family pays over $500 usd a month for health insurance thru work and practically nothing is covered & I can’t afford all the tests & procedures my condition requires. I spent over two years bouncing between neurologists, internists, radiologists & therapists being misdiagnosed before finally being given a correct diagnosis. Thousands of dollars gone. With chronic neurological pain (I have fluid on my brain) & other issues I am all for socialized medical care.
  3. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/202007/why-do-many-poor-people-vote-republican A lot of it, especially in my state has to do with religion & reproductive rights. Even tho they vote against their overall best interests, there are specific issues here & voters won’t be swayed.
  4. Those are screenshots I took from scrolling thru a thread in June 2020 regarding BLM & Juneteenth. They are of my comments in the thread. The 1st screenshot is of a comment I had made that included a screenshot from The Tulsa World (newspaper) discussing the arrest of a Tulsa Public School teacher protesting during Trump’s re-election rally here. The 3rd is a comment I made discussing a gun rights advocate & police trainer Velk was holding up as an authority to be trusted- the website called insider quoted this person talking about how “you” become used to shooting & killing people, & how great sex is after killing a human. The 2nd screenshot is a comment I made about my grandfathers military unit participating in the liberation of a Nazi death camp. The last screenshot was my response to an image someone had posted depicting a white male holding a sign acknowledging the wrongness of his previous mindsets in regards to race relations. Each of my screenshots shows Velk loling as a reaction to my posts- ones talking about murder- was simply refreshing his memory since he claims he didn’t do exactly that.
  5. I remember you laughing quite a bit during a thread during a really stressful period last year. Not just at my posts, but others too. I mean you laughed at a post where I discussed the liberation of Dachau. If that’s not trolling I don’t know what is. Or maybe you figured my posts were “BS” like the media (as you say) & just clicked a reaction without reading. Who knows. (just a fewTo refresh your memory):
  6. When my hubby & I got together 20+ years ago, I had a college education, he at that time did not. I had sales, customer service & retention experience in a call center environment. He had experience working in a cell phone kiosk at a big box store. We were hired to the same company for the same job thru a staffing firm. (We knew each other & were together prior). The job was selling insurance policies & servicing claims for over the road commercial truck drivers. I think he was hired on at more than $2.00 an hour more than me. Same positions & I had equal to or more experience. 🤷‍♀️. The work environment sucked & one day we went to lunch & didn’t return. Aaaah to be 23, ignorant, & stupidly carefree.
  7. Well, I was wondering when you would grace me with a snarky comment & laughing emoji. It’s been a hot minute since you previously went out of your way to do so on every single one of my posts. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/20/rich-white-men-rule-america-minority-rule https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-courts-white-male-judges_n_5cb61c86e4b0ffefe3b835a6 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/08/january-6-minimizers/619634/ https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/three-ways-to-stop-global-economic-system-working-only-for-rich-white-men/ https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/culture/a35379486/why-does-the-world-reward-mediocre-white-men/ I could continue to google, copy & paste links, but I know it’s a wasted effort “mate”.
  8. Sadly the good old boys club still runs the world.
  9. The author of the book the movie is based on spent a lot of time in SL. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2012/10/ready-player-one-oases-in-second-life.html
  10. I think with anything quotable, the relatability of a line differs from person to person & the miles they’ve walked & things they’ve seen. It is a really good show.
  11. Directly from my profile tab “1 rule to SL”: "Don't forget your ABCs: Assume nothing; Believe no-one; Check everything. And never take your eye off the bigger picture." -DCI John Barnaby, Midsomer Murders. Jaded, sad, hinging on misanthropic. But I’ve encountered several situations & individuals that I am very grateful I do not have to deal with in my everyday life. With the exception of someone I dated in RL who turned out to be the most horrific sort of monster, there’s lots of really rotten apples drawn to SL. Thankfully there are beautiful souls as well. But I’ve learned to be most cautious.
  12. I love bird & squirrel watching. I’ve not had a backyard since having to move across the state for work in 2015. We are on course to move back to the area we consider “home” in the spring & a prerequisite is a fenced yard with trees so my Boston Terriers can play off leash & I can get back to bird & squirrel watching. This is from the last home I had a backyard in:
  13. To be clear, I think sometimes some folks might knee jerk nitpick Prokofy’s posts out of habit. (Not saying that Sam did). I have to agree that I don’t understand what this sentence means as a lead in means or how it equates to attached-difficult-to-catch-or-see-around tip jars above an avatars head.
  14. I watched something a few weeks back about the polytheistic practices of the ancient Jews. That sort of thing I don’t necessarily understand but find interesting to read about. I think I went down that rabbit hole after watching Raiders of the Lost Ark for the billionth time. Somehow I went from asking google “what parts of Raiders has any truth to the ark story” to that topic. 😃
  15. Oh I know how it goes. For 3 years I didn’t get any Viacom channels (mtv, vh1, Nickelodeon, tv land or AMC *which meant 3 years w/o the walking dead). HBO just came back now after over a year of contract disputes. It is really good- it’s a different take on the character & deals with a lot of the backwards mindsets of the time, along with being more progressive with casting & character biographies. I never saw the most of the Americans. For some reason we stopped watching during season 3. I need to finish that one day. Matthew Rhys was especially good in the Mr. Rogers biography “A beautiful day in the neighborhood.” I bawled my way thru it.
  16. Has it finally turned into heat advisory 100+ days where you are? Hiding from the heat? Are you looking for a show to binge this weekend? I’m still weeding thru all the things I missed out on while HBO wasn’t available on my cable provider. -I was really excited to finally see the Watchmen series this week but I just didn’t make it thru all of episode 2. Watched a few more movies- JoJo Rabbit (Wow!), Inheritance (meh), WW1984 (eh), Birds of Prey (also eh). Episode 1 of season 1 of Doom Patrol was awesome, but the rest of it has to be watched thru the HBO app & my almost 10 year old tv with a still really just fine picture can’t add apps so I’ll have to squint at the show on my iPad. Sooooo today I started the reboot-origin story of Perry Mason. It’s so freaking good! I’m a tv mystery fan (matlock, Colombo, psych, monk & others) & watched plenty of the original & 90s Mason show over the years. This has that HBO dark grit to it. It’s like Hitchcock on steroids. It’s certainly not for kids, but if you are familiar with HBO you won’t be shocked. Anyhoo, yes. 👍 make some 🍿 & get comfy on the sofa!
  17. You put in a mesh avatar (Greg). When you did that, included in those items was an alpha layer. It’s what is making your “system” body invisible. Take that item off thru inventory & you’ll see your system body again.
  18. I always explained-equated gachas to a bubble gum machine. You know for a quarter you will get a gum ball, but not the color-flavor. I never felt it was gambling because gambling involves risk of loosing money, where as you get a prize every try with gachas. I know my opinion is my own & that there must be reasons the decision was made. Just =/ to see they’ll be gone.
  19. DISH network got HBO back this past week so I’ve been binging everything new that they have the rights to that I haven’t seen yet. Right now Underwater (it’s like Alien under the ocean). Yesterday I watched Keanu Reeves in Replicas & Vince Vaughn in Freaky, & the day before rewatched Annabelle & Dr. Sleep.
  20. The thread he is referring to was locked in 2018 by a Linden who I think OP messaged after I mentioned reporting that thread to see if it can be deleted. He says after that he reported it yesterday he also messaged the Linden who locked it way back in 2018.
  21. Oh I’m a super snoop! Yes that is code for I have nothing better to do. 😁
  22. Well your only available option is to report your thread you created (3 years ago & thus buried so far back the chances of it being dug up were minor) to the Lab on the original post. But now that you’ve asked I dare say I’m not the only one who was-will be curious what you wanted deleted & go take a peek, thereby drawing attention to it. 🤷‍♀️
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